As three Florida schools and scores of classrooms around the state were shut down by COVID last week, a sixth school district imposed a mask mandate against vitriolic opposition from parents and the prospect of sanctions from the governor and state education officials.
The Florida Education Association COVID tracker said that, as of Saturday, 21 classrooms in Lee County had been shut down, along with classrooms in Glades and Duval and one school each in the Charlotte, Hernando, and Brevard school districts.
The educators’ union reported that 19 school employees have died of COVID since Aug. 1.
The Sarasota County School Board voted, 3-2, late Friday to impose a 90-day mask mandate for students, employees, and visitors, citing a soaring positivity rate in locals tested for COVID-19, ovewhelmed local hospitals, and the district’s struggle to conduct sufficient school-based testing and contact tracing.
[In Flagler County, an attempt to pass a similar measure failed on a 3-2 vote at a meeting of the Flagler County School Board Tuesday. Board member Colleen Conklin motioned for a mandate and was seconded by Cheryl Massaro. Members Trevor Tucker, Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald voted against. AdventHealth Palm Coast faces a similar crisis, with around 90 beds occupied by patients on a primary diagnosis of covid. The hospital is licensed for 132 beds.]
Just hours earlier on Aug. 20, the state Board of Education had ordered Alachua and Broward County school board members stripped of their salaries for adopting all-school mask mandates with exceptions only for documented medical reasons, in defiance of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ executive order banning districts from issuing such mandates.
Miami-Dade, Hillsborough, and Palm Beach school districts adopted all-school masking mandates last week but have not yet been called before the state board. The Orange County School Board signaled Thursday during a workshop that it may soon impose an all-school masking mandate, too.
School districts in Broward, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, Orange, and Palm Beach are the state’s largest. Sarasota is the first Republican-majority county to defy the governor’s anti-mask order, which reserves mask-wearing decisions for parents regardless of a school district’s level of COVID infections.
The public health department in Sarasota County reported COVID the test positivity rate there had spiked from 14 percent on Tuesday to 23 percent Friday.
An unruly anti-mask crowd heckled the board members, cited conspiracy theories, prayed aloud at the podium, and occasionally shouted obscenities. They insisted that face masks are dangerous, that medical and government authorities are lying about COVID, and that any mask mandate for students violates their parental rights.
Five times, chairwoman Shirley Brown recessed the emergency session to clear out hecklers who ignored warnings to be quiet while others had the floor. Eventually, security officers cleared the room and allowed the session to resume with just one speaker at the podium at a time.
Brown, board member Jane Goodwin, and board member Tom Edwards voted for a temporary, all-school mask mandate with an automatic suspension if the county’s COVID rates fall to 8 percent for three straight days. The board also considered requiring masks for staff only and segregating masked and unmasked students to accommodate the disparate wishes of clashing parents.
Board member Bridget Ziegler, an organizer of the anti-mask group Moms For Liberty, voted against a mandate of any kind. Ziegler participated in the meeting remotely via Zoom, but Moms For Liberty members were there in force. Several audience members, some wearing “This Is Child Abuse” stickers on their shirts, shouted at the board members, calling them liars and tyrants, and at least one shouted “Heil, Hitler.” Parents in favor of the mask mandate mostly commented remotely.
Physician Manuel Gordillo, an infectious-disease specialist with Sarasota Memorial Hospital, sent a memo to the school board ahead of Friday’s meeting warning that the hospital is having trouble keeping up and that the opening of schools may have exacerbated the overload.
Gordillo described the situation this way: “A public health crisis leading to health care delivery crisis like we have never seen before” — with “no signs of slowing down.”
During a news conference in Lakeland on Saturday, while promoting monoclonal antibodies therapy to treat active COVID infections, Gov. DeSantis condemned the six school boards for defying his executive order and a new law called the Parental Bill of Rights, adopted by the Florida Legislature in the spring.
“They are absolutely thumbing their nose at what the law in the state of Florida is,” the governor said Saturday.
“When you look at kids who are 5 and 6 years old, to force them to wear masks all day — there are a lot of parents who don’t think that’s the right decision,” he said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend universal indoor masking by all students aged 2 and older, staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status, mainly to protect others from a person who may unknowingly be infected and contagious. The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends masking in schools.
–Laura Cassels and Danielle J. Brown, Florida Phoenix
David Schaefer says
Keep it going it’s going to save lives. The Hell with DeathSantis please remember this at election time next year.
deb says
Agree, I hope all counties in Fla make their rules and think about the children and the families that could be impacted should the child get infected at school and take it home and infect their parents. Mask, YES !
Grey Man says
It’s a shame that you support breaking the law. This will not happen in Flagler County. Bet!
YOU ARE, the shame Sit says
Unfortunately you may be right.. that’s ONLY because nobody in Flagler County has any sort of backbone or any respect for themselves or others. It’s a SHAME that YOU Sir, support putting thousands of CHILDREN, teachers and staff at risk of severe illness or death. It’s also a SHAME that YOU Sir, support and applaud a bunch of COWARDS who do not have any respect for themselves that, they would rather walk hunched over behind someone’s behind enjoying the smell,. Rather than growing a backbone to be able to stand straight with their heads held up, knowing that they did the right and humane thing for others to prevent more families from loosing a loved one. Therefore, crushing and destroying family and their generations to come.
Grey Man says
What I support are the rights of parents to decide what is best for their children.
Jp says
I keep hearing this but it holds no water. When you say freedom of choice, does that include the freedom to choose to do drugs at school? The freedom to pack alcohol in your kids lunch? The freedom to sell drugs on school grounds? The freedom to ignore dress code policies? You don’t want freedom of choice, you want freedom of political stance. It’s a made up nonsense argument and I’m tired of hearing it.
FlaPharmTech says
Grey Man, I am so very sorry for your losses of compassion and humanity. I sincerely hope you’re being facetious. If not, please purchase a soul. Signed, your friendly neighborhood pharmacy technician, who’s loosing her “friendly” due to this epic COVID pandemic that did not, should not have happened. May grace grant you the true wisdom that comes with greying hair. My patience is overtaxed dealing with you flipping naysayers (had another word for you and your ilk in mind, but I want my comment published). Seriously tho, I am vaxxed, masked, and leaning in on vehement. This is a public health emergency that demands respect to science. Wake up, people! COVID is coming for your kids. That ain’t fiction, Grey Man.
Grey Man says
Sorry to hear bout your friend. My parents and multiple grinds have survived the virus. If you have taken the vaccine then you should have nothing to worry about right? If you have something to worry about, you weren’t given a vaccine.
At the end of the day, I do not and will not wear a mask, but I will fight for your right to wear one just as much as my right not to.
Steve says
Its a shame you support Anti Science
David Schaefer says
Grey man keep shoveling that horse manure you must love DeathSantis.
palmcoaster says
A case of the shouting, unruly, intimidating minority imposing or trying to impose in the silent majority. Looks like the Afghan problem 75,000 terrorist controlling a country of 6 million via intimidation and political maneuvering. Preventing loss of life even if are children, is not important to them, they only care about control of power.
Mark says
Districts that have leaders who care about children’s lives and safety ,over cash and funding will be the 1st to defy. Every other district that follows are just that, followers that don’t care about the children’s safety and health but about following the crowd and not doing what’s right to begin with. Their are no Heros in Flagler County.
Enough says
One would think that parents want to protect their children from any kind of illness, regardless of what it might be. Obviously, these “geniuses” don’t have feelings for their kids. Wearing a mask beats having a ventilator on you. Here’s a solution: if kids go to school without a mask, the parents should sign a form that states that if they or their children catch Covid, they will not be treated at any medical institution. And when they’re gasping to breathe, maybe their minds will change. Sadly, at that point, it’s fruitless.
Steve says
They are HYPOCRITES who dont know what they stand for only what they are told
Pat says
Medicare and private health insurance should raise premiums for the unvaccinated. Hospital costs for unvaccinated will raise premiums for us all. This is example of cost shifting.
We the vaccinated will pay for hospital cost of the sick unvaccinated.
Getting really angry with unvaccinated that have restricted my life and now are going to effect my pocketbook. Just wait until you see your premiums.
Health insurers charge more for smokers, bet they will change rates for unvaccinated.
Jane says
well Pat, well said…desantis thinks he is trump jr!! what a dumpster fire he is..
Dennis says
Mandates like this should never be allowed. The Gov had put it in the hands of the parents, if their kids must wear masks. Last I knew, we do not live in China, not yet anyway. Soon to be though in the hands of democrats. Keep your kids home if your afraid.
EyeRoll says
If parents are so smart, why are they sending their kids to school to be educated? Should we let the parents give out the grades too?
Motherworry says
I don’t get it.
Parents are good with sending their kids to school with bullet proof backpacks, having their children going through “active shooter drills”, as well as having armed police in the building, all to protect their children.. Never a peep. Now having to wear a mask mask that can truly protect the child and everybody else,m some parents have lost their damn minds. Do you folks have any idea how dumb this is?
Mythoughts says
Wake up people private insurance companies and medicare are starting to stop covering people that have NOT been vaccinated. So, those opposing it just remember that.
Deathsantis is leaving it up to parents to decide whether to mask their children or not, bad move. The children are all together in classrooms and it is totally not fair to the parents that are intelligent enough to have their children wearing masks.
Those parents that refuse to have their children wearing masks, go visit a pediatric unit at the Florida hospitals and witness the young children the icu with tubes down their throats gasping to breath.
Sherry says
NO Dennis. . . it is “YOU”. . . the disease spreaders who should be required to stay home! Let me ask you this, who in the hell made your right to infect us with a highly contagious disease more sacred and legitimate than my rights to live my life as safely as possible? You are endangering us! We who are “doing the right thing” by being vaccinated are doing our best to NOT endanger you!
The Pfizer vaccine has now been fully approved by the FDA. Those who are medially eligible and remain un-vaccinated should be required to be fully masked in public/quarantined until they are fully vaccinated.
Jami B says
What happened to heard immunity ?? Why did I get Vaccinated if I have to worry about those who didn’t get the Jab ? What exactly am I vaccinated for, if not protection from others !! I also wear a mask when out and about , which isn’t much, but I don’t need to be told to wear it, I wear it because it’s ” MY Choice” ! Why after 2 years do our children need the Jab when they were said to be almost immune to the Covid-19 and now it’s all I hear, and what testing do the scientists and doctors use to determine which virus someone who’s sick has ? Mask in schools, I think it’s up to the parents, not any other entity that thinks they have the power to control us. DeSantist is a good governor in my book, but he did get it wrong by taking funds from schools who won’t follow his mandate ! My last questions are, off topic, why, do I always read / see Democrats making nasty remarks about Trump supporters and how deplorable they all are ?I don’t see the republicans calling names as much as I see Democrats doing ! When your in a grocery store shopping , can you pick out a Republican vs a Democrat ? What exactly does a deplorable look like ? What does a Biden supporter look like ? Anyway, things to think about in MHO !!
Sherry says
@ Dennis. . . can you comprehend what you are saying to the many, many who need to work while their children are in school? What. . . they should just give up their careers that put food on the table just so the selfish can exercise their so called rights that make our schools unsafe?
Again. . . in what reasonable reality are those who act for the safety of the “common good” (by masking up and getting vaccinated) required to give up their rights to those who are in a political “cult” that massively spreads lethal sickness? Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds?
bs98flht says
Why do you think the Gov put it in the hands of parents? That way if the kid gets sick or dies the blame gets deflected back on the parents and not on him. Just like is idol the orange blob would do.
Betty says
Mask are optional, the way a free country and society should be! Thank you governor Desantis for obeying the constitution of the usa!
Kat says
So you feel no obligation to your community to protect the vulnerable members? Not so fair and free for them, is it?
Christopher Todd Lemke says
Yes, there’s always a crisis behind tyranny. Not a peep here about what people can do to become healthy. 80% of people in the icu are obese. WIth obesity go many other life threatening morbidities. Thank that that has anything to do with it? NO mention of vitamin D, regular exercise, eating properly, etc. Total hypocrisy on your and the general media’s part. Absolutely disgusting. FlaglerLive, what have you done to promote healthy living? Crickets.
Pierre Tristam says
We’re not here to “promote” anything. We’re here to report. Right now there’s a crisis unfolding–an existential crisis, for untold numbers–and for anyone to pitch the canard of exercise and vitamin D as what’s missing in the current response–while cluelessly blaming the death and dying to boot–is somewhere between depraved and revolting.
Sherry says
@ Betty.. . . please cite the words in our constitution that say government can shirk the responsibility to stop a disease that is killing many of its citizens.
DeSantis (and the Republicans in the state legislature) are refusing to step up to their responsibility to do all in their power to keep us all safe and healthy. Here is the statute:
154.001 System of coordinated county health department services; legislative intent.—It is the intent of the Legislature to promote, protect, maintain, and improve the health and safety of all citizens and visitors of this state through a system of coordinated county health department services. The Legislature recognizes the unique partnership which necessarily exists between the state and its counties in meeting the public health needs of the state. To strengthen this partnership, the Legislature intends that the public health needs of the several counties be provided through contractual arrangements between the state and each county. The Legislature also recognizes the importance of meeting the educational needs of Florida’s public health professionals.
History.—s. 3, ch. 83-177; s. 16, ch. 97-101.
154.01 County health department delivery system.—
(1) The several counties of the state may cooperate with the Department of Health in the establishment and maintenance of full-time county health departments in such counties for the promotion of the public’s health, the control and eradication of preventable diseases, and the provision of primary health care for special populations.
(2) A functional system of county health department services shall be established which shall include the following three levels of service and be funded as follows:
(a) “Environmental health services” are those services which are organized and operated to protect the health of the general public by monitoring and regulating activities in the environment which may contribute to the occurrence or transmission of disease.
Sherry says
@Jami B. . . and “ALL” . . .Please take just a moment and do some research from “credible” sources. Please read and learn what the Mayo Clinic says on the subject of herd immunity:
How is herd immunity achieved?
There are two main paths to herd immunity for COVID-19 — infection and vaccines.
Natural infection
Herd immunity can be reached when enough people in the population have recovered from a disease and have developed protective antibodies against future infection.
However, there are some major problems with relying on community infection to create herd immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19:
Reinfection. It’s not clear how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have antibodies, it’s possible that you could get COVID-19 again.
Health impact. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the pandemic. This number of infections could lead to serious complications and millions of deaths, especially among older people and those who have existing health conditions. The health care system could quickly become overwhelmed.
Herd immunity also can be reached when enough people have been vaccinated against a disease and have developed protective antibodies against future infection. Unlike the natural infection method, vaccines create immunity without causing illness or resulting complications. Using the concept of herd immunity, vaccines have successfully controlled contagious diseases such as smallpox, polio, diphtheria, rubella and many others.
Herd immunity makes it possible to protect the population from a disease, including those who can’t be vaccinated, such as newborns or those who have compromised immune systems.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given emergency use authorization to a handful of COVID-19 vaccines.
But reaching herd immunity through vaccination against COVID-19 might be difficult for many reasons. For example:
Vaccine hesitancy. Some people may object to getting a COVID-19 vaccine because of religious objections, fears about the possible risks or skepticism about the benefits. If the proportion of vaccinated people in a community is below the herd immunity threshold, a contagious disease could continue to spread.
Protection questions. It’s not clear how long the COVID-19 vaccines will protect you from COVID-19. Further research is needed to see how much the COVID-19 vaccines reduce transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Also, research suggests that COVID-19 vaccines may have lower efficacy against some of the variants of the COVID-19 virus. New variants, which could be more resistant to vaccines, are regularly emerging.
Uneven vaccine roll-out. The distribution of COVID-19 vaccines has greatly varied among and within countries. If one community achieves a high COVID-19 vaccination rate and surrounding areas don’t, outbreaks can occur if the populations mix.
What’s the outlook for achieving herd immunity in the U.S.?
The U.S. is currently making progress toward herd immunity through a combined approach. The number of fully vaccinated adults continues to rise. In addition, more than 31 million people in the U.S. have had confirmed infections with the COVID-19 virus — though, again, it’s not clear how long immunity lasts after infection.
Given the challenges, it’s not clear if or when the U.S. will achieve herd immunity.
However, the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at protecting against severe illness requiring hospitalization and death due to COVID-19. Even if it isn’t currently possible to stop transmission of the COVID-19 virus, the vaccines are allowing people to better be able to live with the virus.
How can you slow the transmission of COVID-19?
When possible, get a COVID-19 vaccine. If you’re fully vaccinated, you can return to doing activities you might not have been able to do because of the pandemic, including not wearing a mask or social distancing in any setting — except where required by a rule or law.
If you haven’t had a COVID-19 vaccine, take steps to reduce the risk of infection:
Avoid close contact (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters) with anyone who is sick or has symptoms.
Keep distance between yourself and others (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters). This is especially important if you have a higher risk of serious illness. Keep in mind some people may have the COVID-19 virus and spread it to others, even if they don’t have symptoms.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Wear a face mask in indoor public spaces and outdoors where there is a high risk of COVID-19 transmission, such as at a crowded event or large gathering. Further mask guidance differs depending on whether you are fully vaccinated or unvaccinated. Surgical masks may be used if available. N95 respirators should be reserved for health care providers.
Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw away the used tissue.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, bedding and other household items if you’re sick.
Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, electronics and counters, daily.
Stay home from work, school and public areas if you’re sick, unless you’re going to get medical care. Avoid public transportation, taxis and ride-sharing if you’re sick.
palmcoaster says
Thank you Sherry for your research an data unfortunately “we can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink it!”
Sherry says
@ Palmcoaster. . . OK, now I understand why some prefer “horse” worming medication to a vaccine that has saved thousands and is now fully approved by the FDA. Got Ya! We’re dealing with those that have an IQ of a horse. LOL!
Sherry says
@C Lemke. . . watch this video about a fitness trainer carefully and learn something would ya :
Sherry says
C Lemke. . . While I absolutely lead a healthy life, exercising daily and eating very healthy. . . When you consider that 42.4% of adults in the US are considered to be obese. . . of course the large majority of those in the hospital with Covid are obese. It’s all about context and researching beyond the surface. Take a look:
Obesity is a common, serious, and costly disease
The US obesity prevalence was 42.4% in 2017 – 2018.
From 1999 –2000 through 2017 –2018, US obesity prevalence increased from 30.5% to 42.4%. During the same time, the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%.