Less than two months after an 11-year-old girl attending Rymfire Elementary faced several charges for making the false report of an active shooting at her school, Rymfire was again locked down early this afternoon when authorities got a call from a child reporting the same thing: a shooting in a classroom–the same classroom that had been the supposed location of the shooting in early September.
It was another false report, by way of calls to 911. But it triggered the same response, since authorities had no way to know immediately that the school and the Sheriff’s Office were again being pranked.
As more than a dozen Flagler County Sheriff’s units swarmed on the school, along with firefighters from the Palm Coast Fire Department and Flagler County Fire Rescue, authorities were immediately in contact with school officials, who–reported that nothing was amiss.
School surveillance cameras were checked: all normal. The class in question, in September as today, is in Building 6.
A lockdown was ordered. The school entrances were closed to traffic. The main entrance to the school was soon covered in sheriff’s and firefighters’ vehicles, with other sheriff’s vehicles positioned at all the entry points to the school, and in back of the school.
Sheriff’s deputies then went to work securing rooms, room per room. Outside the school perimeter along Rymfire Drive, a few people pulled up and were held back as a deputy explained that the school was being secured. The student who was believed to have placed the call appeared to have been located, and her parents were contacted as the Code Red–the highest level of a security emergency at a school–was cancelled.
The all-clear was issued at 1 p.m., district spokesman Jason Wheeler said. He said “a student claimed to hear what sounded like a shot,” triggering the response.
School was back to normal within less than an hour of the emergency. It is not yet clear whether the student who carried out the copycat false report is the same student who did so in early October.
Just Me says
Parents and teachers need to explain to these juvenile delinquents what it cost to send out Flagler County Sheriff officers on false claims like this. Maybe the FCSO should speak with the students that this is a very serious offense.
A.j says
Can’t say the child didn’t here a pop. Why the child didn’t report this to an adult? Anotger false alarm, tax dollars wasted. If the child did this on purpose, some type of punishment should follow. The same school in less than 3 months. Makes a person wonder about what is going on at that school.
Ld says
If proven to be a prank the prankster should be suspended. All students need immediate education regarding proper reporting of a potential threat. Having said that you can’t take a chance so response was warranted to be sure it wasn’t an active shooter.
jay tomm says
Jail the parents & this will stop!
Maybe this student has a mental issue or PTSD of some kind.
Please check this child out.
What if it is not a prank in her mind????
deb says
All one has to do is look at home, I guess shooting people when you get made must be the talk around home. As they say, parents lead by example.
ASF says
Let me guess: Just like the first time, the child was released back into the custody of her parents.