A shooting that took place in palm Coast’s R-Section around 11 p.m. Monday night in the area of 11 Riverview Place was caught by a resident’s surveillance camera. Several shell casings were recovered, but no suspects or known injuries. A sheriff’s department source said the shooting may have been gang-related.
Numerous people called 911 to report several shots (the exact number of shots is censored from a sheriff’s office report, as the investigation is ongoing) and of vehicles speeding away. One of the people calling 911 described the vehicle in question as small, with alloy rims.
An area resident provided deputies with footage from the outside surveillance camera on his property. The footage, according to the incident report, shows a group of people near the driveway of 8 Riverview Place. A vehicle then pulls in, circling the cul-de-sac and backing into the driveway of 11 Riverview Place, where it parked.
“The footage then shows a subject walk towards the intersection of Riverview drive and Riverview Pl.,” the report continues. “The individual is seen returning from the intersection and numerous subjects are then seen going into a vehicle that was parked in the swale across from 6 Riverview Place. The footage then shows muzzle flash which appears to be fired towards the intersection of Riverview
Drive and Riverview Place.”
Riverview Drive and Riverview Place closely parallel Rymfire Drive between Ravenwood and Rae Drive near the center of the R Section.
Deputies canvassed the neighborhood for suspects and victims, finding neither. Local hospitals were placed on alert “for any gunshot victims that may have been involved in the case.” No hospitals reported gunshot victims that night.
“Due to the incident that just occurred deputies utilized a patrol car PA to make announcements for the occupants to exit the residence” at 8 Riverview Place, an incident report states. “After a few minutes a male and a female exited the residence, the male stated thait their 18 year old son was also in the residence and he was asked to exit as well.” Two deputies interviewed the residents “on any involvement in the case.”
Aside from the individual who provided the footage, deputies interviewed another individual on Riverview Drive who spoke of hearing several gunshots on the block and seeing a small vehicle parked at the intersection of Riverview Drive and Riverview Place, but he could not provide a more detailed description of the vehicle. Street lighting in the area is scant.
Outsider says
Sadly, this is becoming an ervery day event in Calm Post.
Joe says
It’s nice when stories have a happy ending, let’s all be thankful none of the young people out there that night and got shot, or worse killed and also that none of the residents were injured in the area
lenamarshall says
not everyday, be real.
Eileen Curran says
the owners of these houses, one in NJ and one in NY need to be aware of whats going on….