The two alleged victims told Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies that a man in a silver sedan had been following them as they drove from State Road 100 down Seminole Woods Boulevard. When they turned onto Sleepy Hollow Trail to evade the man, the made a U-turn to return to Sesame Boulevard.
The man who’d been chasing them stopped his car in front of them as they approached the intersection of Sleeping Hollow and Sleeping Beauty Place, got out of the car, allegedly brandished a black handgun, and told the man and woman in the other car: “I’ll handle this the Florida way.”
The encounter took place the evening of Sept. 13. On Thursday, sheriff’s deputies arrested Jordan Frazier Rivers, 28, at his home at 4 Sleepy Hollow Trail in Palm Coast on two felony charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
The sheriff’s Real Time Crime Center, a hub of real-time surveillance video from around the county, databases and analysis, had located Rivers’s vehicle, a 2006 silver Nissan Sentra, on State Road 100 just before the incident, as well as the two alleged victims’ vehicle. The two victims had described their alleged assailant as a large white male with a beard, which the Real Time Crime Center matched with public images of Rivers, including a profile picture of him on a social media page, with a handgun and a rifle.
But deputies had a more difficult time getting both alleged victims to pick out from a photo line-up the man they say assailed them. The victims looked at the photos separately on Sept. 25. One of the victims identified a photo of Rivers as “definitely” that of the man he said pointed the gun. The second victim, however, while picking out Rivers’s photo (out of an array of six photos), was more hesitant.
Deputies interviewed Rivers at his home on Sept. 26. He acknowledged that an altercation took place, but denied pulling a gun. He said he owns a handgun, which he carries, concealed. Deputies located home surveillance video in the neighborhood where the altercation took place. It showed what Rivers’s arrest report refers to as the “interaction” between the parties, but the incident was “not clearly visible on the video” due to the camera’s distance and the lighting.
The State Attorney’s Office filed the two charges against Rivers–each a third-degree felony punishable at most by five years in prison each–on Jan. 14. Rivers immediately posted bail on $2,500 bond. A judge ordered him to have no contact with the alleged victims and to surrender all his firearms to the sheriff’s office, pending the disposition of the case. He is to be arraigned on Feb. 18.
Anonymous says
Sooo, what led up to this? There’s no.story.
JimboXYZ says
I guess he’s about to get a crash course on the FL way ? Earning the Felon designation isn’t much to be proud of on your resume in life.
The dude says
Unless you aspire to be a MAGA president.
Then being a felon is a requirement.
Wow says
Well at least he was honest. That’s the Florida way I suppose.
Samuel says
The FCSO handled it the Florida way, its called you’re arrested, with a criminal record now.
Jay Tomm says
Why? Just going to be plead into nothing. Why the bother? Why waste the time? I’m surprised the SA thinks he has enough evidence to bring a case. Without real video evidence, it’s one word against the other. They don’t hold up in court trials. And the incident happens months ago. The fact both parties couldn’t pick the guy out of a photo is good for his defense. Again the guy will either plead it to a misdemeanor with a slap on the wrist, or it will be dismissed.
Complete waste of $$ & time. I do think the guy is a major AH & needs a beat down, our legal system doesn’t work like that.
Joey says
Samuel – Still has to go to trial – I thought you were innocent until proven guilty but I guess that’s not the Florida way !!!!
Common Sense says
“The Florida way “ Being a man that grew up in a very rural RED county , in a moderately blue state. The phrase should be the uneducated way.
The number of adults in this state uneducated in multiple ways and definitions is staggering. The failure of the nuclear family combined with metal health issues , drugs and the internet have created an epidemic of biblical proportions. That mind set is delusional and emboldens those individuals to behave in such a manor unbecoming of any human no matter what state you live in , it’s not just Florida.
FlaPharmTech says
Driving a 2006 Nissan Sentra, now that’s a real Florida man.
Sorry my pettiness and nastiness slipped out, but it’s a sign of the times.
JimboXYZ says
One of the victims “definitely” identified him, the other was hesitant. If I’m a jiror, I’m going to side with the one victim that easily identified Rivers. Unless Rivers can demonstrate why either of them would accuse him of what he stands accused of ? what that motive would be ? Most don’t randomly report road rage to FCSO. Rivers is learning a lesson at the very least for having been arrested for it. I think they get their road rager woth the rest of the evidence. If the surveillance identifies the victim’s vehicle & the River’s Sentra for proximity & timing of the altercation, that’s a virtual slam dunk. And most likely why they arrested Rivers ? That footage of Rivers Sentra on SR-100 close enough to the victim’s, if not right next to them, and both vehicles turning onto Seminole Woods Parkway is beyond circumstantial evidence. Rivers better get himself a lawyer, he will become a felon, get prison sentence & he won’t be owning a gun in this lifetime again. Just my prediction. not unless Biden or Trump pardons him before any of this goes to trial for adjudication & any sentencing for a guilty verdict. If I’m Rivers he needs to get his affairs in order for the potential max of 5 years that he’s going to be incarcerated. And I bet they approach him with a plea deal of sorts for minimum time as a 1st offender ?
“But deputies had a more difficult time getting both alleged victims to pick out from a photo line-up the man they say assailed them. The victims looked at the photos separately on Sept. 25. One of the victims identified a photo of Rivers as “definitely” that of the man he said pointed the gun. The second victim, however, while picking out Rivers’s photo (out of an array of six photos), was more hesitant.”
‘The sheriff’s Real Time Crime Center, a hub of real-time surveillance video from around the county, databases and analysis, had located Rivers’s vehicle, a 2006 silver Nissan Sentra, on State Road 100 just before the incident, as well as the two alleged victims’ vehicle.”