A 73-year-old Palm Coast resident lost her life Monday afternoon in a two-vehicle crash she appears to have caused at the intersection of Royal Palms Parkway and Rickenbacker Drive in Palm Coast.
According to the Florida Highway Patrol, the woman had stopped at the stop sign on Rickenbacker, but then proceeded to attempt a left turn onto Royal Palms. She did so “traveling directly into the path” of a 32-year-old man at the wheel of an SUV, “violating his right of way.” The man was traveling west.
The man suffered minor injuries. The collision had catapulted the woman’s vehicle onto the south shoulder of Royal Palms, partially blocking the westbound lane.
The crash was reported to Flagler County’s 911 dispatch center at 5:08 p.m. as involving a white SUV and a small gray car, one t-boning the other. The woman was not responding at the scene when witnesses first reported the crash and tended to her.
Palm Coast Fire Department and Flagler County Fire Rescue crews conducted an extrication and Flagler County FireFlight, the emergency helicopter, was initially requested then cancelled. The elderly victim was transported to AdventHealth Palm Coast, where she died, according to FHP.
According to the state Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department, seven people had lost their life on Flagler County roads as of April 6. Monday’s crash raised that number to eight, including two pedestrians. Some 283 people have been injured in 360 crashes so far this year.
JimboXYZ says
Another victim of the Alfin growth plan, 5:08 PM, peak traffic for a M-F work day of the Palm Coast cattle drive. The solution will be the usual one’s round about or traffic light there. Rickenbacker Dr is the only road in & out of that sub section. It outlets to Rymfire to the North, Royal Palms Parkway to he South. Nobody is making a left turn onto Royal Palms Parkway at that hour, heck even a right turn is going to be challenging enough. If it’s anything like Belle Terre & Royal Palms Parkway at the intersection with a traffic light, that area congests to gridlock. Way to go Alfin, nothing like expert city planning in a Biden Build Back Crappier for a lower quality of life.
Wait until the traffic light at BJ’s on FL-100 causes gridlock at where all the new residential is being built on Seminole Woods Parkway. Is that the vision for Palm Coast & Flagler county ? Any of the politicians seeking Flagler County elected positions because of term limits for City of Palm Coast elected positions can’t be voted into the county positions. They’re the same one’s that have approved the FUBAR Splash Pad & Pickleball CF’s. The misery of Palm Coast growth continues.
M says
Seriously? This toad has been this way for years. It was a tragic accident. Why bring politics into the conversation. Prayers for the family.
Laurel says
Too bad, sorry to hear that. Condolences to her family.
Now, before everyone starts griping about “elderly” and people traveling too fast (bore), people of all ages are responsible for accidents. I’m going to be 72 this month, and there isn’t anything “elderly” about me. Still have the same color hair (naturally) that I had as a kid, still have a squeaky clean driving record, still have a good brain, still can work hard in the yard, still moving fine, and so on.
I see it all the time. People sitting at side roads, at a stop sign or shop exit, and stare at traffic, then when you figure they have finally decided to wait, they pull out and go slow. Aaaaarrrgghhhh! I’m convinced that it has to do with depth perception. Furthermore, I never trust anyone until I know I can get past or around them if need be. I don’t trust turn signals, as often people continue down the road with their signal flashing for miles.
Another part of the problem is that people come here from all over the US and all over the world. They have learned different driving styles and don’t always know where they are going. Ever wonder why someone will brake about a block before the stop sign? Maybe they are from snow country. Today, I watched a guy walk across the road without even once acknowledging our car sitting and waiting for him to pass. Why have that trust? Just because he has the right of way? No sir, I’ll keep an eye on you, and all around me, as I cross the road.
Watch out for the other guy.
TR says
Tragic and could have been avoidable. I have said this for years. Everyone over the age of 65 should have to take a written and driving test every few years. I also think that it’s ridicules to have your drivers license good for 10 years. make it 5 to 7.
Mary Fusco says
Funny, I’m 77 been driving for over 50 years, have never had a ticket or had an accident. I learned to drive defensively. Looking at the road instead of smoking or watching a phone will allow a driver to see the big picture. Yes, there will be the drivers running red lights, stop signs and those pulling out when it is not safe (probably your age) but if one is aware, they will not run through them. I drove in the NY Catskills up and down hills in snow and ice. I know how to drive. I keep my eyes open for the drivers that learned to drive in a cow pasture and think they are so slick.
TR says
LOL I’m a few years younger then you, so the ones you describe running red lights, stop signs and pulling out when it isn’t safe falls into your age group as well. LOL
Ed P says
You just might be onto something. However, it would probably be better if everyone was re-tested a few times in their lives.
We have all witnessed bad drivers, near misses, and multiple accident scenes that were the result of driver error or not knowing proper procedure.
How many drivers on Palm Coast Parkway actually come to a full stop, proceed with caution through an intersection when the traffic lights are out or flashing red in both directions? How many divers don’t move left when an emergency vehicle is stopped on the right.
It’s not just the elderly who need a refresher course. Many drivers “believe” they know how to drive and stop practicing. It’s referred to as subconscious incompetence.
My favorite is the aggressive driver who passed me the other day as I was merging back onto the road after the fire truck passed. Priceless.
TR says
I would go for your idea. I would say that if a driver gets a ticket 5 times for the same offense within a 5 year span, they loose their license for a year regardless of the offense. The exception is driving with a suspended license then they need to do 1 year in jail with no early release.
I have witnessed drivers who think that because they
have the right of way speed way too fast on these roads
and the hell with everyone else, just because one has that
mindset of the “right of way” does not mean that one should
drive with tunnel vision, people behind tons of steel need
to drive with precaution no matter what, especially on these
overcrowded roads that cannot handle this amount of traffic
and it’s only going to get worse with the over development
on poorly designed roads without proper traffic calming.
Atwp says
Please be careful on the roads.
Brian says
So much overpopulation in palm coast now. Im afraid This is going to be a weekly event
R Smoke says
I would move to San Mateo if I was you
JimboXYZ says
If one is elderly, here are some tips for beating the Alfin Gridlock Traffic of Palm Coast. First off, peak traffic is the last time anyone should try to drive that congestion. Schedule any appointments for non-peak traffic hours. Second, avoid left turns where there are no traffic lights, right hand turns & there is only 1 lane of traffic to merge onto Royal Palms Parkway (RPP), know that you are going to US-1 from there, not Belle Terre driving West. It’s not getting better for the Alfin growth. Realize that going East from Rickenbacker towards Belle Terre and Alfin built new Pickleball courts to further congest the Belle erre intersection area. There is also a bike trail area that will have increased parking for those that walk or cycle that area. And it’s not getting any better as Alfin has approved more residential throughout the entire area. That would be everything from US-1 to I-95 to Old Kings Road. Everything from FL-100 and even down to US-1. That entire area of FL-100 to the bridge to cross to Flagler Beach to Bunnell & US-1. Another tip, drive while all the families that are invading Flagler County are either eating their breakfast or dinner, even sleeping. Early bird beats the traffic in the AM, PM’s gotta wait the last of them out. Choice is your’s really, you can idle in gridlock traffic & move a car length or two at a time & waste fuel that way, or you can avoid the masses trying to do the same thing at the same time you are. Need to go back to a 24 hour Wal-Mart to become a society that has several shifts people living their lives. Some will be diurnal, some will be nocturnal. I miss Wal-Mart being open 24 hours, you can grocery shop while others are sleeping, had the place all to yourself, full shelves because they’re restocking that inventory.
Look at an aerial map of it traffic is going to suck from Destination Daytona & even from SR-40 & Daytona Beach. Flagler County is filling in like St Johns as Jacksonville grew to St Augustine over the last 25-30 years. Only this growth has grown in the last 4 years, most of it 3+ years of Biden. This is the vision of 2050, & it’s not a better quality of life here. The approvals are now growing West of US-1 from Bunnell to St Johns County.
Concerned Citizen says
So sad to hear about the lady passing away. Prayers sent up for the family. Its good the other driver was alright. Life is so Precious nowadays. Some people take life for granted driving on the roads. You have to look out for other people and be mindful, that we all have families and no one wants to lose a loved one. People get TOO CLOSE behind you when driving and when you stop at a stop sign or traffic light, which I think is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULIOUS. you are suppose to leave room in front of the car in front of you, NOT get in their back seat where you have your children, grandchildren, and other family members and friends. That makes NO sense to do that. But people don’t care about people anymore. Everything has changed so much since I’ve got grown. It was so much better back in the 80’s. I PRAY that we get back to caring about other people and being considerate of other people, while we are driving on these roads. The roads are not DANGEROUS. ITS THE PEOPLE DRIVING AT THE WHEEL OF THEIR CARS OR TRUCKS. Thats just my thought.
TR says
So with all the congestion and traffic on the main roadways in Palm Coast. You want everyone to stay back one car length from the car in front of them at a red light? The traffic at a red light now on Palm Coast Parkway heading east before Old Kings Rd backs up for at least 1/2 mile at any time after 12noon. Longer during rush hour. If everyone followed your thinking, then the traffic would be backed up from the Hammock Dunes Bridge to Old Kings Rd because the traffic signals are not timed properly. Yea that won’t work.
Michael H Brown says
Wait a minute: “Monday’s crash raised that number to eight, including two pedestrians. Some 283 people have been injured in 360 crashes so far this year.” Just in FLAGLER?!
Helen says
I feel it is a shame that since April have been so many death in this area and from some comments people think it’s OK or that because of age someone is not moving fast enough. It is not ok to take a life because you have the right away driving should Always be done with caution. This area needs to have some type of signal or road guards since it seems to be a problem area. It seems there is no speed limit in this area where a right away has the right to knock a person across the road and kill them and he walks away unharmed and you people that live and travel in this area have done nothing to protect yourself, your children or grandchildren shame on you and like it has happen to these people it can happen to you and others. Someone should be accountable for the deaths that have happen in this area. Someone or Someone’s should not be sleeping at night knowing they have blood on their hands. Pray that you citizens that travel this area make something be done
TR says
There is a posted speed limit on all streets and roadways in the city of Palm Coast. Now whether or not people obey the posted limit is another thing. But the person who caused the death of this woman is the woman. She pulled out in front of someone who was just going about his day.
John Yankovich says
This will continue as population increases and roads and infrastructure is ignored by city council! If you want to control housing development INCREASE IMPACT FEES! This will slow it down!
TR says
Why you yelling? No one is blaming your dad from anything I have read. Sorry he has to deal with this and I’m glad he only suffered minor injuries.
JimboXYZ says
Best wishes for your Dad Victor, has to be hard on him being involved in a fatality that was not planned properly for & hoping that whatever the minor injuries the article indicates are for a speedy recovery. Just burns me up to the core to read about events like this as the community grows and those that have been approving this level of growth are just winging it & hoping for the best as this community is becoming more chaotic for day to day life. As I understand it, the city had placed the traffic counter devices in the road, they knew what the impact is, yet haven’t put at least a round about at certain locations for peak traffic issues. I’ve been at Belle Terre & Royal Palms Parkway (RPP) traffic light when it backs up at that hour. 1/3 of the traffic turns North, 1/3 turns South on Belle Terre and the rest of traffic gridlock goes West on RPP. Sad it takes a fatality to before the “experts” figure out it’s time for better road management.
To me the only way(s) out of that sub division for Rickenbacker or Riviera that both ultimately connect with Rymfire for right turns and then eventually to Belle Terre for the traffic light that is no better than Royal Palms Parkway congestion. But at least it’s a traffic light that manages the right of ways to allow traffic to trickle more safely for all in an equitable distribution of right of way. I am aware the Alfin growth plan has approved quite few more new residential back there. “10 gallons of anything in a 5 gallon bucket” never worked well for the masses for traffic flow. My gut feeling is speed limits will need to be reduced & more traffic control devices or round abouts need to manage peak traffic. Sad part is the City & County know they don’t have the money to make that happen before approving growth. The cart is ion front of the horse & they winged it, hoped for the best as politicians. The same “experts” that couldn’t envision a Splash Pad at a park costing the community $ 8-9 million dollars for a couple of months of up time. Well, now they have a fatality for blood on their hands for their spin on a myopic 2050 vision of Palm Coast.
Cincin says
Well written. Thanks for your input
Momma Mia says
If you think this traffic is so bad, try driving up north. With that said, a lot of baby boomers are retiring and moving down. You can’t stop growth, but you can change the infrastructure. I hope the city is going to add lights on Royal Palms or I’ll never get in or out of my neighborhood.
Bruce stone says
This city is to blame for the deaths on the road
There is no info structure or plans for one
they want growth in population but they dont want take responsbility of growth for protection on the traffic or streets
14 deaths since the start of the holiday xmas way to many