Construction will begin in 30 to 45 days on the RaceTrac gas station at the northeast corner of Old Kings Road and State Road 100, the real estate broker who handled the sale of the parcel to RaceTrac said.
Bill Hoover, a planner with Palm Coast government, revealed the pending sale of lots at the long-vacant Kings Pointe development during a planning board meeting last November. But it was not clear at the time exactly when construction would begin. “RaceTrac Petroleum has one and a half lots right at the northeast corner of State Road 100 under purchase contract, and they have already submitted a site plan,” Hoover said at the time, ” and it looks like that project will more than likely move forward and it may start construction maybe in as quick as several months from now.”
Margaret Sheehan Jones, the commercial real estate broker at Parkside Realty Group, brokered the sale of two Kings Pointe lots to RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc. for $1.3 million. Lot 7 is 1.828 acres, according to Flagler County property appraiser records, and Lot 8 is 1.39 acres. The lots were sold together.
“These two lots are prime commercial property right on the corner of Old Kings Rd. and SR 100,” Sheehan Jones said. “We’ve seen an uptick the past five months in commercial real estate activity in Flagler County.”
RaceTrac spokesman Mark Hudgins said that the construction project has gone out to bid. A “Coming Soon” sign is expected to be installed in the next few weeks. The sign will include a photo of the store so people know what to expect, though motorists already have a good idea of what’s coming: this will be Palm Coast’s third RaceTrac, with another one just a few blocks to the west on State Road 100 and Seminole Woods Parkway, and the original Palm Coast RaceTrac on Palm Coast Parkway.
The dearth of gas stations along State Road 100 may soon turn into a glut, with the relatively new 7-11 gas station near Publix in Flagler Beach, the two RaceTrac stations and a Wawa coming soon at the corner of Bulldog Drive and State Road 100. There had also been plans for a gas station at the commercial development on the south side of State Road 100, near Belle Terre Parkway.
For Kings Pointe, the sale is something of a breakthrough for a series of lots that have been prepared in hopes of development almost a decade ago, only to fall victim to the housing collapse. Seven other pad-ready lots are selling at Kings Pointe, ranging in price from $475,000 to $1.1 million, with interest from a hotel developer, retail, and a few quick serve restaurants.
DRedder says
Have they pushed back the start date for the Cosco at 100 & Colbert?
David S says
This is stupid, with this construction just in the city of palm coast and the new wawa this makes 5 gas stations with in a 5mile stretch….
jadobi says
When will Walmart build just to the north? How much money was wasted by the City and County to relocate Old Kings to current location? I don’t frequent Walmart, though sometimes you just have no choice. The current solo Walmart has out grown its location, most noticeable is the poor, poor entrance and exit.
Kathy says
So maybe they will all compete with each other and keep the gas prices lower. I would rather choose the Rt 100 corridor to buy gas than Palm Coast Parkway. I live in between and Palm Coast has much higher gas prices than some areas north and south of us.
Linze says
I hear an Ollie’s and Harbour Freight or big Lots is going in Belles by Winn Dixie in Palm Coast
r&r says
Walmart pulled a fast one on us when they conned Landon into rebuilding Old King to beautify the entrance to a new and larger Walmart. The existing Walmart would the be converted to a Sam’s Club..
Steve Vanne says
Great another Racetrac 1/2 mine from the other Racetrac …
Richard says
I think it is a great addition to the commercial property in that area. More fuel stations more choice better prices and will relieve the congestion at the Circle K Shell Station. So the choice will be BP on the immediate west side of I-95, Shell, Mobil and RacTrac on the East side of I-95. Hopefully it will be the beginning of more construction at that corner.
county worker says
Costco? you are joking, right?
RobJr says
Is this the Old Kings Road that the city pumped tax payer money into on the speculation that Walmart was going to built there and others would follow suit?
Anonymous says
How many Race Trac’s does one small town need? More gas pumps for thieves to install “card readers” on, I guess. it’s an industry of sorts.
Outsider says
How exciting…..another gas station. This used to be a great, unique place to live. Now it’s just Palm Beach further north with people having orgasms over every new filling station and crappy fast food restaurant. The vision of ITT is dead.
Shark says
Just what palm coast needs another regulated gas station – why not attach a pizza joint to it !!!
Linda Johnsen says
What ever happened to the safety issues in this place? Streetlights, safe crossing areas, and countless others?? Those half million dollar shade things did nothing for 5 people who go to the park on occassion. What about a freaking public bus that runs everyday, every hour??All about tourism dollars with no concern for real issues. Oh, excuse me, if a project doesn’t put money in someones pocket, it is not worthy. Wake up. Vote, and in every little election. Maybe this can change with the right people. Vote most out in 2018 please. Please leave the innocent creatures alone as well.
Linda Johnsen says
Still no answer on true safety issues that seem to be gone, but not forgotten>>>>
Daphne says
More gas stations will attract more travelers on the I95 corridor. That means more money in PC local economy, so please quit poo-pooing development. More stations means competition and should help the prices we pay at the pumps (especially the pumps off the beaten path). PC is a great place with loads more potential. Definitely need to vote out the current “leaders” though! Get out and vote…!