Phillip Haire hasn’t had the best year. Last July, not long after his graduation from Matanzas High School, where he’d been a defensive tackle for the Pirates, he was the victim of a shooting near his home in Palm Coast’s L Section. He recovered. His assailant, a juvenile, was charged with attempted first-degree murder.
In March, Haire was among three men arrested and charged with two felonies after reports of a shooting spree on Belle Terre Parkway and Brookside Lane in Palm Coast. That case is still pending.
Last Thursday, Haire, who just turned 19, was again arrested, this time on a domestic violence assault charge, after an argument with his sister that allegedly turned violent. Haire’s 21-year-old sister told police that she had been sitting outside her house with her mother at 11 London Drive when Haire “started an argument with her for no reason and threatened to kill her, her child, and the father of the child,” according to Haire’s arrest report.
“He then went outside with a knife and slashed the driver’s rear side tire of her vehicle.” The alleged victim’s mother told police that she heard her son yell at her daughter about a broken X-Box controller. After Haire’s arrest, the report states, he “made statements that he did slash the tire on the vehicle. He was also upset that [his sister] was not arrested for an incident that occurred in the past.
Since a baby was present during the altercation, deputies contacted the Department of Children an Families. The child, a 15-month-old girl, was not injured.
As of Monday afternoon, haire was still at the Flagler County jail on $1,000 bond.
Outsider says
Well, at least he had a good reason for threatening his sister. I’d be pretty ticked off if my XBox controller was busted. Anyone taking bets on how long until this guy is in prison?
Bc. says
Another fine citizen of palm coast this kid is heading for trouble or worse.
woody says
He is a fine young Palm Coast resident.
Nancy N. says
BC – This guy has been shot and arrested multiple times on serious charges and you think he’s “heading” for trouble? What exactly is your definition of trouble?!?
This dude passed “trouble” miles ago and is barreling full speed towards full on catastrophe.
LDarius says
Now imagine what will be going on if trump became president