The City of Palm Coast and Flagler County Government have partnered to develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan for the entire community. The goal is to hear from residents, business owners, special interest groups, and any other interested parties on what they would like to see included in future planning for Flagler County.
Palm Coast City Manager Denise Bevan said, “We are thrilled to collaborate on our new Planning Our Parks initiative and we are inviting you to get involved and bring us your ideas, feedback and foresight.”
An engagement website is now live to accept resident input on the parks master plan. The results will be utilized to determine the priorities for the City and County’s recreational facilities and activities desired by residents, what use patterns currently are, what barriers exist to usage, identify potential partnerships, and how best to support the recreational needs of the community. Visit the website today.
The interactive site gives residents a variety of options to interact with to let the City and County on current feedback on existing programs or activities and what they would like to see in the future. Residents can submit suggestions, feedback, and identify gaps in recreational amenities through the ideas wall. The trail system forum is available to discuss current barriers to access and explore ways to improve the existing trail system. Users can also use the mapping tool to visualize trails within the County’s boundaries and leave comments in real time. And lastly, a budgeting tool for users to prioritize where spending should be directed.
Flagler County Administrator Heidi Petito added, “As residents, you can help us navigate the direction we take as our county continues to grow and evolve, and with that growth, so does the need for new recreational amenities.”
Watch a video of Flagler County Administrator Heidi Petito and Palm Coast City Manager Denise Bevan inviting residents to participate in the Master Planning Process:
The Master Plan will look at the existing parks, recreational facilities, programs, and services, and determine the current and future level of services for the community based on public input. The plan will prioritize the needs and desires for upgrading and improving parks, recreational facilities, amenities, programs, and services.
Palm Coast and Flagler County have hired BerryDunn, a nationally-known parks and recreation management consulting firm, to oversee the plan. If you have any questions regarding the Master Plan, please contact the Parks and Recreation office for further information.
Gary says
Not until all other need to be done things are done. The roads, cleaning out and dredging the salt water canals where needed, safety on the streets speed bumps and cleaning up all the past pork projects.
Dennis C Rathsam says
To hell with the master plan!!!!!! Fixing the traffic problem should be the cities top prize. Everyone who lives here in Palm Coast has complained, and complained. Our streets are ridden with potholes, swales that are flat & overgrown, the pipes are crumbing & failing. With all these problems, who gives a rats ass about parks. Fix the lights on P/C parkway, make it flow better.More important things need to be fixed, before you can worry about the master plan.
sean says
traffic are you nuts you moved in 25k more people in 10 years what do you think
Need higher impact fees maybe some of these people will go inland or farther south houses are to cheap here
j. red 06712 says
No they made the mistake of only using a quarter acre for each house, that can be smaller if in a master plan. The town should have used bigger lot sizes then we would still have trees on the streets and places for the wild animals to live. The larger the lot then people cannot afford to build because of the cost.
Celia Pugliese says
If Bevan, Alfin, Flukas, Danko, Delorenzo and Tyner really cared about our parks would have never had approve the Harborside by our marina interrupting and taking away the grandfathering public walkway along the intracoastal all the way to our traditional gazebo, the marina and Palm Harbor Parkway connecting all. Also would not come up with the disastrous idea of paving over our Fire Station 22 that should be preserved as our historical museum instead and staffed for free with our Palm Coast Historical Society Volunteers as Mrs Kathy Ellavsky its President pleaded in the February 21st meeting at minute 3.48: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84lQ1oTWU48&list=TLPQMjgwMjIwMjMsieMDrcMu5w&index=2. You are so right Kathy systematically one by one our historical buildings have been demolished in a city of Palm Coast that put this county on the map while being the 100 pound gorilla that sustains this county revenue, while Flagler Beach and Bunnell, that I applaud, have their museums. Hope that at least the pleads of Mrs Ellavsky and Palmcoasters are granted. If the city wants more parking for the Community Center should by its adjacent property for sale in #1805 Palm Coast Parkway for $329,000: https://us-east.prospects.com/prospects/outside/inscription.do?tok=Z5kbYbSXOUncnHYEUW%2BcBmj6w2ICj%2F8uUxcm1hd465E2SNuje1wQIdIXeOCaB0jQrHYNGyLYUjC4x2BGw6N7MVR8hgJo2Z8lX9G%2BIlAeKtRaPb%2BCK1PRqX4FQi7QF3jgkDRb2K9xFRsjnBdt550%2BVNymIlBab4kFZ%2BCQJFmC%2B2MdT32DB2vuw2ZGw6NxAkd3hBk5uIIrU9GpbQRSYYlWNPWCPlTcuncOUnyJBXfqw2ZGw6Z%2BDxt2jhd44ZolB48%3D and build its parking there other than 73 millions for the Town Center arts plan.
Kimberly Yates says
I agree 100%.No one wanted that harborside marina development and ruining the beautiful walkway so very many of us use daily. Our parks + trails that make palm coast/flagler unique from our surrounding counties should remain first
+foremost .. before over development and congested traffic !! Enough is enough !
Emma says
Love and have visited most of the parks in the area, BUT, you really should decide more on spreading out from congested Palm Coast Parkway! Especially putting in another more convenient Walmart and other stores, course 100 is a trip as well.
A1A south of Flagler to Ormond!!! What a tight mess and few traffic lights if trying to turn left. The dunes will be gone with next major storms.
Bunnell/Dayton North has a lot of vacant land, if not planted with ‘taters or cabbage! Also, along A1A North of Flagler, there are vacant land, but traffic is a mess most days.
Then, parking both sides of the road in Flagler… can’t wait until construction of motel downtown makes an even bigger mess/headache.
Have loved visiting Flagler Beach and Palm Coast since early 1970s. Will more than likely venture into other Florida beauties on our next trip.
But, hey, just a visitor and my comments surely have no pull/say and off subject. So don’t spend my two cents worth as it won’t buy much.
Sam t says
Well fix the roads first and the flooding first then we will talk
Jim says
What’s the point. Your not going to listen. Your going keep building and building no matter what the people say. Traffic has gone from bad to worst on SR 100. It’s a green light here for any deveptors to come to Palm Coast and build.
Jim: Bingo, this is just another photo op for Heidi Petito who flunk and sunk so many agendas that needed to fix, their Master Plans lies with the developers which is why she is seeking Brevins job and Brevins will most likely go to Land Acquistion, they all work hand in hand, this is all total BS!
jnlocal says
The building craze has got to stop. How much more land can the mayor rape before his demise? Instead of building paltry parks, how about preserving the natural land/vegetation/wildlife we already have? Graham Swamp is getting smaller and smaller, the edges are being eaten away by ridiculous building projects. Soon we’ll be hearing about all those terrible animal predators encroaching on our lawns and lands. Sick and not forward-thinking.
Me says
Have you noticed that the City of Palm Coast continues consultants for everything they do spending taxpayers monies so freely. Stop with the spending it has gotten out of hand.
Dennis C Rathsam says
They have to hire consultants, the powers that be left their brain home, after they got ellected!
Let’s see if their Master Plan and resident engagement plan works, this should be interesting.
Bring in more high-paying jobs says
More white collar jobs with a starting salary of $60k. Parks are nice but they don’t pay the bills. I mean, I suppose if I become homeless from a lack of quality decent-paying work in this county and state, I could sleep in one. Most jobs here barely pay minimum wage and even if they do pay a higher wage, property tax and homeowners insurance and now soon the Storm maintenance fee increasing, and who knows what garbage fees will be…all these things increasing and increasing while the GOP effs around with stupid, unnecessary idiotic culture wars that distract the public from all the cronyism happening of DeSantis donors and GOP donors being giving board positions at Colleges and Reedy Creek, all at substantial raises from the person that held the post previously. Is it that hard to see what is happening? While you’re all obsessed with banning books and drag queens and LGBTQ and erasing black history, they are co-opting businesses and making money hand over fist lining their pockets and hurting every citizen of FL where it matters, their wallets.
Gary says
You built the shuffleboard courts in Holland Park, but no equipment to utilize them. I’ve never seen courts that do not have that equipment supplied.
Tony Mack says
Considering the problems with our roads, developments going up with no view toward infrastructure or industry, massive traffic tie-ups on major arteries and now this —
Any 10-year-old with an iPad playing “Sim City” could do a better job than these clowns.
Pitiful, really
Heidi Petito has a fiduciary to the taxpayers of UNINCORPORATED Flagler County and not to the taxpayers of Palm Coast ( with the exception of any joint mandatory safety or welfare issues ).
She has done nothing to take down an illegal 6 FOOT SIGN FACING PLANTATION BAY AND OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY put up one year ago with a blatant lie : HOTEL COMING SOON next to the abandoned illegal shell of a hotel which structure meets the Florida Building unsafe structure description: No doors, no windows, no a/c, missing balconies, She does not allow our Code Enforcement officer to issue any citations; the county sued the current owners over a year ago but have not set a Motion before the Court to this day. Heidi Petito has cost us over $40,000 in legal fees being paid to the former county attorney to do Al Hadeed’s work yet nothing has been done to demolish this POS which her predecessor Jerry Cameron was hoping she would do by simply applying the terms of the court filed Agreement dated May 13, 2021 which gave ( gives) the county permission to set for hearing to demolish the property with the $250,000 Bond Money which was due , together with all permit on August 20, 2021. HEIDI PETITO HAS TAKEN NO ACTION.
THERE WAS A SUICIDE AT THAT ABANDONED HOTEL – THE SHERIFF HAS CAUGHT DRUG DEALS, THE BUIDING and our tax dollars are being used for gas and maintenance on the patrol cars used by the deputies who do almost daily checks on this eyesore which is DEPRECIATING OUR PROPERTY VALUE AS WELL AS VIOLATES OUR RIGHT TO A SAFE ENVIRONMENT.
Heidi Petito has allowed the builders of the Store Facility adjacent to Plantation Bay Treetop Community homes to destroy the landscape tree buffers and to pile soil much higher than the ground level which will cause flooding to all surrounding homes of our residents and you do not respond to their phone calls or e-mails.
Heidi Petito is in violation of her duties as County Administrator and as OUR AREA representative on the FGIA Board to advise any of the 5,000 users of FGUA water that there was going to be a Public Hearing on Dec 6 at 5PM to discuss our rates being increased over 8% . FGUA Sent you a letter with this information on November 1, 2022 more than 36 days in advance of the hearing. Several people were informed via their water bills. SHE DID NOT ATTEND THIS MEETING – SHE SAID SHE HAD A COMMITMENT MORE IMPORTANT THAN REPRESENTING THE WALLETS OF 5,000 OF YOUR CONSTITUTENTS !
AND NOW SHE WANTS TO HEAR FROM ALL OF US ABOUT JOINING WITH PALM COAST in a county wide master plan. How dare her take one dime of my tax money for any issue which is not restricted to Flagler County obligations. HEIDI PETITO reaches out beyond her boundaries with our money when she can’t even do the job she was hired to do with honesty, integrity or regard for those who pay her.
You were the biggest mistake Jerry Cameron every made in my opinion ; you obviously snowed him with your B.S. yet you never even invited him to the opening of the new Sheriff Taj Mahal. I adored Jerry and hope that the commission will plead with him to step back in , once again, while they look for a real qualified county manager.
You should be fired before you do any more damage Ms. Petito and keep my park tax dollars out of Palm Coast park’s pocket
The only place you belong Ms. Petito is on the unemployment line in my opinion and the sooner the better for all of us.