The 30 miles per hour speed limit on your residential street may be heading down to 25.
Palm Coast will spend close to $100,000 on a pair of traffic studies–one to investigate whether speed limits may be lowered on many residential streets from the current 30 miles power hour, the other to investigate speeds and how traffic-calming medians could help improve traffic flow on Florida Park Drive, the most studied roadway this side of the Appian Way.
With one exception, Palm Coast City Council members raised some questions and had some qualms about the studies, especially about Florida Park Drive, but were otherwise supportive. “I don’t think we really have a choice,” Council member Ed Danko said.
Residential streets by law have speed limits of 30 miles per hour. Cities may lower those speeds. But to do so, they must conduct investigations that justify the lower limits. The speed-limit study will be based on 50 test locations, and possibly 75. The analysis will then be applied to the entire city, determining whether stricter area-wide speed limits are in order. (Council member Theresa Pontieri, the most supportive of the studies among the council members, asked that Cimmaron Drive, the road that in recent years surpassed Florida Park Drive as Palm Coast’s most-obsessed over, be included as one of the test locations.)
The studies will be conducted by Kimley-Horn, a national engineering company that has contracted with Palm Coast, Bunnell, Flagler Beach and the county previously on a range of projects, from utility to road projects.
The speed-limit study is straightforward. As the National Association of City Transportation Officials puts it, “collect data, analyze existing conditions, determine how to manage speeds down, and evaluate changes.”
“On other projects they’ve worked on in other cities, has anyone ever done a follow up as to whether these changes actually made a difference or not?” Council member Ed Danko asked. Cote did not have an answer. “Before we spend 100 grands, if these guys have a track record of coming in and making changes and nothing’s changed, I kind of would like to know that.”
The Florida Park Drive study will be fuzzier, not least because the road has been so often the subject of studies that it’s become difficult–as it was for Mayor David Alfin–to differentiate one from the other. The throughway has been the subject of a noise study, an air study, a traffic study, of truck traffic limitations, and the subject of a proposal to build traffic calming medians. But those would have cost $400,000. The high cost shelved the proposal. The current Kimley-Horn proposal is to study the effect of those potential medians on traffic. Kimley-Horn will analyze speeds on Florida Park Drive, too, potentially to limit them, and whether all-way stop signs are warranted at two intersections.
Unsurprisingly, the Florida Park Drive proposal drew questions: with so many Florida Park Drive studies in the past, why this one now? This one would be different, Carl Cote, who heads the city’s stormwater and engineering division, said, since there’s never been an evaluation of medians, or whether they could cause traffic crashes.
Alfin was not convinced. “I feel like we’re starting over and we have a reference library that we could draw from,” he said. “But I’m not the engineer. I’m just struggling with it.” Pontieri supports the study, saying it is “hyper-focused” on Florida Park Drive. Still, Alfin said he was “uncomfortable” with yet one more study.
Council member Nick Klufas is not in favor of additional stop signs. Florida Park Drive residents have repeatedly complained about pollution on the road. He said the majority of pollutants from cars are produced when cars accelerate from zero to 35 miles per hour. That would be worsened by stop signs.
The discussion drew one of the most colorful public comments about Florida Park Drive in the road’s epic catalogue of public comments when Mary Kay Hayward, a resident, described it as “a one-off unicorn,” as she said she’d heard someone else call it. “We are not residential. We are not a major urban collector. It’s like Chinatown– sister mother, sister mother. pick one!” she urged the council. (But the point that the brutal Jake Gittes just wouldn’t understand is that Evelyn was and could only be both.)
Steve Carr, who has been the unofficial spokesperson of Florida Park Drive over the years, didn’t see the point of further studies. “Why reinvent the wheel?” he asked. “All these cities around us are using traffic-calming methods. Why haven’t we contacted these cities to see how they are doing their studies to gather their information for where they use traffic-calming? I mean, why are we reinventing the wheel? Find out.” Ceila Pugliese, a former Florida Park Drive resident, described it as “a study of the study of the study.”
Alfin also cautioned that making traffic studies another priority means that the money will be withdrawn from another priority. He was not opposed to the studies, if that’s what residents were clamoring for, but he wanted the council to be aware of what money would be subtracted from another priority. But that exploration didn’t go far. When he hunted for a consensus from his colleagues, he found them in favor.
“I know it’s frustrating that we have to do another study with regards to the speed limits, but it has to be done,” Pontieri said. “I would be crushed if somebody were to get into a fatal accident on Cimarron or Florida Park Drive or something to that effect, because one resident is one resident too many if that happens. This is a step that we have to take. Unfortunately, the most frustrating part for me in this job is that there’s 18 steps when there feels like there should be two in government. This is unfortunately one of those so we are taking a necessary step to make sure we’re being prudent.” She described the appropriation as a “drop in the bucket” that will guide wiser spending in the future, if the city does install speed limit and stop signs.
The proposal has not been formally approved. It was discussed in workshop today, and will likely return before the council in early February for a vote.
Dennis C Rathsam says
To all you dingbatts at City Hall….Have you lost your friggin minds? Just lower the speed limits and save all that money! Common, yall cant be that dumb! Or can U?
JimboXYZ says
Isn’t it funny they show a photo of everyone doing 28 mph in front of a 30 mph sign. What isn’t being said is the volume of traffic, the vehicles that aren’t adhering to a minimum of a 2 second rule or the old car length per 10 mph of speed as a safe following distance. The problem with the growth, the infrastructure of roads is inadequate for the peak volume of traffic. There is no widening of lanes, increasing the number of lanes that is going to alleviate the growth of Palm Coast & Flagler County. The roads are fine for handling off-peak capacity, peak capacity volume of traffic, that’s the problem. And Palm Coast continues to pack in over utilizers of existing homes & then it gets worse when more new construction becomes over utilized. Just me, but a 1 car garage duplex has several cars in the driveway & even swales. That’s unaffordable rent/home ownership as problems that contribute. I’m just done with a community of leaders that are too dumb to connect the dots and continue a growth plan. One day all of these roads that are being patched for potholes will need to be repaved. And we already know the growth won’t pay for it, just deteriorate those roads sooner. Growth never saved the environment, there’s just more polluters for density per square mile. And we all know taxes will be increased for the growth.
Romuald Flieger says
Hi there,my personal opinion is what a waste of time and city monies. How many studies are they going to do. Put a sheriff on Florida park to monitor the people’s speed and give out tickets. Changing speed limits will not change the people’s driving habits. Use the monies for something useful.
Kendall says
I don’t even know when non-peak is anymore. 100 is always like rush hour these days..
George Hunt says
Contrary to popular opinion, if they get enough tickets or have accidents continue to increase due to high speed, the lower limit will make a difference in time. It’s crazy seeing people go 10, 20 mph OVER the limits. I dare say many do not know the speed limit is even 30. In any case, with as many kids & pets in the streets, people need to slow down.
C’mon man says
Can we study a f’n turn lane onto Seminole woods from SR100???
troy says
not until the bean counters have determined too many deaths have happened in the race trac parking lot due to jack wagons trying to skip the light.
Miami North says
Why isn’t this brought up enough!?? No right hand turn lane from 100 to SWB is causing tons of traffic by itself.
PC residential neighborhoods should ABSOLUTELY be lowered to 25mph.
All these incoming residents Alfin stuffing in this town, it’s a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed.
How about sidewalks / curbs for children waiting for bus stops, and those who enjoy a nice walk?
A blind man can see these problems…
Gary says
First they need to repaint the road lines. Where is the sales tax money from fuel sales ? That was to be used for painting lines and fixing roads. The back door franchise fee push on our utilities was more baloney push by the mayor. Oh we need it for road repair. What was the fuel tax money wasted on ?
Speed limits need to be reduced on Belle Terre south of SR100 going towards Bunnell
there are concrete trucks, big pickups and cars going 70mph and over down that road
as kids are waiting for school busses and coming home from school it’s a dangerous
situation and needs to be looked at and addressed.
troy says
parkway not a freeway is my battle cry as i ride the sidewalk in my corner of the earth quail hollow 4 life boi.
when not on my bike it’s awesome to go 40-45 on that stretch of road and watch people rage.
if it’s that big of a rush wake up earlier instead of putting peoples lives at risk.
while am at it let’s talk about mr and mrs “right on red”. these simps in PC think it’s a recommendation not a law. they roll right through crosswalks and stop signs.
Old Guy says
Waste of money. Put stop signs along Florida Drive at Forrest Hill, Fleetwood Drive, and Farragut Drive. This will slow down the traffic a little and discourage its use as a throughway. I live in a neighborhood off of FL Park and have driven it daily for 32 years. I can’t speak to the issues on Cimarron but I’m sure some of the affected residents have ideas as well. So far all the studies have recommended expensive “solutions” that no one wanted so the can was kicked down the road.
Mark says
30 is a good speed limit. Strictly enforce the limit, make sure everyone knows 31 will get you a ticket. It will have the same effect as lowering the limit to 25 and allowing a 5 mph variance.
It will also eliminate the need for traffic calming strips.
Pete says
You can’t ticket less than 5 over in Florida.
Mark too says
Our kids and elders are walking on these streets.
No sides and trucks etc blocking the road.
Fl law says roads are for cars not people.
If you get hit its your fault.
Check it out.
Chris says
More corruption! Someone is getting there hands in till! Lower the speed limit and simply enforce it!
JimboXYZ says
For me this is already a self-imposed safer speed with the new construction & growth. Then again I’m not the gear head that has a higher HP/torque sports car, muscle car or truck doing the burn outs or speeding in the residential. We already know who those folks are in our residentials as our neighbors. I think the speed limit should be dropped to 25, but by the same token, when a speeder is reported, something needs to be done about that with law enforcement. It’s the few that are pushing 30+ or even under the speed limit & to that speed limit is the one with the HP & torque ratings for a motor vehicle that are accelerating in an unsafe manner that involves “burning rubber” & loss of traction.
End of the day, I predicted with the new growth in Palm Coast & Flagler County that everywhere would eventually become a 20 mph school zone for a speed limit. The area just doesn’t have the infrastructure to handle the peak traffic capacity. And it doesn’t matter how many residential roads would be added, that traffic always will end up on US 1, Belle Terre, I-95, Old Kings Road, Colbert Ln & A1A as the 6 North South roads. East o West, it’s FL-100 & the Parkways, there aren’t but 5-6 of those. 10 gallons of poop in a 5 gallon bucket is a messy bucket.
What this is ? Is this a reaction to the recent younger motorists that ended up crashing & killing themselves ? Because if it is that, what was involved were the the few we all know are going to be the one’s that are likely not going to make it thru life very far. Those few, they were both driving higher HP/torque trucks on asphalt & dirt roads that they exceeded safe speed for the conditions. As unfortunate as it is those individuals became casualties, lowering the speed limits elsewhere won’t solely solve the problem. For traffic collisions following too closely is the other reason they were involved in what is loosely called an “accident”. Cause & effect for collisions. Speed and failure to be able to stop are the causes & effects, throw in distracted driving in there.
Erod says
You have to love “STUDIES” a large amount of taxpayer dollars for a “consultant” to analyze a problem, write a 250,000 word report that will wind up on a shelf in a records room gathering dust.
I'll be your Huckleberry says
Hey City of Palm Coast, it would seem to me that most of the comments about your wasteful study on lowering the speed limits is just that, MORE WASTEFUL SPENDING. I have to concur. If you really want to make a dent in speeding, have the FCSO Palm Coast District traffic unit do there job within the Palm Coast. So many places for them to set up traffic enforcement and write tickets all day long if they wanted. But instead, they set up at Wadsworth Park in the City of Flagler Beach and catch speeders westbound on SR 100 off the bridge going downhill. Or they’re seen riding in tandem along scenic A1A, looking pretty. Being a former motorman for one of the largest counties in Florida, that in itself is pathetic. There is no creative minds within the traffic unit of FCSO on how to enforce speed limits. They need to get off the motor and do it the right way. It’s called “STEP OUTS.” That will deter speeding.
Jim says
I never saw a good reason for lowering the speed limit in this article. I inferred that it’s not because of a high number of crashes, injuries or fatalities since none of that was mentioned.
I can understand the pollution concern but lowering the speed limit will not address that.
I understand the high traffic concern. Put a stop sign at every intersection and I suspect that will result in lower traffic. Nothing like bringing everyone to a stop every block or so to encourage one to find another way….
I just can not believe we’re spending $100k for traffic studies. Just implement a change (stop signs, speed limits or both) and try it for six months. Things will get better, worse or stay the same. If it’s better, wonderful; if it’s worse, change it back. If it’s the same, at least we didn’t spend $100k. Other than the signs, the cost is negligible.
Problem solved!
I’ll take $25k for coming up with a solution and save us all $75k!!!!
I don’t think being a city council member is an easy job but I wish they would think things like this through before ponying up tax dollars….
Jim says
Also, I forgot to make this comment…
I have to believe Palm Coast has some engineers for city streets, zoning, traffic lights and any related items. In the small city (12k) I lived in years ago, they had a traffic engineer. So I expect Palm Coast has at least one….
Since that’s likely, I’d simply suggest that Palm Coast use that person to draw up a plan and implement it. Again, if the first plan doesn’t work, make adjustments. And save $100k…..
If I’m wrong and we don’t have at least one engineer, I think that’s a little odd but if we do and we can’t use that position to solve problems like this then my secondary suggestion is there’s a good place to save some money by getting rid of that position if it can’t be used for something like this…..
Celia Pugliese says
WE have a city Traffic Engineer his name is Grunewald he is supposed to do all this: https://docs.palmcoastgov.com/departments/hr/job-postings/02519.pdf Furthermore does this: https://www.palmcoastgov.com/newsroom/2020/9/1/4700/city-of-palm-coast-traffic-engineer-fcso-deputies-work-to-improve-intersection-flow. He is the one that times our Palm Coast Parkway lights!! Is who has us stopping on red on each intersection from Clubhouse Drive to Belle Terre to discourage… speeding? I have asked just for a try only, to time the lights without stopping us on red in every intersection and see the results, but to no avail so far…
Hammock Huck says
It’s quite evident that Grunewald is USELESS and not earning his salary of the Palm Coast taxpayers. Time to find a competent engineer.
Jim says
Well, I don’t know MR. Grunewald but I’ll say this…. If I was the city engineer for this, I’d be a little annoyed if they decided to hire outsiders to figure out the issue. After all, isn’t that the guy’s job? Or, if not annoyed, then I would guess Mr. Grunewald is perfectly happy to have outsiders make suggestions that may/may not be implemented. Either way he can also say “it’s not my fault”.
That said, it’s a real shame that the administration of this city isn’t holding Mr. Grunewald’s feet to the fire to get a resolution on this. And here’s a suggestion for the city council – perhaps you should ask the city manager WHY Mr. Grunewald can’t take a stab at solving this problem? Why is the first solution to go find someone outside and spend our tax dollars?
Finally, thanks to Celia Pugliese for enlightening me on this. I did a cursory search to see what I could find and struck out. I appreciate this info! And, Hammock Huck, I won’t completely agree with your assessment as I don’t know enough about it but I surely lean in your direction – with the caveat that perhaps Mr. Grunewald may not be the only person that needs to have their job looked at!!!
NoVoiceNoChoice says
More stop signs or hitting signal lights on red just means more time for traffic to back up while sitting still. If that idiot engineer would just time the lights so that traffic does not have to stop at every single signal on Palm Coast PKWY with traffic flowing at the actual 45mph speed limit, compensating for peak flow as needed, then that would also cut down on speeders trying to jockey for a position to make the next light. It would also cut down on road rage incidents for what equates to drivers just being mad that the people around them are doing the speed limit as many are only speeding to hopefully catch the next light before it goes red again. For the record some changes have been made recently at the signal light for PC Pkwy and Boulder Rock Dr and not for the better. A couple days ago I was sitting there and the 3 East bound lights went green and NOTHING else was allowed to move for a good 45 seconds. That was 45 seconds that could have been either a Left Turn arrow onto Boulder Rock or 45 seconds that the West Bound traffic on PC Pkwy COULD HAVE been flowing instead it was just another delay for no reason whatsoever which seems to be what life in PC is all about lately.
melly says
Just ridiculous. City planners, justifying their position longevity by making “studies” a requirement to do something simple and common-sense. JUST DO IT. Studying this as proposed is an absolute waste, given other intersections and other roads in town with more immediate needs to “study”. I echo other calls here for fixing the intersection at SR100 and Seminole Woods–now that there is explosive explosive growth to the south, that whole intersection is completely inadequate to safely support the traffic coming through it. The people who “run” the city have lost all semblance of common sense in running things.
Edith Campins says
So, let me understad this. We don’t have the money to repair the existing roads or to widen the roads to accomodate all the increased traffic from the new, unrestrained development but we are going to pay for yet another study, the results of which we will have no money to implement. I wonder how much of their front lawns the people on Florida park will be willing to give up so the road can be widened to accomodate medians.
Samuel says
You people do not know how to run a city so just do us all a favor and go do something else.
We are so tired of all the st
dave says
I’m sure the FDOT doesn’t charge $100k for a few new speed limit signs. Get the signs and have the Flagler Cty Sheriff dept patrol and ticket.
Billy says
After all the building expansion and destruction of the woodlands this town all look just like Jacksonville Orlando. Nothing special just a big, huge strip, malls of houses and roads packed like sardines.
blondee says
Really? C’mon council members, just go out there and stand on any of those corners and see for yourself what’s going on.
Boom! We just saved $94,000.
I’m Tired says
And how much will my property taxes go up for these frivolous games Republicans play?
The party of fiscal conservatism and small government is long gone. My relative was POTUS, a Republican, but not like today’s Republicans. He believed in equality, fairness, and was socially a liberal. That is what it means to me to be a conservative, to have social liberties where people can love who they love, dress how they want, read what they want, work where they want, be whoever they feel they are, all without government intrusion, while being fiscally conservative in ways that don’t stop progress and community improvements. Now Republican’s are all Big Brother from Brave New World. Next thing all TV’s sold will have a camera in them to watch us. It starts small, like a thief in the night stripping a right here or there and then you wake up one day and realize you have no say over anything anymore. We’re heading there with all these draconian laws Republican’s are pushing as freedom.
Hammock Huck says
Stop with the political party blame. Palm Coast City Commission is comprised of transplants who never made it in the local city commissions where they came from, so when they moved here, it was wide open. They don’t have the first clue on how to manage a fairly new city. It’s all about ignorance, and Palm Coast is loaded with it.
Peter Attas says
Current speed limits are not enforced on neighborhood streets. Cars and trucks are regularly driving 40 mph in front of my house, with no enforcement ever. Just designate deputies to monitor traffic speed, especially at rush hour.
Hammock Huck says
Yea, that works having Deputies “monitor the speed.” Enough of the deterrent of a Deputy sitting in the car on the side of the road, doing nothing, IT DOESN’T WORK. Have the Deputies out of the cars, with handheld radars, stop and ticket the speeding drivers. That will get a violator’s attention rather quickly, and the Deputies need to keep hammering the area until the speeding problem is slowed down.
Robert says
Let me guess what number STUDY are we on now for the City of PC all they ever do is waste taxpayers money to do STUDIES, so who in the City if getting a kick back on all these studies.
It is time to get rid of those in the City that need to keep wasting taxpayers monies because they aren’t logical enough to make their on decisions or let the people vote on it.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves from the Mayor on down, he sure doesn’t need to be voted in again, he has done enough damage already.
Pogo says
@The sheriff is always running for re-election (or the next step-up)
Speeders and other idiots (open exhaust pipes, etc.) aren’t scoff laws — they’re voters. Duh.
There’s a lot of actual common sense in all these comments — made by the same folks who crow about Florida, and bellyache about it for the same reasons. Make up your mind.
Absolutely Ridiculous says
I hope the council members read these comments because this is about the last straw on WASTING OUR TAXPAYER MONIES!!
You are a bunch of idiots! I suppose there will be a tax increase to cover all this STUPIDITY!
Randy says
Kick-back studies! Lol, this town is a corrupt joke!
Land of no turn signals says says
Randy hit the nail on the head.We need a kick back study on these “studies”and over development construction.
Shark says
Just set up speeding cameras and red light cameras. That’s the best way to crack down on violators. We can’t rely on Staly to do anything about it. His deputies are too busy working on I95.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Take the red light cameras & stick them where the sun dont shine. We put up with that crap before, ints a waste of time & money!
Mark says
An easy start would be to repaint the “stop line” at all Stop Signs and enforce stopping at all Stop Signs and Red lights while turning right seems most are just driving right through them, easy fix right there. Don’t pay me for the idea just put $25 in the paint fund.
Me says
Let the tazpayers in the City of PC do a survey if we should fire the Mayor and the City Council members and get a whole new staff that doesn’t continue to waste taxpayers monies.
James says
What’s next? A $100K study to determine whether the council makes too many studies?
Did Alfin contract with an outside firm to do a study on whether or not to raise the council members compensation package?… I don’t recall that he did.
So obviously they ARE capable of making a sweeping decision without one.
Just an opinion.
Jack says
Simple- put at least 1 stop sign on Florida Park Dr- Simple
Cathy says
What was wrong with the last study?
TR says
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe the last study wasn’t good enough because it was done under a different council. The last article of the study was also on Flaglerlive https://flaglerlive.com/florida-park-drive-2019/#gsc.tab=0. I haven’t been to a council meeting in awhile, but I guess it’s time to go again. Maybe the residence (or complainers) should also go but should also suggest a few solutions instead of just typing their complaints on here. The voice of the people might be a good thing to do in public at the meetings. Besides, Florida Park Dr isn’t the only problem street in PC with speeders. Whiteview, Royal Palms Dr, and a bunch of the long side streets as well. I know on my street there are people who think the speed limit on a daily bases is 40 to 60 mph. I have yelled at them “SLOW DOWN” just for them to hit the gas and go faster. You can hear it in the sound of the engine when they hit the gas. This crap is really old and people start to go to these meetings. Unfortunately the other thing to do is vote these members of the council out. But there is a little over 10 months before the elections and they can do a lot more damage to our pockets before then. the other person that needs to go is Mr. Grunwald. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, especially when it comes to the timing of the traffic lights. Oh wait, he most likely read the outcome report from the survey the city paid for to find out a solution. IMO
The thing I believe to be about surveys is the reports are opinions from other people. I have (as well as plenty of other people in this city) on solutions to the problem. So this is why the people need to go to the meeting and express your opinions. Maybe the mouse in the Mayor and council members brain that holds the two wires together will see the common sense solution from a tax payer and do something correct to solve the problem. No need to do a survey other than the council to say (when the steps are taken reported in the survey) doesn’t work. The council can turn around and say “we did what the survey outcome suggested”.
MITCH says
Well, if you fail to use the infrastructure as it was designed, then there will always be traffic issues that harm residential neighborhoods. Palm Coast Parkway / Palm Harbor Parkway Intersection was designed for the exchange of parkway traffic not through any residential neighborhood, like residential Florida Park Drive. 7,700 cars per day & 765 trucks per day, over 3 million vehicles per year 60 feet from children’s bedrooms.
bruces says
when they did this study the last time they did nothing i spent 4 year plus on safety and worked with Al for almost 2 years
please read the statement i can tell you between 2018 and 2020 there where 168 tickets on Cimmaron
when you look at tickets now and get a copy 90 pct is warnings why please see attached
Al is turning in his grave and spitting up his cuts
lowering the speed is not going to solve this issue
o a good friend of mine called to let me that the council woman
from the c section asking people to report to her about what streets
should reduce the speed signs in pc. Guess what speed signs dont mean
a thing to people in this city. The safety national board recommends speed cushions speed tables where there is high traffic violations. cities like port orange Ormond beach Daytona st augustine and other states our using these devices and our delighted with the results, Also St pete and clearwater
These devices. This devices do save collisions and avoid death
when spectrum interviewed me last year about speeding conditions they city said there was only occassion speedsters on cimmarion if that is the case how do you explain 168 tickets in 18 months? Lets not forget the Lady on chooze in 2013 who was run down like a dog, Left to die on the street. The woman was reporting as to have been drinking left the this 76 year old woman on the street. Her attorney was attorney was smart enough to not have the trail
in Flager she got 2 years in prison we have several people in pc due to accidents from the holidays one was a good aquistance of mine who worked at the bowling alley, a wonder if any city offical attend the family memorial services doubt it. Just recently i was coming from us1 down pc Parkway headed to corbett and a car was driving right toward me thank god i pulled over to the side near the ford dealship. All the want to do he is build build build
Get ride of Afflin Nick ED who vote for all the new developments adding traffic problems to existing traffic problems
ask them how many respects to people who have died between dec and jan at least 3 young people in which one i knew well
instead Affin make a speach about his son not once did he make a speech about the youths in this city who were killed
due to terrible lighting speeding by other vehicles i have to hate everyone on this city council
we need all fresh blood
Be the first to react
Brian Turbet says
Forest Grove Drive, which is a residential street is located just south of Matanzas High School in the north F section. It is a 1 mile raceway. There are no houses on the north side of the street so it looks like Old Kings Road rather than a residential street. Sheriff speed studies measured 1200 cars/day and “average” speeds of 40 mph. It is a dead end street and no longer provides vehicle access to Matanzas HS. Yet, 50-60 cars per day speed in and out twice a day to drop off students at the local pedestrian gate for student walk-ins from my neighborhood because the radical parents don’t want to get on the drop off line at the school.
I have met the mayor twice, Sheriff Commanders Reynolds and Vedder from the sheriff’s office and spoke with Commissioner Pontieri. I’ve also requested solutions to our speeding and student drop off problems through Palm Coast Connect for almost 2 years.
The result of my endless requests was 4 additional speed limit signs.
I’ve asked for speed tables, Blind curve signs, hidden driveway signs, flashing speed indicator signs and physical barriers to stop parents from parking on our street every afternoon.
I will continue to pursue action from all authorities connected to this problem until they act or a pedestrian gets killed on our street.