Palm Coast Data did a very nice thing today. It thanked its employees with a picnic-pep-rally (with games to boot), acknowledging all they’d been through with the company’s consolidation and—though that was left unsaid—layoffs, restructuring, and a few new hires. In case you’re new to the scene, or as most people are, unfamiliar with what these folks do, they “fulfill” subscriptions for magazines.
The company did another very nice thing today. It invited and thanked elected and other government officials, and showed them around the place. The Palm Coast and county executives were there, along with their deputies (Sally Sherman in the county’s case, Beau Falgout, a senior planner and leader of the city’s economic development team, in Palm Coast’s case). Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts and council member Holsey Moorman were there. U.S. Rep. John Mica and Sen. Bill Nelson sent representatives, as did Sen. John Thrasher. Three county commission members were there—George Hanns, the chairman of the commission, Barbara Revels (despite her foot injury) and Alan Peterson. Even Sheriff Don Fleming and his chief deputy, Rick Look, were invited, though Palm Coast Data drew a line at Flagler Beach and Bunnell officials: those were not.
Click On:
- Palm Coast Data Parent Revenue Drops 21% in 2010, Accelerating to 24% in Last 3 Months
- Lay-Offs at Palm Coast Data; Parent Co. Posts Loss and Signs $20 Million Line of Credit
- Palm Coast Muscles Closer to $10 Million City Hall Through Financial Ploys
- Magazine Readership Off Sharply Among Affluent
The company also did a very dumb thing, as companies hooked on secrecy and PR contracts tend to do: press or public (the same thing, really) were not invited. Palm Coast Data is based in Palm Coast, but it employs an Atlanta-based PR company, Duffey Communications, to flack for it. Jeff Walker, a Duffey Communications man, was standing guard at the guest-registration table Friday afternoon, ensuring that only the right kind of people made it through. He was splendidly non-communicative for a communications guy. Palm Coast Data probably includes him on its employee tally sheet.
It’s perfectly understandable (and defensible, even necessary) for private companies to keep their company functions private. But this was not a company function—not when both the county’s and city’s top administrations, half the city council and a quorum of the county commission were there in addition to state and federal servants. By inviting all these people, the company made it a public function, then redefined public as those with government titles only, as if constituents aren’t quite good enough to see and hear what The Elected may see and hear.
It’s a wonder why elected officials go for this sort of shenanigans. They’re the ones who end up paying the price when their constituents accuse them of backroom dealing. It’s a wonder Palm Coast’s and Flagler County’s elected representatives were willing to take part in the dog-and-PCD show considering that it wasn’t their money but ours that subsidized the company’s sweet deal with the city and the county two years ago. The elected weren’t necessarily aware that the event was closed: council members or county commission members don’t, unfortunately, make it a habit to check on those details, which can be more telling than anything they hear at those pointlessly selective functions. City Manager Jim Landon himself had mentioned a few times in the past few months that the company might hold an open house to let people in town get a peek at what the company is all about. Maybe they thought that was it.
It wasn’t as if the invited heard anything worth the secrecy: John Meneough talked about the consolidation of the company, thanked the company and the city, talked about how the company got through its consolidation nine months earlier than planned (the company closed plants in Illinois, Ohio and Colorado and merged operations in Palm Coast).
No word of course about how yesterday (Sept. 30), Nicholas G. Karabots, the parent company (Amrep)’s majority shareholder, withdrew his offer to take the company private. That Sept. 8 offer helped stanch what had been the company stock’s worst nosedive all year—a 30 percent drop since a minor peak in April. Nor did Meneough chat about Palm Coast Data’s continuing losses and falling revenues—a 25 percent revenue drop in the first quarter of the current fiscal year, compared with the same quarter last year in subscription-fulfillment, which is Palm Coast Data’s core service and the lion share of the parent company’s revenue stream. The numbers continue an unhappy trend. The company is not on the most sustainable course.
Here’s another thing Meneough didn’t talk about: how many people actually work at Palm Coast Data, especially in Palm Coast itself. So it’s not known, besides vague generalities, how close, or how far, the company is from its 2008 staffing level of around 1,000, or its promise back then to add 700 more. It has laid off workers—and has hired some, and some of those new hires have presumably benefited from the tax subsidies from the city, yet there’s no accounting of how many actually have. So much for transparency from either the beneficiary or the provider of taxdollar subsidies. And Meneough didn’t take questions: It was no time for Q&A’s. Duffey Communications trained him well.
The company’s operations head talked about ongoing modernization and attempts to land a new line of business for the company (emphasis on attempts), including possibilities in electronic publishing, though when even Apple and New York’s major publishers haven’t figured out how best to deliver such things as magazines to Kindle-type devices without charging ridiculous sums, that’s a crapshoot for now. And for all the unemployment in the world, Palm Coast Data is having trouble filling IT spots, though one IT type told a commissioner that the company’s technological improvements are naturally cutting down on the need for new hires. Then there were the tours.
Inviting The Elected is the least Palm Coast Data should do: between the city and the county, the company is the beneficiary of half a million dollars in taxpayer subsidies on top of getting Palm Coast’s old city hall for $2.4 million less than its assessed value. When the city or the county buy land, they usually pay three to six times the assessed value or more, unless they don’t like the guy whose land they want to buy. The gift to Palm Coast Data will end up costing city taxpayers at least $10 million more once it builds a new city hall (Landon has been busy shilling for the new thing week after week in front of neighborhood watch organizations, where he says plans for the new city hall are “well received”).
Palm Coast, the county and Enterprise Flagler put together those concessions ostensibly to keep Palm Coast Data from leaving town and consolidate its operations elsewhere. Actual evidence that it was going to move elsewhere was never made public; the public was asked to go on faith—and dread—which it did, as did the council and the county, so for the last two and half years we’ve been hearing about how grateful we should be not only to the city and the county for bending over backward in keeping the company here, but to Palm Coast Data itself for staying. The concessions included generous subsidies for the 700 new jobs the company was to create.
Even as the company is attempting to reinvent itself, right now it’s in survival mode: like newspapers, magazines aren’t about to rebound. More will scale back publishing frequency (as US News & World Report, one of Palm Coast Data’s major accounts, did) or close altogether. Even the Magazine Publishers of America, the trade’s chief association, is getting the message: on Monday (Oct. 4), it will announce its name change at the 2010 American Magazine Conference to this clunker: “MPA—the Association of Magazine Media.” Whatever that means (papier mâché, too, is a medium).
That’s not going to change the trend putting a dagger in Palm Coast Data’s business model. PricewaterhouseCoopers put spending on magazine advertising—the fuel that keeps magazines going—at $10.5 billion last year. It’s expected to be $9.8 billion this year, a 34 percent decline from 2007. The declines are expected to continue. Magazines looking to the Kindle model to stay alive may have an out. But that cuts out the middle man like Palm Coast Data.
The point being that today’s event at Palm Coast Data was really two events. One is well deserved: Cheering the company’s employees is beyond reproach. Most of them are underpaid, overworked and uncertain. A free hot dog and a thank you go a long way. There’s no limit to hoping they have a long and prosperous time with their company, and vice versa.
The second event was an early fall snow job, probably designed as much for the employees as for The Elected. Palm Coast Data, like the industry it “fulfills,” is in trouble. It won’t level with its employees or its invitation-only audience. That’s its prerogative. It’s what companies do even when they’re half-way down the precipice. Ask Bear Stearns. But council and commission members elected to protect the public (rather than company) interest don’t have to buy the calculated flattery, let alone repackage it and sell it—as they will in coming weeks, singing the praises of today’s events—just as Palm Coast Data intends them to do all the way up to Tallahassee and Washington (tax breaks, anyone?).
Yet Palm Coast city officials led by Landon and his economic development amen corner keep pointing to Palm Coast Data as the jewel in Flagler County’s economic development crown, and the example to follow. Forget about the failure of the economic development tax, which was pre-ordained by its organizers’ tone-deaf arrogance. The problem is the aftermath: if betting big with more taxpayer dollars (through an increased sales tax, as the next push is all about) and bringing big companies like Palm Coast Data to town is the adopted strategy, the risks—doubly assumed by taxpayers, who’d be providing subsidies and employees to the baited company—aren’t worth the temporary rewards when a total bust may be the ultimate price. The county placed just that kind of bet on real estate in the past decade, a bet subsidized to the hilt by county and city policies written in the hieroglyphs of developer fantasies.
Ruin wasn’t worth those go-go years. Replicating the same bet on companies, especially those not strong enough to take free enterprise seriously and plan their fate on their own, would be a fresh, Flagler County-styled definition of insanity. Or socialized industry, if you prefer.
But take a look again at all those names attending the Palm Coast Data show today. That’s your “economic development” team. And they think they just got a fresh new set of talking points.
jim says
Is this a news article or editorial? Note to Palm Coast Data next time buy or give Pierre a hot dog. It is obvious this slanted article is a retaliation for not getting a free hotdog.
Okay: the selling of the building, the big tax payers gift to Palm Coast Data. The building was sold in late 2008 or early 2009 (Post Real estate crash). The price of the building was 50% of the 2006 appraisal. 2006 was the peak of the real estate boom. So selling the building at 50% 2006 appraisal was probably higher than actual 2008-2009 market value.
All tax payers incentives are based on job creation. If the new jobs are not created there isn’t incentives given to Palm Coast Data.
cyd says
Aren’t the number of employees at a particular location part of public information? I would think there is a way to find out how many people are actually employed there… no?
Citizen says
I am also upset that I did not receive a free hot dog.
emile says
Jim, this is an editorial. When Pierre signs his name to the article, then it’s an editorial.
But I think the press should have been invited, too. A hot dog is a small price to pay for good press.
Pierre Tristam says
Jims, Romans, Citizens, lend me your corn ears: I never eat at government or corporate functions (to avoid spin poisoning), but I do pay taxes.
JR says
I don’t get it. Was Palm Coast Data supposed to open their corporate picnic to the 94,901 (Bureau of Economic and Business Research at University of Florida estimate 2010) residents of Flagler County?
Sean O'Brien says
I imagine the exchange between “Jeff Walker, a Duffey Communications man,…” who “… was standing guard at the guest-registration table Friday afternoon, ensuring that only the right kind of people made it through…”, and Mr. Tristam went something like as follows:
“Good day, Sir, I am Pierre Tristam with Flaglerlive.com. I came to partake in your company exclusive picnic in hopes of spreading the word about your wonderful company and enjoying a delicious, spin-free hot dog.”
“I’m sorry to inform you that our function today is invitation and employee only.”
“Your invitations include elected officials or their representatives, therefore I must be present just in case one of them pick their nose or possibly compliment company executives for doing a good job!”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Tristam, no press or public without an invitation.”
“Ok, you want to play hard ball, tough guy? I’m going to find out from my secret source all about your stupid little picnic – just like I was able to find out about the gritty details of the Enterprise Flagler CLOSED conference call- and write an excruciatingly long winded whine piece because I wasn’t allowed in. Then my four regular readers are going to post sarcastic comments about it AND your stupid company. What do you think about that?!”
Gail St. Pierre says
OMG, Pierre, you are sounding like your attendance at our tea party meetings is rubbing off on you. Limited Government, Lower Taxes, more control by We the People over how OUR money is spent. Not subsidizing socialism. WOW! You have made my day.
Furious says
Thats true Jim, PCD does not get any tax incentives if the new jobs aren’t created. But, because they most probably have a huge turnover, that shouldn’t be a problem. PCD couldn’t afford to leave town anyway, it was far cheaper for them to do this deal, they’ve been here too long, so lets put the fear into people that WE MIGHT leave and see what we can get in return.
Pierre Tristam says
Sean, it’s six regular readers, counting my two brothers and my rabbi, not four.
A parent says
As a former employee of PCD I can say that what Pierre reported here is true. It felt like I worked in a sweat shop. I’d rather be homeless and live on the street than work for them again.
whatshesaid says
OMG – PCD does something nice for the employees and manages to get criticized for doing it. Pierre – stuff it! There’s no way that “the public” could have been invited to this event – it was a thank you to the employees who have worked their butts off. It’s extremely mean-spirited of you to find fault with it. The economy sucks and yet PCD does manage to continue to hire. And you manage to find a way to blast about it. You poor thing – you weren’t invited! And, by the way, there was delicious food – dogs, burgers, sausage, barbeque beef, salad….PCD may not be perfect, but let’s stop and think what the unemployment would look like without it. There are employees who have worked for PCD for over 20 years. Pierre – go babble on about something else.
PC MAN says
I agree with Pierre, any company that is that secretive is bizarre. We all know it’s a crap company paying as close to min wage as possible. You want to be a crap company ? fine, just don’t take my tax dollars while your doing it.
Jackson says
Taxpayer dollars invested for minimum wage jobs???? WTF?????
RCH says
That many elected officials at one function deserves press coverage. And why wouldn’t they want it? If they wanted it private, they shouldn’t have invited PUBLIC officials.
can'twealljustgetalong says
Under what rock are you guys hiding under!!! That’s CAPITALISM for you!! At least PCD and other companies like them have not opted yet to move all of their operations overseas. Then what would you do, who would you complain to? “Taxpayer dollars for minimum wage jobs????” Have you not heard about the 99 weeks of unemployment benefits funded by taxpayer dollars? At least they are receiving money to create jobs, yeah, most probably minimum wage pay but, employment nonetheless. In addition, without Palm Coast Data this town wouldn’t even exist. Wait, let me take that back. We’d probably be stuck in the horse and carriage days of yester-year. And you’d be writing about the potato crops and rainfall expectancy for the season. For fun, lets do the math. Per the US Census – Flagler County 2009 estimates there are 91622 supposed residents. We all know that since then, many have had to move away and these numbers may not be all that accurate. But we will use these numbers to finish this comment. From the 91622 residents, we will deduct for persons under 5 years old (5.1%), persons under 18 years old (19.5%), persons over 65 years old (24.7%), and persons with disability (10,410 per estimates from 2000). That leaves +/- 36,044 persons available for work. From here, deduct the 16.4% unemployment rate based on the Florida’s Agency for Workforce Innovation. That would leave +/- 30,133 supplying most, if not all, of the county’s budget.
Now, lets suppose that Palm Coast Data had moved out of the county. Lets add to the unemployment rate the +/- 3.3% that PCD represents (EST PCD employees – 1200 / 36,044 = .0333 x 100 = 3.3293 or 3.3%). Lets also estimate the payroll that will be lost. To simplify this process, we will assume that the estimated 1200 employees all get paid the minimum wage. So, 1200 employees x’s 52 weeks x’s 40 hour work week x’s $7.25 = $18,096,000. This total does not include what PCD spends as ‘costs to run the business’ that include but are not limited to: office supplies, light, water, and so on. One could only estimate what this number could be, but surely, it must be substantial. Furthermore, without PCD, lets add all the persons (outside contractors) that would be out of work that currently do work with them. Do you think the restaurants, retail stores, etc. would be as busy? Perhaps, the newer ones would have not even considered coming here, let alone broken ground. So as you can see, it would make a huge difference not having PCD.
Ken Dodge says
can’twealljustgetalong says: “In addition, without Palm Coast Data this town wouldn’t even exist.”
In which case, we would be known only as “Data”.
Anonymous says
Not to worry, after all the hullabaloo, that PCD was going to hire at a minimum $45,000 jobs, they snookered, not these idiot politicians, but the 94,000 plus taxpayers to get freebies such as the City buildings and tax breaks. Don’t worry taxpayers, PCD will be sold again for the umpteenth time.
whatshesaid says
Well, instead of all the bs comments, “can’twealljustgetalong” has finally presented some facts. Makes good sense to me. And oh by the way to “A Parent”, even if PCD were a sweatshop, which it isn’t, most parents I know would gladly work anywhere, doing whatever, to keep their kids from “living on the streets”. I’m so tired of people who think the world owes them a living.
JR says
Lousy place to work!
PC MAN says
Hey can’twealljustgetalong, if the company is getting money and benefits from the government for creating jobs can you still really call it “CAPITALISM” ?
J.J. Graham says
Hey you guys are all invited to come to an art exhibit at Hollingsworth Gallery on Sat. 9th. We’re not a huge corporation, but I think we can do better than hotdogs. We also welcome the press, as well as government officials. By the way I’m the seventh reader. Lucky #.
Anonymous says
In response to, can’twealljustgetalong, it’s still a lousy company to work for. I bet there has been over 12,000 people that quit, got laid off (tax payer money), and fired.
You can tell Union is a bad word to you.
Anonymous Annie says
I just have to say, as an employee there, I really enjoyed the festivities and the free lunch. It was a nice day and a nice way to say thank you. I for one am thankful for the “crap job” I have there. It supports myself and my children. And while it may not be the dream job I’ve always wanted, if I wanted something better, it’s up to me to earn it, not expect it to be handed to me.
That being said, I was a little put off by the upper management’s speeches and how they all seemed to be thanking themselves instead of the hard working hourly type of employees who really bust their butts every day to keep that place going and who have sacrificed weekend after weekend with their families to make the consolidation happen.
Justice for All says
Thanks, Pierre, for reporting on this. More to come?!
Pierre Tristam says
I would hope so, for Justice’s sake.
Amanda says
Just to let everyone know, whoever wrote this article was probably jealous…. that he didn’t get invited. Let me tell you why we ACTUALLY had this picnic. Because All of us at Palm Coast Data had to struggle to help each and every customer that was calling in for their subscriptions. We closed offices and we here in Palm Coast had to make up for the slack, which included major over time, up to 12 hours a day. I know most of you can’t appreciate what we do, but the next time you have a problem with you car bill, electric bill, or a MAGAZINE, just remember when you call customer service, were the same people you talk to. The had this picnic to celerate all of our hard work and introduce people to what we do. So before you get all jealous, because you weren’t invited, take time to understand why our bosses appreciate us so much! Thank you!
Amanda says
And about the minimum wage… We dont get minimum wage, were paid very well for what we do. and were not SECRETIVE, we just dont need people getting in our doors and stealing our clients’ information and possibly ruining our company. if you actually GOOGLED us, you’d find out alot.
Anonymous says
I wouldn’t work there even if you paid me. Not even for overtime. Still a lousy company to work for because of back stabbers and ass kissers like you.
Barney Smythe says
What??? No Ken Mazzie, Donna Hess or the Queen of Queens???
george says
Correct me if I am wrong — but ELECTED public officials REPRESENT the public; so by inviting them you are in effect inviting the public. That is the whole damn point. The press represents their view of the facts; they are NOT the public. Get a life dude.
allfornot says
I’m sure Amanda is paid “very well for what she does” especially if she’s either a friend or family member of one of the executives like Tashler. Anyone who works there, and I do, knows what this was all about. It was strictly a “dog and pony” show for the city and county. They could care less about the employees. If they did you would see it on a daily basis regarding respect for what everyone does. They can’t hire additional staff who do the grunt work, or match the 401K anymore, but they sure can seem to hire more executives. Another one was just hired a week or so ago. Wonder if he lives in Palm Coast or if they are paying him to fly back and forth from the west coast and pay his expenses while here like they do for the others. Is working there better than being unemployed? Possibly, but you pay dearly for the price of a job there. It’s a very sad situation when someone asks you where you work and when you say PCD they say “I’m sorry, I hear that’s a horrible place to work.” Are they having a problem hiring IT types….well if they paid better then they could get them. No one is going to commute from JAX or any long distance for the pay and benefits that they receive, let alone the amount of hours they would be required to put in. If they hadn’t burnt their bridge with people in the Flagler and Daytona area over the years maybe they could find someone who would be willing to work there. Mark my word, you will see layoffs shortly after this little event because that’s how they operate.
BEEBob says
The truth is PCD’s managers are being systematically replaced by their counterparts in CO. Dedicated employees, many with 15-20 years of service. Obviously they had some kind of clique there and are moving the whole group here at the expense of long time Palm Coast residents. When all the replacements are in effect then the layoffs will start. They will get rid of the hourly employees with 10-20 years who are making good wages and replace them with new close to minimum wage employees. Experience means nothing. It’s the almighty dollar – oh except for the managers and VPs, who I’m sure gave themselves a pay raise.
moved on says
allfornot you hit the nail on the head. PCD does not pay well at all I used to work there. They do pay better in CS then they do in the warehouse. Which by the way is a sweat shop. They do not nor have they ever cared about their employees or the employees families. You work 7 days a week OT on top of that barely have major holidays off. and have to fight to get paid for some of your OT let alone all of it because the time clock messes up. I feel sorry for anyone who works there, but it is better than being unemployed and in the streets with your children. They just need to appreciate there employees and realize that they are the reason the company is growing not management which is piss poor.
It's me again says
You go allfornot—you hit the nail on the head—–
givemeabreak says
Note to Meneough and Tashler….the slaves were emancipated back in the 1800’s. Better catch up. And regarding allfornot’s comment about layoffs, rumor has it that they will be laying off account managers within the next 30 days. Go figure, they are one of the small group of employees who make more than minimum wage. No wonder this piece of crap company wants to do it before year end. More bonus money for the executives.
Carol says
In response to whatshesaid said – a thank you to the employees for the busting their butts for all the hard work they have done. Perhaps you are not aware of all the long hours and hard work and the butts that have been worked off in the IL and CO offices, only to receive not a free hot dog, but a ticket to the unemployment line. I completely understand that this is business and things like this happen, facilities close down, etc, etc but come on – let’s give all employees the recognition they deserve. Do you see any management coming to those left in IL and thanking them. That would be a big fat NO!
sosickofyouall says
It’s pathetic how you all that have negative crap to write are obviously so miserable. Yes it is sad that other areas had to shut down and again that is business… As for the thank you’s! It was well deserved, and it is all luck you can say that it happened in Palm Coast. Those that are still in CO or IL should be very thankful that they still have their jobs. As for the rest that work at PCD I’m sure some are happy and some not, but deep down I am certain that they are extremely happy that they receive a paycheck every other week. It’s hard getting good jobs now and for better or for worse those working at PCD have that income coming in. You all can talk all the crap you want wheather it is politics or what you like, it’s honest work. I’m over all this bs you all have to say. And one more thing… I am sure any friends or relatives of the executives would even bother with any of you… Those that may defend PCD believe it or not don’t have to be paid well, but are just extremely glad that they can bring a paycheck home… Get a life!
Anonymous says
Just the name, PALM COAST DATA, gives Palm Coast a bad name. Move back to Colorado. Still a lousy place to work.
You all better catch up ! PCD is already shipping basic core customer service functions to India…and little by little they will continue to ship more work to India until India is doing EVERYTHING!
You can eat all the free hot dogs you want but PCD isstill a HOSTILE WORKPLACE! when is someone going to address this ??????????
starfyre says
i pray for a hotdog!!
rowrowrowyourboat says
We (pee-on’s) just try to fly under the radar each day. The Bubba-Club has their favorites….nothing we can do about it. We just work like dogs and dream of the day when other large companies come to town. Does ‘jump ship’ sound familiar!!! Most everyone is looking elsewhere for a job….we’re tired….OH SO TIRED of being beaten down. Don’t speak up!! Don’t make waves!!! Don’t question anything!! AND STOP SMOKING!! Cause WE don’t smoke!!!! Pisssttt….KISS MY GRITS!!!!
harryc says
Pierre should get the opinion of the 350+ magazines titles that have left PCD in the last 3 years. Some of their comments would be interesting to read. Another big one just left. Watch the financial pages for the next quarterly installment of losses.
whyohwhy says
PCD has a history of bankruptcy and is most certainly headedm down that path again. Why would the major shareholder try to privatize a company he already owns major shares in? So he can sell it – and not have to make the sale public as required for all publically traded companies. PCD is in sserious trouble and those clients still there are looking for stability else where. For those that do the day to day work there is no respect. Rumors of more layoffs are just the start. This story is far from over- Thanks for bringing the publics eye to what is really going on. Keep on reporting the facts.
Kyle Russell says
If we’re going to be subsidizing a company in a failing industry (see http://tinyurl.com/2gxxt9h and http://tinyurl.com/lgwmu6), shouldn’t our money at least come with demands that are going to be addressed? Sure, managers at Palm Coast Data say they will attempt to get in on the electronic publishing business, but we must ask how they plan to do so. While publishing on new e-reader and tablet devices is on the rise, the very nature of the devices enables publishers to interact directly with readers, eliminating the need for companies like Palm Coast Data.
While some may suggest that the fact that the employees at Palm Coast Data have jobs at all is a good thing, think about things in the short- to medium-terms. The longer these employees have jobs, the more likely they are to engage in purchases with large financial obligations, such as newer cars or even homes. When these employees face layoffs (as Palm Coast Data is known to do: https://flaglerlive.com/4791/lay-offs-palm-coast-data), the impact of these layoffs is worse than if the employee had simply never had the job in the first place. Therefore, before our city gives another “contribution” to Palm Coast Data, it would be a good idea to demand evidence showing how Palm Coast Data can provide jobs for years to come.
audrapcd says
from what i understand pcd is getting ready to lay off again soon.
not again says
I, too, was an employee of PCD for several years in several different departments and I had never experienced such workplace behavior in my life. There were hostile supervisors, “mandatory” overtime, unreasonable behavior demands placed on workers…..I’m sorry but nobody should be told when they can use the restroom, even elementary schools don’t impose bladder control. Their H.R. Dept. would do well to obtain some federal labor law guidelines and pass them on but that place is a joke…..a person couldn’t go to H.R. with a personal problem without their private business becoming common knowledge within a few hours. Management hold themselves in very high regard, to the point where they don’t even acknowlege their own employees.
To all of you who are either brainwashed or “preferred” employees, give up your argument that the place is wonderful and you’re so grateful for your jobs…..yack, yack, yack There is no loyalty for anyone, regardless of the years in service and that Hot Dog Day was just another attempt to schmooze local and state officials. All you “regular” employees were used to make Management look good and everyone who attended the function fell for their scheme.
It’s been amazing to me that we had the resources and open space in Flagler County for new business but every new business opted for St. Johns or Volusia County over this area……huh, makes me wonder how badly our elected officials have attempted to get new industry or if they were more concerned with their good friend, PCD, and keeping them supplied with employees who would otherwise be leaving that hell hole. It’s a point to ponder…….
newfloridian29 says
to Not Again – you have hit that right on the head. Everything you stated was the truth, and i am a current PCD employee. There is no recognition for their employees, unless a specific manager does it for their team, at the expesive of that person. This event was a smooze. But it was something. And we only cared about we got an hour lunch break and free food. And thats the truth. But like others say, its a job. But great points on your comment!
jimwhatawho says
Ok…let’s address the real issue here, what is wrong at PCD.
As most of us knew, the person in charge has a history of running things to the ground and this is no different now.
He has brought on all his cronies to work here, when there was absolutely no need for them and they are in top paying postions, like his daughters and son and a host of other no good. They have also been paying an outside company for consultant services, subsequently which they have now hired these people in positions that so far they have not justified. As a matter of fact, PCD have lost more business in the past year or so than they ever had over a five or ten year period. Also, these losses had nothing to do with the economy, but just the kind of people or asholes that are in positions that they have idea of!!!!
It is time Amrep wake up and smell the bacon or lack of it, and get rid of these pests, because all they are doing is filling their pockets!!!!!
interested party says
Interesting to read ALL of this info about PCD. I wonder how you all feel now about your free hot dogs and then the announcement as the first 31 get laid off? I remember this same scenario happening in OH, IL and CO. A nice Thank You picnic with cheap hot dogs – although we did not have to listen to fake speeches. Then within weeks the layoffs started and then the shut downs. We gave PCD two years and looks like they are right on track.
We were extremely lucky and “appreciated” workers before PCD took over and there did not seem to be the favortism and nepatism that it sounds like you all have to endure at PCD. Just sorry that PCD management ruined so many peoples lives, bank accounts, loyal customers and communities in their reach for whatever power they are looking for. Good luck to those of you still working at PCD as many of you will all soon be on the unemployment lines and not know what hit you.