According to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, a pizza delivery woman who got lost in Palm Coast’s P-Section was shot at as she was trying to escape two men after asking them for directions.
Tatiana Catalina Padilla, a 26-year-old employee of Domino’s Pizza at St. Joe’s Plaza, had just made a pizza delivery Sunday at 3 p.m. As she was trying to find her way back to Belle Terre Parkway, she saw two men on Powder Hill Drive and stopped to ask them for directions.
An incident report filed by a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy reads: “Ms. Padilla stated that she explained to Suspect 1 that she was working as a delivery driver, was lost and needed directions back to Belle Terre Parkway. Ms. Padilla stated that Suspect 1 then lifted his tee-shirt, produced a black revolver from his waist band, and pointed it at her stating ‘Give me all of it.’ Ms. Padilla stated that Suspect 2 began to run into a wooded area behind 10 Powder Horn Drive. Ms. Padilla stated that she threw the car in reverse and hit the gas pedal hoping to escape her assailant. Ms. Padilla stated that when she put the vehicle in reverse Suspect 1 fired one shot striking the LCD display of the center dash radio. Ms. Padilla stated that she then continued on to Grace’s Deli located 4.1 miles north of the incident location.”
Padilla was at the wheel of a rental car because, she told police, her car had been totaled in a recent accident.
Padilla was able to flee the area without turning over any money. She contacted the Sheriff’s Office from the Grace’s Deli parking lot. She was not injured during the incident.
Patrol deputies assisted by a K-9 unit searched the area for the suspects. The search was fruitless. The suspects were described as 18 to 20 years old. The man with the handgun was described as a Hispanic male, approximately 5’6” tall, with light facial hair, wearing a baggy white shirt and blue jeans and a black knit hat. The second suspect was described as a light-skinned male, possibly Hispanic, wearing blue jeans and a black hooded sweatshirt.
The incident report notes that one resident in the area of the alleged shooting “stated that at approximately 1530 hours, she heard a loud sound similar to that of a firearm discharge as though it had gone off just outside her residence.” The witness did not see any potential suspects or hear anything else relating to the incident.
The incident report is heavily redacted.
In early November, Ming Gong, the owner of King’s Palace, a Chinese food restaurant, was carjacked and violently thrown from a car after making a delivery on Bayside Drive. Giuseppe Verdone Jr. was arrested in connection with that incident.
The investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to call either the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office at 386/313-4911 or Crime Stoppers, toll-free, at 1-888-277-TIPS. Tipsters who provide information to Crime Stoppers will remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.
Genie says
B, P, and R sections rapidly becoming unsafe and full of thugs.
Kyle says
This is getting ridiculous. Hope they find these guys soon. An unarmed woman tries to flee a robbery and they try to kill her? The P-Section is getting out of hand, maybe they need to step up patrols?
Outsider says
Palm Coast has become a genuine hola de crapola.
Mary Cannady says
Another goon with a gun. WTF is going on in this town?
Lives in Palm Coast says
WOW, glad she is ok.
Florida Native. says
This should come as no surprise to anybody. The (P)lunder and (R)ob sections.
Geezer says
Next time just call the complaint number. Don’t harm the delivery person.
My goodness!
w.ryan says
I’d like to know more but this is alarming.
Moe Syzlak says
Something’s fishy with her story. How was she able to find her way to the delivery spot but not her way back? Then she stops to talk to two random guys and they just happen to be robbers? She couldn’t find her way out under no stress but then under the extreme stress of being robbed and shot at she got unlost and found her way to Grace’s?
With a story that makes no sense how do they even know she’s telling the truth on the location or the description of the suspects?
Just sayin……………..
Andrew says
I was at the house she delivered too just prior, the street wraps around to another street that is not the same she came in on, when we left an hour or so later the cops were still up around the corner, and secondly she managed to not loose any money….why would she lie….not like she kept the at most $50 for herself….she got shot at and you call her a liar….you have a pretty pessimistic view on life
Anybody notice that the headline says “claims” she was shot at? And in the story it is termed an “alleged shooting?”
If, in fact, she was moving away from the shooter, in reverse, how would his shot hit the radio display in the dashboard? He would be shooting from the front portion of the car and would need one of those “magic bullets” that changes direction in order to hit the dashboard.
And then she drove 4.1 miles northwest to Grace’s Deli when the Flagler Plaza Drive Dominos is southeast of the location of the incident. And guess what? The logical route to either of those places you have to get onto Belle Terre Parkway, where she said she was headed. Once on Belle Terre, why not go back to the office? Or stop somewhere safe and call police?
Because there was a gun already in the car which fired accidentally and hit the radio. She needed a story because it’s a rental car. My guess is we’ll find that Grace’s Deli is miraculously close to where she lives. And she had to run by the house before calling police.
Oops. Got the wrong Dominos in my head.
The St. Joe’s Plaza one is actually in the SAME direction as she drove, and only two miles down PC Parkway from the deli. Makes me wonder even more why she didn’t just go back to Dominos since she was right in the area and would have recognized such.
Still say she had to run by the house before calling police.
w.ryan says
Voice of deductive reasoning…I didn’t want to jump on this but you’re so right!
Glad I left Palm Coast says
10 Powder Horn drive, what a dump that place is, owners live in Texas and rent to anybody. The problems that house caused is never ending, we saw crack dealing, kidnapping of a minor who was sodomized by the tenants, you name it it was there. Glad driver ok, deputies need to go look at that house.
RHWeir says
Welcome to Holly Hill, they are here and they is becoming us.
sue says
Palm Coast is a dump. Where’s Code enforcement ? They are a joke. That area looks like a war zone as well as the “R” section. Palm Coast at time was a nice place to live. But when you start bring in Section 8 living it goes right to hell. That’ s why so many are moving out of Palm Coast. Palm Coast City commissioners be proud of what you made of Palm Coast. No work for anyone. You don’t allow Industry to come into PC because you want to TAX them to death. So the final results is people have to rob an kill to survive.
Sickofthistown says
Maybe they mistaked her for the dominos driver that delivers pot also.. Wonderful town we live in. Funny thing I come from a larger city and 3/4 of these so called “thugs” wouldn’t last 3 seconds.
jennah says
Kinda fishy to me too. Two guys just walking around waiting to rob someone? I like the magic bullet theory of another poster…they must have had a heat seeking bullet gun of sorts. Very strange story but glad she’s not hurt.
Outsider says
Not sure if it comes under “plunder” or “rob,” but the 2/10 police log shows another person had a gun pulled on him by a black male and 4 Hispanic males around 12 Pine Hurst Lane, which is definitely in the “P” section.
Wolley Segap says
the city has been sold out……. its become progressively worse and no one cares. Not a peep from our city elected officials, not a peep from our sheriff..they just go on living in their bubbles while the rest of us reap the consequences of their decision making. How many deputies were working in Palm Coast this day? Was and is the contract between the city and sheriffs office adhered to? Who’s watching? If this is the result of the Sheriff’s “business approach” it may be time to rethink that strategy. Boasting savings to taxpayers is nice PR but it means zilch when those savings interfere with public safety.
Ray Thorne says
We’ve seen better days here that’s for sure.