Just over a week ago Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins revealed that his 15-year-old daughter had covid, as have at least 326 students so far in the Flagler County school district (as of today).
“I have a child that’s battling it right now, and it’s scary as can be,” Mullins said moments after the health department chief’s latest outline to the commission of the ongoing covid surge that’s overwhelmed hospitals and claimed more than a life a day in Flagler for over three weeks.
Today, Mullins revealed that he is a so-called breakthrough infection–getting infected with covid despite having getting his two vaccine shots in March and April. Others on the county commission have tested positive, but have chosen to keep their infection to themselves. More recently, two Palm Coast city commissioners and a Bunnell city commissioners have tested positive, one of them (Palm Coast’s Victor Barbosa) ending up hospitalized and another (Bunnell’s John Rogers) nearly so. Both have recovered. Palm Coast Councilman Ed Danko today participated in a pair of council meetings by zoom, as he was still quarantining.
Mullins said it’s his second time getting the disease, after getting it in January, when he did not have terribly adverse reactions from the disease other than head congestion.
“As many of you guys know, my daughter, the end of July, came down with Covid,” he said, “I’ve been away from her, I’ve been quarantined, she’s been quarantined like she’s supposed to be with her stepmom and her brother who were with her at the time she got covid. She is fine, she is fully recovered.” Mullins himself, speaking in a video clip to AskFlagler, which first reported Mullins’s infection this afternoon, said he had head congestion Friday and decided to get tested. “Sure enough, I tested positive for covid.”
Mullins was at a packed Flagler County school board meeting a week ago (a day after a county commission meeting), unmasked. He’d gone to the school board meeting to support parents opposing masking rules in Flagler schools, and in support of a family who was objecting to their middle school son being isolated–pending his mother picking him up–in a quarantine room after having been determined to have been potentially exposed to covid. Most of those at the meeting were unmasked. (The board voted down masking measures in a series of 3-2 votes).
In the video, Mullins spoke in a parking lot, next to his car, speaking of a location in Ormond Beach that provides monoclonal antibody treatment. In an indication of his energy level, he said he had a flat tire driving earlier–and changed the tire. “It’s been three days now, I feel fine and I feel energetic. I am isolating, I cancelled all my events in front of me, all my appearances, all the meetings I have,” he said. He said the vaccine may not prevent infection but it is helping him not get more serious symptoms, describing it as “a strong version of the flu.” He said the vaccine “is safe,” and encouraged people to consult their physician.
There was no better indication of his continued relative good health than his return to form, moments into the video clip: “Quit listening to the media. The media are idiots. We’ve determined that,” he said, before emailing his statement to one of Flagler County’s media outlets.
Less than a day earlier he was in full form, calling school board members intent on instituting protective measures against covid “thugs.” He was apparently referring to the Flagler school district’s quarantine procedure when a child is either known or suspected of having been exposed to the virus. “Very concerning that our kids are being targeted now,” he wrote on Facebook Monday afternoon. “These school board members aren’t here to give us medical directions. They aren’t trained and wasn’t asked [sic.]. It’s time to stand and call for immediate removal of these unhinged thugs.”
flatsflyer says
Mullins, DeathSantis and Trump have a combined IQ of just below freezing, I think they have multiple STD’s and just call it he Virus. Don’t ask how they contacted STD’s, everyone knows how it spreads.
ASF says
Mullins IS an infection. Out entire town has to fight to rid ourselves of it. The consequences for not doing so could be dire.
Wallingford says
Maybe now Mullins might believe there is a correlation between not wearing a mask and getting Covid. Maybe now, since he and his daughter had Covid he will break his allegiance to the Governor and his policies about masking
Steve Robinson says
All this guy does all day is post pictures of himself hugging and breathing on people. He’s a one-man superspreader event.
Jimbo99 says
Perhaps that nasal discharge wasn’t Covid, it was his brain leaking out of his head ?
Steve says
Hard to believe much of what he says in IMO
palmcoaster says
There is not bigger thug than him in this county….I am still wondering what he did in DC January 6th.
David Acevedo says
How do we know for a fact that Mr Mullins had Covid when the CDC cannot decipher the difference between The Flu Pneumonia from Covid I beg to differ
Mike Cocchiola says
How did Bush II say it… “I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, ‘Fool me once, shame on (long pause)….. shame on you. Fool me (longer pause)…….. you can’t get fooled again!” Seems Joe can get fooled again and perhaps again and again.
Seems a Georgia circus is missing its clown.
bob says
laughter for those that thinks skunks will change their stripes and smell
Jane Gentile-Youd says
My biggest concern after reading this wasn’t how strong he was to change a tire but WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME HE GOT COVID ? Did he attend County Commission Meetings at that time? WHO are the OTHER commissioners,( aside from Greg Hansen whom I heard had it and stayed home for weeks away from us the public)..
Who is doing the CONTACT TRACING on him? Nobody I am sure. Health Department confirmed they are not able to. We all know he has big pals in big places like Sheriff..like County Attorney and others whom we the public come in contact with.
WHO are all the people has this contaminated individual been in contact with so we can insist they too stay away from the county building and public places just as he should?
Without all his money I am sure he would selling used golf balls on some street corner in Georgia without a mask of course. How do you all see it?
David Schaefer says
Mullins reminds me of the three stooges wrapped all into one. Please go back shoveling Horse shit for a living.
John Stove says
Perhaps read the part where he said he got tested and it came back positive for Covid….c’mon man, take off your tin foil hat and stop watching Fox “news”
trailer bob says
What does Fox News have to do with this?
Mythoughts says
The little man that things he is COVID protected when he doesn’t wear a mask to protect himself or others. He should call his buddies DeSantis and Trump and maybe they can give him and his daughter some bleach to drink, or take Ivermetmectin since he doesn’t believe medical professionals.
I find it hard to believe he was vaccinated, who can believe someone that constantly lies everytime he opens his little man mouth.
flatsflyer says
Where is the fraud investigation concerning counterfeit golf tournament tickets . It’s been almost two months without a single update, seems like if your a Conservative you are above the law.
Mark Peterson says
Our prayers are with Mr. Mullins’ daughter and himself.
I feel that anything one can do to protect themselves and others should be done. Including wearing masks. It’s not a horrible inconvenience to oneself if you think it may protect someone’s loved ones and friends. Most importantly, others who may be at risk. We need to keep in mind our community as a whole and stop the political BS.
Enought Stupidity says
Well, well, well! This guy holds office as a commissioner? He is certainly for the people of our County. Infect away Mullens, but please make sure it’s Republicans, including DeSantis. We need less of your kind in our State!
Can’t make this sh@t up says
So he attended the packed school board meeting (maskless) to join the crazies with the Flagler Liberty Coalition to demand we don’t mask our kids to protect them from the spread and within a few days HE TESTS POSITIVE after his daughter was positive???? What the hell is wrong with him? He had to know he could have been positive Selfish bastard. How many freaking people did he infect at that meeting?