By Cheryl Tristam
I was going to be working for the Flagler Youth Orchestra until the morning of my funeral. At least that was the joke in my circle. It hurt me at my core when people would ask if I was going to resign once my son graduated. Somehow, they didn’t see that the effort I put into this program wasn’t for him. My family would make it happen for him regardless. I was doing this for the students who didn’t have the same opportunity.
I couldn’t imagine work any more rewarding than this program. Perhaps too much of my identity was woven into the mission and my role as Ms. Cheryl these 18 years, which is also why I could never imagine ending my involvement.
As of today I am no longer the director of FYO. I have requested that my contract for next year be pulled from consideration. It isn’t what I wanted to do. But the conduct of some of our school board members toward me personally and toward the program has been reprehensible and inexcusable. It leaves me no choice.
More importantly, I have a family and my own future to care for. I was offered an incredible opportunity to work with an organization in an environment and with a mission that reminds me of the caring principles of the FYO at its best, with a hugely improved compensation package. I would be insane not to have taken it. These two or three malevolent school board members made their intentions clear. I am now making mine clear.
In a few weeks the audit of the FYO’s books will reveal procedural missteps–no doubt because the district never trained me according to their procedures–but nothing more. Regardless: the malevolent will again use sly innuendos and unchallenged claims to continue one way or another to peddle their poisoned intentions. They’ll have to do it without me, because this punching bag is moving on. Some of the misinformation and fabrications that led to this point have already been reported, and no doubt there’ll be more ahead. Let me set the record straight.
There is a lot to be proud of. First, there’s nothing else like FYO in the state. In 2005 I was trying to salvage a fee-based version of the program on behalf of what used to be the Flagler Symphonic Society. It had fewer than a dozen students and was too expensive for most. Then-superintendent Bill Delbrugge stepped in. He was willing to incorporate the program into the district and fund one teacher. His only request was that we (we being my husband, Pierre, and me) run it as volunteers. We all agreed to one fundamental principle: it would be a free program, affording anyone who wanted to learn an instrument the opportunity to do so. In partnership with a very dynamic and beloved artistic director, we launched a very accessible, free program.
I remember the first discussion at a round table in Delbrugge’s old office where the excitement about possibly having 40 students made us giddy. The reality of that first year was three times that. If students couldn’t afford an instrument, the orchestra would be responsible for providing them a scholarship instrument through fund-raising, for which Delbrugge set up the Friends of the Youth Orchestra account as a district account. Between ticket, concession and ad revenue, we thought we could take on that cost. Delbrugge set up the account to that end.
Knowing what I know now, I can say I had no idea what I was doing back then. I was given no guidance, no parameters, no expectations. But I caught the bug of the mission. I was inspired by Delbrugge, by the artistic director and above all by the students, whose enthusiasm was overwhelming, and that fueled a passion to provide something to hundreds of students–and soon, thousands–that I didn’t get a chance to do myself as a child.
Right about then I was given a clip art plaque at a school board meeting thanking me “for her outstanding service and dedication to the implementation of the Flagler County Schools Strings Program.” I wasn’t so much a martyr that I couldn’t see this was a job requiring compensation. Once I started getting paid in the second year and I crafted a framework for the program, Pierre stepped aside, only volunteering when I didn’t have the help I needed, and even that ended before long. FYO became like a child I could nurture.
The district’s engagement level all this time was minimal. No directives relating to the running of the program and my engagement with the finance department, other than the timesheets and invoices for our compensation, was limited to once-a-year inquiries confirming the statement balance for the account. They eventually stopped asking that question. I had never worked for the school district before and had nothing to compare it to.
I had every reason to believe, since it was the district’s account and had full access to it, that they were overseeing it. They were, but with benign neglect that, in the broken-telephone-like succession of five superintendents, became more neglectful. Somewhere along the line, key folks in the district made some assumptions about what “friends of the youth orchestra” was. I know without any doubt that some conspiracy-minded members of the public were told incorrectly by district staff that we were a non-profit. Not so. We were and have always been a district program.
So for all these years, I’m believing the sky is blue, I’m thinking the board members and the administrators think the sky is blue. The unquestioned renewal of the program year after year certainly pointed that way. There were odd moments over the years, as when the district sought a “memo of understanding” (MOU) for who would cover what portion of the cost of teachers. An MOU is between two separate organizations. We were the same organization. But to me, it sounded like a more detailed, reasonable way of laying out responsibilities, and it gave us a chance to pledge how we could fund-raise enough to pay for a teacher (starting with the 2010 economic crisis, when the district pulled back funding), then two and at times three teachers.
But we were still treated like outsiders when discussing our twice-weekly use of Indian Trails Middle School classrooms, or when conducting recruiting tours in schools at the beginning of each year, or since 2021, when board members would speak negatively about funding the program, as if we were a separate organization.
Delbrugge-era procedures were no longer aligned with more recent procedures. But the finance department losing track of this program was unfortunate for the district, for the program and for me. Under any other board, there would have been a directive to get things into alignment with current policies and procedures. I would have finally been properly trained, the account would have been routinely audited (as it should have been) and we’d have moved forward with approving the contracts to start the 19th season of the strings program, very likely with 400 student-musicians enrolled.
Instead, my name being associated with the editor of FlaglerLive became fodder for conspiracy theorists. That’s unfortunate and ridiculous. But to these conspiracists, there’s no interest in figuring out the facts first or most importantly, in protecting this vital program. Here are a few examples of their baseless claims that need correcting, and that I will be glad to update as necessary.
I paid FlaglerLive to advertise FYO. False. A couple of faction folks, and folks who should know better, misread the FYO financial report and got it backwards. FlaglerLive gave money to the FYO, not once the other way around. (Not that advertising on the platform with the cheapest and broadest reach of any local media would have been inappropriate, had FYO not been getting plenty of free advertising.) Ironically, we’ve personally been donating to the FYO every month for years.
The school district has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into this account. False. The school district pays teachers directly, once it receives timesheets. The FYO’s internal account doesn’t get a dime from the district–never has. To the contrary. Again, the flow of funds is the exact opposite. Out of FYO’s internal account, we have given over $60,000 to the school district in the past five years to offset the cost of the teachers.
We’re renting instruments, the implication being that we are generating unaccounted-for income through rentals. False. Only independent companies rent instruments to our students. FYO has no involvement in the transactions. A 30-second read of our FAQ page on our website explains how to get information about companies who rent instruments. The FYO does not rent instruments.
I make more money than the average teacher in Flagler,as if I somehow have a sweetheart deal. This is an old, laughable claim, an example of how you can literally make anything up these days without accountability. Since 2015, I’ve been paid $30,000 a year as a self-employed contractor. After paying self-employment taxes, and receiving no benefits at all from the district, I took home $24,000 to run a highly specialized program the size of a small school of 350 students, manage a teaching staff of six, no overtime for working well over 50 hours a week, many weeks during the season and pre-season. I haven’t had a raise in eight years. Before 2015, I made between $15,000 and $19,000 per year.
There are other outrageous claims, such as “someone” on the school board being paid off or my family profiting from the district’s EIN number. Not being able to imagine where this is coming from, the only thing I can think of is a board member’s name does appear in our financial reports because she has made donations to the FYO. It’s another example of misreading the report. And the EIN business is just absurd–or more likely a projection by someone intimately familiar with denying the law.
Last month I requested and was granted time to present at the school board’s informational meeting, to introduce the three new members of the board to the FYO. It was the most detailed presentation I’ve ever given, getting them up to speed on how we’re structured and how we execute the program, and to essentially brag about the great year we had fundraising, and our continued successes. What I got in return was predisposed hostility clearly scripted by the conspiracists.
Until last month, I wanted all those board members to love what we do. I wanted them to genuinely be impressed. At a time when we seem to be divided about just about everything, I wanted the youth orchestra to be the thing we could all agree on, because that’s exactly what FYO has been for its hugely diverse community.
I expected their respect for the results we achieved. I wanted them to marvel at how we’ve kept their cost at the same level for the past eight years, at the fact that we have never asked for a dime to cover the very expensive cost of music or scholarship instruments, or anything else required to run the program for 18 years. They paid me and some of the teachers. FYO picked up the cost for everything else.
In all, the district’s investment was almost exactly equal to the average annual cost of one teacher with benefits. For that, the district was reaching on average 350 students each year from all walks of life. If, as one board member has proposed, the investment was shifted to within the school day as opposed to the current model, it would pay for one teacher reaching a few dozen students at most, only within certain grades and at certain schools, eliminating vast swaths of students and choice (FYO serves 8 to 18 year olds). It would no longer be the program founded on the principle of free access to all.
The audit is taking place. I’ve made whatever information the district needs available and will continue to do so. I received the procedural handbook for internal accounts for the first time in May. It’s worth repeating, I fully expect the audit will come back with procedural exceptions documenting errors that reflect that lack of training. These are the sort of errors the finance department sees regularly, but it will be clear: Every revenue and expense was tracked.
I was reluctant to withdraw my contract before the results of the audit came in, but that became irrelevant for several reasons, not least a job opportunity as if tailor-made for my skills and ideals, without the political noise.
The faction’s conspiracy theories on the board and on social media, with current board members engaging and taking prejudicial positions in these threads, have made me realize that the audit could come back with routine or minor exceptions, only for these folks to be disappointed, not relieved. They cannot see past my last name. They are looking for an execution, not a solution. I cannot work for people cheering for failure, and for whom the program is an afterthought.
So I have no hope for a working relationship.
To this current board: I wish you the very best moving forward. I thank Colleen Conklin and Cheryl Massaro for their institutional knowledge and their unfailing support.
To any family who has come through this program, either for a month or ten years: you brought me tremendous joy, and I hope you know how much I cared for you, students and parents alike. In all of my time with the FYO I made decisions out of love, fairness, and what I thought was going to make for the best experience for the kids.
To all of the artistic directors: thank you for your very unique contributions to this program. You were divinely placed in this role just when we needed your expertise. I respected all of you a great deal for what you brought to the position, and I am grateful for the time you invested in me to learn more about the art of string instruction.
To all of the FYO teachers of the past 18 years, you were magical miracle workers. I still marvel at what we were able to accomplish with so little time in a massive group setting. I was honored to support your efforts in the classroom. Thank you for being open to ideas and for sharing yours with me. We laughed a lot, worked hard but had fun. You inspired our students, and you inspired me. I couldn’t have asked for more. I will miss our times together.
To this community: thank you for supporting the program with your donations, your attendance at our 50 concerts at the Auditorium, most of them sold out, your invitations for us to play at your gigs, and your supporting voices over the years, and especially in the last few. I am grateful for the relationships I developed with you. My sincerest hope is you will continue to support music programs for our youth.
And to my family: thank you for making it possible for me to have this meaningful work. I didn’t realize until recently how much of a sacrifice you were making for me to do this job. I know there were many times over the years when I chose FYO work over spending time with you. Thank you for having the same enthusiasm and love for the mission.
Only a few decisions in one’s life are so difficult that we wish we did not have to make them. This was one of those decisions for me. I make it with great regret. But regret, in these circumstances, is not reluctance. I wish the Flagler Youth Orchestra the very best.
Postscript: I didn’t make it clear that my contract with the district ended on June 30th. That means moving forward any work I might do on behalf of the strings program would be during a timeframe I would not be receiving any compensation. If my contract was renewed, it would be retroactive to July 1, but that was in the best of times when renewals were routine and respect for the program mirrored respect for its director. That is no longer the case. The contracts are not on any future agenda.
I had 17 years of unanimous approval. My decision to resign was founded in having no hope that there is majority support from this board for me to continue leading this program. Surely I’m not expected to stick around to work without pay, waiting to find out whether I have a job next year.
Cheryl Tristam was the executive director of the Flagler Youth Orchestra between 2005 and 2023. Reach her by email here.

Janice Wheaton says
The sad part is all of us in the community are at a loss because of a poisonous few . I thank you for your service and wish you a better working environment.
Smith Darrell says
When I quit crying and calm down I’ll text you.
I can’t say more.
Roy Longo says
Having witnessed the fruits of Ms. Tristam’s labor, I find it appalling that the school board members attack and vilify with zero facts. I will immediately cancel my financial support for the FYO and suggest others do so until these uneducated, pompous idiots are no longer in office. This is nothing more than a witch hunt. This is what you get when you vote for people who have agendas and obviously care nothing about students.
Taylor's Family says
As an FYO parent, I can honestly say that the hours Mrs. Cheryl worked were worth far more than she was paid. I would call on her at all hours (crazy ones at that!) and she was immediately available to help. She devoted 18 years, an entire career’s worth of time, to the program for the love of the kids and the dedication to ensuring all children in Flagler had the opportunity to play regardless of ability to pay. Let me tell you, playing violin can get costly very quickly. We are so grateful for Mrs. Cheryl and all that she has done for our daughter. She blossomed at FYO because of the FYO team and the dedication to that mission. Mrs. Cheryl will be terribly missed by all of us. We were proud to support FYO and to be there last year for that pivotal moment that decided the program’s fate. The board members, and we know who you are, should be ashamed of themselves for their actions. We are disgusted that the board members have chosen to behave as they have and their unprofessional and reprehensible behavior will prove to be their undoing in the end. Our best wishes to Mrs. Cheryl and her family and deepest heartfelt thanks for her time, dedication and love she gave to all of the children.
Rick G says
Good on you Cheryl for what you have done. Like my Mother-in-Law used to say… “Don’t let the bastards get you down”
The Republican says
Sad for our students that this is happening. Sad for the school board and their actions. Sad for those recently elected officials that are sick and demented.
We lost a good person here. What about the others that have been accused of misusing funds in some club I keep hearing about? Nothing happened with that person.
Sick people run the schools, if you go against the builders and ask for impact fees to go up to pay for schools you get fired. Like the Supervisor was. They hide it through a local lawyer and some rag news paper. Sick….
No let’s go after FYO because the husband is a factual new reporter. Cull her program because they had the votes to do so.
Eva says
It is so appalling that a few evil-minded losers can poison a community so thoroughly. I am sad for the youth and our community that are losing you, happy that you are finding a healthier place to thrive, and I promise you, we will not forget!! Can’t wait for the votes to deal with them! They are shamed forever in this community, no one will forget!
Mike Cocchiola says
I have no words that would adequately express my regret and my anger that the FYO has come to this. Ms Cheryl… you are owed a debt of gratitude for your dedication and commitment to the wondrous FYO. And your artistic talent is unquestioned and unmatched.
We know that two members of the school board had their sights squarely on the Tristams. Will Furry and Christy Chong came onto the board with the clear intent to attack the Tristams through the FYO.
These two extremist Christian warriors were intent on destroying the Tristams for their opposition to, well, extremist Christian warriors.
The ugly part of this is that the two least qualified members of the school board pulled off their insidious plan, just like they plotted to fire our school superintendent. These two extremists care nothing for your schools or for your kids. They care only for their goal of destroying public education.
When will Flagler citizens stand up to them?
Toto says
Please Mike, don’t call them Christians, and especially not Christian warriors. They’re far from what a true Christian is. Just plain warrior’s is adequate because their mission is self driven to hurt this amazing program due to the fact of its gifted director and who she’s married to.
Ms Cheryl, thank you for the inspiration and lifelong gift of your teaching has brought to many of Flagler’s youth-it’s invaluable. Best of happiness in your new endeavor, take a deep breath and release the stress of all the bullshit you’ve dealt with.
Jim Z says
First, thank you Cheryl for your service. It is clear that it was a “ministry” in the vernacular sense of the word… but that brings us to Cocch’s use of the word “Christian”… It is the same “Christian” nationalist extremists–using “their Christian ideology”–not every Christian’s–to justify this extremist political agenda to ban books and nonbinary acceptance and run over anything or anybody who gets in their way. At least it starts that way, and then with some success they feed on the power… And thanks to your family and husband for doing what you and many others believe is right.
Concerned Community Member says
Thank You for everything you have done for our students and community. It’s a shame that a few rotten apples have come to spoil a good thing.
Mischa Gee says
I agree. Pretending they have no party affiliation is another part of the problem with people in power in this city. Palm Coast is slipping down the radical right wing rabbit hole, where using the cover of Christianity, which has NO PLACE in politics ( separation of church and state) they stick out against those who although Don hold all their views, actually care deeply about their community, the youth – our future leaders.
Sad that our brightest members are either forced to resign or just give up, the dark side keeps winning and our community is starting to show the ravages of it.
So sorry to see another person who truly cares beaten into retreat, but I get it. In reality rare us it that David does slay Goliath. Best of luck in your future endeavors Mrs T.
And, Shame on our Board of Education and others in leadership positions.
Still shaking my head says
Wow! They have run off a wonderful superintendent and now Ms. Cheryl! The new school board members are poison! What a disgrace!!!
Gina Weiss says
Ms. Cheryl: I couldn’t help but think to myself as I read this article of how many students you
had reached and help to make successful all those years, even thought this is like the “bittersweet”
just think about the lives that you have turned around, the great impressions that you made
on these young people and how you played a vital role in their lives in making dreams come true.
I refuse to acknowledge the 3 creeps who played a major role in the firing of a great school superintendent
but as they say our loss is to someone else’s advantage and I just want to personally thank you for your
courage, dedication and hard work in making young people’s lives a little better. With this being said
folks be very careful with whom you vote into important positions as they can make or break a county
and in these cases of 2 great people that we have lost it is the breaking of our system and our county. Best
of luck to you Cheryl as you continue on your journey to greatness, you will truly be missed.
Monica Campana says
We all watched with admiration and awe as you worked at ITMS for so many years. But this is also personal. You put me in touch with magical students who formed a string quartet that performed at my daughter’s wedding. We are so grateful for all you have done for so many. Sad day for Flagler. We thank you and will miss you.
DoubleGator says
Thank you for speaking the truth and your many years of leadership. We live in troubled times.
Taylor & Emma’s Family says
We are heartbroken to hear this news. While we are happy mrs.Cheryl has a good job to move on to, there is no place in the world she is better suited to, has given more to, or been loved more by. She will be missed and her loss felt deeply.
anon says
I watched the workshops, and came away that Furry had his mind made up just like he did with Ms. Middlestat. Ms. Cheryl answered those questions very clearly that even I could understand, and I have no idea how any of these programs or booster clubs work. There was nothing. misleading about her answers.
I had one child complete a year of FYO, but he chose not to continue. Ms. Cheryl still talked with him three years later whenever she saw him. My other child just completed his first year, and was very excited about continuing. He even wants to join band this year at the middle school. At least he still has that.
It is disappointing that this nonsense has now driven yet another great person out of Flagler County Schools.
Chris Conklin says
Any school board member who is against this program should resign immediately you are complete jackasses. You bring nothing to the table other than problems we will all be better off when you are gone and I will do everything possible to make sure it happens. This was an outstanding program run by an amazing person you have ruined it. You might as well get rid of all sports while you’re doing it let’s not allow kids to have any kind of fun they’ll grow up being just like you nasty and useless
CinCin says
Perfectly written
Diane cline says
I think you used the correct description, complete jackasses.
BMW says
It saddens me to think of the tremendous amount of heartache you must be feeling. I equate it to saying goodbye to a child you nurtured for so many years. Chin up, easy for the naysayers to virtue signal, much harder to have developed the FYO with such compassion and selfless dedication.
Linda says
JEK says
This is so sad for our kids and while Mrs Tristam is moving on to bigger and better things- I know she is surely deeply hurt and saddened by the behavior of a tiny group of individuals with very tiny minds. God help Flagler county youth. I wish her the best of everything.
MMG says
Astonished to be reading this. This program has been a joy in my life and the lives of others. I hope everyone learns from this and puts it into practice when it’s time to go to the polls. We have a school board majority dedicated to making the lives of others difficult and diminishing the role of music in our community through their selfish and spiteful actions. No one deserves to put up with such treatment from an “employer.” Thank you, Ms. Cheryl, for putting up with it as long as you have.
Gina Weiss says
Ms. Cheryl: Everything you did was out of the goodness of your heart which those people do not
understand because they do not have good hearts, what they have are “bad intentions’. You don’t
need to explain any further because it’s like throwing pearls to swine. People who do not have
good hearts do not understand giving out of the goodness of your heart and ascribe base motives
to your good deeds.
Proverbs 11:24-31 Those who give generously receive more, but those who are stingy with what is appropriate will grow needy. Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.
Laurel says
Gina: You have said what I was thinking. What I believe are the two most important things for spiritual development are our intentions and the choices we make. Ms. Cheryl had/has the best intentions, and now the choices she makes are for her continued spiritual development. She will progress. She has made a trail of caring and learning, and now other work awaits her.
As for the school board members whose intentions and choices are not to help the students, but to push their own, personal agendas, well, time exposes them and they will not progress. They will fade away.
I wish the students well, and hope they can find new, well intended guidance.
Pogo says
@Cheryl Tristam
Your service to your community, and its youth, has already created a legacy far greater than the small and mishappen creatures who precipitated the loss of your contribution of what is best in a person. Shame on them. And you — shine on.
“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.”
– Tom Brokaw
Eileen Araujo says
As I sat through many concerts I enjoyed your shows. Your sincerity and love for the program definitely showed. It is a loss not only to our school program, community, but also for each student who participated. We wish you well in your future adventures.
Bill C says
Just another in a series of sour notes played by the three “look-at-me” members of the school board. It’s all about them, not the students. Thanks for your 18 years of leadership and dedication.
Enough is enough says
Behind the scenes, the chamber, a local attorney and another news person plots to gets funded programs like this dropped because they need to shore up funds- they know these boards are short money from not raising impact fees at their insistence. When will this town rise up and go against them and those who are part of them? If they give a candidate money, boycott the candidate. How much more are we willing to sacrifice in this community for the benefit of these few?
Jane Gentil-Youd says
Thank you for your years of dedication to keep culture alive in Flagler County and opening doors to our youth. The growing degradation of our society is very sad and horrifying.
Ed White says
What a travesty! Is there anyone out there willing to go on record in support of what some on this School Board have done to precipitate such ridiculosity? This whole affair is one of the least student centric activities I have ever seen. As usual, when a wholly partisan driven effort is exposed it will turn out hurting the most those who deserve the most support – students in this case. The district will end up paying much more for much less; mark my words. A sad day in Flagler Schools history.
Deirdre Rutledge says
Thank you for all you’ve done for our kids, that’s what’s important, so sorry to see you leave.
Lela O says
There are just a few people in this community, on the right, who are completely nuts. They flock together and they should be an avoided and discredited at all costs. They also have a social media pack of idiots.
Danko. Ever seen a grown man throw a temper tantrum like a 4yr old?
Lowe. He’s a real American, unless he doesn’t want to pay taxes.
Denny. A con artist.
Woolbright. What do you say about a person who gets worse when she found Jesus? Then there’s the husband.
McDonald. You feel sorry for Janet once you meet her husband.
Furry. They just don’t come much dumber.
Chong. A bobble head, who’s “protected” by her idiot husband.
Demers. Think you know her? Just wait, she has a different face for everyday of the week.
Yates, Arnold, Johnson, Perkins, Bowmans, Hayes…all the little people who are so easily manipulated by their desires to seem important. All with their multiple social media accounts.
If these people disappeared, the county improves 80% and the IQ level increases 25 points.
Mike S says
This made me and everyone around me laugh out loud, it is so accurate.
Marcus Aurelius (a stoic and a realist) says
Excellent post Lela O!
Normal people in this community need to have their eyes opened as to what’s really going on and who the “invisible” puppeteers (manipulators) are:
I’d like to add a few more specifics to your post . . .
Denny (Dennie): A con artist with a criminal background who suddenly became a pastor when she realized there was more money in “pastoring” than in theft.
Woolbright: Best friends with the “pastor” and a major player in the dirty politics going on behind the scenes in Flagler County. Many Republicans in this county want nothing to do with her. Vicious backstabber. All in the name of Jesus and power and money.
Furry: Another shyster (i.e., professionally and ethically disreputable and unethical). During the recent real estate boom when houses were selling like hotcakes, this realtor (Furry) took almost $40,000.00 in PPP loans claiming he is a minority status, AMERICAN INDIAN OR NATIVE ALASKAN. That was $40,000.00 cash in his pocket without any repayment required to the federal government.
If Furry is an Alaska native or American Indian (as he claimed on his PPP application), the community at large deserves to be shown proof of his “minority status”.
Mullins: Still operating in the background. Good friends with Jill Woolbright and the “pastor” with a criminal background. Also, forgot to mention being friends with the owner of the Palm Coast Observer.
Demers: A woman concerned only with her own power. Vicious. More than vicious. All with a smile on her face. Works closely behind the scenes with Jill Woolbright, the “pastor” with a criminal background (Google it), along with the woman realtor currently running for Palm Coast City Council District 1 (Danko’s seat) . . . Oh, AND the new chair of the Flagler County REC (currently running AGAIN for mosquito control district) . . . Oh, AND Darryl Boyer who’s currently running for Paul Renner’s seat.
Lowe: Working behind the scenes with all the above. A major player in starting the investigation into the Flagler Youth Orchestra.
I’d also add that many of the above-noted manipulators are members of the Flagler Tiger Bay Club.
People need to wake up.
I fault many, many Republicans for simply voting “R” without delving into the backgrounds of these people who are destroying this community in the name of their own power. These Republicans who simply vote “R” are part of the problem. But then again, many of them are uneducated, liars and cheats. Birds of a feather flock together.
By the way, all the above is verifiable.
At the end of the day, do you think all the above-noted manipulators are REALLY interested in the children of Flagler County? No, they’re interested only in their own power and their own twisted agendas.
Again “Lela O” I commend you on your original post.
jack says
Why is everyone forgetting Sally Hunt? Loved this post
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
You forgot, Didn’t Mullins organize the bus trip for insurrectionists to the United States Capital on January 6th? Also wasn’t there a story of him also taking like $2 Million in PPP funds which would be quite a bit more than Furry.
Someone that knows something..... says
Your no Marcus Aurelius and likely don’t know what ” stoic realist ” actually is.
You are correct about most of the people you spoke of except for the new Chairman of the FloridaGOP and the Tiger Bay club people.
Stop being woke….
Sherry says
@stks. . . ” stop being woke”. . . are you serious? If so, are you really implying that we should all:
1. Stop Thinking
2. Stop being educated= BTW “you” should take some grammar/spelling classes
3. Stop being accepting of others
4. Stop being open minded
5. Stop being kind and compassionate
6. Stop being ethical and honest
7. Stop living according to the “Golden Rule”
8. Stop believing in equality
9. Stop believing in democracy. . . . . etc., etc., etc..
Jean Arnold says
I imagine these are all Republicans. Sadly, a Democrat cannot seem to win in Flagler, and there sure aren’t enough to dare run and vote for.
Marie-Claire Moreau says
Thank you, Cheryl, for leading our youth program with dedication and excellence. Your investment in our students will no doubt impact and be remembered throughout their lives. My family thanks you for your many years of contribution. Wishing you much success in your next act. Your legacy is secure.
zuffalina says
“Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.” Ben Franklin
Ban the books, stop the subversive music. The angry, small minded, self-serving community commisars of Flagler County will continue their destructive agenda until we get rid of them…all of them…on the school board and on our councils and commissions. VOTE!
Cheryl Tristam can leave FYO with her head held high.
Quiters Never Win says
So, the going gets tough and … quit? Isn’t this precisely what the deplorables wanted to see? Kids y’all figure it out. I found a day job without all the hassle so good luck with all that.
Perhaps read back to yourself the first paragraph of your own words. The audit should just be a battle, not the end-all. The kids haven’t a clue what the adults are up to, they just want to play. But what they do see is that when the going gets tough, their mentor quits on them.
Lorie says
Your critique is a bit harsh, in my opinion. You have no idea what this woman has gone through to arrive at her decision.
Instead, aim your critiques at the radicals sitting on the boatd.
John says
If she quits, the program can continue without getting politically targeted by the dumbf*ck republicans on the board. The only reason they take issue with FYO is because she’s married to Pierre (someone I have no love for and think is very obnoxious. But Cheryl is lovely and the FYO is wonderful). Wouldn’t you take (1) more money to (2) save a great program from being targeted?
Edith Campins says
Where do you think they are going to find someone as dedicated and passionate about the kids as Cheryl? No, they will put some hand picked ideologue in charge and in a year there will be no FYO.
Don’t forget, McDonald and Woolbright tried and were intelligent enough to back off when they saw the public response. Nw their minions have accomplished what they were after all along. They don’t care about the kids.
Roy Longo says
Do you really think this is just about an audit? Furry has picked at this program from day one. The FYO was forced to change locations, was accused of paying for advertising in a when the advertising was free and now the audit. And those are just the top three that I know about. All this is because of her last name. No other reason.
Sherry says
@ qnw. . . and, why don’t “you” step up and take over where Cheryl left off. . . I’ll wait to hear that news. . . .
Longtime Resident says
Our School Board is an embarassment; politic agendas have no place there. Attacking the spouse of the Flagler Live editor is not among the reasons that our voters sent Will Furry and Christy Chong to represent us in an oversight role over our children. Hopefully our citizens will be smart enough to not reelect them when the time comes.
Shame on you both.
Michael Van Buren says
Thank you for all your years of hard work helping our children. I am disappointed and disgusted with our local government in Flagler County and with all the negative naysayers that feed the fire. Enough is enough and I’m out.
Best of luck in your future endeavors. Hopefully your replacement with have the same passion for our children’s sake. (but sadly I don’t think that is possible)
Dismayed and Appalled Again says
I would like to know how the board justifies the loss of the program as being in the best interest of our students. Isn’t that what their purpose is – to act un the best interest of the students? What a travesty to lose this program and the wonderful person who nurtured it all these years. Thank you Cheryl.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Ms Cheryl, I am sorry to hear about this, yet not surprised. It is unfortunate that there are so many idiots who don’t own the intellect of my dogs…my dogs are smarter.
I don’t know where all the hate comes from, life is very, very short and you’d think that ones main goal in life would to be kind and helpful to others when possible.
I do not always agree with your husbands views…that’s my right, but I agree that all of us should be kind, help others, and realize that we are only here for a short time, just passing through, so why so many hold so much hate is beyond me.
Have a great day. I would say just pray for them…but that would be a waste of prayers needed elsewhere.
KMedley says
The feigned concern from The Tragic Three and their puppetmasters has effectively orchestrated the end of the most unique and successful programs which brought music to the masses of Flagler County students. Had Cheryl’s last name been Walsh, this “concern” would have been but one whisper and spoken again, nevermore. The Tragic Three, Furry, Chong, and Hunt, along with their puppetmasters, Woolbright and McDonald, lack the intellectual capacity with which to challenge Pierre Tristam and FlaglerLive , so the collective cowards do that which cowards to best, attack the family. The level of detailed reporting by FlaglerLive makes the public aware of revelations that would otherwise never appear in other newspapers Observed by voters. Mullins, Peacock, Weeks, and even the audit of the Clerk of Court from many moons ago were all covered in detail by Pierre. As for the editorials which are included in FlaglerLive, those ideas, whether you hold the same or not, are part of our American fabric, our Freedom of Speech, protected by the First Amendment. While I disagree with Pierre on many different levels, I would never seek to silence him by attacking his family. Voters, we have a task ahead of us. The Tragic Three MUST be given the same Red Ferrari as the Munchkin from Georgia (Mullins) headed NORTH!
Gina Weiss says
Kim Medley: You summed it up perfectly Kim you are 150% spot on, the culprits of whom
you mention don’t have an ounce of the intelligence in their pinky finger as Pierre has in his
brain, they are afraid and jealous of Pierre’s intellect and would love to shut him down. They
wish they had a smidgen of his intelligence. And since they are all so dumb they would never
be able to understand our American fabric, our freedom of protected speech, protected by
our First Amendment despite our disparities. They are intimidated by Pierre and lack
the courage of seeking truth which is why they want to keep the rest of the sheep in the dark.
We do have a task ahead when voting time comes around, VOTE THEM OUT! That’s our power.
And do not allow the ones running for higher positions to get those positions with all their
false paid for play advertisements. They are all just a bunch of bought and sold puppets for
the ones who are really in control at the top who provide money for their campaigns. They are
used and manipulated for the glory of it all. This is what happens when a bunch of cheap,
useless glorified job cronies get elected.
Celia Pugliese says
Cheryl thank you for all these years of relentless, dedicated and irreplaceable work and for a meager pay. This is what happens when the local residents vote MAGA, also for school board. The totalitarian, conspiracy, destructive attitude and demagogue lobbying is obvious from 3 out of 5 School Board Members. What a shame that the students will be paying the price over political witch hunt… but MAGA does not care about them as we seeing just their vote at national level as well. I wish you great success in your future endeavors as you deserve. Happy Trails for you and family!
Geezer says
Be proud because you lasted longer than 99% of the good people in your position.
The Tristams are a force for good in Florida and a reminder that good people still exist.
I send you hugs and a bushel and a peck of love!
Steve & Laura H says
The FYO is (was?) one of the Crown Jewels of Flagler County schools. The program was truly open to all- and made accessible for all. Thank YOU.
The school district spent millions less on this program than it spent trying to prop up any defunct swim and racket club and positively impacted thousands more children. We all know it.
We in Flagler have known for years where district priorities lie (pun intended) and how employment for our most talented teachers (especially female ones) just isn’t worth the BS anymore. I personally know many that more than doubled their income stepping away from FCPS. A mere added perk of getting treated like the professionals they are.
Thank you, Cheryl, for everything you sacrificed to build this program. Your extensive fundraising efforts & networking with local volunteers and endless talent & passion made this program happen. It was a beautiful partnership and we personally know many children that benefited who would have never financially been able to be part of a music program without it. We saw their confidence grow and music ground them in ways nothing else had at crucial times in their lives. Your efforts were not in vain & your reputation precedes this latest batch of cackling goons. Thank you again for your service & sacrifice ALL those years!
Skibum says
There’s an old saying: “A good deed never goes unpunished”, and unfortunately some idiots have targeted you for the many years of good deeds you have done as the bullseye for the FYO while helping local youth develop their interest in music. Don’t let the a.. holes get you down. The overwhelming majority of us, at least those who act their age and do not spend their time ranting like infantile morons, sincerely appreciate ALL of the time and effort you have put into the FYO. Hold your head up high and move on, and hope the youthful musicians do the same.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Thank you Cheryl for your devotion to the kids and the whole community. As for Furry, Chong, possibly Hunt and the Moms For Lunacy I’m sure your happy this morning, I wouldn’t be surprised if the community rallies against you all now for the mess you have created and will continue to to do. Almost retched last week when I saw a photo of Furry at the Swim Open House holding a hot dog, the same pool he wants to close down. If the three of them don’t have the kids and community on their agenda then they should step down immediately.
Sheila Zinkerman, Citizens for Truth and Justice in Education says
We are heartsick for Cheryl Tristam, her family, the FYO musicians, their parents / guardians, and the Flagler County Community. We pledge to carry this feeling with us as we continue to fight what the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled anti-student inclusion, anti-government extremist. As you know, two of them sit on Flagler County’s school board.
There is hope on the horizon. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida (ACLU) is organizing Community Resistance Teams (CRT) throughout the state’s 67 counties. Volusia County Citizens for Truth and Justice in Education (CTJE) has collaborated with ACLU and Flagler County STOP moms for “liberty” group. Volusia-Flagler CRT is the original and inaugural member of ACLU’s Community Resistance Teams!
Here’s what you need to do: get pissed and stay that way. These meritless attacks by those who live to harm others must stop. Cheryl Tristam, her family, the FYO musicians, their parents / guardians, the Flagler County Community, LGBTQIA+, and People of Colors should feel safe, valued and supported in Flagler County public schools. ACLU’s advocacy through Community Resistance Teams will work toward that common purpose. Their CRT members are not quiet; but it will take time.
Message Sheila Zinkerman if you want to join the ACLU Volusia-Flagler CRT group email list. Provide your full name, email address, county and zip code where you live. We vette our email subscribers and will never share the list. If you have special skills that come with being born in the 21st century and would like to use them, volunteer for data collection, messaging, document sharing, discovery of evidence and the like. Let us know. We See – We Think – We Act.
Fernando Melendez says
All I can say is thank you Cheryl for your hard work and dedication and time goes by fast and we the voters will have our final say. Again thank you.
Rose S. BUNCH says
Thank you Cheryl for all your hard work and may your future be brighter. You are a shining star in a cloudy sky.
They will figure out what they missed. Our children will probably lack any future in orchestra in this district for those under the means as I doubt they could even match someone near your love, perseverance and passion. We are thankful for you great fully. My kids love you and are thankful for thr years you helped provide them.
It is stuff like this that is making me leave Flagler in a whole. Corrupt and greedy.
Just know as a family that benefited from your expertise, we hope you the best in life and future endeavors. Congrats on the new position. You deserve a place that appreciates you.
Edith Campins says
I am heartbroken. Evil wins. Let’s make sure Flurry and Chong never get elected to anything again. They are both ignorant, weak individual allowing themeves to be manipulated by the low livesbehind the scenes.
Thank you Cheryl for all youve done. The kids will miss you so very much.
Edith Campins says
Thank you Cheryl. I can only imagine how hard this is for you.
Let’s remember this next time Flurry and Ching come up for election. They are evil.
SLl says
Sly innuendos
Unchallenged claims
Cheering for failure
Conspiracy theories
Flagler School Board you are all guilty of the above on many levels during your participation on the Board. Whether it be the treatment and firing of administrators without all of the facts, decisions on the FYO, comments and decisions on books used in the classroom…I could go on. Your job is policies and procedures and in order to make informed decisions you MUST look at facts, findings made by government service directors in writing only to be negated at a later date because the findings don’t agree with the cause on your reprehensible agenda at the moment – many claims you have made that are public record are out and out false. And yet, reputations have been destroyed because of your unchallenged agendas.
Ms. Cheryl has made decisions out of love, fairness, and looking for the best experience for our students. Other administrators and staff have made those same kind of decisions. The Board’s job looking at policies and procedures should be made evaluating what is best for Flagler’s schools, students, and parents. What kind of an example are you setting for our students by unfair, biased, and decisions NOT based on facts but based on your misinformed interpretations of what you have heard, not what you should know to be truth?
Mrs. Tristan, you should be proud of what you have done for so many students. We are losing a great woman who has given so much time and money to a valuable program. Your family has made a great contribution over the years to our awesome students. They are the one’s that will be negatively impacted by this loss. Flagler is losing an administrator also who has given love, personal time, and donations to students to make their lives better, the learning process challenging and fun, and involvement in a safe community for learning. To our Flagler citizens, looks at the FACTS and documents before you judge.
Shame on you School Board! Don’t hide behind what you try to personify as good and caring. To many of us we see your truth and it certainly isn’t what you project it to be.
Dave says
Thankyou for all that you have done and your dedication to the students you supported.. Darn shame that worthless individuals of our school board go so low that they turn into rabid dogs and attack those that actually do good things for our children.
Joan Buback says
Please do not give in to these people. The children need you. The community needs you.
Jack says
This is a direct result of the new school board members pushing their personal agendas. “Their ” personal agendas have been given to them. They are simply pawns and do not care about what is best for students or teachers. They are an embarrassment to Flagler County Schools.
Boogeyman says
Cheryl, you have done an outstanding job with the FYO. Like a flower, you’ve taken this from the ground up to become the blooming flower it is. I certainly understand your frustration in dealing with these pea brains, Furry and Chong. Somebody referred to these two as Christian warriors-what a laugh. They have zero clue about benevolence! But, if they want to push the hardline self-righteous Christian Right agenda, so be it. We, citizens, should unite and do what the Puritans did to bring disfavor upon them. SHUN them wherever and whenever you see them. This tactic will work well, BUT only if we all do this together!
zuffalina says
The school board has a mission to ensure the district serves, safeguards and encourages the development of the students. Read the mission statement of the Flagler school district…which also references a diverse environment.
Those that support and foment the destruction of our public education system in Flagler County should have no place on the school board. Nor should the puppeteers from the Chamber, certain local media outlets and elsewhere be pulling the strings.
As for Lowe…he renounced his American citizenship years ago when he became a Sovereign Citizen. Did he undergo the naturalization process to “reclaim” his citizenship?? (sarcasm intended). Until we take them on in the election booth and push them out it will only get worse.
I love Massaro and Conklin says
How is their behavior legal? They targeted FYO because of its connection to a journalist, and for literally no other reason. Doesn’t that violate the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of the press? Pierre, don’t you have standing to say “these government actors targeted my wife because of my journalism” like isn’t that enough to file a claim against them? I’m sure they’ll have lots of “valid” reasons to have targeted FYO but those are just fronts and everyone in the county knows it. I hope y’all get a lawyer and get PAID.
Time to point the viewing lens of the microscope onto the following people:
1. Will Furry. A complete fraud who claims minority status ALASKAN NATIVE and AMERICAN INDIAN to defraud the federal government. AND, that is a matter of public record for all to access and view if they know how.
2. Jill Woolbright.
3. Kathy Austrino. More on her later.
4. Sharon Demers. Vicious backstabber.
5. The pastor with the criminal background (grand theft).
6. Alan Lowe AGAIN for being an instigator in the original questioning into the Flagler Youth Orchestra. He’s even admitted to this.
6. Dan Priotti for instigating TODAY running the Tristams out of Flagler County as well as the Christian mob members in Flagler County who seconded Dan Priotti’s suggestion that the Tristams be run out of the county. (taken from his social media post today).
7. I would add Joe Mullins, but we already know all the dirt on him.
8. Palm Coast Observer owner.
9. Flagler Tiger Bay Club for harboring many of the above as members.
10. Flagler Republican Executive committee Chair, Secretary and Treasurer (all working together with Jill Woolbright, the pastor with the criminal background for grand theft (mugshot available by Google) as well as Sharon Demers.
11. Many more who will be named in the future.
It’s time for decent people in Flagler County to rise up and stop “The Mob” in Palm Coast and Flagler County from its concerted effort to destroy people who don’t agree with them.
All this destruction of people’s lives “in the name of Jesus” MUST STOP.
The Chairman of the Board... says
Marcus Aurelius you give such bad information and are spreading lies about the Flagler County Republican Executive Committee.
Just for the record.
Everyone you mentioned in both your comments aren’t even members of the FCREC. With exception of the one person currently
a school board member.
In fact the new members of the school board have never been members of the FCREC.
As far as the current FCREC board we were recently voted in and continue to be united for our membership of the Committee And the Republican Party. Someone like yourself is lier, troublemaker. Clearly a member that you are, it’s a sad thing that you can’t discern that this article is about Flagler Youth Orchestra and Cheryl Tristam. Why bring anything else political up is a testimony to your creepy way of undermining the Party.
Lastly, I respect Cheryl and all those students that her love of music that has touched those students that needed a respite to stay safe in a place they like to be happy. Where they can be a student and a child for a little longer in their life. A place where they felt safe for an hour or two. I personally wish all of them my very best especially Cheryl.
On another note the School board needs to manage their programs better.
Go back to Rome for I feel you left a fire burning!
See you at the meeting tonight if you have the nerve to show up. Chairman Perry Mitrano
Weldon Ryan says
It’s been an amazing run! With a vision and great work ethics you’ve sculpted the lives of many young people including my children! Yours is a great accomplishment. It’s been an honor having you as a leader and community enhancer. Unfortunately our community will suffer losing your extraordinary commitment. We’re stuck now with idiots at the helm. The ship is sinking unless Flagler citizens vote these idiots out of office and demand change in our leadership.
DMFinFlorida says
I concur with everything said above (except @ Quitters Never Win … seriously?!)
I can only hope that Furry, Chong, and Hunt are reading these comments and reflecting on this entire debacle. Oh wait, probably too busy collecting donations for the next campaigns? This whole county has gone down the toilet in the last 30 years since we first loved it. Looking to move and glad we do not have children in the school system anymore.
Thank you, Cheryl, for everything you did. The Three Stooges mentioned above have shot themselves in the foot IMO.
Ed says
Unfortunately, you resigned. This is actually the time you need to stiffen your spine and look the naysayers square in the eyes and challenge them to find someone, anyone, who could possibly do a better job for the remuneration you receive…dare them.
Then once the audit is complete and you are vindicated you could have held your head high and made a decision about your future.
It’s sad that everyone believes that if it’s too good to be true, then it is false. Few people go through life on the high road when it only takes 2 simple rules.
1. Golden rule, treat others as you would want others to treat you.
2. If you never lie and always take responsibility for your actions, you will always land on your feet.
Stay and fight.Running is easy…it’s the same as life. Dying is easy, living is hard.
Mischa Gee says
I have to say your logic is sound and makes sense.
Sadly, you can see that the Radical Right and the so-called Christian right wing element who have taken hold in many parts of this country are taking hold in Palm Coast. As we have also seen the Centrists and Center-left give up, give-in and tire out. One needs to have a very thick skin and lasting fortitude if we expect the radical right to lose power.
Sadly, as the story goes, so many are “soft in the middle” and no longer adhere to the idea of , “when the going gets tough the tough get going”, unless by going, you mean they pack up and leave camp.
What’s even more disheartening, it seems to me, is that the more enlightened don’t support each other or their causes and rally like those who seem so close minded and unenlightened. We are living in what my husband has dubbed, “The Age of Irony”.
Whathehck? says
Cheryl did land on her feet, she got a better job, one without 3 narcissistic puppets. She fought these idiots for a long time but is one’s health worth continuing to fight? When the fascists holding the strings want you out they will make your life and/or your family’s life horrendous. Was the health of Melissa Holland and Ms. Mittelstadt less important than fighting the trolls? This County will continue to lose as long as we vote for extremist’s flunkies. I was duped to vote for one of the 3 stooges and I regret it every time the Board of Ed makes a decision.
Thank you Cheryl for all your work, although I didn’t have a child in your organization I enjoyed the concerts you managed.
I will take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Mittelstadt, Conklin and Massaro for putting up so long with the manipulators. I value your health.
Jimbo99 says
Well, the audit will produce it’s report, can’t really comment on something that hasn’t been released as a final audit report. This article comes across as the emotional preemptive strike to soften an audit report of relative exceptions as violations the rest of us haven’t seen, probably won’t understand either. Since there are procedures, to be fair, how does one be involved at a founding level & not understand the nature of the organization that they constructively founded ? 18 years later (May 2023) and finally receiving a copy of those procedures. Most employees are issued a handbook for any organization, if not issued hardcopy, a digital or even an online version is made readily available in pdf format. I can’t imagine the school board not auditing something for as long as they did. That might be incompetences of those in certain positions on the school board that require similar resignations, even if the audit report produces routine & minor exceptions. They simply haven’t performed their jobs to the letter of law. Maybe it’s time to clean house systematically in some of these county positions, whether by vote, resignation or firing ? One thing about anyone that ever bent the rules, they never see that rule bend for the deviations from procedures that were put in place. There’s always a distraction from what accrued as a benefit vs what the violation ?
Tired of it says
Deflecting, back stroking, can’t bring yourseld to acknowledge the truth. This all about politics. Woolbright and McDonald tried but couldn’t quite do it. Now their minions are taking up the attack. She didn’t bend any rules, no one told her what the rules were. Nobody bothered to “write” the rules. We already lost a good and competent teacher, a good and competent superintendent and now an irreplaceable resource all due to the vengeful, petty Republicans. The same ones who voted for Flurry, not because he was qualified, in spite of his dirty, lying campaign, they voted for him because he is a Republican.
Joey G says
The problem is these worthless individuals on the school board have been elected by the citizens of Flagler County.
So it appears this is what the county wants. And they also managed to get rid of the superintendent. I wonder how that’s going for them. Who knows what other things they can screw up in the next year or two.
Carol Scott says
To know Cheryl Tristam is to appreciate her intelligence, elegance, beauty and a heart full of devotion to the worthy cause of FYO. Cheryl Tristam bravely organized the FYO with little assistance, it grew to become successful through her creative commitment and delivered the art of music to children in Flagler County. How did we citizens allow the abominable, petty, mercenaries Hunt, Chong and Furry to visit this ghastly situation upon Cheryl, one who has given of herself to the greater good of the community? Cheryl is above the pettiness of those nefarious school board members. Cheryl Tristam’s ethics will serve her well in the future. We honor Cheryl’s talent in bringing much needed decency to Flagler County.
Grey Man says
Why is this all being blamed on MAGA? Sally Hunt is a democrat who was duly elected.
The dude says
What are Chong and Furry… besides utterly deplorable?
Whathehck? says
Silly Hunt ran as a Democrat but doesn’t have a democratic mind. She duped many people just as “pastor” Jearylyn duped Republicans. In Flagler County we are all standing on a sinking boat Republicans and Democrats alike, that is unfortunately a bi-partisan’s common ground.
DMFinFlorida says
@ Grey – because she has turned out to be a complete DINO (Dem in name only)! Her behavior speaks much louder than her alleged party affiliation. I am extremely disappointed that I voted for her and will not again.
Laurel says
Actually, I’m starting to feel good about all this! Looking at these comments, I see people recognizing the good that was done by Ms. Cheryl and Pierre, even if they disagree with Pierre’s perspective! We can agree to disagree, finally! I also see that citizens are seeing right through the negativity brought to us by this school board and the far right activists. Splendid!
Thank you Cheryl and Pierre for what you have brought, and continue to bring, to our communities. Now, I hope someone can step in and continue to keep these kids stay on track.
Sherry says
Dearest Cheryl, and Pierre,
What a terrible travisty. . . on so many levels! My heart goes out to you, your family, your friends and the community that has benefitted so much from the loving efforts you have both put forth over these many years.
I would love to be able to say that I have faith that somehow “sanity and kindness” will soon return to Flagler county. Unfortunately, in all good conscience I simply cannot. I fear that some kind of madness has permeated the society of my home state that I once loved so dearly.
Certainly, I wish you and yours all the best going forward. Keep love in your hearts, and don’t let the bastards get you down. Success is the best revenge! Simply evolve in peace, and leave the fear filled haters behind like dust in the wind. Their time will end. . . it just cannot come soon enough!
Ben Hogarth says
When I think of all the deranged, right-wing lunatics running the show in Flagler (especially), the new saying comes to mind:
“These are not serious people.”
Unfortunately, they are having a very serious impact and are making very serious consequences for the community. And it’s the people of Flagler who continue to vote this way, so don’t expect any sort of resolution soon. If you are the average, decent Flagler resident who (probably) hasn’t voted out of apathy, lethargy, or outright loss of hope, make a better effort – whatever that is.
The only way these insincere, unserious people “go away” is by drowning out their noise with something much louder. In some instances, that is a collective voice that immediately stifles their own – in other instances, it’s simply silence.
These insincere, unserious people feed off negative energy, and more importantly – attention. Their desperation to be RELEVANT is what drives them. Make them irrelevant – and they lose all power. But that’s up to you Flagler.
I know Cheryl will be just fine (and so will Pierre and family). It’s a real tragedy what they have been put through for simply reporting to the public all these years. But this (too) shall pass. Because if there is one thing I know about insincere, unserious people – their cause isn’t worth the test of endurance – don’t make it easy for them.
And they’ll disappear
Steve says
Congratulations to the Mrs. Pierre may she be content in her new endeavors
Susan S. says
My whole family, (even though my daughter is no longer part of the program because she is in college and on her own now), was heartbroken to think about all the different children that will not have the opportunity to participate in such a fantastic program with such fantastic teachers.
Cheryl helped my daughter more ways than one come out of her shell and actually get ready for life.
The school board members that are standing there pointing their fingers at her should be ashamed of themselves.