Approximately 28% of Florida adults can’t afford to see a doctor when they need to, according to newly published data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The data for 2022, the latest available, put Florida among the states with the highest rates of people who skipped medical visits because of high costs. Texas, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi — other states that haven’t expanded Medicaid — were also listed, according CDC Disability and Health Data System data published Tuesday.
The Florida figure is down from recent years, when more than 33% of Floridians surveyed couldn’t go to the doctor. Similarly, the rate of uninsured Floridians has decreased. Nearly 85% of adults said they had insurance through an employer or the state. In 2018, 75.9% of people had health care coverage.
Although the rate of uninsured folks in Florida is not as high as in neighboring states, it is still one of the highest in the nation, according to the CDC data.
Lawmakers have devoted more attention to the issue this year since the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency led to nearly 2 million Floridians being kicked off Medicaid, according to KFF.
Although Democrats in the state Legislature attempted to revive the discussion about expanding Medicaid, Republican leaders quickly shut the idea down in favor of investing $1.5 billion in efforts to increase the number of doctors and nurses in the state.
But Florida Decides Healthcare, a new political entity, is trying to get Medicaid expansion on the 2026 ballot.
–Jackie Llanos, Florida Phoenix
JimboXYZ says
Hmmmm, wonder how this could possibly happen with ACA & Bidencare. And all this time we were led to believe that healthcare got more affordable under Biden-Harris ? Healthcare has been unaffordable since ACA under Obama-Biden.
R.S. says
I believe that our benighted governor turned down Medicaid expansion for low-earners, no? It’s dirty pool to blame Biden. Learning mendacity from the earless one?
Mona says
Yes, it’s a fact.
Deborah Coffey says
Sometimes, you just need to READ the article. It’s Republicans that have thrown people off healthcare. It has nothing to do with the ACA which has put 20,000,000 people on healthcare that they never could afford before.
“Lawmakers have devoted more attention to the issue this year since the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency led to nearly 2 million Floridians being kicked off Medicaid, according to KFF.
florida phoenixAlthough Democrats in the state Legislature attempted to revive the discussion about expanding Medicaid, Republican leaders quickly shut the idea down in favor of investing $1.5 billion in efforts to increase the number of doctors and nurses in the state.”
c says
Yes, because it obviously would not have happened under TRUMPCare (coming to you in a couple of weeks after the IRS audit of 2015 releases his tax info).
Judith G. Michaud says
Please get your facts straight by researching. There is no Bidencare other than him LOWERING drug costs! If it were up to the Rethugicans ,we would have nothing and if that idiot gets in, we are done !
Billy says
That’s because the republicans could care less about our healthcare. T=rump was supposed to have the most wonderful healthcare in two weeks instead he was responsible for close to one million covid deaths with his bleach injection and UV light ideas.
Dennis C Rathsam says
This is one of the saddest articals Ive read! This is a disaster! Biden,s illegal invaders, recieve phones, debt cards, housing & free health care, while Americans do without.How does President Biden sleep at night? What kind of a man would allow this to happen, to the greatest country on earth? Our own people, born in America, tax payers, are too poor to go to the doctor, yet rapests & murderers that killed our young American girls, have medical care thanks to Joe Biden. Its time for a change, this has to stop! How can a sitting president, put invaderers, before Americans? Welcome to the bananna republic called the United States!
R.S. says
How perverse can one be? Is it even possible to be of such a screwed-up mentality?
Deborah Coffey says
This comment of lies deserves a factual response to the person supporting a RAPIST (cited by Judge Kaplan), a fraudster and convicted felon that breaks election laws and covers them up, a convicted tax cheat, and a serial liar. And, you blame Joe Biden for a border mess that has gone on for decades when Joe Biden was able to secure a BIPARTISAN border bill that never became law because Trump called his cronies in the Senate and told them not to vote for it because it would help Joe Biden with his campaign! So, after all their work, they voted against their own bill. What KIND OF MAN WOULD ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN? Donald J. Trump…that kind.
Then, you blame Joe Biden because Americans are without healthcare. You didn’t read the article. In fact, since Obamacare (which Republicans continually try to get rid of) 32.5 million more Americans have healthcare since 2014. They couldn’t afford any healthcare before under Republican administrations.
What has to stop is the LYING and MISINFORMATION. America will not survive the MAGA lies.
Tony says
As long as they keep watching and getting brainwashed by fox – fake entertainment they will remain clueless.
Mona says
Are you ok, sir?
dave says
The author really needs to look at the UK and its health care system that is in crisis. And regarding can’t afford care, ” In the US, there is the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), which requires all emergency patients be treated at the facility they show up to. This means that anyone who goes to an ER must be seen and evaluated by a physician, regardless of their ability to pay for services. ”
The NHS in the UK ( which is always talked about and a “model the US should use for medical care”) is under extreme strain and many people are going without the care they need. In July 2023, the waiting list for routine hospital treatment in England had grown to nearly 7.7 million – an all-time high – with almost 390,000 people waiting more than a year. Nov 3, 2023 The Health Foundation. ( health.org.uk)
And it’s getting worst.
The British Med Assoc ” Around 3.11 million of these patients have been waiting over 18 weeks; Almost 307,500 of these patients have been waiting over a year for treatment – a slight decrease from around 302,600 the previous month (April 2024)
The total number of patients waiting over 12 hours for an emergency admission increased slightly from about 42,100 in April to approximately 42,600 in May 2024.
Medical care isn’t that perfect anywhere in the world these days.
R.S. says
The conservatives screwed it up in Britain because of their silly BREXIT. I know many British residents who love the system. It may not be perfect, but it’s a good deal better than running health-care access by cash.
Atwp says
The states that were written about are post lynching Republican States. The Republican Governors and their families have health care via our tax dollars. If people don’t know by now the Republican Party don’t care about people of color and poor white people. It is interesting to see FJB signs in run down trail or parks and different places around the city, run down houses, on vehicles falling apart. Look where JB live, in the White House. You might need to stop buying those demonic Republican signs and save the money for your next Doctor visit. FJB signs all you want to, his health care is taken care of. Just making a statement.
Henry says
Imagine if the Democrats didn’t give us Medicare and Social Security what this country would be like !!
James says
“More Than 1 Million Floridians Couldn’t Afford To See A Doctor In 2022.”
Try finding a doctor WORTH seeing in Florida… whether you can afford one or not.
I’m sure they’re out there… somewhere.
Just an observation.