A federal appeals court has rejected an attempt by a chapter of the conservative group Moms for Liberty to block restrictions that the Brevard County School Board placed on public participation at board meetings.
A panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last week upheld a district judge’s denial of a preliminary injunction against the policy, which Moms for Liberty members contend has violated First Amendment rights.
Flagler County has similar rules in place since early 2020. The rules in part forbid speakers from addressing or criticizing school board members by name or make “personal attacks,” and give the meeting chair authority to warn speakers when they violate the rules, then ban the speaker from continuing if the rule-breaking persists. The rules also give the chair authority to recess the meeting, as was done on a notable occasion in August 2021 (when the board attorney recessed the meeting) after a chamber thronged with local Moms for Liberty representatives had become chaotic and abusive.
The precipitating issue, in Flagler as in Brevard, had been masking in public schools to prevent the spread of Covid. Moms for Liberty made largely baseless claims that masks were ineffective, as some school boards–Brevard among them, but not Flagler–defied the state and imposed mask mandates. The masking issue has long since become moot: the majority of districts never imposed mandates, and the 12 that had a mandate in one form or another had all lifted them by this time a year ago, when Moms for Liberty filed its lawsuit.
Moms for Liberty, which was founded by two former Florida school-board members, including former Brevard County board member Tina Descovich, has gained national prominence as it has fought school boards on issues such as mask requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gov. Ron DeSantis, who took the somewhat-unusual step of aggressively backing school-board candidates in this year’s elections, appeared in July at an inaugural Moms for Liberty “summit” in Tampa.
The group’s Brevard County chapter and individual members filed the lawsuit in November 2021 in federal court in Orlando and sought a preliminary injunction against the public-participation policy. Among other things, they contend that speakers are frequently interrupted for criticizing the school board, including for comments deemed “personally directed” at board members.
But U.S. District Judge Roy B. Dalton Jr. in January turned down the request for a preliminary injunction, writing that on “its face, the policy is both content- and viewpoint-neutral.”
“It allows the (school board) chair to interrupt speech only when it is ‘too lengthy, personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant.’ … And prohibiting abusive and obscene comments is not based on content or viewpoint, but rather is critical to prevent disruption, preserve ‘reasonable decorum,’ and facilitate an orderly meeting — which the Eleventh Circuit (Court of Appeals) has held on multiple occasions is permissible,” Dalton wrote.
The Moms for Liberty chapter and members quickly appealed to the Atlanta-based appellate court, with their attorneys writing in a brief that the “First Amendment does not exist to protect the speech that government officials find inoffensive. The rights of free speech and petition come into play only where, as here, government officials seek to silence views that they dislike.”
“School board meetings are limited public fora,” the March 16 brief said. “School officials may thus restrict the content of debate to school matters. But in doing so, they must tolerate all viewpoints. Americans cannot silence each other in a limited public forum by taking offense. But the record is clear: Defendants (the school board) interrupt, silence, and even expel speakers they find disagreeable from school board meetings when finding speech ‘abusive,’ ‘personally directed,’ or ‘obscene.’”
But attorneys for the school board fired back in a May brief, writing that the “record reflects that speakers at Brevard Public Schools’ school board meetings — including appellants (Moms for Liberty members) — routinely criticize the board and its policies without any interruption or comment from the board or its chair whatsoever.”
“The policy aims to ensure that speakers are able to share their perspectives, regardless of viewpoint, while preventing disruption or interference with the board’s ability to conduct its business,” the school board’s brief said. “The board has observed that comments directed specifically to individual board members tend to result in audience members calling out and becoming disruptive, whether in agreement or disagreement with the speaker’s comments. This precludes the board from conducting its business and inhibits public speakers from being heard.”
The appeals-court panel heard arguments Nov. 17 and issued a three-page opinion last week that said “we find no abuse of discretion in the district court’s thorough, well-reasoned order. We therefore affirm the district court’s order denying appellants’ motion for preliminary injunction.”
While the preliminary injunction was denied, the underlying lawsuit about the policy continues before Dalton.
–News Service of Florida and FlaglerLive
Deborah Coffey says
It’s a start. All together, the courts, the activists, the organizers, the voters…all of us…we need to put these far right nut cases back under the rocks from which they crawled out as the Fascists have lifted their ugly heads again.
AgreeWithYou says
This a million times over. At least I’m not the only one that’s throws up a little when these groups such as Moms For Liberty and Libs of TikTok start spewing hate disguised as a desire for freedom when it’s anything but freedom and 100% fascism.
I just remember – there are more of us that truly want real freedom and Liberty for all, not just a chosen few (fascism). We believe in free and fair elections and not “installing” who we want win or lose (authoritarian). We believe businesses have a right to act and do as they please in a free market society (Disney, Apple, etc). I believe in expanding minds and encouraging learning, not trying to dampen it (book bans, revisionist class instruction). I also am for freedom of expression, freedom to live, freedom to love, freedom over your own body, freedom to exist as you are (drag queens, LGBTQ, interracial relationships, different religions or none, abortion, adoption, contraception, having blue hair, 50 tattoos, and wearing a kilt, whatever makes you happy).
The Republican Party is the exact opposite of a freedom loving party. These are not Eisenhower or even Ford Republicans. These are a new breed that idolizes Hitler and Xi and Jong Un and Putin and how they oppress those that disagree and punish those that live any way other than what they say is allowed.
I do wish the old school Republican Party would return, before it was corrupted by “The Family” and “The Federalist Society” and “Heritage Foundation” and Evangelicals (them specifically). There once was a time the Republican Party supported equality for all but it was before my time (Ford). Honesty, he sounded like a great man that was done in by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld in their wish to have him pardon Nixon. Anyway, I digress, until that party emerges again there are two choices when voting – for fascism and authoritarianism (Republicans) or for true freedom, liberty, justice for all, and saving democracy (Democrats). That’s all there is to it.
Brandon cross says
I am a Conservative.
So … I appreciate the other side of view.
Although I may not agree with the other side .. we are All Americans
Maybe we should tone down the rhetoric?
Have even looked at Fox News?