By Elwood Watson
Last week, an Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty, a nonprofit organization that advocates for “parental rights” in education, ended up apologizing and condemning Adolf Hitler after previously using a quote from the racist and anti-Semitic Nazi leader in its newsletter.
“We condemn Adolf Hitler’s actions and his dark place in human history,” read a statement from chapter chair Paige Miller on the cover of the revised newsletter. “We should not have quoted him in our newsletter and express our deepest apology.”
The group was recently labeled as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center in its annual 2022 Year in Hate and Extremism report. The initial version of the newsletter included the quote, “He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future,” and cited Hitler. While the origin of the quote is not entirely known, it has been attributed in numerous historical texts to a 1935 rally speech by the Nazi leader.
Perversely going on the defensive, the national chapter of Moms for Liberty denounced the Indianapolis Star – the local paper that first reported the story – as engaging in “intentional dishonesty,” even while issuing a statement themselves that condemned the chapter’s decision to quote Hitler.
Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice. co-founders of the organization, responded in a statement “They should not have quoted Hitler. Period, Parents are passionate about protecting future generations from tyranny, but Hitler did not need to be quoted to make that point.”
Gee, you think? Well, thanks for coming to such a reasonable conclusion.
Of course they should not have used commentary from one of the most odious, despicable, and abominable human beings in history. But the truth is Moms for Liberty is hardly an aberration.
There has always been a segment of Americans – primary white – who have, whether overtly or covertly, harbored rabid levels of hostility and hatred toward individuals they view and perceive as “the other.” These men and women were largely forced to discuss and reaffirm their racist and bigoted viewpoints with like-minded individuals. For much of our recent history, their outpourings were confined to secret conferences, white supremacist communications, underground newsletters, obscure far-right magazines and radio programs and in more recent decades, the darkest, racially-sordid corners of the web.
After their disastrous and humiliating defeat in 1964, the right-wing segment of the Republican Party, who by this time had wrestled control of the party away from the more moderate Stanton/Rockefeller wing, was emotionally and psychologically shell shocked by such a devastating loss, and thus determined to have their collective voices and ideas represented on the national stage.
Over the past several decades, the conservative right has been successful in amassing a cottage industry of right-wing pundits, radio and network hosts, think tanks, magazines, journalists, clergy and other political tools. These forces have been very astute at playing on the fears, resentments, hatreds, fragilities and insecurities that have rankled the psyches of their audience.
Embodied with the perennial dual forces of patience and determination, they have reached within striking distance of being able to claim “mission accomplished.” It has become an alarming, disturbing and distressing state of affairs. Those of us who are committed to a progressive, inclusive society that respects the rights of all American citizens must combat and respond to such vile and fascist-oriented politics progressively, proactively, and with fearless ferocity.
Elwood Watson is a professor of history, Black studies, and gender and sexuality studies at East Tennessee State University. He is also an author and public speaker.
Deborah Coffey says
“These forces have been very astute at playing on the fears, resentments, hatreds, fragilities and insecurities that have rankled the psyches of their audience.” THIS is exactly what Hitler did. When one manipulates the absolute worst in human beings, there is an ugly ending. With fearless ferocity, let us work to ensure that today’s Republican Party meets the same end as that evil man who destroyed his nation with hate and blame.
Angela Smith says
Thank you, Deborah. I moved here 2 years ago and watched many people who are not rich, white and heterosexual leaving the state of Florida for fear of their lives. I am not going anywhere. These extremist are using the same “Christian” playbook from the beginning of time. I am a christain but not a blind follower, who is an educated woman. Some day these followers will act like they fogot how they fueld the flames of hate when the pendulumn swings. That is why we need to teach REAL hisotry in school. Germany teaches several lessons about the Nazis take ver to make sure it never happens again. The United States is smarter than they are acting with the extremist controling our laws.
Angela Smith says
Thank you, Deborah. I moved here 2 years ago and watched many people who are not rich, white and heterosexual leaving the state of Florida for fear of their lives. I am not going anywhere. These extremist are using the same “Christian” playbook from the beginning of time. I am a christian but not a blind follower, who is an educated woman. Some day these followers will act like they forgot how they fueled the flames of hate when the pendulum swings. That is why we need to teach REAL history in school. Germany teaches several lessons about the Nazis take over to make sure it never happens again. The United States is smarter than they are acting with the extremist controlling our laws.
Jim says
Kudos for Moms for Liberty for having the guts to show their true colors. We should be glad that they were honest enough to show their true colors. They want to control/indoctrinate children with the same hate and fear that Hitler did, and are gladly justified to use the same horrors to achieve that goal. It gives the opposing view a cause and a valid argument.
DontsayRon says
I agree scary how evil these people are and comical how they often claim to be religious. Wont be outvoting Nazis with the gerrymandered map racist ron made. Funny how they went all nuts on critical race theory and then proved it is absolutley true.
Angela Smith says
Mom’s for Liberty is a perfect example of how extremist tries to hide their real message.
As I lived in Bear Creek in Ormond Beach, FL, and walked around looking at the “T” Flags, I realized that these people’s grandchildren will say someday that their grandparents were racist.
The dude says
“For much of our recent history, their outpourings were confined to secret conferences, white supremacist communications, underground newsletters, obscure far-right magazines and radio programs and in more recent decades, the darkest, racially-sordid corners of the web.”
Yep… the interwebs has allowed them to come together more easily, and now that the Twitter has gone full on Daily Stormer, they feel like they’re mainstream.
This is why when I hear things like President Biden wanting to spend billions to expand broadband to rural communities, I shake my head. There’s too many cranks, nutbags, and batshit crazies on the internets already. We don’t need more.
JimBob says
More from the great gals of “Klanned Karenhood”! Inside every Republican woman there is a Marjorie Taylor Greene shrieking to get out.
Robjr says
Don’t leave Lauren Boebert out of the mix.
Laurel says
JimBob: As much as I agree with you, please stop using “Karen” as a derogatory term towards white women. It’s just another label. Other than that, I’m with you.
Whathehck? says
When will the GOP stand up to these extremists? Is winning by getting votes from these beings the only thing that counts?
You used to be the GRAND old party, sadly no more.
Pogo says
@A sad old song that never dies
“…But what was really shocking to me, was the complete cynicism of the plan. Each of the groups was simply to be used until its usefulness was exhausted. Hates were to be played against hates. If one group threatened to get too powerful, it would be killed off by another group. And in the end, those poor little people who never knew to what purpose they were lending themselves would be in the same chains, cowed and enslaved…”
— Katharine Hepburn, as Christine Forrest, in the 1942 film Keeper of the Flame