Last Updated: Dec. 9, 12:35 p.m.
Dec. 9–Michael Testa, the Bunnell man who escaped on Dec. 6 from a Flagler County Sheriff’s Office deputy’s cruiser after being arrested for dealing in stolen property, turned himself in this morning at 9:49 a.m, the Sheriff’s office just announced. Testa had been staying in the woods.
“This was a peaceful situation where no one was injured. It is a hoped-for outcome and a wise decision on the part of Mr. Testa,” Sheriff Don Fleming said.
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Dec. 8: Details Emerge in Michael Testa’s Escape From Cop Car After Grand Thefts; He’s Still At Large
Details have emerged Thursday in the events that led to the arrest and escape of Michael Testa, 21, a Bunnell resident, the evening of Dec. 6. Testa had been in a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy car, filling out statements–which is why he was not handcuffed–when he managed to open the door from the outside and escape through Palm terrace, triggering a nearly hour-long and fruitless search by air, foot and K-9.
According to a sheriff’s office report detailing the events that day, Testa became a suspect in a burglary after a resident at 80 Zebulahs Trail told a deputy the afternoon of Dec. 6 of several thefts from her home, and that she’d recovered some of the property at a pawn shop. Her son’s Wii system had gone missing on Dec. 3. She found it two days later at Cash It In Pawn, where she was told the system had been brought in by Testa on Dec. 2. She subsequently noticed that her husband’s black lock box containing the Civil War replica of a .45-caliber revolver had also gone missing, along with gunpowder, a Taurus magazine, baseball cards and $16 in cash. She suspected her son’s involvement, 23-year-old Thomas Deason, but Deason denied any involvement.
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy Joseph Costello was conducting the investigation on Dec. 6. He contacted Deason, whose mother had already told him that the thefts were being investigated. Deason was at Walmart with Testa and two other men. Deason told the deputy that they were about to leave, and that he was looking to be dropped off at Marvin’s Garden, the strip mall in Bunnell on State Road 100. Deason identified the car: a green Honda Accord, and gave the tag number.
Costello set up near Marvin’s Garden, and pulled over the Honda when he noticed only the driver wearing a seat belt. A K-it was sent to the scene and indicated the presence of narcotics. A search revealed syringes from the trunk. Those not wearing seat belts were issued warnings. Costello read Testa, who agreed to write a statement, his Miranda rights in connection with the stolen property. Another occupant of the car, Michael Saunders, told another deputy at the scene–Arthur Erlandson–that Testa had sold him an antique firearm the previous evening. Erlandson recovered the Civil War replica gun and matched it to the stolen item.
On Thursday, Saunders was found dead of an apparent suicide, in his Honda, in the Walmart parking lot in Palm Coast. The cause was attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning. See the details here.
By then Testa had been placed in Costello’s car, without handcuffs. Testa began writing his statement at about 6 p.m. “During this time,” Costello writes in his report, “Michael Testa asked for a second page to finish his statement and my rear window of my patrol vehicle was opened and an additional page was handed to Michael Testa by Deputy [Carmine] Celico.” It took Testa about 15 minutes to finish his statement, which was handed back to him for his signature. Another deputy found out that Deason (who’s been in jail a few times on marijuana, forgery and probation violation charges), Testa and others would occupy the house at 78 Zebulahs to smoke dope, without the owner’s knowledge.
Testa argued to Costello that he shouldn’t be arrested, and that if he was being arrested, Deason should be sitting in the cop car with him. He asked for his specific charges, then asked what the bond amounts would be, and when he was told ($13,000), he complained that he would never get out of jail, according to the report.
“I was working on my affidavit and on the radio answering questions to Deputy Erlandson,” Costello writes in his report, “when I heard the rear door of my patrol car open and saw Michael Testa running away into Palm Terrace. I chased behind him, falling in a [culvert] while yelling at him by name to stop. I continued to chase him around multiple trailers to where I last observed him in the rear yard of trailer #11.” It was at that point that the deputy lost contact, and called for patrol units and K-9 to respond.
Testa has been booked into the Flagler County jail three times since February 2010. He faced two counts of dealing in stolen property and one count of grand theft before he fled. He now also aces fleeing charges.
Testa, the sheriff’s office had reported on Dec. 7, was able to reach out of the partially opened window to reach the exterior door handle and open the rear door, fleeing on foot with deputies in pursuit. The trailer park is a maze of small streets and empty lots on the south side of State Road 100. It abuts parts of the south side of the E Section.
“This suspect had been cooperating with deputies. Unfortunately, he apparently had a change of heart and now he is in more trouble. He needs to turn himself in,” said Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming.
Testa was booked at the jail for the first time in February 2010 on a marijuana possession charge (under 20 grams). He was booked again on Oct. 26 on a possession of drug paraphernalia charge, and resisting arrest without violence. And he was booked on Nov. 2 for retail theft of property valued at more than $300 and resisting arrest without violence. He posted bond or was released on hsi own recognizance all three times.
you no says
How can a suspect escape from a police car? Was he put behind the wheel when he was put into it??
John C says
thats one dumb cop……fire him! Put someone competent in his or her place…..
John C says
This suspect had been cooperating with deputies. Unfortunately, he apparently had a change of heart ?…..hes a criminal!!, and has a record!…..No wonder there is so much crime in palm coast….are cops are dumb!
Mw says
Deputys should lay off the dough-nuts. No Milk Bones for the dog.
PalmCoast says
He’ll be on an upcoming episode of ‘I Almost Got Away With It’.
Mack says
Somebody has been watching Chris Angel shows and taking magician lessons !
FlaglerNative says
They couldn’t catch him and eat their doughnuts at the same time! “Escape?”, more like opened the door and walked away. Why was he not handcuffed? Did he at least get a doughnut before he “Escaped?” lol. Good thing that he is not armed and dangerous. But that was very thoughtful for the deputy to leave the window halfway down for him, he needed the fresh air. Why doesnt the story include the deputys name? We would love to know the Jack@ss that did this! What is going on with Flagler County, are we hiring all the rejects that Volusia and St. Johns does not hire? We have ones that steal from the evidence room, one that has a wife that stole over $50,000 from Frankies “RIP” parents, of course hubby didn’t know where all the money was coming from, LOL. Another that has a single car accident on U.S. 1 and totals a cruiser. I can go on and on!!! I wish good ol’ Grady was still around, that was a real officer!
Kay09 says
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. When they do good they always publish their name but in a case like this they just say “the sherrifs”….
Jenn says
It clearly states the officers names involved in the first part of the story. Joseph Costello was the officer that was detaining Testa at the time of escape. They should’ve definitely had him in handcuffs though, and it would have saved a lot of our taxpaying dollars that they spent searching for him!!
Kelly Cheek via Facebook says
blondie says
The obvious question here: Why was this kid not in handcuffs??
Don says
All suspects should be REAR Cuffed,Re-training is needed
Barb says
I really think the cop bashers lay in wait for a cop to make a mistake. Mistakes happen….I’m sure whoever this officer is will never let a criminal sit in his car without cuffs again.
JS says
You are correct they do lau in wait for our local Law officers and Fire/Rescue to make a mistake… But you will never see them making mistakes they are better then the people that serve them.. If half of the time that they spend bashing them was spent on helping and fixxing the problems then Flager County would be a great place to live again!!!!!
you no says
Barb, we’re not cop bashers. If a doctors, surgeons, emts,and other professionals make mistakes and it involves your safety as in this case, would you opine the same. They could’nt catch him because they’re out of shape and over weight.. Why do you think we have SUVs as patrol cars. Orange County had five SUVs and had to order seven more at an extra cost of $100,000 over the cost of the cars.. The reason given was the officers were too fat to fit behind the wheel of a patrol car.. Now if that’s bashing then I’m guilty
Ben Dover says
They couldn`t catch him cause all the flagler county sheriffs are trained to give tickets and thats it , they don`t usually go after criminals ,too busy screwing people on thier way to work, and if they can`t catch you then the camera`s will , its all about screwng people out of money in this county
Barb says
you no…I know plenty of FCSO officers who are NOT overweight and out of shape. Yes, that’s bashing. And they don’t just have SUV’s. They have bike patrols as well. I am well aware that mistakes are made in every profession. Don’t recall reading the tiresome, smart ass donut comments when that happens.
Barb I agree with you 100% !!!!!!! People sit there and preach and rag on men and women who RISK THEIR LIVES every day they put on their uniforms!!! So he didnt put handcuffs on him, maybe at that point there was no need. why don’t you use your mouths to get our firefighters and cops raises, instead of bashing them!!!!!!!
resident says
None of you were in Palm Terrace the night this took place… The officer who was chasing Michael is far from being overweight or out of shape. There are several empty trailers in the park which he could have hid in and sheds. They had several officers in the park with in moments of Michael escaping. City of Bunnell and FCSO. You state the police are dumb they are required to have more training then most of you posting do for your jobs. More citizens eat donuts than do cops. I am with you Barb I see more cops that are not overweight than those who are. Those of you”bashing” cops are not bashing one when you need them and they show up to help. He escaped from a vehicle, how do you explain the escapes from the jail. As the old saying goes a lock only keeps a honest man honest. We can all see Michael isn’t honest. The cops are doing the best they can it is the politician’s of Flagler county who have the hands of law enforcement.
Truth says
“are cops are dumb!”
You may be more dumb, it’s our not are. Mistakes happen right?
Kendall says
Not sure why this has turned into a donuts discussion. The criminal is on the run. The people the posters are ragging on are the good guys. Remember?
[email protected] says
this all goes back to the instructors at the police academy. feed them the above questions and have them sort out what went wrong.
Dede Siebenaler via Facebook says
Barb says
Kendall…it’s like I said. Cop bashers waiting for an opportunity.
Joe A says
This is an unfortunate incident. I am not a cop bashed, in fact I am pro-cop. However this is an embarrassment to the Sheriffs Department. A sheriffs officer has policies and procedures to follow, including placing someone in custody in handcuffs in a locked, secured vehicle. The very fact that someone was able to escape from a police vehicle, unhandcuffed is astonishing. Anyone ever watch Americas Most Wanted? How many police officers were killed because a criminal was not properly detained. Come on folks, lets use common sense. Why isn’t this Officer or the Sheriff being held accountable? You have a fugitive at large who escaped from custody.
dontbesoparanoid says
Fire him? Put someone more competent in his place? This deputy is a 20 year veteran of NYPD and spent years there in the street crimes unit. He is an asset to the Sheriff’s Office and you have no idea of the job this deputy does on a daily basis. I can also assure you he does not eat doughnuts. But go on with your life of perfection. “are cops are dumb” LOL…
Joe A. says
I appreciate you defending your friend, it shows your loyalty. I am confident that this officer is an asset to the sheriffs department and has given many years of service to the community in NY and Flagler. But the matter of truth is that he failed at his job.
As a sheriffs deputy, there are certain polices and procedures he must follow when placing an individual under arrest. This includes placing someone in handcuffs for the safety of the suspect (if they are mentally unstablle) or for the safety of the law enforcement officer and the community.
This deputy, failed at his job. This is by no means a personal attack on the indivdual nor is it a slam on the sheriffs office. But pointing out the fact that a suspect who was placed into custody, considered a danger to the community is now at large. He now poses a greater risk to himself, the law enforcement officers and the community.
Whos fault is this? This is the fault of the Deputy for failing to do his job, the Deputys Supervisors for failing to remind them of their policies and procedures, the Deputy’s training officer to ensure that this Deptuy is given adequate training and the Sheriff. Sheriff Fleming is equally to blame as the head of this agency.
This is completely unacceptable by any means. You have a law enforcement officer who failed to protect his community by not following proper procedures. Now there is a fugitive at large who poses risk to the community. This Deputy deserves a reprimind as he failed to do his job.
When Mr. Testa commits another crime, inflicts harm, pain and suffering or at worse takes the life of another in his effort to flee from police, who will be held accountable? You can bet money that if any of that occurs, lawyers will have a field day with this and surely will hold Sheriff Fleming, the Flagler County Sheriffs Office and this Deputy personally responsible.
I as a tax payer and resident of Flagler County DEMAND answers. This half-hearted law enforcement approach is unacceptable and I DEMAND change!
resident says
Joe, you certainly have strong opinion agains law enforcement this could indicate you also are a criminal. There were residents outside there homes at the time the chase was on and Michael was no threat to any of them his only concern was running from this officer. The officer’s supervisor knows more about his officer than you or I you can bet there will be an investigation into the decision the officer made. When you need a deputy this could be the one that shows up so be ware. You would not know any of this if it was not on Flaglerlive. I know 2 weeks ago a BPD office allowed a drunk driver to go home instead of jail. Just a week prior to that a lady backed in to a ditch in Bunnell drunk BPD let her go home with her daughter same thing not to jail. About a month before that 2 BPD officers allowed a lady whom had been beaten up over a drug deal gone bad and was laying in the middle of the right hand lane of US 1 near Nora’s was under the influence was also allowed to go free only to be arrested the next night at the Kangaroo. None of these incidents made it on Flaglerlive so you were not able to bash those officers. I for one have no use for a law enforcement offical who allows a drunk driver to go free. But I do not bash them it is a decision they have to live with if that person causes harm to someone else.
Barb says
Testa was filling out paperwork. He was cooperating. The officer’s only mistake was in letting the window down part way. Get over yourselves and be grateful for the officers who protect you each and every day for very little reward.
Joe S says
One problem on the scene does not mean a cop should be fired. Every problem on a scene should be taken as a learning experience. This is how it works. I am pretty sure if the kid made any sign of resisting he would have been in cuffs, but perhaps he was cordial and cooperative so it didn’t warrant extreme measures. It’s all about reading people and taking appropriate actions in reaction and I’ll bet there is now a reinforcement of the procedures.
LAWLZ…Donuts…isn’t that an old stereotype?
Joe A. says
So now that Test is arrested the issue goes away?
He read Mr. Testa his rights thus placing him under arrest and into custody.
Deputy Costello made a lack in judgement. He is a professional law enforcement officer. From what others have expressed on here, he is a good law enforcement officer. But even the best of the best use the lack of better judgement at times. This event has proven that.
Do I think Deputy Costello should be fired? Absolutely Not. An internal investigation should be conducted to determine if policies or proceudres were violated, he was not properly trained or did not recieve the proper supervision under current leadership. But something should be done. The public expects its professionals to be attentive to the law and execute the powers of their position effectively. When you lose the faith of the public, you lose everything.
This is an embarassement for Deputy Costello, Sheriff Fleming and the Flagler County Sheriffs Office. It is an unfortnate incident with an outcome that ended peacfully. This is in no attempt to bash our hard working Deputies, but rather point out incompetency that has embarassed everyone.
Barb says
Joe A….The deputy had Testa writing up a statement. Hard to write if you are handcuffed. His error was in not having the window rolled all the way up. Mistakes happen. My guess is that the situation was discussed with the deputy. What do you want? He can’t take back the mistake…he can only learn from it.
suewho1010 says
Deputy Costello is a fine outstanding officer, who made a mistake. lets stop bashing the people that put their lives on the line everyday to protect us. To ERR is to be HUMAN
dontbesoparanoid says
Joe A, you demand change? LOL…Are you really concerned? You seem more politically motivated that anything.
you no says
Now that he’s turned himself in perhaps they should hire him as an instrutor,,
John C says
To all you Law Enforcement Officers out there…take it from experience….treat every suspect as the person that wants to kill you……most cop killers are cooperative…when you are least on guard..thats when he or she strikes……Criminals dont need thier windows cracked…they dont think like you and me…..at the time this scum bag was crying about bond and being in prison forever…..i’d be thinking watch this one…hes in a panic…stay smart, stay alive!
Joe A. says
@ Barb – Mistakes do happen. Lack of judgement, lack of alertness when dealing with criminals leads to unfortunate incidents.
@Suewho – I am sure Deputy Costello is a good officer. However, he had a lack of judgement and made an error. This error resulted in a criminal escaping from custody. Fortunately this ended with the criminal turning himself in and not something worse.
@Dontbeparanoid – Damn right I am concerned. Damn right this is politically motivated. I pay my taxes in this county. I want competent officers on the street. It’s time public employees are held accountable to the people they serve.
@JohnC- Very Nicely said.
This is an unfortunate incident, a good officer used the lack of better judgement when dealing with a criminal. We see the dangers of police work when an officer is killed on a traffic stop outside of Virgina Tech. My frustration is that this incident placed the Deputies in harms way for something that was preventable.
I think it is only right that there is an investigation conducted and determine where there was an error. Was it a lack of knowledge in the polices and procedures, was this a lack of training or was this a lack of supervision. Either way this can not be overlooked. The Sheriff and his deputies must be held accountable for their conduct to the people they serve.
dave says
I bet a lot of you people that are bashing him are so perfect that you believe you can walk on water being as your so perfect yourselves, careful folk’s because everyone I know lives in a glass house including myself so let’s try to keep the rock throwing down a little bit, for those that are perfect please let me know the next time you plan on walking on water so I can come see this with my own eyes .
Diumraid Yllonnoc via Facebook says
glad to hear he turned himself in :)
Barb says
The deputies don’t need any of you to tell you how to do their jobs. They don’t need to hear your insults. They don’t need your “demands.” (roll eyes). None of you were there, including me. The situation was calm. Testa was filling out papers. He asked what the bond was and, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to get out, he made an impulsive decision and took off. I’m sure a couple nights in the woods made him realize it was a dumb thing to do and he turned himself in.
What’s scarier to me is all the gun talk on a local forum. You think one kid on the run is dangerous? I could name several people i know who aren’t stable enough to be trusted with a weapon just on that forum alone. I don’t think Palm Coast is that scary of a place to be reading all the ridiculous Smith and Wesson comments.
Ben Dover says
Sounds like Barb has a crush on cops to me , I agree this guy was not a big threat , just a kid scared to go to jail , but to say Palm Coast is not that scary . We have gangs here Barb , they are shooting people , breaking into homes to rob them ,with children asleep in the next room!! A guy was robbed at gun point on Oak Trail blvd two or three weeks ago in broad daylight , then the hotel up the street was robbed at gun point the next night. The cops need to spend more time patrolling our neighborhoods and less time sitting in the middle of Belle Terre parkway or in bushes, looking to screw the working people of this county out of their hard earned money with their speed traps.
No Thanks says
We all pay taxes. All law enforcement officers pay taxes. You are no better than the rest of us. Everyone needs to just get over themselves. Obviously you aren’t out there putting your lives on the line everyday. These men and women have children and families at home. However, they still go out and get shot at, spit on, you name it, it happens. All the while, you are sitting at home commenting on FlaglerLive about a mistake like you’re perfect. It could have happened to anyone. Mistakes happen. That’s why we’re human. If you’re all so perfect, then get off your butts and go do the job yourself. It’s ridiculous to sit here and read all these nauseating comments bashing your local law enforcement officers. How about the next time your house gets robbed, call someone who cares. When your elderly mother gets her purse stolen at Publix, call someone who cares. Better yet, when you’re laying half dead on the side of the road because a drunk driver hit you head on with your children in the back seat, CALL SOMEONE WHO CARES. Someone more competent than your local law enforcement agency. You think they don’t know what they’re doing, you want to complain, then move elsewhere or do the job yourself.
Barb says
Ben Dover….no crush, I just respect the job they do. This officer has been on the job for years. Haven’t read any other bad press on him, have you? One error in judgement for a non violent, cooperative criminal who was filling out paperwork really shouldn’t ruin his career…I’m sure you agree with that. And I stand by my statement. I didn’t say there was no crime in Palm Coast, I said it isn’t enough to warrant a bunch of people calling “lock and load’ in situations like this one. When you read the panic in their statements, and criticisms that there wasn’t a reverse 911 call with a dangerous man on the loose, you should probably question the judgement of these “armed” people when they hear a noise on their front porch. In fact, I recall one of those “average citizens” who took it upon herself to investigate gangs who posted she was peeking in the windows of their homes. Yes, Ben….be very afraid. But not of the crime….be afraid of your vigilante neighbors.
Ben Dover says
Yes Barb ,I do agree, too much was made out of this, and I do respect the job cops have to do, but this county over the last few years seems to put way too much time and money into trying to catch people speeding , then they do patrolling our neighbor hoods . This place has gone from a nice quiet little town , into a city of crime in a few short years. They let section 8 housing into every neighborhood , these people don`t work, they sell drugs and mooch off the system,. If the city counsel was really out to keep this a nice safe place to live ,they never would have let that happen , instead they installed camera`s and rigged the lights to try and screw hardworking people, all for a buck , and did it illegally too, which makes them as bad as the riff raff they let move into our nice quiet little town
FlaglerLive says
Ben, it’s one thing to offer a fresh perspective on policing. It’s quite another to make inaccurate claims about that policing. Crime has gone down, not up, in Palm Coast and Flagler County. That may not have specifically to do with local tactics; it’s been a national trend. Nevertheless, crime is down at last count, almost across the board.
Ben Dover says
Not enough that anyone would notice, and there have been more gun crimes this past year then ever before, you need to shed the rose colored glasses there buddy
dave says
Ben, quote -The cops need to spend more time patrolling our neighborhoods and less time sitting in the middle of Belle Terre parkway or in bushes, looking to screw the working people of this county out of their hard earned money with their speed traps. REALLY ?
Joe says
How do you escape from a cop car? Haha, he opened the door and walked away? Makes you wonder if he was ever in the car at all. Ahh to protect and…, wait how does it go?
Jojo says
What’s considered an arrest? There are numerous definitions by police departments, states, jurisdictions, legal, even Supreme Court opinions.
The SC has heard arguments on what is a proper arrest. If a police officer stops and questions an individual, is that considered a lawful arrest? If I stop and ask an individual his name and what he is doing at 4PM as opposed to 4AM in the morning, is there a temporal difference of motive. Do I slap the cuffs on this individual? The Supreme Court seems to think that merely stopping an individual and questioning someone is considered detaining someone against their liberty. If that being the case, do I cuff a nine month pregnant mother to be; a wheel-chair bound shoplifter or, perhaps a 5 year old that has a temper tantrum.
We have plenty of feral youths that are treated with dignity by police officers everyday in this country. Judges too hand down decisions everyday to release incarcerated people from custody with the expectation in some cases to return for a future court date. So do bail bondsmen. Unfortunately, some flea justice temporarily or jump bond. Our system of justice demands it. We, the People, exercised that right.
This argument is moot as far as I’m concerned.
Joe A. says
I think that Barb and several others are extremely loyal to their friend. As for the gentleman who insinuated I am a criminal. If living a law abiding, tax paying life is a criminal act, than I am the biggest offender.
My biggest concern is that someone escaped from police custody. What if this happened with someone who was violent or a serious threat to the community?
It seems folks on here are just diffusing the situation by blaming Bunnell PD or making personal attacks on me. I am not a cop hater, I am not bashing anyone. I just want to make sure those protecting and serving are following proper procedures. The worse thing that could ever happen is they turn their back on a criminal and it cause serious injury or death to them.
I am all about saving lives. The goal of a police officer is to do his job and return back to his family at the end of shift. We are fortunate this situation ended as hoped.
Dudley Doright says
I have read with interest all of these postings. You gotta love the Monday morning quarterbacks who have zero experience in law enforcement. Testa was cooperative and had not committed a violent crime. I’m sure that the deputy was exercising officer safety procedures. With his many years of experience, I’m sure he would have utilized more stringent control if his instincts thought it was necessary. Considering the fact that none of us where on the scene, we really can’t make a valid comment. Of course, if you don’t think the sheriff is doing his job, then vote. You have a voice at the polls. But, the sad thing is the majority won’t vote next November 2012 given Flagler County’s voting history. If you didn’t vote in the last election, you have no say about how the Sheriff is doing his job. By the way, I am a former police chief with command over 400 officers. Further, I am a FDLE Law Enforcement Instructor so I know what I’m talking about!
IffyTopic says
Police officers are held to a higher standard than you and I and I understand that. I will agree that the officer made a mistake but really, honestly, every one makes mistakes. If all our mistakes were aired through the news there would be a lot of people bashing us too. I am sure this officer knows his duty, knows he messed up, and will make every effort to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I don’t think bashing him to no end is going to make any difference. I don’t know about you but the one time I have been pulled over I deserved to be. If I am not doing something wrong I don’t get pulled so if you feel they are looking to “screw the working people” those working people must be speeding or doing something wrong and screwing themselves. JMO
Ben Dover says
I do not have any red light or speeding tickets , I just see them sitting on the side of the roads day in and day out , when they could be patrolling neighborhoods instead. There are too many serious crimes going on in our city ,and I`m sure the dirtbags robbing the houses or stealing the cars see them sitting out there too, makes it easier for them ,knowing where the police are. I used to work at Sea Ray boats , had to be there 5am ,that road back then led nowhere but to Sea Ray , and a cop would sit there and ticket people on their way to work ,at a job where being late costs u your job. I know peeps who lost their jobs like that , thats pretty crappy if you ask me
dontbesoparanoid says
Joe A,
Yes the public expects professionals and that’s what they get. This is only political fodder for you. I don’t see any positive comments from you on yesterdays story where the suspects were caught…..
Joe A says
Dont be paradnoid – Yesterdays chase and capture was a good thing. I did post something Before anyone could ever post anything how these low lives fleeing were good guys, just misread or whatever bs people find to make up to support these criminals.
I am proud of our men in blue for puttng the bad guys away. The goal is clear, put the bad guys away and go home safely back to your families. My larget concern with this specific case above is that this could of ended badly. Mistakes happen, consequences follow for every action or inaction. This may be an issue related to training.
Since no one seems to understand my point and just continue to find excuses , I am not going to comment on this anymore. Glad the bad guy is locked up. Sorry the officer let him escape in the first place.
Barb says
Joe…. I do not know the officer at all. Didn’t even know his name until it was posted here.
As for your second assumption…read the article. It explains very clearly and sensibly how Testa was able to escape.
carmen says
Only In Flagler County.