Nine days after Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland resigned, City Manager Matt Morton today announced his resignation. The resignation deepens turmoil in a city government already reeling from instability, uncertainty within city ranks and severe tensions at recent meetings.
The resignation would, once effective, leave the city in the hands of two newly appointed chiefs of staff, Lauren Johnston and Denise Bevan.
The resignation is not entirely surprising: Morton was essentially a Holland protege, and without her on the council, he’d lost his support’s cornerstone. But the resignation adds at least some credence to rampant speculation that Holland’s resignation was not prompted only by concerns over her daughter’s health, and that the two resignations are connected.
Morton, who did not answer his phone or return a text, had the council majority’s confidence. He just marked his second anniversary with the city and was awarded a $9,000 raise by the council earlier this month, in what proved to be Holland’s last business meeting.
He tendered his 30-day notice to the acting mayor and city staff by email, and cited, without detail or explanation, a tenet from the International City/County Management Association’s Code of Ethics: “Resist any encroachment on professional responsibilities, believing the member should be free to carry out official policies without interference, and handle each problem without discrimination on the basis of principle and justice.”
Just weeks ago Council member Victor Barbosa had called for Morton’s resignation, citing sketchy claims of “corruption” and drawing no support from other council members. Members have since reasserted their support for Morton.
“There have been misses and failures, which is not only human but happens in every organization around the globe,” he wrote Eddie Brabnquinho, the acting mayor–who is in Portugal on vacation– “but from those my aim was always to do better, to be better, while not making excuses nor assigning blame.
Brittany Kershaw, herself brought on by Morton just days ago to lead the city’s public relations office, issued a three-paragraph release moments after noon, announcing the resignation. The release, like Morton’s email, did not clarify a reason.
By charter, the council must begin filling the manager’s position within 90 days of a vacancy. An acting city manager may be appointed by the council. But the charter notes that the manager “shall be appointed by a majority vote of the full Council,” which implies that a three-vote majority would be required.
“If we don’t have three votes we don’t have an interim manager,” Council member Ed Danko said. “But I’m confident we’ll come together, make that decision and do what’s right for the city of Palm Coast.”
Danko said he was surprised by the manager’s decision, having met Morton only yesterday to let him know he’d be making a motion to “destroy” what came to light this week as a “difficult citizens” list the city has kept since 2016, naming names and addresses of residents who’d been judged inappropriate or aggressive toward city staff. The list, first revealed by the News-Journal’s Frank Fernandez on Tuesday, was made available as a public record but had never been disclosed by the city before, essentially making it all but a secret document. Those named on it had no avenue of disputing being on it. “He seemed perfectly fine yesterday,” Danko said of his meeting with Morton on Wednesday, when they discussed the list.
“Moving forward with the budget coming up, this is not the best time for something like that to happen,” Danko said of the manager’s resignation.
Holland’s resignation prompted the charter-required special election, now set for July 27, to fill the mayor’s seat. That race has drawn several candidates and was already shaping up into a referendum on the city’s future. As Morton was preparing the timeline of the election, he stressed that he was hoping for the position to be filled ahead of the beginning of budget season, signaling that he was himself committed to that process. His resignation, which becomes effective on June 26, now creates an administrative and political challenge for the city.
The council is now the most inexperienced local government board in Flagler County, with Nick Klufas a senior member with just five years’ service. Danko and Barbosa were elected last November with no prior electoral experience or government budgeting experience. Branquinho was elected just over two years ago. The city administration itself saw much turmoil after Morton’s arrival, with most of the top positions changing hands, though the city’s finance department has been quite stable and firmly in hands, under Helena Alves.
Dissapointed in Palm Coast says
I can give you reasons that will never be mentioned…
1. He facilitated a culture of fear – championed by our dearly resigned Mayor – a culture where loyalty was rewarded above skill and that tests for loyalty were conducted in back meeting rooms. Fail a loyalty test and you’re “resigned” – need proof – just look at the names of long term and well respected employees – now gone.
2. He had zero backbone. He was basically propped up by the mayor, as her puppet… and everyone knows what happens when a hand is removed from the back of a puppet.
3. He has been approached by the state ethics commission – we all know that his former boss is under fire and will soon be facing a hearing, and – as they say – rats jump off a sinking ship. In his short tenure he’s also been approached by the FBI – and let’s face it – how many of us have been interviewed by the bureau about our jobs?
4. The walls are closing in, and he figured he better get a new job before he looses his old job… and besides – orange wouldn’t look good on him.
5. He’s unethical, untalented, and unsuccessful as a man, as a manager and as basically a human being.
I could go on and on… but I’d say that’s enough reason. Good Riddance.
Now the real challenge begins – how on earth to attract a qualified candidate as City Manager when we’re basically a side show of a county. Between the ethics complaints,, and the shenanigans both in City Hall and at the County Offices… it’s going to be a real challenge to fix this mess.
Been There says
…and there is so much more. Just wait, you are going to start learning how the County Commissioners, County Administration, and people from the private sector are implicated to include a lawyer, insurance company owner, media outlet owner, and a developer. Mullins himself has run his mouth to too many people about how he got to be on the Commission.
What's Next? says
Agree with almost all of this and would add:
1. In addition to the people who left, look at the people who have been hired and promoted. Brittany Kershaw is a worthy Communications Director who did awesome work at the FCSO but her hiring flies in the face of the city’s anti-nepotism policies with her husband as the city’s main point person on Palm Coast Connect and part of Morton’s “triangle.” Renina Fuller was hired without the job even being posted because her husband is a long-time supporter of Holland. Brad West was hired without the job even being posted because he helped the mayor win re-election (he’s still on here commenting as “BMW” supporting everything she and now Alfin does). Lauren Johnston was promoted well above her experience (or even the bare minimum qualifications of her schooling) because of loyalty. Jason DeLorenzo is in way over his head because of loyalty. The list goes on and on and on and on.
2. 1000% this. He doesn’t make decisions, he simply did what Holland told him to do. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made this decision to resign simply because he didn’t know what to do with himself when someone wasn’t in his ear 5 hours out of every day.
4. He’ll never work in politics again. Thankfully.
5. 1000% agreed here as well.
Over it! says
I agree, there are plenty more in this City that don’t deserve the positions they have all for Coastal Cloud. One director comes to mine. She has no respect for her people and all she cares about is herself no matter who she steps on. The City needs a cleaning out of ALL department managers and Directors. No one cares about the employees busting their butts! Clean this City up!
Complainers only complain says
Or he came in, recognized incompetence, laziness and ill treatment of the citizenry and gave them options. When they failed to meet the bar they ended up leaving and parroting what you say. Landon’s PC reputation is quickly returning. Anyone and everyone that wanted a better and fiscally sound city is a abandoning ship. The anti-everything won.
Coyote says
“I can give you reasons that will never be mentioned…”
Nor will they ever be proven or even documented … mostly because they’re not true.
1) Just look at the names of long term and well respected employees – now gone. Remember – in their time Coffey and Landon were ‘long term and respected’ also.
2)and everyone knows what happens when a hand is removed from the back of a puppet. – Well at least Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy know (btw – is he related to Joe McCarthy of the 50’s? Carrying on the family tradition?)
3) we all know that his former boss is under fire and will soon be facing a hearing – We do? When is this supposed to happen?
etc etc … Lots of KoolAid here, not much substance
Did you ever figure that maybe, just maybe the toxic atmosphere prevailing in almost *all* politics should have ANY intelligent person reconsidering getting into or remaining in politics?
MikeC says
Yes, the current Trumpublican playbook coming to Palm Coast. If you liked what the former guy did to the country, and how he turned it upside down with lies and absurd conspiracy theories, you’re going to love the show when these “patriots” take over our beautiful city. Get the truth out! Vote!
Dennis says
Pretty sad about the standing of Palm Coast. Maybe now they withdraw have the courage to cancel the wasted money that was to be directed to th3 addition of the money loosing tennis center. Tough to say but the city is worse run than the county.
Peaches McGee says
As I predicted, Palm Coast will regress 20 years just like Bunnell.
Time for the criminals, fraudsters, and hooligans’ to take over.
Percy's Mother says
So apparently the plan all along with Lowe, Danko, Barbosa, Dennis McDonald, (and lets not forget Lowe’s REALTOR GIRLFRIEND), has been to get rid of Morton and install DENNIS MCDONALD as CITY MANAGER. This plan has been in the works since early last year 2020.
Dennis McDonald and Lowe have been seen around town putting up “Lowe for Mayor” signs.
Stupid idiots here in Palm Coast are busy celebrating their victory. Just wait until the city is run by Dennis McDonald, Alan Lowe, Victor Barbosa, Ed Danko. Then we’ll see what hell is really like here in Palm Coast.
Why hasn’t ALAN LOWE DISCLOSED THAT HIS SIGNIFICANT OTHER IS A REALTOR? Especially when he keeps stating that no realtors or developers should be allowed?
Coyote says
All part of the “How Lowe can you go?” campaign.
Kim Pandich-Gridley says
Having worked on a campaign against Janet McDonald for the school board election and dealt with both the McDonald’s and the Barbosa’s, I can assure the residents of Flagler County that no worse people have ever tried to hold office. They are the personification of slime and God help us if they ever hold true power in Flagler. The school board members know how bad both Janet and “Dr” Maria were and the county officials know about the male members of the family. Don’t be fooled by glossy campaign mailers. These people are scum.
Erobot says
Get the popcorn ready.
CB from PC says
Lived here several years.
The City of PC is a revolving door of “management”.
Know of many qualified candidates rejected for positions which were given to people less qualified.
Lots of cronyism, or as one writer put it, protege.
If you cannot even manage a garbage company contract, how the hell are you going to manage a growing city?
We need people who can prioritize and mix quality of lifestyle with fiscal responsibility.
That means having the guts to stand up to Real Estate Developers creating the newest Whiteview Village eyesore and granting taxpayer subsidies to failing companies like Palm Coast Data, for non-existent jobs.
Over it says
Yes I agree. The director in “charge” of waste pro has no back bone. She passes it off to employees to do her dirty work. But the moment recognition is needed she’ll stand right in there. Clean the trash out.
Steve says
PS ANY Prospective Resident doing their Due Diligence on a move here should head for the Hills IMO just sayin
Bill Green says
The two most rational city administrators are now gone leaving us in the hands of inexperienced council members who have demonstrated themselves to be crude, loud, boisterous and ineffective. Sad to see Ms. Holland and Mr. Morton go.
Mythoughts says
So what are they hiding from the Palm Coast residences? Sound very fishy for sure.
OnlyMe says
Once again it is showing the citzens of Palm Coast they don’t have qualified people running this town. And their replacements will probably be the same.
The County is no different, their commissioners are the boys club and that about sizes it up. Maybe they needs to start electing Democrats because the Republican elected officials aren’t doing a very good job.
TR says
If everyone does what you suggest, that will work. Just look what your suggested did to this country in just 5 1/2 months.
Jimbo99 says
This is rampantly chronic in the USA with politicians, people with titles not showing up or only involved as self serving. We have an interim Mayor that is in Portugal. Really ? OK, so we have resignations, but stick around long enough for a plan or replacements to have some continuity. So now we have this water pad & pickleball courts on the way. Waste Management issue for trash pickup. What the heck is really going on around here ?
I just think the splash pad & pickleball money needed to go towards outright paying off the new FCSO building which had been a series of moldy building purchases & resells at losses ? See the water pad & pickleball attracts families, I get that concept, but FCSO is the only thing keeping the criminal element in check around here. Without that security shield, the families aren’t going to want to be moving to Palm Coast/Flagler county. All of this is dot connecting pressures. We have only so much tax revenue, play within that budget. Analogy, the way this went down, it was like a stimulus check distribution that was intended to pay rent & bills and the recipients went out and bought a boat with the money instead ?
Irwin M. Fletcher says
Hey Jimbo99, your rant falls apart on itself. The City and County operate in different budgets. The City cannot divert its capital funds to “pay off” a County project, nor could the opposite happen.
James says
And just like that, Jimbo, you show you really don’t know what you’re talking about. The splash pad and pickleball money can’t go towards the FCSO. I’d tell you why, but the better exercise is you finding out why for yourself.
snapperhead says
Einstein, The pickleball/splash pad money was a City decision. Sheriffs Office is County
Art Bowles says
Your mixing county and city issues!
Jimbo99 says
At the end of the day FCSO = Palm Coast Police Department when there is no PCPD. Flagler Beach & Bunnell have their own PD’s, Palm Coast doesn’t.
As for City of Palm Coast Taxes, that’s a line item on the Flagler County Taxes we all pay, not exactly separated is it ? The splash pad was an overreach as was the pickleball courts for expansion. I mean Splash Pad just opened 5/14 and this is the status today 5/31, closed, unexpected maintenance 2 weeks after the gala event of opening day. Tell me again how revenue & funding can/can’t be moved around more effectively ?
The current Splash Pad Status is : Closed
5/31/2021 12pm – The Splash Pad is closed due to unexpected maintenance. Please check back for updates on the Splash Pad status today.
Mike Cocchiola says
We have a choice coming up… give the city to the angry, belligerent bullies or vote for comity, cooperation, and good management. We’ll see how it goes. In fact, we’ll see if we stay or go.
The Voice Of Reason says
Everywhere the republican party rules, it turns to mud. Fox News is a BS factory.
TR says
You mean CNN and MSNBC/ Right?
Judyg says
Where are the honest, truthful and qualified people that have been overlooked in past few years? Who was the man that was running things before Matt Morgan was hired. He had been working and filling in after the last City Manager was fired. He was doing an excellent job from what I remember, but was overlooked when Matt was hired. Other
I feel sorry for the other people that were forced out under Morgan’s time here. I don’t believe that they deserved such treatment.
Enough says
Ah, if only we had sensible government that would take an objective stance and get things done properly. Not in Palm Coast; too much “good ole boy” stupidity. Those “in charge” here are so afraid to bring in an “outsider” with big city experience because they know they will be revealed for what they really are, and eventually go to political limbo. Case in point: they’re building apartments with $1400.00 rents, but yet, having a business like Checkers come in, paying $8.00 an hour. Just one example. Still wondering why this city is screwed up!! Oh wait, get Danko to call Chump; that’l save us (LOL)
Land of no turn signals says says
Dropping like flies.Maybe they found another manure pile to fly around.
Shy Guy says
Bring back Landon.
Benjamin Herr says
That’s the worst idea. He made over $225,000/year in total salary and comps, while hiding behind his directors, who did all the work. His meetings were a joke. He was manipulative, arrogant, condescending, intimidating, sarcastic, and sometimes downright mean-spirited against others…didn’t care about anything but himself and self preservation…bad for Palm Coast. Employees worked out of fear for him, not respect. He held hate and contempt for county officials. Everything he did and people around him appeared a joke to him. Everything fodder for his cannon. He built no bridges except those he could cross for himself. Even building City Hall was an ego trip to him. During his too long of tenure, there were many construction blunders and $$ decision blunders across multiple projects which he never stood responsibility for. All past deadline and over budget. Always someone else’s fault. He was a puppet master, all wood and no soul. No vision either. A professionally snide doofas in a suit made more than a comfortable millionaire at taxpayers expense.
Dennis C Rathsam says
My father once told me son, If you cant say anything good about someone, dont say anything.
Concerned Citizen says
If we aren’t careful Flagler County will annex Palm Coast.
They pretty much run things as it is anyways. We don’t even have our own Law Enforcement. It’s “contracted” wink wink nudge nudge by the Sheriff. Who is making extra money by providing a mandated service in his own jurisdiction. Ever wonder about that?
In Georgia a Chartered City must provide specified basic services. I always marveled at how Palm Coast skirted around those issues with lousy contracts and “Fire Police”. I retired from Fire Rescue as a Lieutenant in another state. And never heard of Fire Police till I came down here. Then had to ask what they were.
All of this fighting and resigning last minute indicates a serious issue in City Hall. We need an outside investigation to take a look at all the corruption going on. I would hazzard a guess that more resignations would be forthcoming if the FBI got involved.
Protonbeam says
Nonsense. Pure nonsense. Morton commissioned no less than 7 independent investigations to clear these rumors. People don’t want facts, they want rumors and they want to preserve the swamp and they want to hurt the good people. Don’t blame Morton for leaving, he can do better
Karen Larsen says
It’s all “GOOD OLE BOYS” mentality. Thats why I moved back up North.
Think about it says
I agree the taxpayers of Palm Coast need to insist on an outside investigation on what is going on in the City of Palm Coast and add in the Flagler County Commissioners office.
All they seem to do in the City of Palm Coast is build strip malls that are empty, apartment buildings and now house developments, not to mention they sure haven’t planned for all the traffic it is going to cause. They are over-building here and my question is why?
Now what they are offering us for the next mayor are two candidates so far that people are really crazy about. And not telling us what really happened with a mayor and city manager resigning at the same time.