By Diane Roberts
It’s been a while since we checked in with Florida’s two brilliant and attractive U.S. senators, Rick Scott and Marco Rubio.
First of all, they are both very upset about that terrible, horrible, no good, very bad FBI attack on Mar-A-Lago which happened for no reason other than the president took some boxes of paper with him from the White House and maybe flushed a few shredded documents down the can.
Oh, come on: Who hasn’t?
Sen. Scott said it was like the Gestapo, and it was — never mind the part about how the FBI had to present evidence and get a judge to sign off on the search warrant.
Merrick Garland better watch out: Rick Scott (he was in the Navy, you know) is gunning for him and if the Rs retake the Senate in November, Garland will be impeached and the liberal left-wing FBI disbanded and replaced with cops from Uvalde, Minneapolis, and Polk County, Fla.
Sen. Rubio was pretty cheesed off that the FBI didn’t call him before they went in, since he’s a terribly important person. He let it be known that having black-clad dudes in Oakleys rifling through Melania’s lingerie drawer means that We-the-People are no longer free.
In fact, the U.S. is now pretty much the same as Russia or Nicaragua, and what about Hunter Biden’s laptop, huh?
Marco then hit ’em with this: “Using government power to persecute political opponents is something we have seen many times from 3rd world Marxist dictatorships. But never before in America.”
Hell, no! We don’t do that kind of thing, except for that time in 1972 when Richard Nixon had his operatives break into the Democratic National Headquarters or that time right before the presidential election in 2016 when Director James Comey announced the FBI was investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails.
But our two upper-chamber gents aren’t merely lobbing charges of Banana Republicanism at Democrats. At the recent CPAC meeting, Rick Scott gave a rootin’ tootin’ slap-your-dog-and-arrest-your-undocumented-mama speech warning, “The militant Left has now taken control of our economy, our culture, and our country.”
You know he’s right: The hedge fund managers, Silicon Valley billionaires, Wall Street bankers, energy giants, and Big Pharma bigwigs have gone socialist, redistributing America’s wealth into their offshore bank accounts, while Hollywood perverts make Star Wars movies starring black people when everyone knows outer space is Caucasian.
‘Narrow-minded intolerant’
As Sen. Scott reminds us, the libs are the “most narrow-minded intolerant people our country has ever seen.” He wants to protect Americans from their narrow-minded views that slavery was bad and climate change is real. You notice they never present the other side: It still snows and the slaves would sing in the cotton fields, happy as can be.
Intolerant lefties think our children should be free to read filthy books like “The Handmaid’s Tale,” “Slaughterhouse Five,” and “Maus,” which may be about the Holocaust and whatever but flaunts a shameless drawing of a nude rodent.
As for the dashing Sen. Rubio, he’s always fighting for Floridians — the right kind of Floridians, anyway, maybe not the gay ones or the ones whose houses keep flooding because of that Chinese hoax. When the Democrats said they’d put forth a bill to protect marriage equality, he called it a “fake problem” and a “stupid waste of time.”
And when the Dems in charge of the Senate forced him to fly back to Washington, D.C., to vote on a “garbage bill” that does nothing but cut carbon emissions, lower prescription drug prices, make corporations pay more, and extend health care subsidies, he let his displeasure be known. I mean, the airline canceled his flight, like he was an ordinary person!
The lamestream media said he was fussing about actually having to do his job and brought up his maybe not so good Senate attendance record.
That’s unfair: He’s clearly one of those kids who legislates better from home where he can work up new insults to throw at Val Demings for having the gall to run against him and tweet Bible verses. Here’s one of my favorites (and one of Sen. Rubio’s, too!) from Proverbs 26:11: “As dogs return to their vomit, so fools repeat their folly.”
March of communism
Both of Florida’s senators toil tirelessly to stop the march of communism in this country and we should be nothing but grateful.
Rick Scott (he was in the Navy, not that he brags about it) is super upset about how you’re super upset that it costs more than 100 bucks to fill up your Escalade, to say nothing of the private jet. Tough times for decent millionaires.
So, to help out the job-creators, he wants to make America great again by taking food stamps away from undeserving poor people.
As Sen. Scott reminds us, too many are “living off the hard work of others” and “we need them pulling the wagon and paying taxes, not sitting at home, taking money from the government.”
The losers who say they can’t get a job because they have no childcare or no car or not enough insulin or whatever? Stop whining for Chrissakes! There are perfectly good jobs out there picking tomatoes or building roads through pristine wilderness.
Rick Scott, who is worth a modest $300 million or so, rightly says Joe Biden is “a rich kid” who can’t possibly understand what it was like to grow up in public housing (to say nothing of joining the Navy) and work yourself skeletal bilking Medicare of $1.7 billion.
Goldbricking old people
Everyone knows we spend too much on old people and people who can’t afford bootstraps to haul themselves up by, so Sen. Scott has put forth a plan to “sunset” social security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Let’s vote on them every five years. Your granny will need to come up with a way to justify her existence to the United States government.
Also included in Sen. Scott’s “Rescue America” plan, you’ve got important totally irrefutable facts that when the True Patriots take America back, the libs will be forced to acknowledge, including that “men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies.”
Let’s see you argue with that, Commies!
As for Sen. Rubio, whose Twitter page proclaims him a “Christian, Husband, Father, AMERICAN, Senator for Florida, BANNED in China & Russia,” he’s hard at work on his phone, letting us all know that “the far left dominated democrat party wants to manage American decline,” the Chinese aren’t very nice, and the Pentagon is focused on drag queen shows instead of missiles.
Here’s a favorite tweet from a couple of weeks ago: Jeremiah 18:15: “Yet my people have forgotten me: They offer incense in vain. They stumble off their paths, the ways of old, traveling on bypaths, not the beaten track.”
Beautiful. Also profound. Lock and load that incense and stay off the bypaths that could lead you to Sodom or, worse, to the Democratic Party. And remember, God still cares about us — some of us, the ones who agree with Sen. Rubio, anyway.
Diane Roberts is an 8th-generation Floridian, born and bred in Tallahassee. Educated at Florida State University and Oxford University in England, she has been writing for newspapers since 1983, when she began producing columns on the legislature for the Florida Flambeau. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Times of London, the Guardian, the Washington Post, the Oxford American, and Flamingo. She has been a member of the Editorial Board of the St. Petersburg Times–back when that was the Tampa Bay Times’s name–and a long-time columnist for the paper in both its iterations. She was a commentator on NPR for 22 years and continues to contribute radio essays and opinion pieces to the BBC. Roberts is also the author of four books.
Deborah Coffey says
I sincerely hope that anyone still supporting Republicans today understands that they will most certainly LOSE their communist inspired Medicare and Social Security.
Lee says
I agree Deborah!
That’s high on their agenda.
Republicans only want White wealthy people and indoctrinate their children like a cult.
This country will be a third world environment for all.
Shame on them all …
Bartholomew says
I really can’t imagine why people support these two. They need to go and take their crazy BS rhetoric with them. We need solutions not propaganda.
DBro says
Unfortunately, Rubio, Scott and all the other Magots…oops, sorry…MAGAs aren’t smart enough to get the sarcasm in this article. But I love it!
Olivia says
what a great article !! so glad somebody finally blasted these two losers ….Scott is seriously from another world…hope he gets voted out…Rubio too
sarcasm says
This doesn’t quite tell the whole story does it?
Mikem says
Right and Val Demmings, Andrew Gillum ,and Charlie Crist are the messiahs of Florida. All the blue states are so screwed up that the sensible people are moving south by the millions to get away from the ridiculous rules and crime. Ignore that at your own peril. Florida’s registered Republican party is growing by leaps and bounds. The overwhelming majority of new residents in Florida as well as the old are as red as can be. If 100% of all eligible voters go to the polls , ALL of your blue candidates will lose by a landslide.
There are plenty of jobs, kids went to school during the pandemic, CRT will only be taught in the latter school years. MAGA does not believe in fascism. They believe in the constitution of the US.
Bill C says
The blue states are so screwed up? They finance the financially feckless red states. “A study by the Rockefeller Institute of Government found that traditional Democratic states contributed significantly more federal taxes per citizen than Republican states. Here are the numbers for some blue states: Connecticut ($15,643), Massachusetts ($13,582), New Jersey ($13,137), New York ($12,820) and California ($10,510). And for some red states: Mississippi ($5,740), West Virginia ($6,349), Kentucky ($6,626) and South Carolina ($6,665).”
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! The northern states high taxes give to the Federal government so the southern states can take.
Bill C says
Rick Scott did not bilk Medicare of 1.7 Billion dollars, as the article states. Actually, 1.7 Billion dollars was the amount of the FINE that his company Columbia/HCA, which he oversaw and was CEO, had to pay for criminal fraud, civil damages and penalties. It was the largest health care fraud in U.S. history at the time. The 8th Commandment: “Thou shalt not steal”.
Enough says
Why does anyone listen to these 2 morons; Scott an embezzler of billions of dollars from Medicare when he ran Columbia Healthcare and pleaded the Fifth 75 times!!! Yeah, he’s an honest man (LOL) And Bible Thumping Rubio who accepts payoffs from the NRA. Here’s a hypocrite who preaches through his shorts, knows absolutely NOTHING going on in his own state, let alone attend any meetings in Congress.
These two are useless garbage mouths who only attack instead of resolve. Get rid of these half wits.