Today’s weather (Saturday): sunny, high of 88, low of 72.Details here.
Today’s fire danger is Moderate. Flagler County’s Drought Index is at 172
The weather in Tomasina, Madagascar: High of 84, low of 72. Details.
The OED’s Word of the Day: apple-john, n..
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- In Court
- In State Government
- Beyond
- In the Press
- Local Road and Interstate Construction
- PR Releases
- Blood Donations Needed
- In Coming Days in Flagler and Palm Coast
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated.
The Scenic A1A Pride Committee meets today at 9 a.m. at the Hammock Community Center. The agenda is here.
Free For All Friday on WNZF features Palm Coast City Council member Bill McGuire. 9 a.m. Listen here.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: “Committed,” At City Repertory Theatre: Don’t miss the Florida debut of “Committed,” a musical Featuring 13 original songs penned by Flagler Palm Coast High School graduate Andrew David Sotomayor. Written by Tricia Brouk, “Committed” brings audiences inside the psych ward to find out what happens when life begins to fray at the edges, and how people hold themselves together. “Committed” is a dark and beautiful book musical about eight people working through the pain of their mental illnesses. Pain is pain. We all know it, we all feel it, we all relate to it. Sometimes it’s difficult to talk about. “Committed” is a theatrical experience that brings awareness to mental illness and with compassion and humor, try to get past the suffering. The hope is to use art and entertainment to de-stigmatize mental illness and get people talking about it.An unforgettable show that you won’t want to miss. Tickets are $25. Call the box office at 386/585-9415 or click here for immediate ticketing. Show times: April 24, 25, 30, May 1, 2, 8, 9 at 7:30pm, matinees April 26, May 3, 10 at 2 p.m.
The Rymfire Elementary Father-Daughter Dance is Friday evening at the Rymfire cafeteria, 6:30 p.m.
The Flagler Palm Coast High School Grad Bash goes to Busch Gardens Friday in Tampa.
Third Annual Sunrise Victims’ Rights Ceremony on the Flagler Beach Pier: Flagler Beach is hosting the event. Please join us in this moving and uplifting service honoring those of us, our friends and our neighbors who have suffered from the hands of another. Saturday, 7 a.m.
Flagler County Job Fair Friday: The event takes place from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Palm Coast Campus of Daytona State College, 3000 Palm Coast Pkwy SE, Building 3. Last year nearly 400 jobseekers attended the inaugural fair, which was hosted by the Flagler County Department of Economic Opportunity and CareerSource Flagler Volusia. This year Daytona State College and the Flagler County Chamber of Commerce joined the effort to positively impact Flagler County’s economic vitality. Among the businesses that have already registered are CoastalCloud, Edwards Jones Financial Service, Beutlich Pharmaceuticals and Target. A complete list of attending companies is available here. For additional information about the fair, please contact Casey Scott at 386-313-4098 or by email here.
Online Auction for George Washington Carver Foundation: The annual auction, raising money for the Carver Center in Bunnell, is on through April 27. Make your bids here. The auction is the primary fundraising event for the Carver Center. In the past, money raised has been used for big-ticket items like ceiling insulation, furniture for the library, a scoreboard, bleachers, as well as money for scholarships and summer camp. “At this point, we are gearing up to assist the county with an addition to the center,” said Flagler County Commissioner Barbara Revels. “Flagler County is applying for a community development block grant to build additional classrooms and meeting space. If that happens, we’d like to be ready to help with what we can to furnish it.” Revels is a member of the George Washington Foundation and was part of a team instrumental in bringing the center up to sustainable level, saving the center from an uncertain fate. The Carver Center is a recreational facility that also offers tutoring, after school study, internet access and also serves the community with GED classes, employment counseling and other services. On April 20, Revels wrote: “I am reaching out to each of you as a reminder the G. W. Carver Center Auction will close at 7:00 p.m. Next Monday night the 27th. There is something for everyone to bid on. I want to thank those of you that have donated items and may have already bid. Please take the time to go to: http://gwcarvercenter.com/auction/auction/ and place your bid on one or more great items. I know I am tracking quite a few I want. Please help up make this year’s event the most successful yet. Remember all funds go to our Foundation that is a tax exempt charitable organization and NOTHING goes to administration or salaries. All funds go to the direct support of programs, equipment, supplies, scholarships or other needs of the Community Center’s patrons.”
Saturday: Law Enforcement Torch Run For Special Olympics: The torch run is the largest annual public relations and fund-raising event amongst Special Olympics Florida and law enforcement agencies. Local Flagler County agencies are getting their sneakers laced up for the event on Saturday, April 25. The run will start promptly at 10 a.m. in the front parking area of 5400 East Highway 100 next to Flagler Palm Coast High School. Registration is $12 and each runner will receive a Law Enforcement Torch Run t-shirt. In addition to the torch run, the City of Palm Coast, Frank Celico Foundation and the Bike Doctor are hosting their annual Family Bike Rodeo which promises to enhance your family’s bicycle riding experience and safety. Children can participate in a bike safety course and have an opportunity to win a brand new bike helmet. There will be bike clinics, safety checks and a skills obstacle course. The Run/Walk/Ride will be escorted by the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office as runners carry the torch, also known as the “Flame of Hope,” westbound on State Road 100 to northbound Belle Terre Parkway and proceed to the Town Center Publix Shopping Plaza. There will be a break area in front of Mezzaluna Pizzeria before heading back out to Belle Terre Parkway southbound to the Target Plaza with another break area proudly sponsored by Hibbett Sports. The final leg will travel back to the start line were there will be pizza from Mezzaluna Pizzeria. “Year after year, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office supports this important event and continues to raise money and awareness for a good cause,” said Sheriff Jim Manfre. This is a family event and there will be vendors and activities for children even if you do not run/walk. All activities will last until 1 p.m., so come on out and enjoy the Bounce House by Jump for Joy, Balloon Art by Bruce Bryant, and Face Painting by Doreen Lazzano. For more information, please call 386-586-2655.
Saturday, Matanzas Inlet Beach Clean-up: In celebration of Earth Day, Fort Matanzas National Monument is hosting a beach clean-up on Saturday, April 25, from 9am to 12pm. Join us in removing not only man-made trash but invasive plant life. The event will begin with a safety briefing and an introduction to the park at the ocean-side parking lot on the east side of A1A, just north of the Inlet bridge. Trash bags, gloves, and water will be provided. Please bring sunscreen, appropriate beach wear (including a hat), and your own reusable water bottle.
The Stetson Percussion Ensemble gives its spring concert featuring Stained Glass by David Gillingham. A standard in the percussion repertoire, Stained Glass is a colorful three-movement work for eleven percussionists and piano that will serve as a thrilling end to an exciting concert. Marja Kerney, director. (Friday, April 24th, 7:30p.m., Lee Chapel, Elizabeth Hall, DeLand.)
Foreclosure sales for eight properties scheduled for 11 a.m. in the courthouse’s civil department lobby. The jury trial of John Speer, accused of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and kidnapping, continues before Judge J. David Walsh, Courtroom 401, 9 a.m.
Note: Most proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel.
The House holds a floor session today starting at 9 a.m. The House will consider SB 604, which would require internet websites published anywhere in the world to disclose their name, address and phone number or email address if they disseminate, directly or indirectly, commercial recordings or audiovisual works on their website in substantial part. See the Sayfie Review’s brief here.
The Senate holds a floor session starting at 10 a.m.
–Compiled by the News Service of Florida
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide at the hands of Turks and Kurds. President Obama, for fear of upsetting the Turkish government–which does not recognize the genocide and considers it a crime to call it such–has refused to use the word genocide. “Today,” Obama said in a statement a year ago, “we commemorate the Meds Yeghern and honor those who perished in one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century. We recall the horror of what happened ninety-nine years ago, when 1.5 million Armenians were massacred or marched to their deaths in the final days of the Ottoman Empire, and we grieve for the lives lost and the suffering endured by those men, women, and children. We are joined in solemn commemoration by millions in the United States and across the world. In so doing, we remind ourselves of our shared commitment to ensure that such dark chapters of human history are never again repeated.” Obama is not expected to change tune today.
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope. From CNet: “Design on the telescope began in 1978, with a projected launch date sometime in 1983. This had to be pushed back to 1984 and then 1986 when the project ran over budget — and when the construction of the Optical Telescope Array and the mirror inside it was mismanaged, causing the schedule to slip further and further behind. […] It was originally projected that the Hubble telescope would have a life span of just 15 years. That it is expected to last at least twice that — projections have it going for at least another 10 years — is incredible, particularly after such a shaky start. This is partially because the Hubble was built to be upgradeable, with instrumentation that could be repaired and replaced.”

Flagler County’s GOP Follies Continue: Danielle Anderson, former GOP candidate for the Florida House, writes on her Facebook page Friday morning: “So last night I was voted off of the Flagler County Republican Executive Committee for my refusal to attend meetings with openly hostile members who behave in an uncivilized manner, disrespecting individuals who speak their mind or present differing points of view. I am ashamed of what the organization has become and would encourage Republicans who do not engage in these types of tactics to visit the Flagler County Young Republican Club for information on how to get involved with other like-minded individuals who want to make a difference for our party.”
Why you should be wary of statistics on ‘modern slavery’ and ‘trafficking’: “Human trafficking — or, as some prefer, “modern slavery” — is a largely hidden crime, so data are relatively scarce. […] Moreover, the numbers can vary dramatically depending on the definition — and increasingly, the definition has been stretched. A U.N. protocol on trafficking, adopted in 2000, provided a definition of trafficking that for political reasons was kept deliberately vague: Trafficking must meet three conditions — an act (such as movement), means (coercion) and purpose (exploitation). Then, in what American University law professor Janie A. Chuang calls “exploitation creep,” trafficking over time has been recast to include all forced labor, even if a person does not change location, and then has been relabeled as “modern slavery.” When the State Department set up its office on trafficking in the early 2000s, the numbers were much more modest. The Department’s 2002 report provided an estimate that “at least 700,000, and possibly as many as four million men, women and children worldwide were bought, sold, transported and held against their will in slave-like conditions.” At the time, the George W. Bush administration was largely focused on highlighting anti-prostitution efforts. […] Media organizations are complicit in fostering misperceptions by often citing these figures as established fact, without even an explanation or examination of the methodology. The numbers grow or shrink depending on the definitions that are used, and yet media reports rarely examine that aspect.” From the Washington Post.
Road and Interstate Construction:
Palm Coast: Palm Coast Parkway between Cypress Point Parkway and Florida Park Drive. IMPACTS: Lane shifts and closures will occur and this may cause traffic congestion on this already busy roadway. Most construction work will occur between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. though weather and unforeseen issues may adjust the schedules. This project will be complete by December 2015.
Flagler County: County Road 305 between CR 2006 and Tangerine. IMPACTS: Closure in force 3/17/2015 for the 2nd box culvert replacement. Detours detour via CR 110 to CR 95 to CR 2006. Truck Detour via Bunnell (SR 100 – SR 11)
Volusia: I-4 Widening from SR 44 to east of I-95, Monday and Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Eastbound/Westbound shoulder closing. Sunday through Thursday, Eastbound and Westbound lane closures as needed from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Motorists should be aware of traffic shifts near Canal St./SR 44.
- Palm Coast Parkway Project Website
- Florida Department of Transportation Road Project List
- County Road 304 Project Map and Description
The Rotary Club of Flagler Beach and Realty Dave are hosting Cycle Flagler 2015 on May 2nd and 3rd: This year’s event has been expanded to two days. There is a FREE 40 mile ride starting at the Flagler Beach Historical Museum on Saturday, May 2nd. Sunday, May 3rd, cyclists can register for a 16 mile, 24 mile, 40 mile, 66 mile or 100 mile tour. Both events require registration and cyclists can visit flaglerbeachrotary.org and click on Cycle Flagler to register. Entry fees are a tax deductible donation to the Rotary Club of Flagler Beach. Pre-registration will take place at the Hampton Inn from 4 – 6 pm on Saturday, May 2nd, and day of registration will open at 6 am at the Flagler County Airport. Cyclists can use promotion code CFVIP10 to save $10 on registration. The first 400 participants will receive an event tee shirt as a thank you for supporting the Rotary Club and cyclists will be able to pick up their event tee shirt, map, goodie bag and event wrist bracelet at the Hampton Inn. PcBike will provide SAG assistance along the tour. Safety vehicles travel along the tour to assist cyclists and help with their equipment. Local businesses like Craig Flagler Palm Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens, FPL, Kohl’s Cares, Walgreens, Preferred Management, and Alliance Financial Partners sponsor the rest stops along the tour routes providing refreshments and food for the cyclists. At the end of the tour there will be a lunch served by Tropical Smoothie Café. The goal of the Rotary Club of Flagler Beach is to raise funds for local scholarships and charitable organizations needing support in Flagler County. “Our event is one of the most popular cycling events in the state. We offer cyclists a beautiful venue along with a safe and challenging tour. The routes are well marked and our rest stops provide nutritional support to our participants. We are excited to celebrate 12 years of cycling in Flagler County,” said Tom Hury, Rotarian and originator of the event. To register or to find out more information about Cycle Flagler event, please call Kim Carney, event director at 386.846.5493 or visit flaglerbeachrotary.org. For information about Flagler County and all that they county has to offer, visit www.palmcoastandtheflaglerbeaches.com.
Coastal Cloud Spotlighted in ForbesCustom.com: Coastal Cloud is pleased to announce that they have been spotlighted in ForbesCustom.com for being on the forefront of cloud based technology. “We are very excited to be featured among such an astute selection of businesses that are transforming the landscape of how services are offered to organizations, businesses and individuals,” stated Tim Hale, Managing Partner at Coastal Cloud. “We have been blessed with an amazing team of professionals and continue to exceed our business goals,” he added. The company’s staff works in Flagler County, FL and in remote locations around the U.S. The entire Coastal Cloud team is 100% Salesforce.com certified, comprised of industry veterans from a range of industries. Coastal Cloud’s unparalleled work/live environment, accelerated career growth opportunity, and competitive salaries, has allowed them to recruit and retain an exceptional team of technology consultants. Coastal Cloud helps businesses become more successful by implementing high performance sales processes, transforming their customer service processes, and streamlining their operations with the use of leading edge cloud technology. They develop solutions for multiple industries including: healthcare, telecommunications, public sector, high tech, real estate, economic and workforce development and non-profits. Their complete range of services include: technology strategy and architecture, business process optimization, software solution selection, configuration, implementation, user training and adoption. They also provide expert, cost effective, on-going system administration in Salesforce.com, Hubspot, Marketo, Pardot, Microsoft Dynamics, Google Apps, and other leading cloud-based, and “Software as a Solution” (SaaS) solutions. Coastal Cloud was ranked #14 on the 2014 Largest NE Florida Tech Company list, was awarded the Business Investor Medal by Gov. Scott, and they were listed as an ‘Innovate NE FL’ Case Study by the JAXUSA Partnership. They are also now the largest Salesforce.com consulting partner based in Florida and have earned the highest ‘client satisfaction’ rating of any major Salesforce.com partner in the southeastern US. ForbesCustom.com, also known as Forbes Custom Marketplace, gives maximum exposure to companies ranging from medical centers, manufacturing, IT, schools and financial service companies by utilizing the prestige and reliability of the news source, Forbes Magazine. Forbes Custom is a publishing site that features special advertising sections from Forbes magazine as well as industry articles and videos from their partners. To read Coastal Cloud’s write up, visit the website.
Annual Camp Fair and Summer Vacation Expo Set for April 26th & May 2nd: Volusia, Flagler and St. John’s Parent Magazine is pleased to be hosting their two annual Camp Fair and Summer Vacation Expos on April 26th and May 2nd. “This is the 6th annual event in Volusia County and 3rd annual in Flagler County,” said owner of Brady Media and event coordinator Charlene Ballengee Michaux. “There is no other event around that provides such an expansive amount of options and resources available to families on summer activities,” she added. Sponsored by News 13 and the Hometown News, the Volusia Camp Fair & Summer Vacation Expo will take place on April 26th, at the Nova Rec Center, located at 440 N. Nova Road, Ormond Beach. The hours will be from 11am to 5pm and there are 3,500 attendees expected. The May 2nd Family Fun Day and Camp Fair & Summer Vacation Expo will be at Marineland, located at 9600 N. Oceanshore Blvd, from 10am to 3pm. There are 2,500 attendees expected at this event and it will include live music, free admission under 12 to Marineland and a dolphin trainer session. Both events focus on education, day and overnight camps, summer activities, health, safety and family travel, as well as building life-long memories for children. Parents will be able to talk with camp providers and register their children on sight. Families are encouraged to attend and there will be free admission with a kid’s zone with inflatables, face painting, temporary tattoos, balloon making clown and a make-it-take-it art center. There will be food vendors and karate and dance team demonstrations, as well as giveaways such as a three-night stay at a Disney hotel and a free week of summer camp at Marineland. Expo registration and camp listings can be sent to [email protected] or call 386-437-0300.
Flagler College’s Model United Nations team earns four awards at regional conference: Seven Flagler College students recently returned home from a Model United Nations Conference with four awards in hand for effectively representing India in global issues debates. Between April 9 and 11, the Flagler College team competed in the Southern Regional Model United Nations Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina and won the “Honorable Delegation Overall,” “Most Improved Delegation — United Nations Human Rights Council,” “Outstanding Delegation — African Development Bank,” and “Outstanding Achievement — International Criminal Court” awards. The Flagler team consisted of Michael Auer, Stone Duro, Adam Knight, Christine Lamborne, Victoria Therese Lee, Chalania Ranson and Suri-Beltran and represented diverse majors, including Political Science, International Studies, Communication and History. Model UN conferences are set up to serve as mock UN hearings — student teams representing, and thus arguing from the perspective of, various member nations. This representation, which required weeks of pre-conference preparation researching significant global issues, also means teams must critically evaluate the arguments of other delegates. To learn more about Flagler College Model UN, visit its Facebook.
Hubble 3D in IMAX: Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, the highly acclaimed Hubble 3D returns to the World Golf Hall of Fame Theater in St. Augustine, beginning April 22 through April 29. In Hubble 3D, audiences will blast off alongside the Atlantis STS-125 crew, witness up-close some of the most challenging spacewalks ever performed, and experience virtual star travel via breath-taking, never-before-seen 3D flights through Hubble imagery. Since March 2010, the film has amassed more than $48 million at the domestic box office and continues to immerse moviegoers in the great wonders and astounding beauty of our universe. Through the power of IMAX 3D, Hubble 3D enables moviegoers to journey through distant galaxies to explore the grandeur and mysteries of our celestial surroundings, and accompany space-walking astronauts as they attempt some of the most difficult and important tasks in NASA’s history. The film offers an inspiring and unique look into the lasting legacy of the Hubble Space Telescope and highlights its profound impact on the way we view the universe and ourselves. The film is rated G and has a running time of 43 minutes. For tickets, group rates, showtimes, trailers and information on the World Golf Hall of Fame IMAX Theater Annual Pass program, visit www.WorldGolfIMAX.com.
April 28, Matanzas Woods Interchange Construction Public Meeting: The Flagler County Engineering Department will host a public meeting to inform residents of the planned beginning of construction of the Matanzas Woods Parkway Interchange Project at I-95 and the future Old Kings Road Extension project. The interchange project is a long planned project providing interstate access to residents in the northern part of Flagler County and is slated to start this summer. This project will require the temporary closure of Matanzas Woods Parkway during the 2015 summer months when school is out of session. The future Old Kings Road Extension project will provide a direct route for commuters to the Matanzas interchange at I-95 and minimize traffic impacts to Matanzas High School. The Old Kings Road Extension project is slated to begin construction later this year. The meeting will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 28th at the Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway NE, Palm Coast, Florida 32137. The residents of the area and the public are invited to attend this informational meeting. For more information call 386-313-4039.
Volunteers needed for invasive plant removal at Betty Steflik Memorial Preserve, April 29: Bring a friend, bring a kid, bring gloves and a water bottle to Betty Steflik Memorial Preserve on April 29 to help rid it of invasive species like the Brazilian pepper trees along the entrance road. The entrance road will be closed from dawn to 1 p.m. as Land Management and Parks and Recreation staff, with the help of volunteers, remove the plants. Normal park access will be available after 1 p.m. “We appreciate the help,” said Mike Lagasse, land manager. “Non-native plants are displacing the native plants.” Flagler County has a dedicated group of volunteers who have worked at other preserves, like the River to Sea Preserve, protect the native ecosystem. Laura Ostapko is one of those volunteers and a member of “The Pepper Pickers,” a group that started at Gamble Rogers and has recently expanded its scope of work. “We have a sign that says, ‘Restoring paradise one tree at a time,’ because that’s what we are doing,” Ostapko said. “It’s very rewarding when you see what you have done.” Betty Steflik Memorial Preserve is situated on 217 acres along the eastern side of the Intracoastal Waterway south of State Road 100. Those interested in volunteering are asked to contact Lagasse at 386-313-4064 or at [email protected].
Arbor Day 5K Root Run/Walk and Free Fun Run May 2 in Palm Coast’s Town Center: Register now for the Arbor Day 5K Root Run/Walk, which starts at 8 a.m. May 2, followed by the Free Fun Run at 9 a.m. The run/walks will start and finish on Lake Avenue in Central Park at Town Center, 975 Central Ave. in Palm Coast. Awards will be given out at Central Park Main Stage after the race. This race will close out the 2014-2015 season in the Palm Coast Running Series. Register for the 5K Root Run/Walk at www.palmcoastgov.com/ArborDay. (Pre-registration is not required for the children’s Fun Run.) Participants of the 5K Root Run/Walk are guaranteed a race T-shirt and goody bag if they register by April 24. Entry fees and pre-registration deadlines are as follows:
· $25 Online registration closes at 5 p.m. April 30 at www.palmcoastgov.com/ArborDay.
· $25 Mail-in registration closes April 24 (Mail-in registration is available through April 24. Mail registration form available online with check or money order made out to City of Palm Coast to: City of Palm Coast, c/o Arbor Day Race Pre-registration, Attn: Carol Mini, 160 Cypress Point Parkway Suite B106, Palm Coast, FL 32164.)
· $25 In-person registration closes May 1. Register in-person 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays at the Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway, NE. Checks, money orders, cash and credit cards accepted.
· $30 Race day entry fee – cash or checks only – at Central Park (along Lake Avenue).
· Veterans with military ID receive free entry
Packet Pick Up will be held at the Community Center from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 1, or at 7 a.m. on race day at Central Park (on Lake Avenue). Prizes will be awarded to the overall male and female runners, as well as the top three men and women in 15 age groups. The race will be chip-timed. Children participating in the Fun Run will receive a ribbon. A ceremony honoring the overall winners for the Palm Coast Running Series will immediately follow the 5K Root Run awards. After the races, enjoy the free Arbor Day celebration from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Central Park. Bring canned food or pet food items and exchange them for a three-gallon native hardwood tree (while supplies last). Feed a Mouth, Get a Tree, Grow a Community is the theme. The event will also feature a butterfly tent, zoo exhibits, green vendors, a fire prevention activity, entertainment and kite flying/building. The popular Native Butterfly release is set for 11 a.m. Complete details are available here. For more information, contact City of Palm Coast Urban Forester Carol Mini at 386-986-3722.
Calling All Chiuhuahuas: The City of Daytona Beach’s Cultural Services Division is looking for 200 Chihuahuas in full costume to help set a Guinness World Record as part of Chihuahua De Mayo. This fun-filled, family event will take place at the world’s most famous bandshell May 2nd from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Chihuahua owners need to bring a copy of the pedigree registration or a birth certificate to verify that their dog(s) are pure breed, so they can take part in this record attempt.
- Registration….12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
- Guinness Book of World Records Attempt for most Chihuahuas in costumed attire (minimum 2 piece costume)….2:00 p.m.
- Bandshell to Boardwalk Parade After Record Attempt
- Parade Prizes – King & Queen Chihuahua Winners, Best Costume, Best Temperament, Best Hat, Best Duo, and Best Trio
- 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. – Mariachi Band – “Charros De Mexico” from Orlando
- Mexican Hat Dance Off – Pinatas – Candy
- Pet Rescue – Food – Vendors (vending space available)
- $5 Admission Fee – a portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the Halifax & Flagler Humane Societies and the Arnie Foundation
Come watch these Chihuahuas strut their stuff for the cutest Cinco De Mayo costume parade and enjoy an afternoon filled with a variety of things to do for the entire family.
Blood donations are urgently needed. Patients in our local hospitals are in need of blood transfusions, and the need for blood does not take a holiday. That’s why OneBlood is asking people to donate immediately.
Big Red Bus schedule in Flagler-Palm Coast:
Saturday April 25th 1:00PM – 6:00PM Epic Theatre, 1185 Central Ave, Palm Coast
Monday April 27th 11:30AM – 4:00PM Flagler County Public Library, 2500 Palm Coast Parkway
Tuesday April 28th 11:00AM – 3:00PM Knights of Columbus Council 7845, 51 Old Kings Road North, Palm Coast
Wednesday April 29th 1:00PM – 5:30PM CVS Pharmacy, 1 Old Kings Road South, Palm Coast

Maggie says
Leos Club did awesome at the Torch Run! I love the spread of awareness.