Flagler County Library Director Holly Albanese knew this year’s election would turn the library parking lot into something like a running rush-hour crunch for two weeks. So she directed her staff and asked the Friends of the Library to cancel—or at least not schedule—any extra activities at the library for the two weeks of early voting, leading up to Election Day. They did, and it likely helped, but not enough.
No one had banked on Hurricane Matthew adding a county recovery center to the library’s services, followed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s recovery center, which set up shop there. That, plus regular library users, plus voters, plus some of those campaign signs that at times take on a life of their own, combined to turn the library parking lot into jam sessions. Some library users complained about the gauntlet of campaign solicitors they had to walk through, or the lack of ready parking. Some candidates or their campaigns complained about restrictions on their own modes of expression.
There was no crisis, and certainly nothing like the tensions and disagreements of two years ago between then-Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks and library staff, who battled over parking spot allocations and the proper way to designate those reserved for voters. But this year’s larger election again underscored what the Library Board of Trustees had been discussing for a while before the election in attempts to resolve the issue—how to balance the right of campaigns to express themselves with the rights of library patrons not to be too inconvenienced, all the while ensuring that the library remains a central voting location.
For now, there’s no answer: the library board was going to take up the parking issue again at its monthly meeting this afternoon, but decided to drop that discussion from its agenda and shift the responsibility to the county commission in hopes that the commission follow through on a county-wide parking ordinance that could address part of the matter.
But the election again underscored the central issue: there’s not always enough parking at the county library on Palm Coast Parkway, while demands on the library keep growing.
“The library sits on 19 acres, so it’s not unreasonable to think we could add parking,” Albanese said. “The problem is it could take money and time so I’m not really sure we’re looking at that right now.” The library system is also planning an expansion, both at that location and at a location off of State Road 100, near the government complex. So any parking plans may have to wait until that expansion breaks ground.
A parking ordinance could deal with a recurring problem or at least issue (depending on your perspective) at election time: the transformation of cars and trucks into immovable billboards that take up space after space, without anyone at the wheel. Albanese would see it every morning early: the campaigns would send in their vehicles to take up prime spots, park there, then not drive them off until after the polls had closed. The practice thus condemned several parking spots a day that would otherwise be used either by library patrons or, ironically, by voters. There were several instances of voters going to the library first to vote, finding the lot full, and driving off—some to vote at the supervisor of elections’ office, and some, quite likely, not to vote at all.
The vehicles’ parking arrogance also goes against the spirit—though not quite the letter—of the county’s sign policy, which forbids the panting of political signs in public ground. By papering a vehicle over with signs, the signs aren’t “planted,” and even though they’re unattended, it’s just like any other unattended vehicle in the parking lot.
“The reason why campaign or other signs cannot be installed into the ground is it creates a potential tripping hazard,” Al Hadeed, the county attorney, said. “It’s fixed, it’s planted. It doesn’t give way. A tripping injury, even a soft tissue injury, may make taxpayers potentially liable for such injuries on the theory we are not controlling our land and are not assuring that public pathways are unobstructed and safe to use.”
There was grumbling from some candidates, but acceptance was more often the case.
“The rules the library has make some sense given that if there were no rules there’d be even worse chaos than there is now,” says Dave Sullivan, who campaigned almost every day during early voting at the library–and won election to the county commission. (He may end up serving as the liaison to the library board, now that George Hanns, who was filling that role, lost his re-election bid.) Sullivan said he saw some instances where the busy parking lot and the number of people on foot created hazardous conditions. But he says the problem starts with the design of the lot, which creates the narrow paths.
“We also have 15 days of early voting day now, that’s more than we had before, therefore you have that thing, “Sullivan said. “Maybe not using the library as an early voting site might solve the problem. I think the early voting is when the problem was really big.” As for the restrictions on signs, he doesn’t consider them necessary. “If they’re out of the way and not causing any traffic problem I don’t see anything wrong with that,” he said. “Up at St. Augustine branch library off Route 1, they also have a sheriff’s office there, it seems to work, they don’t remove signs.”
Sullivan says Palm Coast and the county should get together and promulgate the same rules, perhaps designing spaces where signs can be displayed at election time. “I live in Grand Haven and we can’t put signs there at all. And it’s a freed speech issue there too,” he said.
Peterson is less comfortable with the restrictions on campaign volunteers or candidates holding signs. “I don’t know how you enforce it because again it’s freedom of speech, and I’m definitely against ordinances or regulations you can’t enforce,” Peterson said. “It has been reasonably followed. But it’s the vans and the trucks and big signs that take up spaces, that can really chew up parking. So it’s more related to parking than it is the placement of signs.”
As for planting signs on library grounds, he doesn’t see it as a problem—at least not from an expression point of view, except as “clutter.” Beyond that, he continued, “I think it’s detrimental because when you have too many signs you don’t see any of them. That was the case early on in the primary when the candidates had a whole row of signs on Belle Terre, which was in violation of the city ordinance and removed. But I wouldn’t have a particular problem with that. I think it’s counterproductive but I wouldn’t have a problem with it. A candidate standing and handing out a brochure or holding a sign, I think that’s much more effective.”
Robert Lewis says
It would be delightful going to vote at the library without the arrogant lady on the bull horn. I could have done without the circus act.
DaveT says
I’m still waiting to read about these ” Arrogant Campaign Vehicles ” which are noted in the title. I’ve never seen an arrogant vehicle, just arrogant drivers. Maybe arrogant campaign workers is more in taste with the political nature of this article.
palmcoaster says
I went by the library several times during the elections campaign and I didn’t find out any issues regarding parking there was plenty of spaces to park. I also have to commend all volunteers from both parties standing in the heat of our Florida sun showing their signs and handing their candidates information pamphlets, etc. in a cordial and respectful way. This was my one resident and library patron experience. I do not see any need for changes. If ain’t broke lets do not fix it!
Ben Hogarth says
Court precedent over the last 100-200 years has been very clear in my opinion – freedom of speech, expression, and assembly can most definitely be limited by governing code IF it only limits the time and location of these activities. Campaigning must also not infringe on government processes or restrict ingress and egress of the general public to and from public buildings. These activities may not interrupt or interfere with government processes otherwise they can be very much illegal and enforceable.
The issue of parking unfortunately is one that can only apply IF a campaign vehicle were blocked or restricted access to the library. Signage is another ball game altogether.
But what a wonderful world we would be living in if we put half as much effort into governing as we do campaigning.
Yellowstone says
The SOE should arrange an agreement with the local businesses in the area (Kohls. Publix, etc) and have a dedicated parking area set aside during those critical days up to and including Election Day. Public transportation can be provided as it is done during other events.
The ‘Arrogant Campaign’ reference must include those loud mouthed, ill mannered, boosters of the candidates they represent. There needs to be better decorum. One that is monitored by the elections committee.
The poor parking situation and the badgering that has been allowed to continue is a poor reflection on our community. It’s these situations that inhibit ‘we the people’ from participating!
Freddy says
Elections only come every few years and spending a lot of money on parking lots to deal with this problem is a waste of taxpayer money.
tulip says
ANY kind of vehicle that has campaign signs, etc attached to it should NOT be allowed to use a valuable parking space for the day! Those spaces are for patrons, voters, handicap, etc. Not allowing those “campaign vehicles” to use a parking space does not violate free speech, as the candidates are allowed to have a sign. I do think that the candidates should be allowed to have a sign on each side of the library though.
Next time put up a sign that says no campaign decorated vehicles in designated parking spaces or face a fine. Seems like an easy solution.
DRedder says
Do like other states prohibit electioneering within 500 ft. of the location. That means no persons or advertising can be placed within that distance or facility.
In addition, since the Facility is expected to operate as normal during elections, perhaps the library is not such a good location. Why not utilize a facility inside the almost vacant City Market Place? There’s more than enough parking and room for a board of election voting outpost.
Better still eliminate the scam of the early voting. Maybe Flagler live can run the article or print thier own in regards to not only the voter fraud that just occurred on the National level but the investigations currently ongoing down in Bervard County and it’s absentee ballots.
Anonymous says
Should have listened to Weeks. She tried to fix the problem and the county bucked her. She was an SOE who truly worked for the voters. There was nothing for her to gain by going before the BOCC asking that they butt out and let the elections take their course. It’s too bad that supporters and candidates feel they have to protect their ability to be seen and heard.
USA Lover says
I learned the first time to vote absentee. Dodging those kooks on the sidewalk can be a daunting task and a couple of them were sheriff’s candidates…..smh.
palmcoaster says
tulip, we can have any signs in our vehicles…don’t we? If we need the vehicles to go to the library to vote then…? We can’t afford to monitor parked vehicles in and out…sorry any created ordinance to address it will be a failure.