Nancy Lee Leight, a 68-year-old resident of 5 Zoffinger Place in Palm Coast, faces two felony counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon following a road rage incident in which she allegedly brandished a gun against a driver she’d cut off.
Tuesday morning the alleged victim and his girlfriend were driving south on U.S. 1 when they prepared to turn at the intersection with Palm Coast Parkway. Leight was in the left turn lane. She decided not to make the turn and continue straight, cutting off the other driver and forcing him to apply the brakes hard and swerve out of the way, sending his girlfriend against the dashboard.
That angered him. He drove up to Leight on her right and flicked her off. Leight, the alleged victim told Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies, “immediately brandished a gun from her lap area,” waved it in th air, “shouting while pointing the gun at him and his passenger.” The driver backed off and followed Leight’s car from a distance while calling 911. He waited for deputies at Verdego, the plant nursery on U.S. 1.
The alleged victim’s girlfriend corroborated the account to deputies. “We thought we could get shot by her,” the woman told deputies, scared and shaking. Leight told deputies she had a gun in her purse under the driver’s seat and did remove it from there because she was scared. She placed the gun on the seat next to her in case she needed protection, but she said she never pointed it at anyone. Deputies located the gun, a Sig P365 9mm, in Leight’s Chrysler Town and Country van with a round in the chamber and a magazine containing 10 rounds.
Leigh was booked at the Flagler County jail on the two third-degree felony charges (her vehicle was towed by Roger’s Towing). She spent 32 hours in jail and was released on $2,000 bond.
JimboXYZ says
Just another incident of the Village Idiots. And the victims, the driver was no brighter than the elderly senior woman. Someone cuts you off & there are no accidents, count yourself fortunate, get over it and don’t take matters into your own hands, that’s what LEO does, if it was that big of a deal anyway. I have serious doubts the female passenger was sent to the car’s dashboard (overstated fabricated drama), was she wearing her seatelt ? Reason veing, every seatbelt on planet Earth doesn’t work like that for a panic stop. When the car brakes hard the seatbelt relatively locks to secure the motorist/passenger(s). Virtually every car on the road is like that & also has driver, passenger dashboard air bags, not to mention airbags that would be deployed for the pillar, seats and everywhere else one is installed.
Being cut off in traffic is nothing to get upset beyond in that moment that it happens. When there is no accident, pull off to the side of the road if it rattled your sad little pathetic existence of a world that much. USE YOUR BRAIN for a change. Best thing that can happen is the offending motorist gets further away from you. Trust me, a couple minutes & you won’t even know she was ever on the road & coincided with your commute. Those few minutes gives you an opportunity to console the dramas queen. Are we talking a couple more minutes of your life that is immaterial & such an inconvenience. This could’ve ended with gun play & nobody else deserves that for being in traffic because of a lane change. I can’t imagine being on the same road with the 3 of these morons. Put a sign on your car so that the rest of us know what we’re dealing with for coinciding with any of you in a commute.
Pat Stote says
Two hotheads, one with a loaded gun! This could have turned out much worse.
Hopefully Miss Lehigh will have more respect for the rules of the road in the future and keep her gun under the seat for emergencies only. And maybe the victim will let cool heads prevail.
None of this needed to happen.
James says
Welcome to the WildWild East City of PC. Bet she’s a Trumper. He has taught the county to be rude, violent and not to care about your fellow man.
Tired of it says
I am sure she is part of a “well regulated militia” and not just an angry old lady.
Steve says
Angry old Karen with a gun. What could go wrong. Both Parties should reevaluate the importance of being lucky there was no collision or injury.
PS Take her Gun away from her for awhile.
Steve says
I have to agree with alot of what you commented on. No collision no injury move on. It’s not worth it.
Joe says
Too many idiots with guns…welcome to America.
IPTV Prime says
Omg, these old karens drive me crazy. They must put an end to it before it goes much further.
Makes no sense or is it just me says
So let me get this straight:
Wacko Wavy Locks brandishes AK47 at a truck in his neighborhood with 3 passengers (after having a few brewskies). He gets charged with using a firearm while drunk, a second-degree misdemeanor. (See recent yet past FlaglerLive for story)
Road Rage Roger Ricky here gets 2 felony counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Right. That totally adds up.
Mary Fusco says
Both of them are morons and live among us. The crazy lady with a gun and the macho guy with a finger. I think it’s safe to say that half the people in PC are certifiable. I stay home unless I absolutely have to go out. Been here 25 years and this now a circus side show. Sad.
blondee says
Geez granny, take a chill pill
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
If you’re offended because someone “flicked” you off and you had to pull a gun on them, then you have serious problems to deal with. Lock up your gun for awhile, take care of your problems, then take a refresher course.
Bill Boots says
Joe, You can always leave America, there are countries that are gun free for the subjects, give it some of your deep thinking
Bill Boots says
Pathetic socialistic rant blaming Trump for everything, Kamalala’s camp indoctrination?
Deborah Coffey says
So can you leave America because when we liberals take over with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, you’re going to be a very unhappy camper. Of course, we hope you stay to reap the benefits from those of us who not rapists, not racists, not tax frauds, and not convicted felons. We actually give a damn about you.
Atwp says
No accident, no injuries. Move on. It isn’t worth it. We don’t know what other people have in their cars, just move forward, life is too short.
Doug says
Just another day in the cesspool of Palm Coast.
I'll Be Your Huckleberry says
It’s laughable how some turn this into a political commentary. Get a life.
TV says
I’m thinking Russia would be perfect for you
Robert Savino says
Excellent assessment and wise advice. Thanks!!
Seen Enough says
That’s America for you. Turn the victim into the villain. What is wrong with you? The couple expressed first amendment rights and expressed their consternation with an offensively dangerous driver. Maybe their action put a violent unstable person in jail, and gave her pause for thought over her actions. Maybe they in turn prevented a tragedy from happening later. Its their right to peacefully and legally display their disapproval. You are defending a mad woman wave her gun at people. What is the matter with you?
Lets get Along says
I get the bird daily by angry Boomers cutting me off… ( yes I get the finger for their wrong doing) I have never been offended by it and usually laugh about it. It’s not worth it people … accept there is to many old people on the road and they are all angry about bad life choices and your the adult now. Just remember Boomers think they know everything. Let them think they are #1 like you do your kids because they need that security. I’m almost 50 and realized they need coddled to keep them happy. So let them feel superior on the road until Oats bus starts picking them up.
Mike says
Why are you people on the 68 year old lady and 68 ain’t old !!! She made a mistake and went straight, What gave Mr Entitlement and his girlfriend the right to run up on her and flick the finger. That’s an aggressive move and she had every right to pull on them !!!
Billy says
Lets move on like our useless VP Harris would say. Are we going to chase every vehicle that cuts us off and give them the finger? The vehicle that was the so car victim , just move on no, do you have to show your girlfriend that you are a tough. guy You are going to have these incidents every day. I have been a LEO in jersey and NY . move on and stare straight 27 years and seen enough of the idiots out there on the roadways and in their homes. Too many firearms out there , I do not carry one , move on and stare straight ahead.
Billy says
Agree , been here 21 years and it is turning into a circus more and more as the days pass us. Too many guns with too many people not getting any training . the mere act of just showing it can get you into trouble. I carried one for 27 years and I am done . trying to convince my wife to pull stakes here and get the hell out and move upstate in New York , snow won’t hurt you.
Jay Tomm says
“That angered him. ”
And this is what caused it all. Dude should have just made his turn. Having a female passenger in the car at the time is another big mistake to do such a thing. Any decent lawyer should get this thrown out really fast. There is castle doctrine in FL. Your car is considered your home when in it. Same rules apply. If I feel threatened I am allowed to take steps. This dude went out of his way to accost this woman. She’s 69. She doesn’t know what this dude was going to to. I would have done the same thing.
Maga are morons says
I bet you think the information on a tape measure is from the woke radical left.
Deport gop says
Magats love Putin. They want a dictator for themselves. He’s already helped gop before…. Follow the money .. Deport republicans to Russia I love the idea!!!
Mr.Earp says
Tombstone fan??? It was actually “I’ll be your huckle bearer” which is the handle on a casket, hence the phrase pall bearer.
Kathy Chatfield says
Someone always has to bring politics into the conversation. Trump is NOT to blame. Neither you or I am. Everyone is responsible for their OWN actions!