Don’t cut local budgets. Preserve Medicaid money for the elderly and the poor. Lessen regulations (on water consumption, on virtual schooling, on permissible uses of Medicaid dollars), increase regulation (on pill mills, on texting while driving), tax more smartly (especially internet taxes). And again: keep the dollars flowing.
Local elected officials who usually sit at the dais in the chambers of the Government Services Building in Bunnell on Wednesday yielded their seats to two men considered slightly higher in the region’s political pecking order: State Sen. John Thrasher and Fred Costello, the long-time mayor of Ormond Beach elected to the State House in November. The two men sat there for an hour and a half listening to pitch after plea from county and agency officials, returning little by way of assurances beyond the occasional politeness and frequent condescension (“good job”).
Flagler County’s legislative delegation traditionally makes a local appearance before the legislative session meets in January. It gives local officials and the public a chance to outline their legislative wish lists. It gives the legislators a chance to look like good listeners, without having to make promises. Legislators who show up, anyway: Rep. Bill Proctor, the St. Augustine Republican, who seemed to be everywhere during his reelection campaign, was absent. So was Sen. Tony Hill of Jacksonville, one of the last remaining Democrats in Tallahassee.
Thrasher and Costello sat back at the dais and listened to a little over a dozen people make their pitch, starting with County Commission Chairman Alan Peterson. In many cases the three- to five-minute pitching sessions were earnest sum ups of local agencies’ needs, usually financial, and occasional policy requests. “Please do not put any arbitrary caps on our local tax rates,” was Peterson’s plea on that score. Jon Netts, the Palm Coast mayor, in one of the shorter speeches to the two men, asked for the state to lighten its hand on water consumption rules (“Florida’s got plenty of land,” he said, “what we don’t have is plenty of water”).
The meeting lent itself to a little theater, too, as when School Board member Colleen Conklin, who mulled over a run against Thrasher last fall and considers him flatly unsympathetic to public education, appeared before him to plead for “legislative breathing room in regard to class size.” Thrasher would have none of it: “To suggest that we could do something statutorily, it’s going to be tough, because it’s in the constitution,” he said.
“Whatever it’s going to take to fund it we’re going to have to fund it,” he said.
“Then I like the second part of what you just said,” Conklin said.
“Well, you may not like the second part of what I just said because where is it going to come from?”
In two breaths, Thrasher was telling Conklin that the state Constitution left the Legislature no room but to fund the class-size amendment, yet the Legislature might not have the money to do it anyway without taking it from other critical needs, likely within education. That had been another one of Conklin’s pleas: don’t rob Peter to pay Paul. Tharsher was suggesting that Peter and Paul would get robbed.
Other highlights: Helen Ridley of Elder Source, which helps seniors stay in their homes as long as possible. Florida spends 30 percent of its $20 billion medicaid budget on nursing homes. “What I’m proposing is a saving to the state Legislature,” Ridley said, “because if you use community care for the elderly, which are some of the funds that we use here in Flagler County, we can provide the basic things that seniors need to stay in their homes and to age in place, where most seniors want to be. We can provide meals on wheels, we can provide light housekeeping, we can provide personal care, we can do all of the things that will delay premature nursing home admissions. A nursing home costs $70,000 a year. Our program is $6,500. The savings per person is about $65,000 per person. With about 20,000 people on our waiting list, you can see where the impact comes in.”
It was the fourth time Thrasher was hearing the same speech. “I could give it,” he quipped when Ridley was done.
Flagler Beach City Commissioner Jane Mealy spoke of her city being in the sixth of 21 steps in a beach re-nourishment program: the state, she urged, should ensure that the program and the money continue. She noted that the Flagler Beach Pier, the lifeblood of the city’s tourism industry, depends on outside support to afford its insurance, though “if it blows away or it falls in, we’re done.”
Patrick Johnson, director of the Flagler County Health Department, in another plea for preservation of Medicaid funding (which is certain to be cut next year) reminded the legislators of what it paid for in Flagler alone in 2009: 16,000 health visits at the department, 19,000 shots, and the health costs of 40 percent of the 899 births in the county.
Chet Bell of the Stuart-Marchman-Act mental health and addiction rehab facility noted that $145,000 in state money that underwrites detox services in Flagler County are at risk. “We don’t want to lose those dollars,” Bell said.
At no point in the 90-minute session did either Thrasher or Costello take notes.
mariodigir says
I’ve had it with politics and politicians. I’ve had it with voting on referendum’s and changes to the FL constitution that never get enacted. I’ve had it with the size and depth of government and their inability to listen and represent the people. I’ve had it with politicians mixing their personal and religious beliefs into policies and laws they enact. I’ve had it with the enormity of special interest groups and the disparity between their goals and objectives and the average American Citizen. I’ve had it with the needs, desires and motivations of the people not being met.
After more than half a century of witnessing first hand the greed, corruption and insidious behavior of politicians and elected officials, I’ve come to realize that the structure we have in place today … does not work.
I believe we need to give Our Country back to We The People, by abandoning most levels of government, to bring the President and his cabinet closer to the People. We are NOT represented fairly and adequately, nor are our best interests kept in mind.
Today’s technology would allow us to vote on any and all issues directly from the comfort of our homes. As our needs are NOT being met by our elected officials, I call for a change in government which would remove many layers which currently interfere with our voice being heard and our needs being properly addressed.
We cannot continue doing business as usual. Electing politicians to represent our voice does not work.
What if they held an election, and no one came?
DLF says
We have become a nation of whinners, we want everything no matter the cost, ie Conklin and Mealy, keep the money coming for their pet projects. My question for Conklin and Mealy where should the money come from?
Rick G says
The attitude of Thrasher is not surprising since he is the king of lobby money and is in the Senate because of it. Costello on the other hand used to be a decent political leader, but now it seems he is taking his lead from Thrasher. The electorate that keeps these types in office get what they deserve. The problem is that those of us who didn’t vote that way get screwed as well. Alas democracy in America…
elaygee says
While we’re at it, the Flagler Pier is a waste of money that draws NO ONE as a tourist. Tourists come for the beaches, restaurants and shops. Locals, who don’t want to pay for the pier, demand that it keep being rebuilt and insured at a huge price. That’s the same problem we’re having all over, “Give me more and make some other people pay for it”