Last Updated: 9:21 p.m. p.m.
The eastbound lanes across the bridge into Flagler Beach were shut down this morning just as the city’s annual Independence Day parade was ending following a severe three-vehicle crash at the intersection of State Road 100 and John Anderson Highway.
The crash resulted in the hospitalization of at least four people, including a child. The child and two others were transported by ground to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach. One person was transported to AdventHealth Palm Coast. Trauma One, Shands Hospital’s emergency helicopter out of St. Johns County, was placed on standby, as was Flagler County’s FireFlight, as the crash was initially categorized as a mass-casualty incident. Neither helicopter was eventually called in.
The crash took place minutes after 11 a.m.
“It appears two vehicles were eastbound,” Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney said, “a vehicle traveling west may have turned left in front of them and may have caused a chained reaction between the two eastbound vehicles.”
The vehicles involved were a Jeep SUV, a Toyota Tacoma pick-up truck, and a compact Toyota Scion. The driver of the Jeep Monday evening said the scion had made the turn that violated the Jeep’s and the pick-up’s right of way, doing so coming off the bridge, onto John Anderson Highway southbound.
“As of right now, no fatalities, we hope it stays that way,” Doughney said.
Two people were reported thrown from the Jeep. The child was extricated from the vehicle by rescuers. The child’s age is not known. Witnesses reported one or two victims being ejected. One ended up in the road, one in the grass. (A previous version of this article had incorrectly included the child as among those thrown from the vehicle.)
The Jeep rolled and ended up on its roof facing west, in the southbound shoulder of State Road 100, furthest east from the other two vehicles, which also ended up on or near the north shoulder–the Scion facing northwest, at the corner of John Anderson and SR-100, and the Tacoma, between the Scion and the Jeep, facing southeast. (The Scion may have been moved to the side after the crash. Note: these are preliminary observations from the scene and may be altered as the investigation progresses.)
Authorities secured video footage of the crash.
The occupants of the Scion and the Tacoma appeared to have remained at the scene, uninjured, or at least one of them declined medical transport. The occupant of the Scion later requested medical help, however, but not from a physical injury, and an ambulance returned to the scene.
July 4 events were well under way across the bridge but were not affected. “By that time the parade was off State Road A1A and into the backstreets, so really it didn’t affect the parade at all,” Doughney said. “It did restrict traffic onto the barrier island.” Traffic was restricted for about half an hour, with traffic eastbound resuming around 11:45 a.m.
The Flagler Beach Police Department, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and Flagler County Fire Rescue all responded, as did the Florida Highway Patrol, which is handling the ongoing investigation.
Traffic was, in fact, surprisingly light at noon, in either direction. The main event on the island was over by noon, even with eastbound lanes reduced to one drivable lane. The parade itself was hitch-less, unlike during the last parade down A1A, at Christmas, when a vintage Jaguar caught on fire. The rest of the was to be day devoted to family events in Veterans Park and beach-going. The traditional fireworks show, usually scheduled for 9 will not be taking place for the third year in a row–the last two years because of Covid, this year because of an administrative error.
Laurel says
I’m so sorry to see this happen. Looks like maybe just an irresponsible turn onto John Anderson, was alcohol involved? I hope they all survive with a rapid recovery. Just innocent people out for a fun holiday.
Clearly, not everyone is going to agree with me, but Flagler Beach is a small town that is not able to handle all the people attracted to the events. Parking is a constant issue, that commissioners, Chamber of Commerce and are going to make worse. I’m also sorry to say that I’m not missing the fireworks in FB at all. All the congestion, parking and cigarettes, firework debris and trash that’s left behind on the beach should not be a small town’s problem. Palm Coast, Bunnell and the county need to take more responsibility in these events. PC, being a larger city, should be the center of events with the other municipalities and county pick up the largest portion of the tab.
Roy Longo says
Actually, small towns in America seem to be the most patriotic places. I certainly understand parking is a problem, but trash and cleanup is easily fixed with paid and/or volunteer cleanup crews the next day. The Fourth of July is a boon for local businesses and in turn helps the city with taxes collected from those businesses. It is one day a year you are affected by the influx of people. It’s manageable.
Laurel says
Roy: As a native Floridian, I’ve heard all my life what a boon migrating overpopulation is for business. It may surprise you that we did fine before. It’s always, always, always about money and quality of life takes a back seat, along with the flora and fauna. Go to my home town of Ft. Lauderdale and tell me about it afterward.
You think this influx is a one day a year event? Look for a parking space on the beach on any given weekday. I know, y’all come to paradise and improve it.
jOE sTOLFI says
” Authorities secured video footage of the crash. ”
I wonder where that came from ?
I wonder IF that intersection is under camera ?
I know there are camera’s on the bridge ?
Perhaps one or more of the vehicles involved ?
Just curiosity .. .. ..
FlaglerLive says
Some motorists have dash cams.
Happy 4th says
Out of all that your wondering about cameras. Seriously. Your like a HOA group just try to find something to complain about.
jOE sTOLFI says
My curiosity is just that MINE .
There is No HOA here .
I live a few blocks from that intersection . And
So yes, I wonder about the camers’s ?
Should I worry about the people, the accident – having been an EMT in the past before becoming a RN
I know they were well cared for, transported quickly, and have been helped by passers by and at the hospital .
Should I worry about it happening again – Well, I’m not one to worry . But I do see a fair number of people trying to “beat the light” or just running the red light . Unless I’m going over the bridge, John Anderson is
the major rode, and that intersection is the way to most places from here .
Happy & a Safe 4th of July to you — — — ” Happy 4th says “
BoyzMom74 says
It was dash cam footage from another driver in the area.
Jay says
Most signaled intersections have at least one camera. They are used to monitor the intersection to assure that the signals are working correctly and to monitor traffic for signal timing changes if needed. They are monitored by the maintaining agency (FDOT, county, city etc.). Some intersections use video for vehicle detection to operate signals. Interstates also have cameras.
Kate Taylor says
So my daughter and I were right there when it happened..my daughter is a respiratory therapist and immediately pulled over to help..the child was actually still strapped in the car seat crying and it took a group of people who had stopped to help lift the Jeep over on it side to get the baby out..my daughter and a young man tended to one of the gentlemen who had been ejected ..he had a severe head wound which the young man wrapped with his own t-shirt while my daughter and another person tried to keep the man from moving…the amount of passer byers that immediately went to help was wonderful to witness..and the response time of all emergency vehicles and personnel involved was phenomenal…from what we witnessed it is a miracle noone was killed..the jeep literally rolled at least 3 possible 4 times..kudos to every wonderful person who rushed towards the scene to help…
Darcy says
Thank you so much. It is very clear, as always in the midst of tragedies, the hand of God can be seen.
LB2KOOL says
Slow hand indeed, could have gotten there to prevent the tragedy. But that never happens
de says
God stopping everything us humans do wrong, that’s quite a feat and no lessons learned.
Jaltman says
I don’t know any of you…but I want to say thank you for stopping to help..you are appreciated..you were where you needed to be ..
Fanny C. Herrera says
Kate, thank God for your daughter’s help. It was a very scary scene . I was parking my car at the CVS Pharmacy when it happen. I went to check the Jeep because my son has one like that and I saw the Baby seat on the ground I went back to my car and pray for all of them. It was a miracle that no one got kill….. The speeding cars, trucks and motorcycles etc… in Flagler County are out of control, we need to support our Sheriff Dept. to get more Officers, cars, motorcycles etc ASAP .
Thanks to everyone that help in many ways… and FlaglerLive for keeping us up to date…
Anita Rivera says
Thank you so much for helping. One of the victims ejected is my son and the baby is my grandson. You are all angels in my eyes🙏🏻❤️
A.j says
So far, no deaths Thank GOD.
Whathehck? says
Hope it goes well to all involved. What a sad outcome in this day of pride and patriotism.
As always FlaglerLive you are quick to report.
ASF says
I was out on the road today but quickly returned home. It seemed obvious to me that some drivers had started their July 4th celebrations early.
jaz says
these are my family members…
Jennyds says
I hope your family members are all safe and on their way to a quick recovery
Neal Ecker says
The Flagler Beach Fire Dept and Fire Police also responded.
Dan Palm Coast Resident says
No one said they didn’t respond but as one of the first to be there there was a lot of great people that rushed to that horific scene and basically were First responders whether they knew they were or not! We had some off-duty(but are never truly off duty) nurses that were also there! We had a lot of help especially when our first group tried to push that vehicle off so someone can pull that helpless baby out of the Jeep! I cant believe when my family stopped at that light, we were in the turn lane and what we saw including my 11 year old son it was such a bad scene and I have seen some and was in one about 5 years ago, but this looked sooooo bad and do believe in miracles and so far as our prayers are answered at this point no deaths and it looked like that was very good possibility! Anyway my point was yes, the Emergency workers definitely were joy to see, but there was a lot of First Responders in the making to give credit to so many people just jumping in to help and not stare and take pictures like these days we sometimes see!! Thanks to all who assisted we all helped make a bad thing so much better!
Jane Kranz says
It’s wonderful to read that many individuals rushed to help. Continuing to hope that the injured will recover.
Turning left in Flagler County is always Very Dangerous! Also, the High Traffic Two Lane Roads with 55-60 mph speed limits and side roads entering on curves and NO Turning Lanes shows Very STUPID highway designing! This will cause many needless accidents!
Wow says
I think some people forget the green light is not a “protected” left turn. It’s green but you still have traffic coming at you. Only a green arrow is safe. Not saying this is what happened but I’ve made that mistake.
The Geode says
No light, arrow, blinking marker, or whoever you trust more than your judgment is “safer” than your eyes and critical thinking…
Mary Smith says
Not that this was the cause of this accident. Just a simple question why do drivers turn left on red? Yes the light could have been green. I have seen this many times in the past. As to not stopping on red before turning right. Is it a race to getting to hell?
At a RED light, with NO sign against turning on Red, a driver must complete STOP before turning right if the road is clear!
Anita Rivera says
I just want to say THANK YOU FOR HELPING THESE YOUNG MEN. One of the victims that was ejected is my son and the baby is my grandson.. My son is still fight for his life at Halifax on a ventilator. Baby is home with his mommy and his 1 month old brother. We are going to need lots of help spiritually and financially. I have set up a GOFUNDME account to help his girlfriend and the kids with bills if anyone can find it in their hearts to donate even if it’s $1 I will forever be greatful and once again from my whole family THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERY PERSON THAT STOPPED AND HELPED YOUR ARE ALL ANGELS IN MY EVES ESPECIALLY THE MAN WHOLE PULLED MY GRANDSON OUT🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Dan from Palm Coast says
This is wonderful news that the children are both doing well and out of the Hospital, that became a lot of our concern and there was so many people who assisted in moving that vehicle so someone could reach under and get the baby out from under the vehicle. There was 2 off duty nurses looking him over to make sure no one would take the baby out of the car seat until the proper Emergency Workers were there and ready in case moving the child out of the seat, could of been a very dangerous so quick thinking by the 2 nurses was a God send. I hope you can keep us updated on your son and the other young man who was ejected out of the car on the other side too! I will keep praying for them and all to remain safe and in God’s Will!