Emperor Joe Mullins, it turns out, has no clothes. At least when he’s under oath.
Mullins, a Flagler County commissioner for almost four years and chairman of the commission since November, has portrayed himself as a business expert, an economic development leader and a champion of conservative fiscal responsibility.
On Tuesday, Mullins affirmed in a signed court document that “despite having many companies,” those are “essentially insolvent, riddled with debt that exceeds revenues,” and that he is personally “insolvent, manages debt payments in excess of his income,” that he is subject to demands from lenders and the IRS, “and is potentially bankrupt.”
Mullins in a court hearing in May testified that when he was hit with a federal lawsuit over fraud claims (after clients promised tickets to the Master’s golf tournament in Georgia did not get their tickets), his Mullins Management company “went belly up” and he almost went to jail. “We had a really tough year that year, got upside down $2 million, and I had to get that or I was headed to jail for not being able to send those — send the client’s money back,” he testified. “So I leveraged everything I had to get out of that.”
Mullins has faced two such lawsuits, one of them, a $2.4 million fraud claim, still ongoing, and mirroring the same issues that led to the first lawsuit. The lawyer questioning him appeared to be under the impression that it was the latter lawsuit Mullins was referring to. But later in the direct examination, Mullins referred to his brush with jail as happening “three years ago,” which suggests he may have been referring to the earlier lawsuit, which was settled.
The documents, paired with Mullins’s testimony under oath, paint the most revealing and contradictory portrait to date of Mullins’s finances, revealing in his own words that the “at least seven companies” he owns or owned under different names are all sole proprietorships usually involving just him, such as Mullins Sports and Entertainment. Mullins, in other words, runs one-man shops. And those shops are a maze of leveraged and juggled real estate ventures that even Circuit Judge Chris France was confused about: “At this stage of the case no sufficient information has been provided relating to the valuation of the companies, their assets or their liabilities,” the judge wrote, with that sentence casting the court’s doubt on the figures Mullins provides about those companies in his disclosures.
The documents, obtained by FlaglerLive, are all public record. They are part of the divorce proceedings Mullins has been engaged in with his wife this year in Flagler court. The dispute with his wife is a private matter and are not being reported here except for certain contextual elements, just as they have not been in the past. Mullins’s finances, disclosed through those proceedings, are a different matter, however, because they pertain, as a public, elected official–and as chairman of the Flagler County Commission–to his claims to business expertise and his claims of being an eminently qualified steward of the public treasury and the public interest. And they point to unexplained disparities between the financial disclosure form he submitted to the state and the numbers he revealed in court.
The documents and the testimony pleading what amounts to poverty–to get out of paying emergency support for his wife and child,–contrast like night and day with the Ferrari-driving, high-flying jet-setter who fills his social media pages with selfies from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort to the Daytona Speedway to events across the state and out of state. The reality, he testified, is that others often pay for his trips or entries to events or meals, including companies, clients, friends and Flagler County government (“My lodging sometimes is paid through the County, sometimes it’s not,” he claimed. A partial accounting of expenses the county has paid for him amounts to $5,000.).
“So you own four, five, six, or seven companies and everybody pays for everything but you, is that correct?” an incredulous attorney asked Mullins in his court testimony in May, after going through innumerable instances where Mullins said he had not paid for this or that ticket, this or that meal, this or that event.
“No. I pay for things,” he said.
Mullins Testified at the hearing and attested in a written document that while on paper he lists $18 million in assets, he has liabilities of $18.755 million, that “my notes now are very severely due and they’re being called by banks,” that he’s paid his divorce-attorney bill of $10,000 by putting it on a credit card, and that he’s “juggling” mortgages and loans, without always being able to make payments. “Like right now we’re back on some of them,” he testified.
Mullins listed a net worth of $515,602 on his most recent financial disclosure form as an elected official, required by state disclosure rules as part of his run for re-election, and which he signed on oath on May 31 in a notarized document. Yet in the wording of the verified motion Mullins signed on Monday, and that his attorney, Michael Chiumento III, filed with the court, Mullins states that he has a “Total net worth of (-$675,192.16).”
Mullins listed “filing year + year-to-date” income of $1.511 million on his financial disclosure form, yet in his court pleadings he reported that his 2021 tax returns show an adjusted gross income of negative $17,123.
This is the context of Mullins’s disclosures: In May, Mullins and his wife appeared in a hearing at the Flagler County courthouse before France, addressing his wife’s motion for $5,000-a-month temporary support. Mullins argued that he could not pay it, that he had been paying $1,200 a month (his wife contended that she received $500 twice a week) and providing his wife with living and utility accommodations and a car.
France in an order ruled that Mullins was to pay his wife $4,000 a month starting on May 10, pay his wife’s divorce attorney, Kenneth Morse, $5,000, and continue to pay for his wife’s rent, utilities, insurance and certain amenities for a child Mullins and his wife have in common.
The order led to the Aug. 2 motion to modify the order, in which Mullins signs the declaration of the dire state of his finances, and, through his attorney, includes some 300 pages of supporting documents, including tax returns, an image of an overdue IRS tax bill, dated Dec. 6, 2021, for $23,279 (for 2020 taxes), financial affidavits and personal financial statements, and numerous other documents.
At the May hearing, Mullins described himself as “a county commissioner, and I have real estate holdings,” and said he made $52,000 as a commissioner, lowballing his actual salary by $8,000: he actually makes $59,637. During the hearing Mullins did not claim that he runs the county, as he did to a Florida Highway Patrol trooper when trying to get out from paying a ticket in June. But he did draw the court’s ire on different occasions. At one point the attorney had asked him how much he was selling a Mercedes for. Mullins seemed reluctant to give an answer, other than to claim it would go “probably about $10,000 less than owed on it.” The attorney tried again, and Mullins evaded by starting to talk about the problem with the car.
“Sir, just answer the questions that you’re being asked,” Judge France admonished him. “You tend to go on and on.”
“All right. I don’t know. You want me to just say that?” Mullins snapped
“I want you to follow my instructions,” France, not a judge to be trifled with on the slightest matters of court conduct, told him.
The line of questioning led the attorney to ask about the Ferrari Mullins drives. He said he did not own the car, but that his Mullins Sports and Entertainment company owned it (even though Mullins is the company). The payments, however, were being made by Mullins Management. The attorney showed him proof.
“Yeah. It’s paid by Mullins Management,” Mullins conceded. “But that company is no longer in business.”
“There’s still a Ferrari. Is that right?” the attorney asked him.
“It is. And that’s trying to be sold. They’ve got it at a dealership. And, unfortunately, we’re seeing it upside down as well.”
The hearing took place on May 3. Mullins was pulled over, speeding in the Ferrari on I-95, the following June 19. In court, Mullins had said the Ferrari was “used at events.” Attempting to avoid points on his license, he wrote the judge after being pulled over that he was “preparing for family coming into town and running behind in my work schedule rushing between meetings.” It’s not clear what meetings could have been taking place in Flagler County on a Sunday morning at 8:45 a.m., when he was ticketed.
In his testimony Mullins said he sold his condo at the Aliki high-rise in Flagler Beach last October for $900,000, netting $300,000 (his mortgage total had been $600,000).
“Where did the other $300,000 go?” Morse, the lawyer, asked him.
“It went to–it was an exchange, and it went to another company. It was not owned in Joseph Mullins,” Mullins replied, before clarifying: “It was paid toward debt that I owed with my company.”
“Okay,” the lawyer tried again, “I asked you it was paid to who? Who is who?”
“It was to banks,” Mullins said. “To different banks and different lenders.”
“Excuse me. You said you paid it to a company. Your company. Which company?”
“I said the debt was paid to different lienholders that had it,” Mullins said. “It was liened up with other stuff.”
“And so the $300,000 roughly from the sale was paid to which company, however? One of your companies, you said. Which one?”
Mullins finally answered directly: “Jessie Farrell,” one of his LLC’s incorporated, he said, in Florida and Georgia, that “holds real estate.”
When the lawyer asked him about the value of one of the property he owns, Mullins claimed it was losing value. “So while all the real estate values in the world are going up, yours is going down, is that right?” the lawyer asked him. The lawyer and Mullins again sparred as Mullins would not answer the questions.
In February 2022, Mullins, under his own name–not a company name–bought a condominium at 619 West Hammock Beach Drive, for $660,000, according to Flagler County Property Appraiser figures, which Mullins also cited in court. “That was part of that exchange that was done, and it’s to replace that rental property that was sold. So it ties into a bigger loan,” Mullins said, only to immediately respond to the lawyer that he had not used the $300,000 proceeds to pay for the new purchase. “We rent it out quite a bit,” he said, in essence describing what amounts to a vacation rental. “It’s also rented out to be able to get income to pay for it.” He pays a $2,000 a month mortgage on the property.
Though he bought it in February, it does not appear to be listed on the financial disclosure form. The only property listed as “personal” is his Pine Street house in Bunnell. Under liabilities, a Members First Mortgage is listed for $524,816, roughly echoing the $500,000 loan he told the lawyer, in court, he took out for the condominium.
The lawyer was attempting to explore contradictions between Mullins’s claims of relative indigence and his frequent-flier miles to event after event just between last August and May, by cataloguing Mullins’s own social media pictures to such a point that it could make Mullins’s constituents wonder when he had any time left for county business: a Rolling Stones concert, a Miranda concert, a Pitbull concert, a Beach Boys concert, Camping World Stadium in Orlando (“I was invited there by Mercedes”), the Corona Cigar Lounge, a Trump event in Washington, D.C., Benihana in Lake Buena Vista (he loves Japanese food, it was revealed in court), a trip to New York in December (“I was taken up there with a client to look at some dealings. They’re looking at purchasing my apartment complexes”), to Provo, Utah (“meeting with a client for the Masters”), Pittsburgh, Penn. (“a political candidate that wanted me to come in and speak for him”), numerous out-of-town or out-of-state restaurants, from Sarasota to Dallas, Texas, an Atlanta Falcons party, the Seminole Hard Rock casino, the Slippery Noodle in Indianapolis, the Jan. 28 trip to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, where he said he was “an invited guest.”
“Invited guest. So that didn’t cost you anything, I suppose, either,” the lawyer asked him.
“Well, it cost you something to go down, and, you know, you go pay for a hundred dollar room,” Mullins said.
He also referred to an apartment complex he owns in Georgia: “I’ve got another loan with an apartment complex on it. It was appraised at $6.5 [million], the loan is 5.9, and we lost all the tenants but four out of a 56 unit,” he said. That claim may not be accurate.
The description fit that of Clara Point Apartments , a 56-unit complex complex in Columbia County, Ga., that has been in the news because of its deplorable conditions–and because of an ongoing investigation by Columbia County authorities, according to Columbia County Administrator Scott Johnson, who spoke about it on an Augusta radio show today. “It’s like an investigation with law enforcement really, when the county gets involved. In code enforcement gets involved. We go through that process,” Johnson said. The property was fined over fire alarms not being installed, then more serious issues emerged.
“We needed to find out if these aren’t habitable and if there are other issues besides the life safety issues, and we did do that this week,” Johnson said. “Some of these units just were not fit for what I would say, you know, as far as being inhabited by a human being–the water intrusion, the insects and those sorts of things. Those are big issue. Roaches, ants.” He added: “We went over this week and we we went through all 20 of the occupied units. There are several units that are unoccupied, and they are in all states of repair. Some of them have missing sheetrock, some of them don’t have power. And my understanding is the powers off to all of those now because they are under renovation.”
In court, Mullins explained it this way: “We had a fire. We had mold issues where the fire had created some problems, and it started in others, and then we — you know, we just lost the tenants. So the banks are very concerned. They’re trying to work with me. We did a lot of — what is that stuff called where the government deferred the payments with us for a while? And now they’re coming back due, and we’re having to pay when we can. But, again, we’re paying one note but another note may be four or five months behind at that point. So it’s a juggling game right now.”
James says
See I knew it. All those bus fairs did add up… now see what happened, you’re bankrupt!
Vinny says
One day your driving a red Ferrari the next day your more broke than me.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Yes..more broke than me also. So in this case, or in “Mullins” description, we are both billionaires…
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Now please go back to whatever rock your crawled out of. I can’t see your face anymore without getting nauseous.
Robjr says
Sounds like a con.
Is he trying to emulate the imbecile in S. Florida?
Lying then or lying now.
Shark says
Must be a graduate of trump university.
coyote says
Trump H-E-double hockey sticks!
He’s channeling Alex Jones today.
raw says
More like the Joe and Hunter O’Biden university.
The Truth says
Got it! When he does something good he’s a Trumpster, when he does something bad or makes a fool of himself he’s Biden’s guy. Trumpster’s never cease to amaze me.
Laurel says
The Raws of the country just still do not see. It amazes me too.
Concerned Citizen says
You’re so right!! LMAO
Dave Roskins says
no, didn’t he grad with u from dip sh!t university?
Roy Longo says
Where does it end with this asshole. He has scammed everyone he does business with and now add his wife to list. He finally found someone he can’t scam: the judge! All his double talk got him no where with the judge yet he is such a narcissist he kept trying. I feel sorry for his wife.
Been There says
I feel sorry for the latest girlfriend (not really), all his wives (present and ex), his children, the moron constituency that continues to cry “fake news” and follow him (just because they’re dumb), the county citizens he’s defrauded……. but, HEY; you know who I DON’T feel sorry for? I don’t feel sorry for the asshats that continue to run interference for him and his misdeeds i.e. Commissioner, Donald O’Brien; Commissioner, Dave Sullivan; Commissioner, Greg Hansen; ex- Administrator, Jerry Cameron; County Attorney, Al Hadeed; the wannabe “king maker” and owner of the Observer, John Walsh et al.
Remember these names during elections and do NOT vote for them or anyone they endorse. They will just continue to forward the same agenda they recruited him for. However, it must be scary for them because once Joe the clown goes, who is going to distract the public with antics while the others continue on their self-serving merry way gaslighting the faithful?
Quick question though; how’s he paying Chimento’s fees? Surely Tres isn’t representing the little man pro bono.
Mary Fusco says
Well, his 1st ex now appears to be his BFF since she is in FL every weekend according to FB posts. His current wife is taking him to the cleaners, which she should. The newest barbie doll girl friend was just with him and his kids in Colorado. She doesn’t appear to be the burger king type of gal so if she sticks around, the money is hid somewhere. Just saying. According to this pathetic excuse for a man, everyone is out to get him. He should take a long look in the mirror and realize that he is his own worst enemy.
ASF says
Blossom says
Commissioner Hansen attempted to have him censured. Commissioner Erickson voted yes, the other three voted voted and the motion failed. Please get your facts straight. These men do not support this man. The story from Flagler Live is in this article.
Mark says
Sounds exactly like his Orange Messiah.
The dude says
Just like his orange hero.
Kick him out says
Nope, Trump at least had money. Do not compare Mullins to anything other then his fellow failure Biden. Both, liars that misrepresented themselves to get in office.
HenryRuff says
Exactly right. All these people with Trump Derangement Syndrome… SMFH
Steve says
Yes Trump is deranged.Says the guy who deflects to Biden on every comment.
Seriously? says
What are you talking about? You must be a member of the orange guy’s cult. Trump is the biggest grifter and Mullins is just like him. What does Biden have to do with any of this? The maga cult lives in an alternate universe. Sheesh!
Laurel says
Seriously: Trumpters favorite response is deflection. Then they don’t have to face what is smack dab in front of them.
The dude says
Trumps money comes from rubes, like you.
James says
Oh rubes… whew, for a minute there I thought you wrote rubles.
The dude says
In all likelihood… that too.
D says
Actually, trump’s money comes from inheriting a real estate empire that was largely dependent on section 8 and public assistance. His father was a slum lord who milked the system with shitty public housing. When the government pays the rent on your units, and you inherit them, how in the world could he go wrong? And yet he did, go bankrupt, multiple times and his daddies real estate empire bailed him out every time. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
David Schaefer says
Kick him out you are nothing but a Trumper . Trump is broke to with hundreds of lawsuits so is Mullins both liers.
The Truth says
So let me see if I understand correctly:
When Mullins does anything positive it’s because he’s a “Trumpster” and loves his country. He’s the leader of the Trump Club, he coordinated a bus to bring people to Washington DC to protest and always talks about how he loves Trump. Trumps “brand” has always been that he’s a strong businessman, as was Mullins. He’s successful and brings that smart business mind to our County leadership.
In the last few weeks, we have found out that this clown tries to use his position to get himself out of tickets AND that he has no idea how to manage his finances and business finances. Of course, with this new information he has a “fellow” failure named Biden? I will never understand the Republican mindset. Make up your mind which direction you want to go, but you just look foolish when you flip flop like this.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
When did Mullins do “anything positive”? Crickets.
Laurel says
Truth: The Republican mindset is”: January 6th was Antifa and BLM, and if Trump gets in again, he will pardon them because they were treated so badly like he is treated now. Poor little rich boy, who lives on acreage in Palm Beach between the ocean ( with an underground pass under A1A) and ICW just like average working guys like you and me. He can relate. A man who evaded the draft several times due to foot spurs, yet plays tennis and disparages real war heroes like McCain. He speaks their language “Puerto Rico is surrounded by water.”
Mullin’s hero.
Oh never mind, they have shut down six years ago.
Steve says
He’s a trump humper. A Fraud and a Con. Mr World beater is Morally and Financially Bankrupt like trump and his followers . Biden my ass
Robert Joseph Fortier says
I am not sure ALL Trump followers are broke… Try to use some accuracy when trying to state “facts”.
Confused says
Are you saying Trump isn’t a liar?
DP says
Oh cry me a river. This POS can’t even lie his way out of another lie. This a fine example of what’s not needed in this county. Let’s see what comes of his made up financial disclosure for elections. I hope he goes to jail. Don’t re-elect Mullins to the county commission.
Bets says
He should be removed from office immediately! He’s a disgrace to his office.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
I believe he was.
KMedley says
So how many of our esteemed community leaders, businesses, and organizations will continue to support and find excuses for this hot mess? Will the Observer continue to provide cover for him? Will Donald O’Brien continue to throw tantrums and walk away from his seat when fellow commissioners dare to question him? Will WNZF still provide him with a microphone? Will those who endorsed him stand by their man?
So many tried to sound the alarms four years ago. We lost a servant leader; and, instead, literally brought the circus to the county commission.
Vote this embarrassment out!
James says
You missed one… Will they give him bus fare out of FL?
KMedley says
State trooper escort.
coyote says
“bus fare out of FL?”
I’ll chip in.
James says
Hey, don’t give the guy any ideas… there are suppose to be at least 120,000 people living in Flagler and even at a penny a person he’ll get WAY more then he needs for a one way ticket.
Tim Mcauliffe says
I’m sure there are more reasonably priced housing opportunities in Bunnell than his present residence. Downsizing should be considered as an option to reduce his debt
Pat says
You do know he does NOT alive in Bunnell don’t you?
He sleeps in Flagler Beach NOT a Bunnell.
CDP says
If his businesses are pretty much just him, what did he use his PPP loans for? I thought they were to be used to keep employees on the payroll.
Also, how did he pay for those busses to Jan 6 rallies in Washington?
He recently donated $500 to a deceased community member’s GoFundMe account. That’s a lot of money for someone who doesn’t have any.
What a shame that he falls into destitution exactly when he has court cases pending. Luckily, he is able to come up with insurrection funds when times are tough. What a trooper.
My advice would be for him to cut out the avocado toast and expensive cell phone. That should help get him back on his feet. Thoughts and prayers, Joey.
Mark says
Sounds like the Feds should be investigating this guy, including his participation in the coup attempt.
John R Dance says
CDP, Dont ever put him in the same category or sentence that resembles the high distinction of a TROOPER.
Thank You and God Bless
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Amen, John.
Timothy Patrick Welch says
Appears as though he is living the life of a flim-flam man.
Thank you Flaglerlive for telling TRUTH about RINO Mullins! I truly hope every Flagler County Voters reads this Fact Based article! His ex-wife is a wonderful Lady who needs our prayers! Court records do Not LIE! Voting records do Not LIE! Joe Mullins Must Resign NOW so he can try to rebuild his life! Flagler County needs Honest Conservative Leadership! We all should have doubts about any commissioner who supports RINO Mullins! Hansen claims his 27yrs as a Navy Officer as proof that he knows when he sees a good leader! Well, Hansen is TOTALLY Wrong about his support for Mullins! WAKE UP Flagler County Voters!
Kath says
You think Hansen supports Mullins? Do you recall the meeting that Hansen motioned to censure Mullins but was out voted by Sullivan, O’Brien, & Mullins?
Deborah Coffey says
Joe Mullins is not a RINO; he’s a true, living, breathing MAGAt.
Laurel says
Deborah: No. Mullins is a RINO. True Republicans are people like McCain, Flake, Cheny, Kinzinger and others who stand up to these fake Republicans. Mullins, Trump, Jordan, Cruz, Masters, Green and many, many others are the Republicans In Name Only.
Celia Pugliese says
As a still registered Rep I could not agree with you more Laurel! Too bad that even Liz Cheney and her Dad making fatal errors voted with and backed up Trump until the January 6th sedition. But still I admire Cheney and Kizzinger for their courage and hope to see them running for Prez one day!@I see that happening with good honest Americans too often getting really back stabbed by those they (we) support! I never supported or voted for Trump as envision him as he finally turned to be…a totalitarian and sedisionist.
Watcher from Georgia says
I can’t believe the folks in Flagler County bought what this guy was selling to put him in office. All that had to be done was a little research on all the past shenanigans he has done over the years in Columbia County, Georgia. He went to Flagler because he was disgraced in Georgia. Joe’s affiliation with any political party matters not. A crook is a crook. I think the people of Flagler need to take a hard look at how this guy rode into town and duped them. Warnings were everywhere.
Trump is a Traitor says
bob says
yup. a fraud
Jeff Miller says
Gerald Jacobs says
This guy is a true NUT.
I'm proud of County Chairman..... says
So how does Joe Mullins claim homestead in Flagler County and in the Georgia
County at the same time?
When is that going to come out. He took an exemption with some loophole clause that gives him that same tax rate as homestead but you are supposed to reside there in Georgia.
The Radio show host called us out here in Flagler County too and said, ” I guess you all are proud of your County Chairmen now!”
How embarrassing!
Another thing you sound like Fredo in the Godfather.
” I’m smart I know things”
Joe Mullins give it up. We want you out! Resign already!
Nono Mikey says
Let me say this again!!@@
Jackson1955 says
Trump supporters will praise him and tell us that’s how you become rich and be successful.
The State AG should open an investigation into this CLOWN!
For Real says
The State Attorney was appointed by DeathSantis good luck having him go after Mullin since they are all Trumpster fans.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Sorry you have to suffer from Trump Syndrome…Even as a Republican, I don’t waste my time commenting on Trump or other Republican idiots. Idiots come in all shapes and colors…The only say we all have in this is when we vote.
Mullins also claims that he recently hosted a Joan Jett concert somewhere in Florida naming his Mullins Entertainment Group , Inc. which is more confusing after reading this article, how can you host a concert when your company is bankrupt????
Not So Sleepy Joe says
Its a good thing he will have some steady income once he wins reelection.
Joe says
If he can’t manage his own finances he shouldn’t be managing Palm Coast.
Roy Longo says
Flagler County. Not Palm Coast.
Joseph Barand says
I think all the deals he has cut should be investigated for fraud and criminal activities. I would start with our property Appraiser, tax collector and other members of the County commission. I pointed out last year to the Property Appraiser that Joe had multiple properties with homestead Exemptions, nothing was done except for removing the exemption from his Palms Condo, no $10,000 fine no jail time.
Joan says
If it’s true that someone swindling the county out of taxes by claiming multiple homesteaded properties is simply let go, I would expect to see a change to that policy.
Palm Coasters have to wear bags over their heads says
Maybe Joe can hire Bob from the old Flagler Tax Service to fix his accounting and tax issues.
DF says
Don’t be a “Joe”, drive slow…
AJC says
If this POS is reelected the joke is on us. He has lied his way into office, used the county for the last 4 years, and now it all comes out. He is still not revealing all his assets. He’s a crook and good at it. He needs to go to jail and pack his bags and get the hell out of this county. Go back to Georgia.
James says
And yet another reason for Georgia to build a border wall… that’s three so far.
Jimbo99 says
If he doesn’t get re-elected in 2022, all of this financial workaround just gets worse. Really, is anyone involved in county/city government qualified, including any candidate seeking office ?
I mean what bank would hold a mortgage note on the N Pine Street Property for $ 525K ? FCOL, is 1,012 SQFT 2/1 with 2 car garage on 1/4 ace lot (80×125). Is it worth anything more than $ 100-120K on a good day ?
“The only property listed as “personal” is his Pine Street house in Bunnell. Under liabilities, a Members First Mortgage is listed for $524,816, roughly echoing the $500,000 loan he told the lawyer, in court, he took out for the condominium.”
A Flagler County Search shows that the condo at 200 OCEAN CREST DR UNIT 619 PALM COAST, FL 32137 as Primary Ownership:
Primary Owner
Mullins Joseph Farrell
311 N Pine Street
Bunnell, FL 32110
Ugghhhh, the GA apartment complex. Sounds like similar issues that FCSO HQ moldy purchases experienced. Real Estate is such a filthy industry in the USA period. Questionable property flipping of the last 2 decades at least.
Concerned taxpayer says
Let’s see….he owns property at Ocean Hammock, 4600 Moody Blvd and 311 N Pine ( which is a dump). Not to mention what is up in Georgia. Keep voting for this liar and idiot.
HammockBear says
Appears Joe Mullins is in need of serious mental health treatment. Rather than continue to beat the man who is in a dire situation it would be wise to hope that he will seek mental health treatment. Based on reading the above article he should drop out of the political scene and get admitted to a facility to get the mental health that he needs.
James says
Hey, that’s another unanswered question, why hasn’t he been “Baker Acted?” If he were anyone else he probably would have been.
PDE says
How do we know he isn’t just perpetrating another con / grift / fraud in court to escape his responsibilities to his ex-wife?
You wouldn’t think anyone would lie under oath and in front of a judge, but ‘Ol Joe isn’t your normal sociopath……
It’s incredible that so many self-righteous politicians who hide behind the flag, a badge (and often) a cross often turn out to be so morally bankrupt, and in this case financially bankrupt too.
Blossom says
I would expect this con to be about avoiding being sued by all those people living in his condo in Georgia. Just a bunch.
The dude says
The kinds of money problems alleged in this article don’t just appear overnight. It’s a culmination of things over time.
That being said, how was he able to purchase a $660,000 condo last year?
Either he’s hiding stuff from the court, or he committed fraud to close that deal.
Unbelievable he’s the county chairman, and that he’s got a good chance of being re-elected.
Jimbo99 says
Quite often a rental property or another residence can be purchased for what they call an interest only loan. This allows that buyer to pay about $ 2K/month and rent the property out for more as rental income. these are no money down on the property. It’s obvious Mullins would rent the property as a weekly or monthly seasonal vacation spot for the rental revenue. He could probably get $2K a week for it in season. That’s $ 285/night for an oceanfront property. Even if it were a 3-4K/month booking, that’s income that would pay off other debts. Banks like to do this, they get paid, everyone else gets stuck paying for Mullins screw ups in his personal life. The unit can always be resold as the bank really owns it. It’s the same shell game that went on under W Bush. Real Estate is inventory, even if you own it. a recession and foreclosure forces whoever owns it into a short sale.
A.j says
Joe Mullins might win re election. He will not get my vote. Love to see Republicans make themselves look like the dumb fools they are. Makes my day when they are white males. Said he runs the county when he can’t handle his money right. Remember Barborosa he was a Repub, too. The insurrection most of them were Repubs. Love to see a certain group of people acting like the demonic, idiotic, non thinking lying lazy fools they are. Mullins and all these people make my day. Just love it. They have the nerve to think they are better than other people. Their actions tell another story. When it is on world wide t.v. I love it. Insurrection of white fools I love it. Where is Trump, he is not going to jail for any of those non thinking fools who stormed D.C. for him.
Blossom says
Republicans are voting for Leann Pennington, not Mullins. Republicans have known about Mullins for quite some time. he is and has always been a con man who likes to threaten people.
Laurel says
Gee Aj, I’d bet my bottom dollar right now that you don’t think you’re bigoted. Did I win?
Beccaroo says
Mullins should re-purpose all those gigantic political signs and build a shack deep in the swamp, far away from decent law abiding citizens. Stop supporting these self serving, immoral crooks and send them packing.
Blossom says
DeSantis has been asked to investigate and remove him many times by those living under his constant threats. Did any of those who did this ever receive a response?
KP says
I wonder.. does Staly think Mullins is a dirt bag? Why hasnt he come out against Mullins’ lack of respect for law enforcement and laws in general? I guess only certain citizens get that treatment fron the rootin tootin cowboy. Hmmm…
DMFinFlorida says
This made my morning. I am not one to gloat at others’ misfortunes, but this flim flam man has left a scorched Earth wherever he has gone and it caught up with him.
All together now, K-A-R-M-A. Don’t let the door hit you on your way back out of the state. Before you go, would you do all of us a favor and take down the thousands of dollars worth of signs you trashed the city with? Stick a fork in it, you’re done.
Citizen says
I would like to know when your team will address his homestead fraud in Bunnell, which allows him to run for his county position.
Me says
No wonder he worships Trump, scam artists stick together. Sorry I don’t vote for con artist for elected officials. Please people wake up and send this clown on his way back to Georgia. Hey Mullins sell your red sports car and pay your debts and child support payments.
Robby Robert says
He’s not from Georgia.. New Yorker whom stopped in Augusta to get some practice in carpetbagging before heading into target rich Florida..
James says
Sure, blame it on us poor misguided, duped ex New Yorkers now.
Hey, you guys give out free orange juice… you don’t see them handing out free peaches do you?
And you know how expensive imported OJ is nowadays.
Mary Fusco says
He is not a New Yorker. Please, never insult us in that way again. Are you just afraid to claim him as one of your own?
So funny that no state wants to claim thos POS!
Ron says
Birds of a feather vote together. Watch how many votes this waste of human flesh gets.
I can't believe it says
It’s not “a juggling game” Joe, it’s a ponzi scheme, and it’s caught up with you.
Nothing but a fraud, with a Napolean complex.
For the record, I am a registered republican, and I voted for you. But I corrected that mistake when I mailed in my ballot, voting for Leann Pennington (even before this article came out).
Good Bye Joe.
FB Native says
The veil has been lifted. Court records are available to review and see for yourself! Inform yourself and research the candidates. It’s our civic duty.
Joe’s attorney shared that his net worth is $-600k. (negative!). How is this fiscally irresponsible tiny man-child fit to oversee a county’s budget?
It’s curious to see that his Ferrari purchase was right around the same time he received PPP loans for Mullins Management. Certainly reeks of misappropriation of funds.
At this point, anyone who votes for this clown is either in on the grift or so far out of touch with reality they deserve to be part of this circus.
Please, make sure you vote and everyone you know in Flagler vote for this clown show to come to an end.
Been There says
Then the county gave him, Mullins Companies an additional grant from the CARES act money they received even though the company he cited on the application is a “foreign company” registered in another state. Who had control of that grant program?!!!! I know. Do you?
Skibum says
Nobody should be surprised. Mullins has always been morally bankrupt. Someone with a well documented history of being dishonest, unethical and corrupt would make a very poor business owner, so it comes as no surprise to me that his “businesses”, such as they are, are going down the tubes. But wow, he makes himself appear so successful with his flashy red speedster hot rod that he loves to show off while recklessly speeding by cop cars doing radar enforcement! No wonder he has been so concerned about the cost of his multiple speeding tickets… he probably cannot afford to pay them after putting all the profits from his companies into gasoline for his highway Ferrari hijinks. What a LOSER! And this is the man so many voted to put on the county commission??? Jeez, people, for those who supported this loser, if you cannot make better choices than that, maybe it would be a good idea to actually do a little research about a candidate for office rather than simply vote for a loser like him simply because he has an (R) next to his name, huh?
The R next to Mullins name stands for RINO! His actions are like the Biden Corruption Family( when America gets a Honest FBI and DOJ, than TRUTH will be told)! DemoKKKrats still complain about Trump, Yet NEVER acknowledge that Biden’s Economic Policy(inflation and Taxes Increases, Green Energy built in Communist China) and Foreign Policy( Iran’s Nuclear Weapon Program, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, and Communist China Preparing to Invade Taiwan) has lowered America’s Standard of Living and taken the World closer to World War III.
Edith Campins says
I am still waiting for the trump healthcare plan, his paying down the national debt, his promise to balance the budget, for his buddy Kim to give up nukes…And let’s not forget his tax cut for corporations and the rich, his disastrous tariffs that required a $23 billion bailout of the American farmers. The roots of inflation lie with trump, it didn’t happen in the two years that Biden has been in office. Try watching something other than Faux news.
Barbie says
It is sad that those are your beliefs!!
Whathehck? says
It is even sadder what you believe. Go vote again for your two favorite con artists. As a true believer you need to send your 401K or IRA to the grifters, that’s how you show loyalty. These 2 emperors need your money to buy new clothes.
As for REM what does your attempted deflection has to do with the little man and the orange man’s fake or real bankruptcies?
Shark says
What about the check from Mexico ?
Laurel says
Ultra: Deflection, deflection, deflection.
Rem says
Should of done some research on Joe and hunter!
Al says
He is pretty quick with the double talk…… looks like the judge can see right through it……. hopefully, so will the voters
Mark says
Hope the Observer has been paid for his advertisements. Guessing the friend of an associate of a secondary friend of a sole proprietorship with the same last name may have worked a deal. Grifter.
RoseKaye says
How can we trust the government at a federal level when at the county level folks like Mullins are ALLOWED to run for office?!
And the same people who support this CROOK who stole 2 million dollars in a SCAM against humanity will condemn a common person because ‘they’ are a minimum wage worker.
This county is ridiculous! First women abusers and now a straight out thief; just because you beat a court case doesn’t mean you aren’t a piece of trash!
I call BS says
So let me get this straight????
He has lied on his mortgage applications, (yup plural) isn’t that illegal and a good reason for the Governor to remove him!
Good bye Joe Mullins
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Speaking of dishonesty let’s not forget Mullin’s divorce lawyer is the same attorney who bamboozles the commissioners into voting YES , at least 90 percent of the time, in favor of phony promises of gorgeous homes on behalf of his other clients : the big boy’ developers. It is more than just Mullins at work- its the county attorney, Al Hadeed who lets Joe be the deciding vote : no conflict of interest he says , on disgraceful zoning changes , many times, on behalf of Joe’s current divorce attorney’s other self-serving clients: The big boy developers.
The way I see it we are all victims of a transparent low class gang- led by Hapless Hadeed ( county attorney) and all-time record breaking zoning change, champ Chiumento…O’Brien and Sullivan just help ’em along. Even the Mafia has higher standards than the County; that’s what attracted Joe in the first place I bet. He made his deals well in advance prior to buying his way into office – just my opinion, just my opinion. How do y’all see it?
J Matyas says
Why compare Mullins to anyone, he is the only one to focus on with elections coming soon, the only one responsible for so much in Flagler County. Look at him, and him alone, and realize this guy is managing OUR money. Pretty scary when he cannot even control his own money or finances.
Laurel says
J: Because Mullins is mimicking the man who once was the President of the United States, and supports his actions. That’s even scarier.
Been There says
No, he was recruited to this area AND time and time again we have seen O’Brien and Sullivan standing in solidarity with him and/or obviously running interference to protect his position on the dais? Why? They are party to it. They need to be looked at even more closely because the mechanism behind these politicians will just find another like him to put in his place.
Jimbo99 says
There does seem to be a heavily invested interest in a lot of folks in this city & county. We’re going to be paying more for waste collection services each month in what was a lowest bid contract process that didn’t award the contract to the lowest bidder ? How does that happen ?
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Mullins can’t give the judge a straight answer because the truth might trigger a massive fraud investigation. Lenders, are you paying close attention? Here are a few of the many questions that are at the top of my mind:
1. On the candidate’s mandatory financial disclosure form that Mullins had to fill out when he appeared out of nowhere four years ago – the Messiah from Georgia who would save Flagler County – he claimed to be worth over $50 million, flush with holdings that included properties, stocks and several prosperous businesses. Where has that $50 million gone, or did he commit a major fraud by lying about his worth to impress voters and other commissioners? Those commissioners went on to elect him chair of their group, and it wasn’t because of his sterling personality or intelligence. My guess? They were wowed by his bigshot financial statement and thought they were hobsnobbing with a financial titan. Start back-pedaling now, boys, or don’t plan to run for re-election yourselves.
2. Every single development on which Mullins has voted “yes” since becoming commissioner should be scrutinized, as should his fraternization with the developers (and possibly their attorneys) who stood to gain from his vote. If Mullins was actually broke during his current tenure, or in the midst of a financial landslide, who was bankrolling Mr. Hollywood’s extravagant lifestyle? The judge tried repeatedly to get him to answer the latter question, but Mullins was evasive, uncooperative and (characteristically) rude.
3. If, as Mullins said, he is “insolvent,” “riddled with debt” and “potentially bankrupt,” he may have committed bank fraud by paying his divorce attorney, Mr. Chiumento, with a credit card. Anyone who knowingly charges a credit card knowing they will not be able to pay the bill because they plan to file bankruptcy within six months is committing a felony.
4. After Googling his house at 311 N. Pine Street, I’d like to know why a man who professed to be worth over $50 million dollars four years ago would live in a place like that. The Palais Du Versailles, it ain’t. And how could he have a mortgage on that place in the amount of $524,816? Somehow I can’t picture Joe’s Ferrari parked in front of it. No, wait, he said the Ferrari is sitting in showroom somewhere, with a For Sale sign on it – and he’s “upside down” on it.
Mullins’ lies and deceptions just keep on coming. He should drop out of the commissioners race right now, because if he thinks his actions and transactions of the past four years aren’t going to be scrutinized by forensic accountants, he has another thing coming. Pay your wife and child the court-ordered support they deserve, Joe, then go home to your mold-infested rental property in Georgia and take care of the tenants who’ve been endangered by living there. We do not want you here.
The dude says
Why would he drop out?
He’s got as good a chance as any of them to be re-elected. Sadly.
MAGAts love shittiness, they don’t care about all this financial stuff as long as he keeps attacking constituents and saying horrible things on his little radio show.
Laurel says
Dude: That’s the thing that gets me! People love stupid talk, mean talk, nasty talk lying and name calling. What’s scary about that is that they relate to that kind of talk, very ignorant. They are happy to have these obnoxious people represent us in the world! Under normal circumstances, this kind of talk would be considered a very low level of behavior. Throw in conspiracy theories, domestic terrorism and schemers/grifters, all the better.
I hope this terrible stuff all crawls back under the rocks where it originated.
Every Flagler County Voter should learn the TRUTH RINO Mullins! Thank you,’ Keep Flagler Beautiful’ for giving more information about Speedy Joe(the Developer’s Friend)! I agree that all the Developments that he voted should STOPPED and REVIEWED!
Mark says
I’d also add who brought him to Flagler County. Someone in this County brought his tRumpy rear down here to fool the residents. Along with Chiumento should step away from this toxic client.
G A says
I knew he smelled bad right from the first. Supposedly a rich guy buys a place on Pine St in Bunnell to run for office here. That street is mostly mobile homes. A real quick tour on google proves that. I cannot believe for one second that he ever spent a single night there…yet that is how he got away with running for office in this county. His “residence”, which he also homesteaded. He paid $$$ for people to hold his signs around town before the last election…no folks, they were NOT supporters or volunteers. They were paid to hold the campaign signs, and to quote one sign holder who told me “I donno who he is. Some rich guy wants to pay me to hold his sign for him, sign me up” There were huge clues there for anyone who wanted to see them before he was ever elected. Now, we also hear that he has “homesteaded” all his properties in Flagler County? If you or I did that, we’d be in a big pot of trouble. If you or I tried to pull the stunts he did to get out of traffic tickets, we would be in a big pot of trouble. WHO is protecting this little man? And to the nitwit that ties our President Biden with Joe Mullins…our own personal little trumpie wanna be? Wow…good drugs there bro……
Been There says
Attempting to pull an Alex Jones? What happened to the inheritance? Didn’t his dad and brother leave him anything? Probs not; him being the family embarrassment and all.
Bless you, Pierre.
Ron says
I did not vote for Mullins four years ago and will not vote for him now!
Stop comparing Mullins to Trump. Donald Trump was always respected by those who now disrespect him. It all stems from when he ran against Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump is not a politician. He is a business person who had a very successful show in addition to his hotel and golf business. Donald Trump loves our country. Our country was moving in the right direction. Now we are dealing with a recession. Please do not change a definition to fit your political agenda.
What has Joe Biden done in his 42 years of politics?
We should not be talking about our past President. Until Hunter, Jim Biden , Hillary and the Clinton foundation are all investigated. Yes there are facts proving their fraudulent activities that are being buried by the FBI and the media.
So wake up! Joe Mullins needs to go now! Stop comparing Mullins to our past President.
James says
Hey, I’ll only mention this book once more here, you might find this more interesting then that fella “POGO” who comments on here a lot…
… It’s a really good page turner, and predates his presidential bid by almost thirty years.
Btw, never heard of it before, and I’m a former New Yorker. Again, I suggest picking up a real cheap used original copy… I wouldn’t consider the “killer king” worth the extra expense.
Muffin Man says
Gee, I can’t wait to read all these commenters again after Joe Mullins WINS his election. Now that’s going to be a RIOT !!!
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
If he wins, Mullins won’t be laughing for long. There are many who can’t wait to underwrite the cost of a forensic audit. He’s in enough hot water right now. If he’s stupid enough to stay in the race and risk 10 times the trouble….no wait. He is stupid enough.
James says
Hey, that neighbor up the block still has that Mullins sign up… so who knows, right?
FB native says
Imagine being so dim-witted that you vote for and root on a candidate that has an active Federal racketeering investigation in play, and has settled 2 other similar fraud charges (innocent people ALWAYS settle, right?) — along with newly found court documents stating he’s effectively lost over $1M in Net Worth within 3 months, leaving him with negative -$600,000 in NW. Seems like the right person to have fiduciary duties over the county’s budget and wellbeing.
This is the guy you’re hitching your wagon to? Good luck with that, Mr. Muffin Man!
Joe Blow says
Perhaps this is why he was sitting at the bar at Texas Roadhouse the other night gorging himself and paying with gift cards. Gift cards? Now there’s an idea! I’ll have my “campaign” buy gift cards and then I’ll use them to eat and drink to my hearts content. Best of all, no one can track them! ? Or can they?
ASF says
Donald Trump’s astral twin.
jim morrison says
I do not believe that his fiances are as dire as he states- I do believe that he is in financial trouble but this is a scam to avoid the alimony and child care he is due to pay for his impending divorce. I thank the judge for seeing through this facade. go to hell joe in your ferrari
Jim says
Let me get this straight. On May 31, Mullins signed a document for his re-election campaign stating assets of $515k. But by August 1, those assets had dramatically reversed to -$675k. Mr. Mullins lost over $1.1m in three months? That couldn’t be right. Even an incompetent businessman would have a hard time turning that trick! Could it be that either one or the other is totally false and fabricated? How can Mr. Mullins run on his “fiscal record”? I wouldn’t let this guy run a Kool-Aid stand.
And for you Trumpers out there calling ol’ Joe a RINO, you have lost your minds. Mullins is so much like Trump it’s hard to see daylight between them. Both are grifters prey on people like you who refuse to see them for what they are.
Let’s hope the citizens of Flagler do the right thing and vote this guy out.
James says
“Let me get this straight. On May 31, Mullins signed a document for his re-election campaign stating assets of $515k. But by August 1, those assets had dramatically reversed to -$675k. Mr. Mullins lost over $1.1m in three months? That couldn’t be right.”
He can always blame it on a heavily leveraged position in BitCoin.
MAGA people are America First people! Trump only told that America was being SOLD OUT to the Chinese Communist! Real Americans now realize that America is a Deadly Cold War with the Axis of Evil(China,Russia,Iran,and N.Korea)! China and Russia are NOW Attacking the Value of the Dollar! With Big Tech’s and Mainstream Media’s Censorship and Disinformation, Xi Jinping’s ,the Big Guy, Joe Biden was Elected (with some votes from dead people)! Xi Jinping is another Adolph Hitler!
Steve says
Uhhh the Dollar is at an ATH Mr ultra? Part of the Inflation problem
James says
I think what he might be trying to articulate here is that ultimately the only thing backing up Bitcoin is other established currencies like the dollar.
ULTRA MAGA- Because Too people do NOT understand what MAGA really stands for, I am now America First! We do NOT want America to be the World Police, Yet we will always support Nations who want to be FREE by training and selling them Weapons for their Defense! America must be an energy leader while it continues to STOP Communist China’s Coal Fired Electric Plants from Destroying the World’s Climate! America First! Peace Thru Strenght!
Mark says
You might want to work on that Monroe Doctrine a little bit and while you’re at it start with our own “Coal Fired Electric Plants” before dictating what another country should do.
Al says
Also….how is it all the real estate values and prices in this country are increasing month after month……. except for those owned by Mullins ???Al
Laurel says
Jim: Joe and Trump are the RINOs, Republican In Name Only. Real Republicans get censured for speaking out that the Emperor has no clothes. Jeff Flake tried to warn us early on, but RINOs in Congress were to scared to react as the Emperor would go after them. If you are loyal to Trump, you get rewarded. If you tell the truth about him, he’ll ruin your career. Jeff Flake could no longer win in his state and left the Congress. Cheny may lose as well. It’s a shame. It’s fascism. Mullins gains from this form of government.
Wallingford says
In my world a Bankrupt Candidate would never be re-elected and be able to influence finances Vote him out if you have a half of a brain
Concerned Citizen says
Quick question: Can the people at Flaglerlive.Com add like/dislike buttons to the comment section already? Because really, some of these comments are GOLD JERRY!!, while others are downright laughable!! Sometimes just a thumbs up or down works!
DMFinFlorida says
@Concerned – you took the words right out of my mouth! I’ve been hoping for that option for a long time!
Donald J Trump says
If DeSantis has a single ball he would pull this asshole from thee Commission. Just another example of MAGA, all lies, d distortions, Nazi inspired.conservatives and Evangelists suck the massive one while earing shit and barking at the moon.
Mona says
To Ron
Why not compare Mullins to Trump? At what point was the country going in the right direction, when Trump was president? He was not successful businessman before going to politics. He was always selfish, spoiled by his father , uneducated, with limited English, bankrupt. Leaved comfortable live because of his father ‘s help. He doesn’t have any other skills, besides cheating on people. Egomaniacal idiot. That’s why it is nothing wrong with comparing the two of them. Being responsible for January 6th still counts as good leadership? One organized it, the other sent the busses. You have to be naive if you think Fox channel hosts are telling the truth.
jarhead says
my political affiliation is irrelevant wen it comes to this ASS CLOWN. The fact of the matter is this. We voters continuously buy into the BS of these doucheknuckles that are not really vetted before they are allowed to run. Any asshat can run for any office yet have no clue wtf their doing & we vote them in whether it b that we drank their Kool-Aid or just stupid & lazy cuz we don’t wanna research them…Even if u research them their back story is BS. This pretentious, narcissistic, vapid Twit needs to b punished. it’s humbling wen u go from being a “hero & running the county to being a middle aged ZERO”, doesn’t it Mr. Mullins? Quit the charade/game..u obviously don’t know how to work an angle or hustle, although u snowed sum people for a time but the jig is up. Keep wat little…if any dignity u have left & go back to schlepping thru life like most people have to. regardless of political affiliation people, do ur research & don’t be a chimp/follower….this is why the Kardashians are just as influential…their all bs artists capitalizing on the stupidity of their bs pipe dream that people follow. Our representatives need to be held more accountable. The Kardashians can piss off…they contribute nothing good to the world, like politicians. TY
Been There says
He was endorsed by the Observer even though that periodical ran a series of stories about his criminality?!!!! He is protected by his fellow Commissioners sans Andy Dance. He is being represented by a LOCAL attorney. How is he paying for that? Bigger stories surround this guy. As long as we are watching his antics, we aren’t watching what the rest of them are up to.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
By his own admission, Mullins paid his divorce attorney — coincidentally the developers’ best friend Michael Chiumento — with a credit card, even though he says he is on the verge of bankruptcy. How curious. Has he perpetrated a fraud against a credit card company by making a charge he knows he won’t be paying because of bankruptcy? We shall see.
Yall nuts says
Seriously, stop with the Trump Biden crap and stick to the craziness of these facts alone! Who gives a horse’s behind about national politics when these are the guys running the city? I want to know how these guys keep getting money when I get shut down by Old Navy?
Joseph Barand says
I saw Joe down un Rima Ridge knocking on doors. He parked his red 1978 Chevy Vega on a side street? Had a sign in the back seat “Need gas, anything helps”
Dedicated American says
Do you all wonder where the corrupt one is getting all his advertising 💰 from (TV Fox News ads, numerous flyers to Flagler County Republican Voters etc.) I wonder if he is taking The Flagler County Tax Payers money or the government grants, which is the tax payers money also, to pay for these untrue ads he is running. Quote from Joe “Joes #1 Priority is keeping Flagler Safe” focused on supporting first responders and veterans and keeping taxes low. Are you kidding Joe . You support all the builders in Flagler County and all the building in Plantation Bay which is in your district 4. You Write in the NUMEROUS flyers lies about Leann Pennington being bought and paid for by the Democrats. Another quote from lying Joe “Sorry, Leann, Flagler Families Cannot Afford Your Liberal Values”! LIES. They cannot afford your LIBERAL RHINO Values Joe! Pack your dirty bags and hopefully there is an HONEST JUDGE out there to put you in jail for life.