Now weighing a run for president, former Gov. Jeb Bush appeared Tuesday in Tallahassee to discuss one of the cornerstones of his legacy, the state’s education policy, even as his accomplishments in that area have come under increasing pressure.
The school-accountability system pioneered by Bush during his eight years as governor has rankled parents who say that the state’s high-stakes testing regime has gone too far. A de facto voucher system that the governor pushed has been challenged in court by the Florida Education Association, the state’s main teachers union and Bush’s longtime arch-nemesis. And the Common Core State Standards, which Bush advocated after leaving the governor’s mansion, have largely been disowned, at least in name, by his fellow Republicans.
In some ways, Bush has adjusted with the times, agreeing that perhaps students are now tested too much. And during his remarks at an education summit in Tallahassee hosted by the Foundation for Florida’s Future — a group Bush founded — the potential GOP presidential candidate didn’t utter the words “Common Core” from the stage. But in other respects, chiefly in pointed remarks about the union’s attempt to unwind the state’s Tax Credit Scholarship Program, Bush hewed close to the formula he pushed until leaving office in 2007.
The changed atmosphere in Florida was clear almost from the beginning of the education summit. House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island, spoke about the Legislature’s drive to ease back on testing after years of parental outcry — even though he cast those remarks in terms that even Bush’s supporters in the audience clearly agreed with.
“But to be clear: While we address these concerns about testing, we will not retreat from accountability,” Crisafulli said to applause. “And we will not retreat from high standards.”
Gov. Rick Scott, who has ordered a review of testing, has also thrown his support behind the issue.
“My goal this year, and it’s this year, is to work with the Legislature to come up with how we reduce the testing — keep the accountability that we have, but how do we reduce the testing?” Scott said.
Speaking with reporters after his own remarks, though, Bush brushed off the idea that the talk amounts to a repudiation of his tenure.
“The foundation I used to be a part of and myself personally (have) always believed that we should be reviewing this, that there should be fewer tests, they should be better tests — as good as they can be — and that they should be measuring critical thinking skills, which is really what at the end of the day students are going to need to go forward,” Bush said. “So we’re totally supportive of this review. I am, at least.”
Bush also backed moving to fewer tests during his remarks to the summit, while at the same time defending the idea of testing itself.
“But they really need to continue to be part of a robust accountability system, for sure,” he said.
The former governor also downplayed the significance of changes that have been made to Florida’s standards, which were initially based on Common Core. Bush said the subject didn’t come up at a Tuesday meeting with Scott.
“The standards are still high, which is really the thing that most matters,” he said.
Bush also said he supported policies that might ease the fears of some conservatives that the federal government could use Common Core to try to impose a national curriculum on local schools.
In other ways, though, Bush showed that he was still willing to fight for his signature policies. He blasted the union-led challenge to the scholarship program, which provides tax credits to companies that donate money to nonprofit entities that pay for children to go to private schools. Bush said public schools have improved since the voucher-like system was approved.
“If the data matter, then they wouldn’t be suing. … I don’t get the argument on the other side, except for the fact that this is about the economic interests of the adults,” he said.
Democrats made it clear they would use Bush’s education policies to hammer him if he moves forward with a 2016 campaign. In a statement, Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Allison Tant slammed the summit as “nothing more than a cheerleading session with right wing politicians and wealthy special interests looking to turn a profit on our children’s education.”
“Giving billions of taxpayer dollars to private, for-profit corporations has done nothing to improve schools for millions of Florida children,” she said. “No amount of gimmicky summits can undo the damage Jeb Bush did to Florida’s education system. Florida’s parents, students, and teachers remember all too well the slashes in school funding, the dramatic increases of college tuition, and the radical overemphasis on high-stakes testing that Bush brought to Florida.”
–Brandon Larrabee, News Service of Florida
Michael says
God help us if he becomes president, is this the best Washington can do, really, just re-runs of the same old names. Well people the smae old names (Bush, Clinton, Romney) will mean the same old problems, no new fresh ideas. Tell Washington you are sick and tired of the lac-luster preformancethey are giving us, I for one have no itention of voting for any of these under acheivers they are trying to push at us.
Nalla C. says
What we need to do is “get out the vote” as a write-in campaign. Write in someone–anyone–decent. We’ve had far too much damage done from both the Clinton and Bush dynasties but we have GOT to participate. We can’t just say “we’re not going to vote”, that’s really what they want. If enough people drop out of the system, the courts will eventually take a shot at nullifying our rights (or worse, our Constitution) because not enough people participate.
You think that’s crazy? I don’t. These people don’t want a democracy or a republic. They want to go back to the Gilded Age. Wake up, folks.
jerry person says
1951: UNITED STATES. Yes, Prescott, there is a Santa Claus. Prescott Bush, whose recent run for the Senate has been unsuccessful following revelations about his role in the American eugenics movement, hits the jackpot. Front man and errand boy for the Harriman and Rockefeller families in their business dealings with the Nazis from 1926 to 1951, including the period throughout World War Two, Bush neatly evades prosecution with the legal assistance of ever-present Nazi shyster and fellow Hitler Project luminary Allen Dulles.
Instead of doing hard time in the slammer for treason, Bush is handed about $1.5 million in Nazi assets, primarily shares of the Nazi front Union Banking Corporation, which had been seized in 1942 under the Trading With The Enemy Act. The Nazi cash forms a big chunk of the Bush family fortune and will doubtless be of much help to Bush’s son, George “Bailout” Bush, and his grandson, George “I’m A Lyin’ Guy” Bush, in their successful quests for the presidency of the United States.
But Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, Herbert Walker, are only minority shareholders and front men of the Nazi front Union Banking Corporation. It is really owned by none other than Roland and Averell Harriman along with a host of other Nazi operations which had been seized under the Trading With The Enemy Act. These include the Holland-American Trading Corporation, the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation and the Silesian-American Corporation which used slave labor from Auschwitz. The estimated value of the Harrimans’ Nazi assets is three billion dollars, a staggering amount of money in 1951.
Sherry Epley says
The oil billionaires of the Bush family have bought 100,000 acres of land in Paraguay on the largest aquifer in the world and then have worked hard to keep the story from getting out. Please do your own research and spread the word widely!
Take a look at fourwinds10.net
The Bush family–three generations of Skull and Bonesmen–have always been genocidal racists and fascists working as front men for the Shadow Government. Read Webster Tarpley’s ” Unauthorized Biography Of George H. W. Bush” to find out the ugly truth about the Bush crime family. They make the Gambino family look like a bunch of boy scouts.