Here are some of School Board Chairman Janet McDonald’s recent tweets and retweets, from an account where she describes herself as an “Educator, Neurodevelopmental Therapist & Instructor, LMT(MA64436), FS School Board Member -District 2.” McDonald features Sheriff Rick Staly, County Commissioner Greg Hansen, and Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland in her top-of-the-page picture:
Retweet: Covid-19 “is as much a pandemic as 3 chihuahuas are a pack of ferocious man-eating dogs. This event was a planned, politically motivated attempt to take control of the government.”
McDonald: “only quarantine elderly & those with comorbidity issues, free healthy others to work on natural immunity – no need for masks, distancing, ruin economy.”
Retweet: “Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”
Retweet: “Celebrity assholes donating money to assist in bailing out rioters who’ve been busy destroying liberal cities & Minority communities is the most asshole celebrity move in the history of assholery.”
Retweet: “They’re brainwashing your children in public schools.”
Retweet: “it’s time to investigate George Soros for funding domestic terrorism.”
Retweet: “It’s easier to come out as gay than to come out as a Trump supporter.”
McDonald: “Need aborted fetal tissue for vaccines.” (McDonald is an opponent of mandated vaccines.)
Retweet: “If the nation’s churches must shut down, so should our nation’s newsrooms. No freedom or religion? Okay, no freedom of press.”
Retweet: “I’m a 33 year old black male and I have NEVER been oppressed. I eat, sleep and shit just fine like the next person. I can buy a car, I can buy a home, I can obtain a passport, I can WORK. I love this great country and proud to be an American. DAMN IT I’m not oppressed.”
On May 6, she had retweeted a few lines from Tim King, the former Flagler County school district administrator whose tweets are among the rare times when McDonald posts anything by district personnel, or anything related to the district: “Words matter but how those words are delivered matters more. Our tone is typically an extension of our attitude.”
Some of the tweets particularly the tweet about “brainwashing” and tweets related to the protests over the killing of George Floyd by a Minnesota police officer, drew attention in the community last week as readers of her page screen-shot and circulated the posts, often with outrage or disbelief that the board chairman would be denigrating public schools or protesters.
The controversy emerged soon after moments of tension during a school board workshop last week when McDonald devoted a “moment of silence” to a brief acknowledgement of Staly, the sheriff, “those charged with protecting us,” and store owners and police officers who have been hurt in protests.
“And Janet, for the memory of George Floyd,” fellow-board member Colleen Conklin said. “Let’s keep social justice in our thoughts as well.”
At the end of the meeting, which lasted more than four hours, School Board member Andy Dance addressed McDonald’s “moment of silence” again: “I know we didn’t set up a lot of rules for our moment of silence,” Dance said, a reference to last summer’s controversy over McDonald’s attempt to start meetings with a prayer or an invocation, “but as we move through this process, I just ask that the chair kind of limit–if it’s a moment of silence, let’s let the silence rule and let each individual person do the recollection of themselves, because you’re speaking from the district as the district as an entity, so you have to represent the whole district with comments. So just let the people make their own personal comments to themselves and that moment of silence, so that we aren’t skipping or marginalizing any of the significant groups of population that was affected by that event. We just kind of skipped right over that. So I just want to recognize that.”

“The only one I highlighted was Sheriff Staly” because he was meeting with pastors that day McDonald told Dance, “and there was plenty of time for folks to have their own reflection.” She added: “I apologize if you felt it was structured.”
Conklin, who then devoted a segment of her closing remarks to Floyd and the protests, said in an interview: “I didn’t have an issue with keeping Staly in our thoughts as he entered these conversations with the community. It was leaving out all the others that have been impacted by police brutality. I support our police officers just the same. My brother is retired NYPD. But you can support police officers and still rail against the brutality. Can’t you? Why can’t we do that? We should all be on that side of the conversation, we should all be denouncing the violence.”
The context of McDonald’s statement, “skipping or marginalizing any of the significant groups of population,” in Dance’s words, is not isolated, but consistently reflected in her twitter feed where retweets deriding protesters are innumerable, but any tweet showing sympathy or understanding–let alone a measure of respect or support–for protesters or the memory of George Floyd are almost impossible to find. There was a recent call for prayers of support–for Rush Limbaugh, the incendiary radio talk show host.
McDonald says she sees her twitter feed “as a vehicle to find out what’s going on in the schools and what’s going on in the world real quickly, a way for information exchange, and, I don’t know, it’s a quick kind of touch point.” McDonald frequently rails against “misinformation” from her school board seat, but many of her tweets are the definition of misinformation–baseless claims that go viral on social media without a hint of fact-checking, such as the association of protesters with Antifa or George Soros or terrorists, mischaracterizations of the Covid-19 death toll or the ineffectiveness of masks, false claims about vaccines, and so on. (The Anti Defamation League has flagged attacks on George Soros as “a gateway to anti-Semitism.)
“It’s not to misinform but to present information out there for people to consider,” McDonald says, seeing in her tweets an alternate but informative point of view.
If it’s informative about McDonald’s point of view, the feed hews closer to the seethe of conspiracy theories, contempt for government, the press, “leftists,” conventional medicine, and plenty of derision and contempt for protest movements. It’s a place where protesters are only looters or misguided people who are wasting their time, where Antifa “is a terrorist organization,” where “lockdowns are bullshit,” vaccines should be a matter of “health freedom,” not a requirement, where we have a “remarkably low coronavirus death rate” (this roughly around the time when the nation crossed the 100,000 deaths mark), where media are dens of fake news, where elections are riddled with fraud, where Donald Trump is besieged by the “deep state,” Russia collusion was “crap,” where “Barack Obama was the most corrupt president in history” and should be arrested for “Crimes Against America” (in fact, he had the most scandal-free administration since Woodrow Wilson), where “nothing the CDC has said was true,” where “we got a whole bunch of so-called experts [who] don’t have any idea what they’re doing,” where General Michael Flynn is a hero, Twitter is a censorship machine (though McDonald embraces the platform as copiously as all the other tweeters claiming the same), and where Donald Trump holding a Bible at St. Johns Church for a photo op, after authorities dispersed protesters with chemicals, “is truly historic.” (See McDonald’s tweets going back to April here, here and here.)
“If you retweet something, does it mean that you endorse it?” McDonald said. “Because that’s not what it’s all about to me. What it’s about to me is that people share information, not that you endorse everything.”
In a 45-minute interview Monday morning McDonald at first defended her twitter feed but insisted that several of the retweets quoted to her, including the “chihuahua” and “brainwashing” retweets, were not her doing. “This is nothing that I even remember reading, let alone tweeting,” she said of the chihuahua tweet. Of the brain washing tweet, she said “it was manufactured to look like I had retweeted it, but I know I never had. It was something about the symbolism. It looks like pieces were put together.” Yet in an interview with the Observer days earlier about the brainwashing tweet, she said nothing about it being “manufactured.” She said she’d meant to retweet something else (an alt-right conspiracy theorist with a documented trail of lies).
It is very difficult to have a twitter feed hijacked. McDonald acknowledged that aside from letting people occasionally use her phone to make a call, she never lends her phone and has not had it out of her possession, making it even less likely that her account was “hijacked,” as she said some of her friends suspected. And the controversial retweets unquestionably and explicitly show twitter’s characteristic double arrows and “Janet McDonald Retweeted.”
“I guess I just need to take down that page because it’s ridiculous,” McDonald said. (Over the weekend, she had locked up the page, making it inaccessible to anyone she has not approved first, which may raise legal issues, since she presents it under the banner of her service as a school board member, making it both a public record and a necessarily publicly accessible page.)
“That’s not anything about who I am or what I stand for,” she said of some of the more inflammatory tweets.
“I haven’t seen an indication that she thought public education was involved in brainwashing children at all,” Conklin said.
There is little question that McDonald’s twitter feed is a radical departure, in many respects, from who she is on the school board and how she presents herself in the community. In that sense, the twitter feed seems like a contradiction. McDonald is among the more visible, cheerful advocates for the school district. Before the coronavirus emergency and for the six years of her two terms so far, she was seemingly everywhere, at community events, cultural events and school programs. Even in dissent, McDonald makes her points but doesn’t display sour grapes–whether after she conceded that the board wasn’t up for starting meetings with prayers or after she conceded that her choice for superintendent wasn’t the board’s, though off the board she can also be a persistent campaigner for her alternate views.
That’s been especially pronounced in her campaign against vaccines–and her opposition to public health’s approach against the virus. According to emails she sent Bob Snyder the Flagler County Health Department chief, over the past 12 months, and that FlaglerLive obtained, she’s adopted the same approach as retweeting–forwarding articles and videos that are scientifically suspect and that, in some cases, propose shocking approaches, such as a proposal to keep schools open expressly to spread the coronavirus. As a school board member of course, McDonald would have a say in such policies.
“With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity,” the epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski is quoted as saying in a link she sent Snyder. “So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible, and then the elderly people, who should be separated, and the nursing homes should be closed during that time, can come back and meet their children and grandchildren after about 4 weeks when the virus has been exterminated.” (No reputable scientist will say that the virus can be “exterminated” by anything short of a vaccine.)
“And so, in the end,” Wittkowski claims in the material McDonald sent Snyder, “we will see more death because the school children don’t die, it’s the elderly people who die, we will see more death because of this social distancing.”
McDonald sent links in the same contrarian vein about lockdowns and vaccines.
Few but Snyder have been privy to the emails, to which Snyder said he did not answer. Few are aware of last week’s exchange on the school board over George Floyd. But given those contexts, McDonald’s claims that her twitter feed, which many residents have been seeing, has not always been her doing (“I have no idea how most of this stuff got on my twitter feed”) or that she is not promoting some of the feed’s positions–while deafeningly leaving others silent–strains credibility.
“I hope you understand who I am, and hope you understand the biggest picture on this,” McDonald said this morning. “I feel attacked right now, and I did not attack anyone,” she said of the reactions to the feed, repeatedly suggesting that others “weaponized” her twitter feed against her.
But McDonald was not subjected to any kind of attacks on her feed, or even elsewhere: residents raised concerns, wrote her and school board members, and raised questions of propriety. And for all of McDonald’s claims about not having retweeted some of the more controversial items, they remain on her page even as this article was in preparation, days after she was made aware of the controversy. McDonald says she’s not versed in how twitter works, though she has nearly 5,000 tweets and has been on the platform since 2013.
“I’ve seen the Tweet, and I’m disappointed that a fellow school-board member would support the notion that we are brainwashing children in public schools,” Katie Hansen, president of the Flagler County Education Association, the teachers union, told FlaglerLive. Hansen was not aware of McDonald’s claim that she had not retweeted the item. “It actually confuses me to some degree, considering she is part of our school system, and public education.”
Debbie Couch, a long-time English teacher at Flagler Palm Coast High School, was among those who’d read McDonald’s tweets–not just the brainwashing one. She saw no difference between tweeting and retweeting. “The actions of her retweeting those things to me speaks volumes. Whatever smiles she might put on for the public at school board meetings, doing that speaks much louder,” Couch said. “If you tweet something that is inappropriate, hateful towards other people, that’s condoning it.”
Couch said McDonald should have been countering some of the tweets rather than disseminating them. By then, McDonald had locked her account. “You can think whatever you want but when you put it down on paper, there are consequences, so she can block people but people are going to know about it,” Couch said.
A teacher in the district who asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation said: “McDonald is an elected official who makes decisions that affect every child in our school system. To see her retweet inflammatory anti-public education tweets makes me scared for our students. They deserve someone that believes in the system enough to be willing to build something better; not someone who wants to tear it down or who doesn’t believe it can be better. She also retweets Breitbart and other racist, white supremacist organizations and people.”
Trevor Tucker, one of the five school board members, who seldom pays attention to social media, said he was not aware of the McDonald tweets. “If the post was not on a Flagler schools site, then I would say it’s her opinion and not that of the board,” Tucker said.
McDonald throughout the interview was taken aback by the difference between the way she intended the tweets and the way they were received. “It may be social but it’s not always civil,” she said, though again, there’d been no instances of incivility so much as intense disagreement (and some calls for her resignation) directed at her. “Apparently my expectation that what I put out there was for people to consider, maybe see another side of it, see an event they didn’t know, inflamed some people, and frankly I don’t feel that’s my responsibility. The way people perceive things is their responsibility. But sometimes a sound byte can be dangerous for some people, because they take it and process it from their framework.”
Kate says
And the point? Look at the cities that are in deep trouble – can we say Democrats in charge? No conspiracy there. Facts are facts.
Homer says
How about looking at the country with the Republicans in charge. We have fallen so far in just three years.
CB from PC says
Thanks to the lying Democrats blocking any progress….but wait, until their Chinese buddies unleashed Coronavirus we had a roaring economy and rising stock market and rising wages and low unemployment among Blacks andi Minorities and and….well maybe you DON’T get the picture.
snapperhead says
Fallen? Under Trump we’ve achieved many Great accomplishments. Greatest number of Covid cases and deaths in the world by far! MAGA. Greatest unemployment in nearly 100 years! MAGA. Greatest debt in one year ever! MAGA Greatest Deficit approaching 26 Trillion MAGA…If not for Obama, Dumbocrats, China, Iran,the fake news and deep state operatives the President would have many more Greatest accomplishments.
Reinhold Schlieper says
Is she a graduate of Trump University? Just wondering.
Rebecca says
Very good. I would recommend HR check her “degrees”.
Percy's mother says
“HR” has nothing to do with Janet McDonald’s degrees. Janet McDonald is a member of the Flagler County School Board, not an employee of Flagler County Schools.
It is the electorate who should do their due diligence BEFORE VOTING so as to find out if one’s credentials are legit.
Steve says
Clearly a past mid age malcontent in a position of power who is using the state of chaos and undressing of societal norms and mores to address her own personal opinions and agenda under the auspices of the liar in chief as one of his many enablers. I would not want my children under any of her authority. The fact she is in charge of anything dumbfounds me let alone kids. Her foul mouth is second only to the smell of rotting flesh where her brain once was. I have to say in this Town I am surprised by nothing. Cant make this shit up. These rants and images into her looking glass self are nothing short of deranged. The fact this thing they call the ChairWoman of Education had the balls to actually post it is the scariest part. The new norm, LMAO.
Outsider says
This is yet another attempt by the left to shut down freedom of speech of a conservative. I don’t agree with not vaccinating, but there is truth to to some of the other tweets. What’s wrong with retweeting a black man who says he doesn’t feel oppressed? Not all black people do, you know. And why should anyone be obligated to “honor” George Floyd? No, he shouldn’t have been killed while in police custody; nor should he have posed as a utility worker to force his way into a pregnant woman’s home while sticking a gun in her belly, simply to rob her of her wallet and money. Does it tweak anyone’s interest to know why he went from a relatively peaceful arrest, which is clearly shown on video surveillance, to next being shown on the ground being suffocated? What happened between those two video clips? Again, he didn’t need to be held down like that, but did those four policeman just decide, “Hey, let’s just throw him on the ground and kill him?” Did the fact, as reported by both coroners, that he had amphetamines and fentanyl in his system, have something to do with his behavior, and did he resist in the missing video coverage? I see black doctors, lawyers, police, and others doing their best to raise their families; wouldn’t it be better to put one of those on a tee shirt to hold up as an example for others to follow, than a five time convict, who had supposedly just gotten his life together, but had cocaine or meth fall of out his pocket during this arrest? To say Obama had no scandals is an outright lie. What about when he ran guns into Mexico and some of them were used to kill Mexican citizens and a U.S. border patrol agent? If that wasn’t scandalous, then maybe Eric Holder lying under oath to Congress stating he didn’t know of the operation until such and such date, when his emails mentioning the operation pre-dated his testimony? Just because no leftist media covered the stories doesn’t mean they didn’t happen. If they investigated those stories as aggressively as they try to say Trump used too much toilet paper after taking a crap while poor people had none, there would be plenty to investigate. Finally, yes, Antifa, mainly consisting of young white people and others, with the active support of certain congress women and attorney generals, are indeed trying to subvert the government. Do some real journalism and you will know it’s true, but you won’t. Prove that you really are an objective journalist and see if you can find just ONE Democrat who is behaving badly. Shall I start the cricket recording now?
Edith Campins says
As usual with trump followers…when you can defend an issue or an individual with facts resort to bringin up Pres. Obama, Mrs Clinton, imaginary offenses and outright falsehoods. Anything irrelevant to the issue at hand.
Outsider says
Try re-reading very carefully this time. You will see Obama was touted as the most “scandal-free” administration of the millennium, and all the non-reported scandals described as “conspiracy theories.” Pay attention, please.
Outsider says
Actually, the article brought up Obama.
JimBob says
I suspect “Outsider” is very much an “Insider” well familiar with Ms. McDonald’s alt-right anti-science conservatism. She may be a RWNJ but she reflects her Flagler County constituency quite well.
Trailer Bob says
Well thank you JimBob for trashing all of us who live in Flagler County. I never met you, but apparently you believe you met me? Your prejudice is a sign of ignorance. Try not to judge people whom you do not know…iot makes you look foolish.
Jim Bob says
Are you suggesting that McDonald’s views do not represent the majority of voters in Flagler County? Hell, I live here too!
Edman says
She and her husband… birds of a feather !
Agkistrodon says
Sometime truth hurts feelings. And facts trump feelings, and she is 100 correct on many if her opinions.
Concerned Citizen says
Why is it that anytime the McDonalds appear in the public news it’s never in a flattering way?
She reminds me of Donald Trump. Just another adult that doesn’t need access to social media.
LRMFlagler says
I agree. I am embarrassed that she got voted in. Perhaps she didn’t tweet when she was running for office. If she showed her true self then, I don’t think she would have! When is the next election???
Bob says
The rest of the board, Flagler teachers and all educators should be appalled and should speak out publically. This woman has to go.
Homer says
It sounds like Janet McDonald is the wrong person to be on our school board. Anyone that makes comments like she does, and particularly anyone that disregards the scientists on the coronavirus issue should not be in position of leadership. How could she every have been elected.
Percy's mother says
Who are “the scientists”?
The New England Journal of Medicine now states that wearing masks is unnecessary.
Ditto last week for the World Health Organization.
So which “scientists” are you talking about?
Bill says
Ones that go along with a leftist political agenda.
Sam says
Mcdonald is dangerous, racist, and will damage our children and community. Protest Janet Mcdonald ! Put her name on you signs and march to her home! GET HER OUT!!
Mythoughts says
Mrs. McDonald is following in her husband’s shoes, after reading this article it sounds like she needs to be removed from her position immediately.
Percy's mother says
Janet McDonald is an elected official, not an employee.
How would the electorate go about removing her from her position?
To: Bed tweeters says
Ms. McDonald is misusing her platform to tout alt-right belief systems. Why isn’t she focusing on her job? She can believe whatever she wishes politically but if my child was still in the Flagler Co. public school system, I would be more than a little concerned at her behavior. What good is all this unhinged twittering doing for our children and the schools? Somebody needs a reality check, a reprimand, and a career change. Maybe it is time for psychological evaluations of our public servants.
William Moya says
It’s sad that the Republican, fascist, racists, types are prevalent in Flagler County’s upper echelons, think Mullins, and the “dormant” ones, Sullivan, Hansen. There is so much disinformation and propaganda in this woman’s brain that i’ll just go with this, Antifa, is an amorphous movement, it stands for anti-fascist (which is why sees it as a threat and label it as “terrorist”), would it morphed into an organization, probably, and not to be confused with Antifada, a Palestinian organization with the goal of promoting their rights.
Zachary Scott says
What did she say that was “racist” in the article?
William Moya says
It’s implicit in the ideology of the Republican party whose main goal is to prevent 2050 from happening, everyone of its policies are gear to save the WASPs, including their moniker, MAGA.
Percy's mother says
Dear William Moya . . .
You surely mean INTIFADA, not “antifada”.
I do not believe there is any such word as “antifada”.
INTIFADA refers to an uprising, rebellion; specifically : an armed uprising of Palestinians against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
I do believe the FIRST INTIFADA took place in December of 1987. Why does this date stand out in time to me? Because I was in Israel the whole month of May 1987. I left Israel shortly before the INTIFADA, and I was glad at the time I’d had the ability to examine in person the Arab / Israeli conflict first-hand without getting caught up in the INTIFADA.
So again, I do not believe the word as you stated it in your post, “ANTIFADA” exists. You surely mean INTIFADA, which is something totally different from “ANTIFA”.
Due to my extensive life experience and education, it’s hard for me to let these things pass without adding my 2 cents.
Hopefully you will have learned a new word today.
William Moya says
Sorry about the misspell, but frankly i think you’re trying to make another point which somehow gets loss in the all the fervor and i’m intrigue as to what it is, would you take a deep breath and try again?
Name (required) says
I enjoy watching these sanctimonious zealots fester in their whiny, deluded nonsense. It’s hilarious. Saving the world, one ridiculous tweet at a time.
Hey McDonald, put the phone in the toilet before you sit down. It’ll keep you from smearing excrement all over your social media and looking like a lost child, just crusading along because you think it’s the thing to do. Log out, grow up, and reflect… “what’s IS my purpose?”
Concerned says
South Korea opened schools and a few days had to shut schools again due to so many cases of COVID 19. Children and teens and young adults have also succumbed to this virus and a symptomatic ones are infecting others. The protests are an opportunity to defy distancing measures and vent steam from being locked up…and to legitimately protest police brutality and unequal treatment. School board members hopefully have the best interests of students at heart in making decisions regarding reopening. If not then vote for another candidate. Herd immunity applies to animals.
Sherry says
Our elected political persons in power have a responsibility to represent a cross section of their constituents and they “should” be communicating in a professional way while setting a good example in their actions and speech. The McDonalds should NEVER be put into any position of public trust! They both continuously and blatantly display their horrific extreme right winged agendas and reality in very crude, unethical ways! They are lethal poison to any upstanding community and need to be removed from any public position NOW and FOREVER!
Flaglermom says
She and her cohort, Barbosa, are two of the biggest phonies this school district has ever seen with their smarmy, contemptuous smiles. Ask the teachers! But don’t expect any staff member to go on record for fear of reprisals. Note Barbosa’s lack of comment on this matter. She wouldn’t dare criticize her mentor. Janet McDonald and her lawsuit loving husband, Dennis – two of the worst people ever to hit Flagler County.
Mark Breidenstein says
It appears like we have another Mullens on our hands. I have lived in Palm Coast since 1984 with 3 of my children graduating from Flagler Palm Coast High School during the mid 90’s and early 2000’s . At least during that time we were really blessed to have exceptional school board members. Unfortunately this seems to be no longer the case.. I will spend considerable amount of my time to ensure that she is not elected to another term..
Class in Session says
OMG, you liberal lefties are TOO MUCH……. Personally, I will definitely vote for Mrs. McDonald and I 100% agree with her comments. THANK YOU Mrs. McDonald and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!!
ASF says
Is anyone surprised by this? She’s been an embarrassment to Palm Coast since day one and the pervasive prejudices of her supporters are even more detrimental to the reputation of our town than she is.
Christina says
She needs to go!
Zero Sense Around says
Whatever your opinions…doesn’t it go back to childhood when a parent told a child, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all…”??? And what fool tweets this mess?! Sorry, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but there are consequences to publicly spewing venom…the voters will see to that. All this social media stuff is trouble and a colossal waste of time. Progress…bah humbug! Take me back to the 60s and 70s when life was simpler and tweeting wasn’t a thing.
Mr. Deeds says
Just another no nothing ignorant Trump supporter
Flatsflyer says
It would be much more correct to say look at countries that are in ⁹trouble, you could say they all have “Trump” like leaders! Whether, Mayors, School Board, County Commissioners, Govenors or Presidents, America surely has more than it’s share of bigoted assholes.
Dave says
Another flager Trump puppet
Trailer Bob says
Looks like someone is having a meltdown. Something is very wrong, in some way, when a person has so much hate and anger like this. I see Flagler County has a habit of electing crazy people, you all know who they are.
I am a true conservative, yet I am able to also love people and understand that we are all different and also similar at the same time.
I moved here with my family because it was a conservative county, for one reason…but give me a break.
Racism, hate, conspiracy theories, all have to go. As of recent the left has gone way too left, and the right…way to right.
Can’t wait for the next election…
Wake up voters!
The Voice Of Reason says
Well said Trailer Bob. Agree with alot of your sentiment. That said, as a non twitter user, I believe McDonald is like Trump with the retweets. When you retweet, you’re repeating what the original tweeter said, only it’s now your words too. You take ownership of the words. Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing. Quit lying .
AnonResident says
Flagler Schools, the silence is deafening. *tick, tock*
wow says
How scary that people like this can get elected. I had anti-Fascist relatives. They landed at the beaches on D-Day. She’s a nut.
Don Appignani says
It appears we have another Joe Mullins in our midst. Not the type of people that should be representing us and making policy that affects Flagler County residents and our children. This is why its important to vote.
BW says
“If you retweet something, does it mean that you endorse it?” . . . YES. It’s literally saying “check this out”. That’s why Twitter has the reply and/ro retweet with comment. A retweet in of itself id, and always has been, viewed as you agree and want to pass it along just like if I walked up to a group of people and was handing out flyers with that junk on it. It’s the same thing.
Weldon B. Ryan says
So whay else is new in Palm Coast? Here is an issue to champion. Get cops out of schools! Find another solution for our youth of color and derail the school to prison pipeline that’s systemic in Flagler Schools!
Sherry says
Enough with scouring the internet and “cherry picking” those who may say that NOT wearing a mask is OK!!! IT IS NOT! If you refuse to wear a mask in crowded public places, you are needlessly endangering others ! Even the WHO now says so:
June 6, 2020 – The World Health Organization has changed its stance on wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.People over 60 and people with underlying medical conditions should wear a medical-grade mask when they’re in public and cannot socially distance, the WHO said. The general public should wear a three-layer fabric mask in those situations.
The WHO also updated their advice for medical workers, saying all of them should always wear a medical mask while in clinical areas, not just people working with COVID-19 patients.
The organization had previously said there wasn’t enough medical evidence to support members of the public wearing a mask, unless they were sick or around people with the coronavirus. The widespread wearing of masks might lead to a mask shortage for medical workers and create a false sense of security in the public, WHO officials had said.
Zachary Scott says
We talking about the same WHO that carried water for China at the beginning of the Pandemic, killing peoples around the world needlessly? Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, asymptomatic people will kill us all, asymptomatic people don’t spread CV-19 (last 48 hours), now they are back to asymptomatic people will kill us all. Maybe WHO should just shut-up if all they have are lies and guesses.
YAPOS says
Janet McDonald is entitled to her opinion and Freedom of Speech is a beautiful thing. We have been shown nothing to prove her wrong in her opinion. Every school board member has their opinion, and there are some fence sitters like Andy Dance who is trying to further his career as a county commissioner when he has done nothing to hang his hat on as a school board member. Trevor Tucker seems to have the most sense of all, and I appreciate his comment. Janet is a very well educated woman, with lots of common sense, who has done beautiful things for the school board, and I appreciate her hard work and dedication to our school system and our children.