Isaac Julio Becker, a 21-year-old resident of Palm Coast serving as a seaman on the U.S.S. Gerald Ford, was booked at the Flagler County jail Friday on four counts of rape of a minor, including two first-degree felony counts of forcible rape.
The charges against Becker date back to incidents during the holiday season in 2017 in Palm Coast, shortly after Becker had turned 18 and the alleged victim was 13, and in the summer of 2019, when the alleged victim was 15. Becker and the victim have a familial relationship.
In 2017, Becker is accused of binding the girl’s hands and putting his hand over her mouth to prevent her from calling for help as her raped her. In 2019, he is accused of forcing the girl’s face into a pillow to the point of near-suffocation while he held her arms behind her back and raped her. In both instances, his arrest report states, Becker “admitted to sexually battering the victim,” through investigative techniques the arrest report does not disclose. Typically, those techniques involved “controlled,” recorded phone calls or electronic communications between the victim and the defendant.
Assistant State Attorney Melissa Clark filed a charging information on Feb. 19–two first-degree felony counts and two second-degree felony counts. The allegations emerged when Becker was still at sea. The U.S.S. Gerald Ford, currently in trial runs, is one of the more recently commissioned aircraft carriers and the world’s largest. (Termed a firefighter, Becker’s title generally applies to seamen who work on a ship’s engines.)
Flagler County Sheriff’s detectives, with detective Daniel LaVerne in the lead and including detective Andrew Cangialosi, a Navy veteran, traveled to Norfolk to interview Becker once he returned. He was held in custody at Norfolk City Jail in Virginia before he was booked at the local jail on Friday on $300,000 bond. The bond amount was set by Circuit Judge Terence Perkins on Feb. 10, when Perkins signed Becker’s arrest warrant.
“We pray the victim receives the emotional support and counseling she needs to help her recovery from the trauma of these attacks,” Sheriff Rick Staly said in a statement. “Great work by our detectives in building a strong case and working hard to bring justice to this victim and proof that you can’t hide as we will find you.”
On March 1 Becker, previously a Seminole Woods resident, pleaded not guilty through a written plea filed by his attorney, Orlando-based Carlos Ivanor. Becker had his first appearance before a judge on Saturday.

Steamboat Willie says
Its never right to judge someone before they are convicted. But having already unknowingly admitted to the sexual assault, hopefully after the Navy throws him out the only seamen he will be seeing in the future is in a jail cell.
Cybercrimes says
He gets 10% off at Lowe’s…..
Dennis says
I don’t understand the nearly 4 year wait. I just ask why do these girls wait? He deserves a long prison term if he is guilty.
Jimbo99 says
A life ruined either way, guilty or not & just facing the charges. Just a general PSA on the subject, 18 year olds need to understand the laws are written in such a manner that statutory is statutory even in a pre-adult aged consensual relationship. Parents need to approach and address that subject pre-18th birthday, being very clear about the subject that there are no empowering any explanation(s) such as being underage of 21 drunk at a party even, blah, blah, blah, whatever other excuse one thinks another would understand or be reasonable about. The criteria is laid out in a manner that another adult can make that call, influence & control one’s adult life at that moment. TRUST NO ONE on that, because we all know circumstances can change in this world. And it’s not beneath anyone’s child to even lie about an encounter like this. Better to be not in a position to have to be arrested for it. And the same goes for a physical altercation of any time with a minor, don’t get baited into that.
Seaman seawoman says
Seaman. What a sexist comment. Very offensive. What if the dude has a vagina? Would you call it seavestite? Or seasheman. Or seanoweanerman.
Disgusted in Flagler County says
This story is so sick and disturbing. He has apparently already admitted to doing these things and only has a bond of 300,000. His bond should have been 1,000,000 and I would have said no bond except yes, innocent until proven guilty but like I said he apparently already admitted to it so I don’t know. My prayers to the young girl who has to go through this. I really hope justice is served swiftly and severely in this case.
Hmm says
What difference do thoze bond amounts make? Even though you only need 10% of the bond to post bail, that’s still 30 grand in this case.