Note:On Friday a state court temporarily halted abuse investigations of parents of transgender children across Texas. Judge Amy Clark Meachum in Travis County issued an injunction, saying Gov. Greg Abbott’s actions “violate separation of powers by impermissibly encroaching into the legislative domain,” and that his order was “unconstitutional.”
By Kimberly Shappley
Moms of trans kids are so tired. We can’t keep living in flight or fight mode. We need you.
I’m a Christian, a nurse, and a hard working, loving mom of seven children. One of them, my 11-year-old daughter Kai, is transgender. She’s happy and healthy, with a huge circle of friends and a supportive school in Austin.
I’m just like you — except that now my state wants to investigate me as a child abuser.
That’s right. Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants to criminalize me and my family, simply because we’re trying to provide a loving home for our trans daughter.
Abbott recently issued horrifying, unconstitutional orders directing our state’s office of Child Protective Services to investigate parents of transgender children for child abuse. The only one engaging in child abuse here is Abbott — and his equally cruel attorney general, Ken Paxton.
I had to leave my home of Pearland, Texas when my ultra-conservative family and megachurch refused to accept Kai’s existence as a transgender child. I used to be one of those ultra-conservative, uninformed people myself. But then I had Kai.
I learned that being trans is perfectly natural.
I also learned that the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Psychological Association are all very clear about how to treat transgender children: with accepting, age-appropriate, and gender-affirming care.
I knew then that I had to do anything I could to protect Kai and help her to thrive the same as any child. We moved to Austin in search of a more affirming community, and we found one. But now we’re under attack from the state government.
Abbott’s order is blatantly unconstitutional and may or may not be enforced, but the damage is already widespread. People are afraid, our kids are targets, and we’ve been identified as people who hurt our children.
Unfortunately, our state is hardly alone.
Just last year, lawmakers in 33 states introduced over 100 cruel, unscientific, and unconstitutional bills targeting trans kids and adults. They want the government to decide everything from what bathrooms kids use to what names they’re called. These cruel politicians even want to ban kids from receiving evidenced-based, medically necessary health care.
So my daughter and I, along with other trans kids and their moms, have testified and rallied and educated wherever we can, working against anti-trans bills in Texas and beyond. Kai and I have traveled the country talking to churches, faith leaders, practitioners, and politicians.
We’re working not just for our kids, but for yours too. All children deserve equal human rights — and the most love, the best education, the highest quality medical care we can give them. We’re fighting to secure those rights for all kids, whatever their gender, orientation, race, zip code, or family wealth.
We’re fighting for you too, and we ask that you join us.
Please don’t wait until you have a transgender loved one to realize the truth about what it means to be transgender. Go now to reputable sources like your local chapters of PFLAG, Equality, and GLAAD, or any number of professional medical and psychiatric organizations.
Learn about the wonderful gender spectrum and how to support all children, no matter where they fall on it. Join us to beat back the discrimination and hatred and help spread love and understanding instead.
From the depths of my Southern heart, I plead: Join us, y’all. Our children need you, and we all need each other. Together we will win.
Kimberly Shappley is a Registered Nurse and the proud, loving mother of a transgender child in Austin, Texas. This op-ed was distributed by OtherWords.org.
Deborah Coffey says
Yep, and here’s another “freedom screaming” red state wanting to put parents of transgender kids into prison for life! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/idaho-trans-health-care-youth-bill-rcna19287
Tamara Megee says
That’s hideous. This whole agenda is hideous. I can’t believe people still have so much hate. I hadn’t seen that yet- thank you for posting.
Trailer Bob says
Great way to put it. No one makes that choice, but it isn’t a crime to be who you are.
Alonzo says
People continue to vote Repubs, don’t understand. I know why, they are trusting lying white men. Look at the hurt they are producing. They will continue if we don’t use our ability to vote them out. I don’t think DeSantis is there yet. I will not be surprised when and if it happens.
Michael Cocchiola says
America is under attack by White evangelical culture warriors. This country is fast becoming hateful and intolerant. We are dividing ourselves between communities where we can live freely and communities that are as religiously oppressive as any in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE, Afghanistan and ISIS.
I can foresee a time when we will suffer a brain drain as young people seek freedom elsewhere.
Tamara Megee says
I was an evangelical Christian until I saw all of this hate flying everywhere. It’s NOT Christian to oppress people. Every Christian should remember Jesus REDEEMS. He told us to DROP our stones but today- Christians are throwing them once again en masse.
The moral majority is hurting the church and grieving Christ.
His message of love for ALL is being ignored. While persecuted nations are experiencing revival and agape love like never before in the history of mankind- America is galloping towards the dark ages. The Church has never suffered such a lack of growth and overall decline before in America. There’s a reason for that.
When we single out marginalized groups with a mob mentality hell bent on putting them ‘in their place’ more violence is done than is easily seen on the surface.
I’ve joined this fight- as a follower of Jesus and a fellow human being that cares.
Just like this mom- Christians need to step up and speak out!!.
We should be looking past inquisitions, crusades and jim Crowe laws (yes they used then to target gay people too).
Please- get involved. Approach people at events or protests and find out how you can get involved!! We need every voice to squash the movement of hate in our county and our country.
Love WILL win but we do need to STAND.
Ray W. says
Thank you, Tamara Megee.
Geezer says
How about those church-goers who recently beat their son for peeing in his pants?
Treasure Kai and your other children–don’t focus on religious hypocrites.