Sometime between sunset on Aug. 30 and sunup on Aug. 31, individuals the sheriff’s office referred to as “person(s) unknown,” but who may more accurately referred to as trash cowards–or cowardly trash–dumped 18 to 19 tons of used tires off North Old Kings Road, a mile north of Matanzas Woods Parkway, south of the Princess Place Preserve. That’s 37,000 pounds of trash.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Law Enforcement Division are investigating the illegal dumping. They believe the suspects used a large trailer to unload the tires at one time–in itself a crime as even the transportation of 25 or more tires is regulated by the Department of Environmental Protection: no one may carry tires in those quantities without a permit.
“I observed what appeared to be possibly 300 or more tires that were dump on the county right of way approximately 200 yards south of the
intersection of Old Kings Road and Aspen Way. All the tires were covered in what appeared to be dried mud,” the deputy investigating the matter wrote in the incident report. “Due to the weather conditions in this area over the last several days, we determined that the tires were dumped during the early morning hours of September 1, 2015. This is because the tires were dry and there was no standing water inside of them. There had been large amounts of rain in this area over the weekend.”
Next to the tires was a case of empty Budweiser Select 55 with 18 bottles. Unlike the tires, the cardboard case was extremely wet. Some of the bottles had mold growing inside of them. “It appeared that they had been there longer than the tires were,” the deputy concluded.
FWC officer Scott Dack reviewed video from the cameras located at the North US 1 weigh station for evidence of a truck carrying these tires but met with negative results.
The dumping off Old Kings Road, because it exceeds 500 pounds, is a third-degree felony.
Flagler County government cleaned up the tires and hauled them to a landfill in Volusia County at a cost of about $4,600. “Flagler County has a Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, so it is a shame that someone chose to dump these tires here,” Flagler County Administrator Craig Coffey said.
Illegal tire dumping is so frequent that the Department of Environmental Protection notes it in one of its rules: “Collectors are advised that it has been the experience of the Department that local law enforcement officers frequently prosecute persons who illegally dispose of waste tires” under Florida law. Flagler County has five collector sites, including Bunnell government.
The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility is located at 1700 S. Old Kings Road, Flagler Beach. Its hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, go to www.flaglercounty.org, or call 386-517-2075.
Anyone with information about this crime is asked to contact Deputy Steve Williams at (386) 313-4911, or FWC Officer Eric Mead at 888-404-FWCC. Callers can also remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at 888-277-8477. Tipsters ma be eli ible for a reward of u. to $1,000.
mrsdondarrian says
“Flagler County government cleaned up the tires and hauled them to a landfill in Volusia County at a cost of about $4,600. “Flagler County has a Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, so it is a shame that someone chose to dump these tires here,” Flagler County Administrator Craig Coffey said. ”
So my question is…why didn’t Flagler send all those tires to be recycled instead of dumped in a landfill? Although Volusia Co. has a great recycling program too…
I/M/O says
Lots of traffic cameras on Old Kings Road. The Sheriff will find these culprits.
Richard Truax says
One ton equals 2000 pounds and 18 tons is only 36 thousand pounds, not. 87. This is so basic that I find it hard to trust other content in this and other stories.
FlaglerLive says
Richard, The New York Times today ran 10 corrections. It ran seven yesterday and the day before. There are days when it needs a half page to cover every correction. We had the figure right in our summary and headline, but screwed up the first paragraph, which was corrected. You might have alerted us to the error a bit sooner with an email, as our links at the bottom of every story explicitly ask when corrections are necessary, as they inevitably are. But if, immaculately faultless as you are, you’re going to fault every media organization for occasional errors, then perhaps you should contact Pope Francis while he’s touring here and get yourself on the beatification list.
Michael says
Illegal dumping will always be a problem, people use empty lots and any dumpster they can find to throw away paint, chemicals and such.
Jim WjamjAmes says
He said it’s a shame they dumped them on county property because they had to pay to clean them up. Isn’t it a shame wherever they dump them. Where’s a better place a private home owners property? It’s a shame anywhere. They’ve been illiegaly dumping in that area as long as I’ve been alive.
nobigdeal says
Flagler County government cleaned up the tires and hauled them to a landfill in Volusia County at a cost of about $4,600. “Flagler County has a Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, so it is a shame that someone chose to dump these tires here,” Flagler County Administrator Craig Coffey said. So why did they have to take them to Volusia??????
dave st. clair says
Come on Jim Manfre , do something
Anonymous says
With the video cameras and DOT numbers on the tires I think they will be able to trace the tires back to whoever dumped the tires.
Derrick R. says
Agree check the footage also grab some of the name brand expensive tire serial numbers and do some investigative dillengence to track down the seller/ buyer then question the buyer as to who they recently used to buy the replacements on their vehicle now.
TeddyBallGame says
No way 300 tires can weigh 37,000 lbs. And I also can’t believe it costs anyway near $15 EACH to pick them up and drive them 25 miles. It would have been cheaper to hire individual cabs for bunches of 5 or 6. Sensationalize much?
Overstating your case always injures it.
Gator Fan says
Why didn’t they do anything about it for years when untreated human waste was dumped in western Flagler County that created a stinch for miles. You couldn’t drive past Cowarts without gagging.