It was legislative-delegation time in Flagler County Friday afternoon afternoon–the time when local governments, social service agencies, non-profits and individuals bring their wish lists to the the county’s two lawmakers and plead their case in hail mary passes that arc in three-minute increments.
There were no surprises, though one legislator hinted that it’ll be a difficult year to send money back to local governments.
Unlike one or two previous such sessions in the earlier part of the decade when one overriding issues drove residents in big numbers to the meeting to call for a legislative change, the meeting room’s audience was made up largely of people who were either addressing the delegation or were with people addressing it. Residents at large were mostly indifferent.
That’s not always the case. In 2013 and 2014 the legislative delegation meeting was rife with angry residents who wanted a change to the vacation-rental law, because they felt their neighborhoods’ character was being damaged by the increase in such rentals. It worked. The law was changed thanks to Flagler County’s delegation. That was in 2014, and local regulation was allowed once again. But ever since, the vacation-rental industry has been trying to push back on regulations again. The difference is that, in contrast with 2013 and 2014, no residents spoke to the legislative delegation to change back the law and scale back allowances for local regulation, which underscores where the pressure to scale back the law is coming from: it’s not residents as much as vacation-rental concerns.
The difference may have been lost on the two legislators who form Flagler County’s delegation: Sen. Travis Hutson and Rep. Paul Renner, both Republicans. Renner was not elected until 2015. Hutson, while instrumental in helping to pass the 2014 legislation, had weakened it in the House, and is tepid when it comes to keeping the law as it is (as Flagler County is asking him and Renner to do). (Clarification: As noted in the comments, the count has scheduled a public meeting specifically focused on short-term rentals, with its legislative delegation, for Nov. 20.)
Friday, Flagler County Commissioner Donald O’Brien presented the county’s wish list to the legislators. Vacation rentals didn’t figure prominently on the list only because the ongoing battle is a given (a Senate committee is concluding a workshop on the matter on Tuesday), and some change is expected, though the county administration is continuing its shuttle diplomacy with Tallahassee to preserve as much of the existing law as possible.
Many of the proposals submitted to the legislators have been hashed out in local government meetings several times before–A few million dollars for Flagler County’s shredded beaches, for better drainage in the Hammock, for a utility in Plantation bay that a private developer dumped in the county’s hands in deplorable conditions. Palm Coast is pushing hard for the Florida Department of Transportation to put back money in its five-year plan for the widening of Old Kings Road north of Palm Coast Parkway, especially after local officials were dismayed to discover that the department chucked Palm Coast off five-year list. The city, as with Flagler Beach, is also asking for money to help with wastewater improvements.
Hutson said the message he got from the governor was not that Scott was opposed to funding the two additional judges, but that he was opposed to doing it piecemeal. “He said go after the whole thing,” Travis said, meaning that a more permanent solution be found. Hutson filed a one-page bill on Sept. 1 to give Flagler and Citrus two permanent county judges instead of one. It’s been referred to committees.
Renner took a bit of a lashing from Flagler Beach City Commission Chairwoman Jane Mealy, who has been critical in the past and was again critical Friday of what she sees as Renner’s lacking defense of home rule–the principle that local governments know best how to regulate their affairs. Renner, in a radio interview, spoke in support of giving the state more room to pre-empt (or forbid) local regulations in some regards, giving the state exclusive sway. But Friday he sought to tamper perceptions that he was referring to Flagler regulations in particular. To the contrary, he said, there are no such issues that warrant pre-emption locally.
Among other requests, the legislators heard from Jim Ulsamer, the long-time chairman of the Flagler County Public Library Board, who pushed for a $500,000 state construction grant for a new building (that new structure would go up on grounds close to the existing Government Services Building, to serve the south end of the county and replace the Bunnell branch). He said a system with 42,000 active card holders that draws 1,000 visitors a day should get state support. “The history of state aid to the library here in Flagler County is checkered at best,” Ulsamer said.
Jane Gentile-Youd, a Plantation Bay resident who seems to lose her voice pleading for help for the decrepit Plantation Bay utility, pleaded again with the legislators, and Alan Petersen, a former Palm Coast council member and county commissioner, pitched what may have been the most surprising request of the evening when he asked for more local authority regarding red-light cameras. He was on the Palm Coast council when the cameras were first installed in 2007 for what would turn into a nightmarish decade for drivers and for the city, which, like its private provider (American Traffic Solutions) faced litigation and black eyes over the system, including angry lectures from local judges, until the council voted to dismantle it all two years ahead of schedule. It did so earlier this year.
In an echo of the sheriff’s earlier public meeting revealing the results of his domestic violence task force, Ed Fuller, a CrimeStoppers board member, asked legislators to toughen penalties for repeat domestic violence offenders–and to create a state university-level program, or a “center of excellence,” to study beach erosion.
By the time he spoke, much of the room had emptied and the meeting was grinding toward two hours. Renner cautioned that a “tough session” was ahead, and neither he nor Hutson, now seasoned enough to know, made promises.
The 2018 legislative session begins Jan. 9 and ends in March.
Anonymous says
Hey Renner and Hutson how about representing us the people and not just the politicians and do something about the corruption in this county. You can’t play ignorant to it, you have seen and heard it first hand.
Anonymous says
It’s the county’s fault the developer of Plantation Bay got away with dumping the utility problem on the tax payer. Renner and Hutson know the score and should know by now to stop wasting their time in Flagler County because it is corrupt. They don’t need to get sucked in with the corrupt officials and loose faith with the voters who keep them in office.
Paula says
Residents are emphatically NOT indifferent to short-term rentals. We were asked to hold our comments until Nov 20. The entire meeting will be devoted to that topic.
Pogo says
@Voters who elected Sen. Travis Hutson and Rep. Paul Renner
If you knew the truth and voted for them – shame on you. You can, and should, do better.
Sen. Travis Hutson
Rep. Paul Renner
About Votesmart
Wishful Thinking says
Plantation Bay residents were never to blame for the current utility fiasco.. The former private owner was able to convince the county to pay double the appraised value of the facility back in 2013 – which the county is charging us innocent users and drinkers of this craip the ENTIRE COST … from purchase to usage charges, to ongoing yearly rate increases. We have NO vote, no participation required and half of our users live in Volusia County and can’t even vote Flagler commissioners out of office !.. Asking for an independent utility user Advisory Board has fallen continually on deaf ears – although Flagler County Attorney assured that such a advisory board is perfectly legal. We are never notified of anything and that includes what improvements, repairs etc – those decisions are ALWAYS secretively placed into the infamous ‘Consent Agenda’… We only receive 2 or 3 notices a year telling us the chlorine /amonia being increased or decreased. County is trying to keep us alive and tearing their hair out with the ongoing discoveries of more ‘issues’ but in all fairness they should have NEVER paid $2.5million more than they did and they should have taken action years sooner. The former owner, the seller made himself a great business deal which we had absolutely no say so in the amount paid yet we are paying the loan back.
We still need $millions to make the system safer and gotta give the county some credit for trying. I know that our Chief Engineer, Faith Alkatib , and her staff are doing what they can and we are blessed for that if nothing else..