Fellow-elected officials on local government boards may snipe at each other from time to time. They may bicker or get into heated, sometimes angry debate. They may use parliamentary maneuvers like hammers. They may even yell.
But Palm Coast City Council member Eddie Branquinho’s acerbic dressing down of fellow-council member and fellow-cop Jack Howell at the end of Tuesday’s marathon meeting was a first. It didn’t even have to do with business before the council–not yet, anyway–or with anything they’d discussed in the nearly five hours that had preceded. It was a six-minute, 800-word long dismemberment of an OpEd Howell wrote in the Observer last week about how to financially prepare the city for the fallout from the coronavirus emergency.
Howell’s proposals were nothing particularly original or earthshaking: don’t raise taxes, drive city cars for more miles before buying new ones, volunteer for 10 percent pay cuts if you’re getting six-figure salaries or give up your council member’s salary for the rest of the year, and put the city’s pledge of $1.5 million for its partnership with the University of Florida’s “MedNex” hub in Palm Coast on “the back burner”–a moot proposal since MedNex isn’t happening this year, and the money was never taken out of the city’s reserves anyway and wouldn’t be until MedNex is reality.
Branquinho’s rejoinder was in essence a Letter to the Editor, but read from the council’s virtual dais (the workshop was held through Zoom). Branquinho felt Howell’s OpEd a political ploy, because Howell did not discuss the issues he raised with his colleagues on the council first. But it stood out for its tone and bluntness, and occasional ferocity. It was the sort of statement Howell might make about another council member. It was unexpected from Branquinho, who’s not been known to be confrontational so far.
And it was a rebuttal, exactly a year later, of Howell’s off-the-cuff claim that he worked with “four idiots” on the council, a claim for which he has profusely apologized then and since, but seemingly not enough for Branquinho to avoid making a reference to it Tuesday: Branquinho, perhaps revealing how much he’d been wounded by Howell’s slight, sarcastically called himself and his colleagues “idiots” six times as he objected to Howell’s OpEd point by point. Read whole, Branquinho’s statement sounded like reprisals long repressed, and the OpEd a mere pretext to get the weight off his chest.
The statement left all other council members silent or stunned. With Howell’s brief and rather graceful exception, none addressed it. Mayor Milissa Holland declined to speak about it after the meeting. But both Branquinho and Howell did, neither of them speaking maliciously or meanly of the other: Howell was sincere when he said he’d still have a beer or shake hands with Branquinho, and Branquinho said his aim was only to make his points about the OpEd and Howell’s approach.
“It was from the heart, from the bottom of my heart,” Branquinho said.
“Everybody is entitled to their opinion, you know,” Howell said this afternoon. “He has his opinion, I have mine, that’s just the way it rolls. I’m not upset. I just tried to put something out there that I’m concerned about, looking at the long term, because this thing is going to be with us all summer.” He was referring to the coronavirus emergency. “I thought about bringing it before them, but I needed to get this thing out. The other thing is too, I felt I had a right to express my own opinion, and that’s what I did.”
At one point in his statement to Howell, Branquinho used a euphemism to tell Howell he was full of shit, word-playing on the “challenges” Howell had laid out in his OpEd and telling Howell instead: “You’re full of challenge.”
“It doesn’t take much to understand that,” Branquinho said later in an interview. “If I could tell him personally without violating the sunshine law, my language would be a lot more colorful.”
Branquinho said his statement was “strictly” to Howell, though clearly he intended it for a broader audience, and for his council colleagues and city staff members especially. (Few others would have been listening. The audio and transcript of the full statement appears below the article.)
If it was me,” he said, “I personally would first bring it up to my colleagues in the workshops or in a business meeting, then put it out to the media, so we wouldn’t look nor seem to be too politically motivated. Unless, Jack, you still think you’re surrounded by the four idiots, like you’ve established in the past.”
Branquinho agreed with a few items in Howell’s piece, as with having to make difficult decisions in past lives, or agreeing with City Manager Matt Morton’s current approach on finances.
“I have not heard yet the city manager nor the city director of finances say that they have intentions of a proposed tax increase,” Branquinho said. “But then again, I’m one of the so-called idiots, and I did not have the wisdom that you have to see it coming.”
Branquinho said Howell’s claim that department heads must justify spending is already the norm. “Then it’s up to you and the other four idiots, to vote on it. I don’t see the point.” Branquinho had a deep disagreement over what, in the scheme of things, is a minor issue that does not concern policy: whether to drive city vehicles an extra 25,000 miles or not. He discussed that at length. (Howell has since said even his point turned out to be not so black and white, once he heard it explained from a city director.)
“As to your–in my opinion–discriminatory challenge regarding the lowering the pay of some of the employees by 10 percent,” he continued, “I find it to be ridiculous, especially when followed by another one of your challenges which would have the other council members relinquish their salary until the end of the year–a whopping $4,000 in my case–in order to ease the burden of the citizens. If I were you, I would not. Remember, we’re four idiots. Personally, I think that you have mastered one too many challenges. Based on that, honestly, I think you’re full of challenge.”
Branquinho concluded by wondering if Howell had help writing the piece, calling it “shameful” if he did, “petty” if he did not. Howell said he did not.
“Yes, um. I appreciate Eddie’s comments,” Howell said when the mayor asked him if he had any final comments. “I did write that by myself. And the goal behind that was just to remind people we’re in tough times, and we’ve never had anything like this, so sometimes we have to take the strange courses of action that will help us in the long term. I’m well aware of the vehicle deal, and I disagree. But that’s neither here nor there. But thank you Eddie for your comments. I appreciate your candor. That’s all I have.”
In an interview this afternoon, Branquinho said said he was not worried about Howell meddling in administrative issues–an occasional concern by other city officials–but still wondered about Howell’s political motivations.
Howell said he has no intention of running for re-election (“I’ll be 80 years old. It’s time for the young’uns to step up and do battle,” he said). Asked about his political alliances locally, he said: “I’ve given John Brady some money. I talk to Ed Danko. I don’t know of anybody else that’s running.” (Brady is running for the mayor’s seat again, as he did four years ago. Danko is a newcomer and ally of County Commissioner Joe Mullins, running for a council seat.) “John Brady, he was my campaign manager and he told me he wanted to take a run for mayor, but I’m not aligned with him, I’m not aligned with anybody. I’m in the process of sending [a contribution to] Amy McGrath in Kentucky, who’s running against Mitch McConnell.” McGrath is the Democrat challenging the senate majority leader in a tight race.
Howell was unconcerned with Branquinho’s statement. “I went through a whole lot more heat than this,” he said, a reference to his years in the Marines.
“Remember, We’re Four Idiots”: Council Member Eddie Branquinho’s Full Statement as Delivered Tuesday:
This is basically, strictly to him, what I’m about to read, and has to do with this article in the paper, in the local paper. It came to my attention sometime last week that our colleague Jack Howell did in fact write a letter-slash-article to a local newspaper. I read the said letter, article, paid close attention to it, and the contents of it, specially to the challenge parts.
Audio: Branquinho’s Statement, Howell’s Response
Let me start by saying that if it was me, I personally would first bring it up to my colleagues in the workshops or in a business meeting, then put it out to the media, so we wouldn’t look nor seem to be too political motivated. Unless, Jack, you still think you’re surrounded by the four idiots, like you’ve established in the past. But anyway, let me concisely dissect and answer that letter-slash-article. Some of what you wrote I agree, some I don’t.
You started your letter-slash-article with a little introduction about yourself running on a position to lower the tax rate as a measured goal, and also you said you had to make difficult decisions in your past life, some of them life and death. Here, I agree with you, because I ran partially on the same, and also by [the] nature of our line of work, I had to make decisions almost on a daily basis as a patrolman and a supervisor. As to your question, where you go from here regarding the possible tax hike, I have not heard yet the city manager nor the city director of finances say that they have intentions of a proposed tax increase. But then again, I’m one of the so-called idiots, and I did not have the wisdom that you have to see it coming.
I further agree with you when you state in the said letter-slash-article, that the city manager is taking the appropriate guidelines to spending until the end of the year, and we have concerns about the loss of revenue. When you challenge the department directors to must justify to the council the need-slash-urgency for any purchases, my question is: don’t they always do that? Then it’s up to you and the other four idiots, to vote on it. I don’t see the point.
Next is where I really, royally disagree with you. You mentioned that we could save money maintaining our fleet, an extra 25,000 miles, before we replace it. Well, I did my homework and find out that’s exactly the reverse. The fleet should only be kept the most two years after the warranty expires, because the cost of maintenance is counter-productive. In other words, penny wise. And on this I’m pretty sure you heard a little bit from the [public works director] and if need more, it could guide you a little more through that.
By the way, you yourself, up to now, have been trying to bring high-paying jobs to Palm Coast, unfortunately with no luck. As to your–in my opinion–discriminatory challenge regarding the lowering the pay of some of the employees by 10 percent, I find it to be ridiculous, especially when followed by another one of your challenges which would have the other council members relinquish their salary until the end of the year–a whopping $4,000 in my case–in order to ease the burden of the citizens. If I were you, I would not. Remember, we’re four idiots.
Personally, I think that you have mastered one too many challenges. Based on that, honestly, I think you’re full of challenge. And last. Last. Not the least. The letter-slash-article, if the letter-slash-article you wrote, you wrote with somebody’s help, it’s shameful. If you wrote it all by your own self, it’s petty. Thank you.
GoNorthGators says
So the university of North Florida is the same school as the University of Florida that most people associate with Shands, Gator football and Gainesville.
One small point- Howell should be asking questions and collaborating with other elected officials and those highly paid staff that he now values less because the economy will be less than favorable before declaring policy. That’s foolish and not the mark of a competent leader.
noneofyourbusiness says
So, why don’t you IDIOTS, do what you’re paid to do and CLEAR and CLEAN city swells and BUILD side walks! Ridiculous PC bullshit – you all drink from same water canteen.
Brian says
How about a UFC style match between them at the Flagler Auditorium. With social distancing of course required. That would get everybody out of the house!
Mike Cocchiola says
I back Jack. We elected him to speak up for people. He does! We elected him to challenge the council. He does! We elected him to watch out for our tax dollars. He does! We elected Jack to be Jack. He is!
And if Jack were to run again, he’d win.
watching out says
Didn’t seem to look out for the tax dollars when PC leaders decided to give the upper crust, i.e. Directors, deputy directors, upper management and the city manager a 3% raise in the guise of 3% to their 10% city funded retirement after the 2020 budget had been passed. Didn’t bother with the other employees. Where was he watching then,
JT says
So, it’s ok for Jack and not for Mullins eh?
Think you got a double standard…
John R Brady says
In an interview this afternoon, Branquinho said said he was not worried about Howell meddling in administrative issues–an occasional concern by other city officials–Two points that need to be made. Hey that is called doing his job. Your job is more than attending 4 meetings. Second, who are these “city officials” ? Apparently they lack the testicular fortitude to talk to Jack
Concerned Citizen says
Will it ever stop?
Round 2 of 3rd grade sand box pissing matches. Name calling and bickering at tax payers expense. Wasting official time representing constituents at tax payers expense. The people are supposed to be grown men. And resort to name calling and back biting?
In the private work force behavior like this gets you disciplined. Whether it is a write up or termanation. Unfortunatley we have a Mayor who doesn’t care and has lost the respect of her council. And on the county level the County Administrator has no pull over the BOCC so they run rampant and unchecked.
These people forget they represent US. The taxpayers of this county/city. I’m tired of the bickering,fighting and name calling. It’s counter productive and it needs to stop. Not to mention it’s terribly unprofessional.
We have an election year coming up. And we have representatives who no longer care about their consituents and are only in office to serve their wallets. If they refuse to do their jobs then we need to send them a message. And we can do that at the polls.
@ Our various BOCC and other elected/appointed officials
This is an election year. And you are not irreplaceable. I am making a point myself to not vote any incumbents back into office. We need fresh faces. Not empire building self serving crybabies who forget who they work for. And only care about the developers and special interest groups.
I plan on doing my part at the polls. I hope others will to. #changeflaglercounty
I still stand by my last posting. Amazon has pacifiers and blankies cheap. Perhaps I need to get a head count of our BOCC and other various officials. And send them one each. Maybe it will improve their moods. Along with nap time.
Palmcoaster says
Kudos to Jack Howell!! He is just right lets watch the expenditures of our city budget in a time of very serious (Covid-19) crisis.
Regarding Jacks comments of long ago…he was as frustrated as we taxpayers in this city were and still are, as he represents us but not likewise his colleague Eddie Branquinho that seldom cares about us and our quality of life “just here and there!” Sure Jack was right when he argued as we did against the splash park costing ,millions to us the taxpayers and look now. When will be able to open and who may want to risk their kids using it after this pandemic if ever. Also at the same time of imposing that splash park on our pockets, the same city officials were asking us to “conserve water” . How dumb is that Eddie? Also Jack is making no political but right down realistic statements against other waste of our taxes like all these IT and fiber optic investments….a little city competing on fiber optic with corporate giants sustained by shareholder investors on an ever changing astronomical cost technology like AT&T, Spectrum and others do…Do we need in this city anymore millions wasted like was done with the famous Saltwater Plant under Nett’s and company? Once they found out the half a billion cost to be funded all other counties and cities jumped ship and left us hanging with the bills. Idiots? of course Jack! City also needs to stop building castles to themselves force funded by us, like the FCBOCC dunces do and also stop benefiting the Town Center in our pockets, as our PC utility reserves should not be used as cash cow for infrastructure (not intended) for Town Center like was the widening of Old Kings Road south and now maintenance just for them. Or building new utility sewage plants to benefit new developers projects off Rte 1. Before any expansion they need to update our old sewer and drainage system in old Palm Coast! How anyone can expand a system using reserves while the original one is no longer functioning properly given old age? Maybe another idiotic decision to benefit a developer? Have you though about that Eddie or maybe just Jack does? Also you Eddie smiling in the grand opening of the American Village ,,,why? Maybe preparing the way for the same developer planned destruction of the Matanzas Golf Course grounds? How come you show up for the developer grand opening but no were to be seeing when hundreds of Matanzas Golf Course affected residents show up against the same developers plans? Jack is not for developers he is for the existing residents first!
You know Eddie? I think the only one playing the political game here is you…Also you have shown your opposition to many of our residents request when it comes to serious dangerous traffic nuisances whether in FPD or other roads and sure was noticed. Also none of your support for the killer speeds solutions requested by residents in our roads or in our navigable canals so far…you just don’t care. The MedNex https://flaglerlive.com/149975/palm-coast-unveils-unfs-futuristic-mednex/maybe could become another flop like the county’s Ginn super hangar and the Plantation bay utility to benefit wealthy developer Hoiseinni, the sheriff contaminated building, the Sears and other contaminated useless real estate from their buddies that no one else would touch and lets do not forget Cakes Across (our pockets) America. You campaigned very cordial and promising…but now never return calls, is like you were elected by your cultural community alone and yourself and your council vote is mostly the same with the other three. Too bad Jack is not planning to be an incumbent as I will vote for him again! You didn’t get my vote sure and this your low punch intended against Jack our pride in this council may proof karma for you in the future! Unfortunately Eddie you are just one more of the same old guard, wasting our hard earned taxes like drunken sailors and developers buddies!
Lance Carroll says
Mr. Howell’s article, as outlined here, makes a great deal of sense to me. Whomever, in these times, that still has a job, should realize that unemployment is somewhere around 25% of the working class. It seems that Mr. Howell has outlined, in his article, the realization that municipal spending should be geared toward making fiscal sense.
In consideration of everyone hanging on by the withered threads that have tied our community of Flagler County together, sacrifice is what Mr. Howell is making light of. Elected officials serve the citizens, not so much other elected officials….good for you Mr. Howell. As for the self proclaimed idiot that voices his opposition to Mr. Howell directly communicating with our community, he proves that he is exactly who he has refered to himself as multiple times. Since when does an elected official, Mr. Howell, require permission or approval to directly communicate with the constituents that have stuck it out for a better day tomorrow? How many of us have driven our vehicles miles past the warranty? I have driven every vehicle I have owned past its’ warranty period. How many of us have given beyond our means to support our families, neighbors, strangers? I believe Mr. Howell has brought to light the necessity of mutual support, conscientious fiscal operation by the municipalities, and an awareness of where we all stand under an unpredictable situation….
With respect,
Lance Carroll
Jack Howell says
Thanks, Lance. You see that I care for the citizens and put them first.
Lance Carroll says
Keep going, Jack. Keep representing the people.
Dennis says
Play nice children.
Reality check says
I work for the state of Florida. We keep all cars to 125,000 miles and sometimes beyond that. That includes law enforcement vehicles. It saves money that is why the state does it. Unfortunately, county employees love having shiny new cars to parade around in and they have alot of influence in this county.
palmcoaster says
By the way Jack is correct when it comes to our city vehicle fleet…even if planned before this pandemic arrived should be stop now and maybe adding 25,0000 more miles to the current ones will not affect the city operation. I myself drive a 19 years old Ford and proud of it as I do not care to compete with the Johns’s while still running. When it comes to a 25% reduction in city revenue announced by City Financial Officer Lucy Alves, I sure could understand the need of a 10 percent reduction of handsome pay of departmental heads as a contribution and appreciation that were not furloughed or unemployed like many and thanks to our tax paying revenue still have a job…Jack is correct as we all need to tighten the belt and not only the taxpayers of Palm Coast and this county! Eddie your political blabber may backfire as we residents do not see your support in many of the issues we been begging to be resolved for years, (the traffic madness in FPD and other residential roads that need soft humps to deter killer speeders (one Woodlands child already killed last year and others while waiting the school bus) and the increased vessel speeders in our saltwater canals taking advantage (tough requested in person in council meetings and in letter to manager) that No -buoyed “Minimum Wake” notices posted, slaughtering manatees and endangering paddle, kayaks and board users, besides destroying seawalls not intended by ITT for speeding vessels! I am for education but I am also concerned about our over 1.5 million already assigned from our general fund into an special one for MedNex…I do not want to see another (Salt Desalinization Plant project tax waste) meanwhile there is no money for the widening of the Old Kings road way overdue to improve traffic flow badly needed off our residential roads not built for it! Another case of the cart before the horse? C’mon Eddie don’t bash those that lobby for the residents first and are concern about our funds well invested.
Agkistrodon says
This reminds me of those, some of whom comment on here frequently with such comments as “floriduh” and ” floridiots” but then have desires to run for office. And those people are of Both political persuasions, so this ain’t about red or blue. It’s about simple respect.
carol says
To all City Council members, Do Not Raise Taxes. Citizens are going through hard times. The real solution is to reduce/eliminate the unnecessary personnel, especially all those making over six figures. Yes, a pay cut to all earning over $40,000. Eliminate all superfluous spending. All the unearned perks that many city employees have, run a more efficient operation in all departments. Stop mooching the taxpayers of Palm Coast.
MITCH says
I support Jack Howell, he has a strong fortitude to speak up when it counts. To the City Council, we need a “No New Taxes” and a “No Increase in Utilities (water/electric)” pledge from City Officials until the “country” / “not the City” recovers from the Pandemic; but not just from City Official, but County Official also. I have seen too many $taxpayer$ dollars thrown at projects that have failed. The article says Jack has done exactly what he said he would and that was to challenge the City to get high paying jobs (he has worked hard to get those jobs; but I would say look at the problems of the City to understand why more companies are looking elsewhere, Jack has tried) – but MORE than that; Jack has challenged the City to be fiscal responsible, to which he has had opposition. The Chamber of Commerce (I believe in 2017) had a meeting at Flagler Auditorium and one of the topic was the water shortage Florida will face in the future; some City Officials that voted for the Splash Pad at Holland Park were there – sad to say I do not think they listened. Jack has spoken up for residents, something that is rare in most meetings. Ask any resident that has tried to get excessive or speeding traffic out of their residential neighborhood – Jack desires a fix to this problem, but our City wants to give the problem to the County’s Sheriff’s Department – total disrespect residents and those that work for the Sheriff’s Department. Why not have a fix instead of having residents complain that Sheriff’s Department is not controlling speeding in residential neighborhoods. The Sheriff’s Department will be facing ever increasing challenges during this recovery, the City needs to help the Sheriff’s Department, not hinder them. The challenge the City is facing us now is the recovery of families / individuals from the Pandemic – we need City Officials to step up to this challenge. Challenging ways to help families / individuals recover is needed; it is not going to be easy when families / individuals need help over funding projects. Jack is an honorable veteran and someone that deeply cares for this Community. In my opinion, Jack, did not deserve such an public attack.
Better Person says
One must look at the character and dedication and past history to form an educated opinion as to the he said, he said environment. It is quite clear to me after doing a bit of research and after meeting these 2 individuals, that Jack Howell is the real deal and means what he says and says what he means and is quite accurate just as Secretary of State Tillerson was. I don’t think an apology was necessary on the part of Jack Howell for some of the individuals. But Jack Howell is a better person than I.
Steve says
Instead of blowhard huff n puff attacks on each other try making this a better place to live. Exit stage right