Today is the deadline to file for a Homestead Exemption in Flagler County. If you miss the deadline, the Flagler County Property Appraiser’s office may be able to work with you within a reasonable window of time.
“If you miss the deadline, which is today, at least let us know,” Property Appraiser Jay Gardner said. “We can listen, see what happened. You’d be considered on a case-by-case basis.”
Florida’s constitution provides for a $25,000 exemption, which is deducted from a property’s assessed value if the owner qualifies—that is, if the property is the homeowner’s primary residence, where he or she spends more than six months a year. There is an automatic, additional $25,000 exemption applicable to all taxable values above $50,000, though that exemption does not exempt school taxes.
Homeowners with a regular homestead exemption on the books need not reapply. But first-time seekers of the exemption do.
Other homestead exemptions, such as those that cover low-income, elderly homeowners and the disabled, require applicants to complete the adjusted gross householed income sworn statement form, with supporting documentation regarding every member of the household. Eligible household must have an adjusted gross household income of $28,448 or less to be eligible for the additional exemption of up to $50,000.
If you have any questions, call the local property appraiser’s office at 386/313-4150.

Dan Whalen says
Mr. Jay Gardner:
My wife and myself live at 1551 Lambert Ave and just found out that the deadline for the Homestead exeption for 2015 ended in March. I was put on Active Duty orders last October, and did not know of the deadline date, and just saw online that there might be exceptions given for missing the deadline.
Please correspond with me via e-mail since I will not have acces to a commercial or cell phone service until I return home in November.
Please let us know if there is anything you can do.
Thank You
Dan Whalen
1551 Lambert Ave
Flagler Beach, FL 32136
[email protected]
[email protected]