It was not the strongest evaluation year for Flagler County Administrator Heidi Petito, who scored a C-plus from the five combined reviews by her county commissioner bosses, despite perfect scores from two of the five. But the commissioners’ written comments to Petito generally painted a more complimentary picture than their numbers.
Petito completed her second full year as administrator in October. She had served as interim administrator four months before that. This was the first chance for the newest member of the commission, Leann Pennington, to evaluate Petito. Pennington gave her the lowest marks: 50 percent. The evaluation period is October 2022 to October 2023.
That contrasts with perfect 100’s from Commissioners Greg Hansen and Dave Sullivan, who essentially did the equivalent of straight-ticket voting: they checked off “outstanding” for all 26 items under evaluation (25, in Sullivan’s case: he did not think that the evaluation of Petito as “a leader in the industry” who “maintains a credible profile and a well-respected image for the agency” was applicable.
The responses by Commissioners Andy Dance and Donald O’Brien were more mixed, totaling 70 percent for O’Brien and 69 percent for Dance, and an overall 77.7 percent for Petito.
The evaluations did not have numerical scores. The five-page evaluation was split into four categories–Organization and Authority, Communications, Leadership, and Finance. Each category evaluated Petito on six or seven criteria, for a total of 26 criteria. Commissioners could check off one of four boxes for each criteria: Does not meet expectation, meets expectations, exceeds expectations, outstanding performance.
If the ratings are assigned a value, from 1 to 4, with 1 being “does not meet expectations” and 4 being “outstanding,” the evaluations yield the scores referred to above, and in the chart below (click on each commissioner’s name to see the full evaluation):
Categories | Sullivan | Hansen | O'Brien | Dance | Pennington | Totals | Score in Percent |
Organization and Authority | 28/28 | 28/28 | 23/28 | 22/28 | 15/28 | 116/140 | 82.9% |
Communications | 28/28 | 28/28 | 20/28 | 17/28 | 13/28 | 106/140 | 75.7% |
Leadership | 20/20 | 24/24 | 16/24 | 19/24 | 12/24 | 91/116 | 78.4% |
Finances | 24/24 | 24/24 | 14/24 | 14/24 | 12/24 | 88/120 | 73.3% |
Commissioners' totals | 100/100 | 104/104 | 73/104 | 72/104 | 52/104 | 401/516 | 77.7 |
Commissioners' Percentage Score | 100 | 100 | 70.2 | 69.2 | 50 | 77.7% |
It is difficult to compare this year’s evaluation with last year’s. Last year’s included two similarly glowing evaluations from Sullivan and Hansen. But O’Brien did not turn one in, Pennington was not allowed to participate, because the evaluation period preceded her swearing in on the board, and the package included an irrelevant evaluation from former Commissioner Joe Mullins. Notably, however, Dance’s evaluation last year was three points lower, out of a total possible 104 points, netting Petito a 66.3 percent score. So this year’s evaluation by Dance was a slight improvement, helped by Petito’s institutional history of the county administration.
“The continuous improvement that I see is Ms. Petito’s respect among all levels of staff and her ability to rally the team around her directives,” Dance wrote.
Each evaluation category gives commissioners space to write detailed comments. In contrast with last year’s evaluation, Dance credited Petito for improving the agenda transparency process. Agendas are now posted on the web for public inspection a week or more before meeting dates. Previously, they would typically be posted the Friday before the Monday meeting, often in late afternoon. But there are still lagging issues: “One area for improvement is getting workshop material posted in advance of meetings,” Dance wrote. Workshop materials still often do not appear, even though it’s presented at workshop meetings.
Dance gave Petito poorer marks for her communications. That “continues to be a concern, especially with the absence of a communications director,” Dance wrote. “Hiring for this position has been troublesome and it affects our ability to get our story out.” The administration was close to hiring a communications director last July, until the candidate, Christian Redmer, backed out of the $85,000-a-year offer. “I have decided to pursue employment opportunities at organizations where I might be a better cultural fit,” he wrote the county in mid-July. The position has remained unfilled.
“I acknowledge the deficiency highlighted in staffing communications, and I want to assure you that I take this feedback seriously,” Petito wrote Dance in her portion of the evaluation, where she gets to respond to commissioners’ comments. “Although we have been actively pursuing a suitable candidate for this role, it has proven to be quite challenging.” Petito has not been alone: other local governments typically have trouble filling their public information officer positions, which have become increasingly fraught with more politics than candidates expect or wish to deal with.
Dance this year was more satisfied with the budget process–which he’d criticized last year–but expects more improvements still.
O’Brien’s evaluation was accompanied by several written comments that are more complimentary than his marks may seem. He noted that in some categories, the “outstanding” wouldn;t apply because the criteria are more along the lines of yes or no answers. He commended Petito for her professionalism and for serving as a role model to younger managers in the organization, for her communication and presentation skills–which tend to be lucid and easy to grasp, with minimum jargon–and encouraged her to develop more relationship with officials at different levels of government, beyond Flagler. In Flagler, O’Brien is impressed with Petito’s relationships with cities and the business sector.
Pennington was critical of Petito especially in relation with Petito’s decision last year to propose a doubling of a special tax Daytona North residents pay for road improvements–a tax Pennington would rather see eliminated. The doubling didn’t not win the commission’s approval, but it rankled Pennington. “Sending out the notice to the residents and then having to retract the conservation on the doubling of it, was a strong indicator that the assessment needed to be vetted further before a recommendation could be made on it,” she wrote in her evaluation. But Pennington was also critical of the way Petito handled the demolition of the Bull Creek Fish Camp building, the circulation of a letter to other governments on a half-baked proposal for an increase in the local sales surtax, and the absence of a communications director.
Pennington also noted what may be an internal issue at the county administration: “I would like to see a renewed enthusiasm among staff. While previous administrations are at fault for many of the problems we are working through, I think the culture from past administrations may still linger in some areas.”
“I acknowledge that certain aspects of our organizational culture may have contributed to a less-than-ideal work environment,” Petito wrote. “However, I assure you that we have taken decisive actions to address these issues and foster a healthier workplace atmosphere.” For example, the administration now has an “employee engagement committee,” flexible work schedules, including telecommuting, social events for workers, longevity pay and other additions.
Petito acknowledged the absence of a communications director in terms similar to those she used in Dance’s evaluation, noting more positive accomplishments–from implementing the county’s strategic plan to producing an annual report to a “transparency dashboard” accessible on the web.
As for Hansen’s and Sullivan’s evaluations, their perfect scores spoke for themselves, leaving no room for reflection, nuance or improvement.
BRAVO LEANN! Finally got your say, we are happy for you and as for
Sullivan with his “golden evaluation”, he’s the one who with Petito spewed
out that false information on the halfed baked proposal for an increase in
the local sales tax and was very adamant about geting it, correct me if I’m
wrong, didn’t he send Hadeed to the Flagler Beach Commission to rally
and speak on it during public comment at one of their meetings? He’s another
waste of a seat, bye don’t let the door kick you on the way out.
You get what you pay for says
Indeed- Hansen and Sullivan have never spent a moment in self-reflection.
It’s difficult to hire professionals when you don’t have competitive salaries. The communications director’s salary is quite low at only $85K. If the Board members want to fill positions, improve morale, and get results, they need to put their money where their mouth is and get competitive on pay. That’s not going to happen because they want the symbolic win of lowering the millage rate so they can claim they are good Republicans. That is after all what the voters want. Just use the Jerry Cameron method of ignoring all media requests and ignoring the public. That’s the best way to run government, without all that woke explaining.
JimboXYZ says
The competitive payscale doesn’t apply here. Petito was a 2021 $ 166K/year appointment to the position. Received a $ 14K/year raise .
Disgusted as usual in Flagler County says
I do believe Heidi Petito only has a high school education. No college. I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but I would have to see college transcripts before backing down on my claim.
Too many people in this county claiming to have bachelor’s and master’s degrees (even doctorates, Maria Barbosa) with absolutely no education at all. If someone claims to have any higher education, that person should be able to produce official transcripts. A diploma isn’t sufficient because anyone can purchase their diploma of choice from a diploma mill.
To hire professionals with competitive salaries, you first have to hire a professional with a bachelors degree at least.
What is it around here hiring people with nothing but a high school education for a professional position when they have zero qualifications? Yet they command professional salaries.
Take for instance Jason DeLorenzo. Nothing but a high school education. A realtor. He was hired as City of Palm Coast “Chief of Staff”. Completely unqualified for that job. Yet he’s getting a “professional” salary.
All at taxpayers expense.
Erod says
So by your “elitist” logic if she had a degree from a college or university in philosophy or obscure french literature you would be satisfied and felt that met your standards for leadership.
There are masses of college graduates who spent years shelling out money to one “higher institution of learning” after another and received useless degree’s. These people can be seen working a one fast food establishment or another and crying about their student loans (I guess that pricey education they borrowed for didn’t explain the concept of repayment)
I’m sorry but this country has been scammed for generations on the value of general college education by the very institutions people pay millions of dollars for so elites on faculty could enjoy obscene salaries and benefits, free housing and insurances with stock options and multimillion dollar pensions.
Disgusted as usual in Flagler County says
You just love the term “elitist” don’t you? My mention of college must have struck a nerve. Do you perhaps feel a little insecure because you didn’t go to college? I think so.
If you had ever gone to college, you would know that there are many USEFUL degrees other than obscure french literature or philosophy.
For instance with a degree in business administration, you are required to take several courses in accounting, several courses in economics, several courses in statistics (data analytics), several courses in management, several courses in marketing, several courses in finance. THEN you can take electives to add to your life skills toolbox such as more comprehensive accounting and economics, more comprehensive and intensive finance and decision-making, real estate finance, cost accounting, risk management and insurance, and too many more intensive and comprehensive courses all of which serve to increase one’s fund of knowledge in dealing with running any type of large organization along with increased critical thinking skills which have been gained from all the above.
You used “elitist” and “elitists” in your post, just as you have in your other posts. It’s one of your favorite terms.
Not all college degrees are useless. You apparently don’t have the educational toolbox to figure that out. Maybe before pulling out the “elitist” term again, do a deep dive into any STEM program and get a taste at how rigorous those programs are. As the saying goes, “if it were easy, everyone would be doing it”.
Sorry you feel so strongly negatively about people wanting to better themselves intellectually, financially and emotionally.
Perhaps pull out the dictionary and then the thesaurus and find another term aside from “elitist” for your future comments to my posts.
Concerned Citizen says
Put fire Flight back on 24 hour service.
Then give raises to our teachers, maintenance workers,cops and FF. Then we can start talking raises for “County Administrators” This County does not need top heavy 6 figure salaries. Especially when we have inadequate Emergency Services coverage.
palmcoaster says
Kudos to Commissioner LeAnne Pennington for her courageous and realistic evaluation! Lets elect tin 2024 hose that will vote with LeAnne.
Retired says
Yea! Couldn’t even do her job when she worked with the dude who ran Flagler County!
Donnied says
The most glaring problem is the commission & Petito are too concerned with making Flagler county big. They got these visions of a future Flagler county ripe with government $$ yet no clear direction to get there. Palm Coast & Flagler are just giving away lands to be built on. They pay everyone in the local government lower wages than in the other neighboring counties. Petito then tries to make employees feel wanted with the employee picnics, added time off, & thank you breakfasts, news letters etc….
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Good vote Leann!
Heidi should e fired:
Lying Petito tells the commission 5 years ago that the current Captains BBQ building is about to fall down and they illegally gave them the right to use our tax funded land for their hard liquor castle to be built – and five years later she promotes giving them zillions of dollars because she was wrong to lie to the Commision in 2018 which was the reason they illegally voted for the castle ( now to become a reality due to the stupidity of the commissioners listening to (my opinion) their lying attorney.
Heidi Petito , Adam Mengel and Commissioner Dave Sullivan are allowing tons of garbage to sit for MONTHS at the Old Dixie pigsty while paying Al Hadeed’s pal Atty McKinnen over $30,000 who can’t even ask the judge to enforce a May 2021 recorded agreement allowing the county to knock that POS down and allow either a needed county park or allow an income and job producing shoping center for the over 5,000 people who have N O T H I N G but a gas station as a (delcious) restaurant!
Heidi Petito is a Board Member of the Flagler Government Utility Authority ( FGUA) who represents all the water users who were sold by the county to FGUA a few years ago. She has not inquired or even bother to look at the not functioning lift station in Plantation Bay with a machine tied to the lift station with miles of ugly police tape! FGUA says FPL told them to make some changes which I had to find out on my own because Petito doesn’t even know she is responsible for us users of this disgusting water.
Petito has been hanging out too much with Roy Sieger ( another waste in my opinion ) who is not using our airport property and together they are continuing to allow ILLEGAL touch and goes by unknown pilots over people’s homes and terrifying them on a daily basis. She could care less about the people who are paying her salary .
All Petito cares about is merging parks, etc with Palm Coast and preparing herself in case …. Shame on Dave Sullivan and Greg Hansen for giving her a good grade after she jus cost us millions in an insane ‘settlement’ over her lies about Captain’s building
back in September 2018.
If I had a vote it would be to FIRE her or let her go back to General Services where she came from. She is incompetent, untruthful and makes mistakes which are far too costly on us taxpayers.
Jane Gentile – Youd: Let’s not forget that Petito also never brought back
to life the much needed airport advisory committee which the county
arbitrarily disbanded in 2020 when the advisory board was raising issues
of noise and overspending at the airport, Jerry Cameron instructed her, or
so he says, to put together another committee, so that citizens would have
a voice and somewhere to go to voice a complaint which she and Sieger
along with the other commissioners never did because they don’t want to
have such a committee for the residents to go to, they don’t even have a
portal set up for this, her answer is for us to email the FAA or to contact
our Ombusman and guess who our Ombusman is: Roy Sieger, you can’t
make this s**t up, what a conflict of interest and how did that happen?
Hansen and Sullivan gives her A’s while she allowed Director Sieger
the latitude to retaliate against a private citizen, Capt. Les Abend, a
acclaimed author. licensed pilot of nearly half a century flew a Boeing
777 with 31 years experience at a major airline and a certified flight
instructor who writes for aviation journals and serves as a contributer
for national media outlets CNN, FOX NBC, for his willingness to expose
issues of noise and overspending at the airport while he sat on that
advisory committee. The county filed an eviction suit against Abend
who was a tenant at the airport thinking that that’s all it would take
but turned into a first amendment case in which the county LOST!
Sieger operates the airport with little if any direct oversite and uses
revenge on anyone who challenges him. Sieger should have been
terminated along with Petito and its the Flagler County commission
who has the duty to ensure their constituents are free to exercise our
inalienable rights without fear of retribution from their county
government. This is a misuse of government with a public paycheck.
Mark says
Jane couldnt win an election even against forgetful Joe. Heidi is a good person and a good leader.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Mark – Joe soent $200,000 to ‘win’. I spent 20 years of my time and $10,000. I am still giving my time to help make life better for us in Flagler County. Joe is nowhere around and Heidi is a lousy administrator – as bad as Coffey was-in my opinion. She and her pal Hadeed are raping our tax dollars,in my opinion.
Celia Pugliese says
I have to agree with Jane.
I am not aware that anyone in PC or county government management has the required Masters in Public Administration like former manager Morton in PC that resigned, had it:
“Morton comes to Palm Coast with more than 20 years of experience in local governments. Most recently he served as City Administrator in Duvall, Washington, and prior to that as City Administrator in Cle Elum, Washington.
He grew up in Florida, California and Washington, earning his undergraduate degree in geography from Central Washington University. He earned an Executive Master of Public Administration degree from the University of South Dakota. He completed the Harvard Kennedy School’s Senior Executive in State and Local Government program in 2017, and before that attended the Walt Disney Institute to learn the Disney approach for leadership and customer service engagement. He is an ICMA-credentialed manager through the International City/County Management Association and was recognized by ICMA for 20 years of executive service at the organization’s annual conference in 2017”. Former PC manager Jim Landon also had a Masters in Public Administration: “Landon holds a master of public administration from the University of Colorado at Denver and a bachelor of science in geography with an emphasis in planning/community development from Oregon State University”. Something to really think about as serious problems are plaguing us now.
Mark: Jane fought for and represented WE THE PEOPLE, We were at most
of the meetings when she she made public comments about various
issues, they didn’t want her because of that, Petito couldn’t
couldn’t shine her shoes, we have caught Petito in her double talk ,misleading
the public and purposely omitting things from public knowledge. She is
calculating, manipulating, and attached to Roy Siegers hip. She refuses to
address issues that are important to her constituents and when she is directly
confronted she uses doublespeak or delays the issues where one has the same
question over and over to get a half a** answer. Just because you say she
is a good leader doesn’t make it so!
Not my Flagler says
Maybe it’s time for the commission to bring up from the bullpen Holly Albanse, she her accomplishments have been praised by the public and Flaglerlive ever since she rose to the deputy administrator position. This way Ms. Petetio can exit and take all of her cronies with her and bring back sensibility and integrity to Flagler County.
Celia Pugliese says
Oh Please! Same of the same!
protonbeam says
Seems both flagler county and palm coast politicians hire unqualified, undereducated and unqualified people whom they can control and have neither the desire, understanding or capability to do much….and the beat goes on
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Protobeam got our dismal fate down to one sentence…. I hope the current ‘beat’ soon ends..