There never was an abduction. They faked it.
Danielle Annis, 17, and Amanda Hunt, 15, residents of a home on Ocean Crest Drive in the Hammock in Palm Coast, were feared abducted late Wednesday night when a text from one of the girls indicated they may have been kidnapped as they were walking through the parking lot of The Club at Hammock Beach, according to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. That happened around 7 p.m.
The sheriff issued an amber alert just after 11 p.m. A “Find Danielle Annis and Amanda Hunt” Facebook page was set up overnight.
But at 1:47 a.m., the Sheriff’s office cancelled the alert. “Both teenagers,” the office reported, “were recovered around 1:30 a.m. safe and sound by Clay County Sheriff’s Office. There was no abduction and the two apparently left on their own will.” The girls were traveling in a silver 2011 Volvo.
By noon, the sheriff’s office provided the following details:
The evening started around 7 p.m., when Allan Annis noticed his silver Volvo was missing from the parking lot of 200 Ocean Crest Drive. His wife, Renee, contacted the Sheriff’s Office to report the vehicle as having been stolen.
Meanwhile, Danielle Annis, 17, and her friend Amanda Hunt, 15, had left the Annis home around 6:30 p.m. to get the mail. Annis’ mother told deputies that the mailbox key was on the same ring as the vehicle keys.
Renee Annis texted her daughter telling her that the vehicle had been stolen and she needed to return home. A second text was sent and neither text received a response. About 10 minutes later, Danielle called her mother and said she was in the vehicle with a man.
Around 11:07 p.m., Orange Park Police located the abandoned vehicle parked on a road side with the parking lights on and keys in the ignition.
The girls were recovered at 1:09 a.m. by Clay County Sheriff’s deputies when two men contacted the law enforcement saying the juveniles had knocked on their door, telling them they had stolen their parent’s vehicle and needed “a place to hang out.”
Both teens were returned safely to Flagler County.
The incident is under review and charges may be pending.
Dianne Bouchard Montijo via Facebook says
Teens being teens??? I don’t think so!!! What ever the text said that gave the appearance of an abduction is NOT typical of that slogan!!! How much money & manpower was wasted on that escapade?? Perhaps those kids should be put down for an early to bed tonite & let law enforcement so their job with REAL issues!!! Oh and send their parents the bill for what was spent…from Flagler and Clay County!
Anonymous says
If a hoax, community service and restitution of cost if any incurred should be the punishment.
hammock girl says
It’s so amazing what girls do for attention these days
palmcoaster says
Their parents or these girls should refund the taxpayers for the funds spent on their search.
Ely Rondon via Facebook says
So who stole the volvo from the parking lot?
Helen says
these girls must have taken a lesson from the girl a few years back claiming she got raped on the Palm Coast walkway than a few days later claimed she made it up.
Cheryl Scott via Facebook says
Really? A 17 year old and a 15 year old, out at 1:30 a.m…what’s wrong with this picture?
Samantha L via Facebook says
I don’t think the parents should have to pay for these girls STUPID actions. Make the girls use their trust fund money!
kass12 says
waste of time! Kids should be sentenced to atleast 1000 hours of community service at a women’s shelter. They are obviously spoiled brats that need a reality check.
Ginny Krol via Facebook says
I see everyone’s point. Some of them are over dramatic. But come on these are teenagers. Hopefully they will learn from their actions, and I bet they are in some hot water with their parents.( I’m sure they aren’t proud their kids made the front page news for this. )
Charles Ericksen, Jr says
Some day, when these two grow up, and have children of their own, they should get a similar phone call, and see just how it feels. I’m sure we all tried to “fib” a bit, but we forgot that our parents were kids once also. But today, it seems like there are more predators out there
Kendall Clark-StJacques via Facebook says
Dumb dumb dumb. But it does not reflect on the parents. I’m sure they are mortified and ready to wring their necks.
tulip says
I DO NOT think these girls should get away with this, or have it passed off as a “teen prank”!!!!! They cost the county a lot of money and manpower, they cost their parents a lot of worry, they’ve ruined their own credibility should they really get abducted or harmed some other time.
These girls are old enough to know what they were doing. I would forbid them a cell phone for awhile, and then get them a prepaid one with no frills to text, etc. I would also have them do community service for a period of time, and then the school should have an assembly and have the girls speak to all the classmates why they did it and why it should NEVER BE DONE!!!!!
The fact that a lot of kids get away with things ls why they do more and more bad things. All kids do stupid stuff, but this and other things go beyond “kid thinking.” and inspires more kids to think up more bizarre ideas to do.
Gia says
They should be in prison for a while
Outsider says
Prison…hell no; off with their heads! Seriously, it was their parents’ car that was “stolen.” They told their parents a little lie and it blew out of proportion. I think the embarrassment of being on the front page of FlaglerLive is plenty of punishment. I don’t think these are the people we build prisons for. This is all a little ridiculous, in my opinion.
cjajc says
I think these girls are the average “teenager” just got caught and put in the news. Many teenages have dne the same thing and most of us all have been there done that. I don’t think they should go to prison nor the parents have to pay for their bad decisions. I think these girls should get some community service hours and/or paying any amount on restitution. Just was a “cool idea” gone really bad.
Proudparent says
Makes me want to cancel my cable, take back the presents and spend the rest of the time with my kids reading good books, Playing board games, and making memories.
Really People?? says
How can you say these are typical teenage actions? With all of the predators out there, these parents must have been frantic. I can’t imagine having to go through that, joke or not…while it is happening it is no joking matter. These girls need some serious punishment, I like the idea of community hours at a woman’s shelter. It is ridiculous what these girls put their parents and the community through, and they should be punished!!
Outsider says
A few years back there was a group of teenage boys breaking into homes. They got zero prison time. This is a joke in comparison. Sure, the parents were probably frantic, and now angry. Let them direct their wrath at the kids; I’m sure their lives are going to be a little more unpleasant than they’re used to, at least for a little while.
Eazy-E says
when i was that age, i was driving drunk through people’s yards, knocking over street lamps and mail boxes, riding a bike without a helmet, egging homes just for the heck of it, and having a ton of unprotected sex…..and i turned out just fine. could be worse!
marlee says
One year of hard labor at the closest homeless pantry!
Anonymous says
Response to Eazy-E:
Cheerfully and confidently making a statement like that, are you sure you turned out just fine?
Eazy-E says
Response to Anonymous,
Only partly true. Saracasm. Point being, kids will be kids. Loosen up. And yes, turned out just fine…..even though I never wore a helmet while riding a bike (and while doing other things, if you know what I mean ;-)
Eazy-E says
*sarcasm (sorry, the typo must have been due to my head injury).
Outsider says
Noone is saying “don’t punish them at all.” I’m saying the punishment should fit the “crime.” They took their parents’ car. Their parents became worried; the girls said, “Like, OMG, they are going to be like, so totally pissed….let’s just tell them we were kidnapped….like, totally cool.” The parents, like any others, would be frantic and rightfully called the police. Anyone who can’t see what happened here has obviously never raised a pre-hormonal, post-hormonal, or about-to-be hormonal teenage girl. I have, and if you want see things that make you think “WTF” to yourself on a regular basis, you should try it. They didn’t steal from strangers, break into homes or stores, or kill anyone; they just acted silly. Let the parents handle it; end of story….and get the poor kids’ faces off the front page already.
More Amazed Every Day says
Oh outsider, how blind you can be. You don’t know these girls or anything else they have been involved in prior to this. I know that something needs to happen here or things will continue to escalate!
Outsider says
Well, you’re right, since this article doesn’t give a complete biography. The opinions on what should be done, including sending them to prison, are based solely upon one incident described herein. Some of the conclusions are therefore ridiculous. If you have the benefit of more information and believe more punishment is necessary then so be it. I just compare this incident to the one several years ago where a number of high school “boys” committed a series of burglaries, including one armed burglary and they received very little punishment relative to the crime. They are now walking the streets freely, and more importantly, anonymously, while these girls’ de facto mugshots grace the front page of the local newspaper for weeks.