Four months ago, Gov. Ron DeSantis bragged that other states should emulate voting procedures in Florida, where former President Donald Trump’s solid Election Day victory over President Joe Biden was done and dusted long before midnight.
But the Republican governor, who will be on the ballot next year, and GOP legislative leaders are pushing changes to the state’s election process that Democrats are branding as “voter suppression,” county election officials “vehemently” oppose and experts say will “disproportionately” harm Black and Hispanic voters.
“I have heard of no supervisors who are in support of this bill,” Leon County Supervisor of Elections Mark Earley told a Senate committee last week, before the Republican-controlled panel approved a measure that would make wide-ranging changes to voting by mail.
State GOP leaders’ push to amend the elections process mimics efforts underway in other Republican-led states following Trump’s re-election defeat in November. Trump and his followers have repeatedly alleged that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen,” a claim without merit.
The proposed voting changes, which come after millions of voters in Florida and throughout the country opted to cast mail-in ballots amid the COVID-19 pandemic, are causing alarm for elections experts as well as Democrats.
“I don’t say this lightly. We are witnessing the greatest rollback of voting rights in this country since the Jim Crow era,” University of Florida political science professor Michael McDonald tweeted last month.
State legislatures throughout the nation are seeing “a tidal wave of voter suppression efforts,” Eliza Sweren-Becker, voting rights and elections counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice, told The News Service of Florida in a phone interview.
The Florida Senate proposal (SB 90), sponsored by Ocala Republican Dennis Baxley, would require voters to request mail-in ballots more frequently, ban the use of drop boxes for voters to turn in ballots and allow only “immediate” family members to collect and deliver ballots to and from voters.
DeSantis, a close ally of Trump, called last month for voting-law revisions, arguing that, despite a hiccup-free election in November, the state can’t “rest on our laurels”.
Republicans have relied heavily on the state’s no-excuse vote-by-mail process as the GOP has controlled the Legislature, almost all statewide offices and a majority of congressional seats over the past two decades.
But as the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths began to spike last year in Florida and elsewhere, Democrats and left-leaning groups urged voters to cast ballots by mail. Election supervisors in Florida also encouraged the use of mail-in ballots in advance of the November election, and the numbers of mail-in ballots skyrocketed.
Under current state law, a voter’s request for a mail-in ballot is active for two general elections, which occur every two years. The Senate measure, if passed, would wipe out all current requests and require voters to ask for ballots if they want to vote by mail in next year’s election. The measure would require voters to request mail-in ballots prior to every general election.
Trump has frequently voted by mail, but the former president and his allies have asserted that mail-in ballots are vulnerable to fraud. Experts, including federal and state officials, say no evidence of widespread wrongdoing exists.
State Rep. Blaise Ingoglia, a Spring Hill Republican who shepherded a 2019 elections package through the House, acknowledged that Florida’s 2020 elections ran smoothly.
But lawmakers “should never miss an opportunity to make a good thing even better,” he told the News Service on Monday.
“Just because we had a successful election does not mean that there are not serious policy proposals regarding elections that we should consider,” Ingoglia, a former chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, said. “We’ll put more guardrails up, and it will be more safe, more secure than it was under the prior election law. Isn’t that what everybody wants? Safe and secure elections?”
The measure Ingoglia sponsored in 2019, which became law, included a provision allowing election officials to use drop boxes for voters to submit mail-in ballots.
The drop boxes became a flashpoint last fall, however.
DeSantis’ administration told supervisors of elections that the boxes, employed by local officials to make voting by mail safer amid the pandemic, needed to be staffed. The supervisors’ lawyer Ron Labasky, however, maintained that state law doesn’t require the boxes to be manned.
Ingoglia said supervisors were not implementing the drop boxes in the way the law intended and that he endorses “reforming the way we use drop boxes.” The Senate plan would do away with the boxes altogether.
Although the House has not released an elections package, House Speaker Chris Sprowls, R-Palm Harbor, said he supports the governor’s effort to tighten voting laws.
Ingoglia defended the provision in the Senate proposal that would require voters to sign up for mail-in ballots more frequently.
“I think that supervisors of elections should be engaged with their voters on a more frequent basis, i.e., every election cycle, not every other election cycle,” he said,
But Jasmine Burney-Clark, the founder of Equal Ground Education Fund, said erasing current mail-in ballot requests and requiring voters to resubmit them will serve as a boon to the GOP next year. After Trump raised questions about voting by mail and urged voters to cast their ballots in person, “there was a mass departure” from mail-in ballots by Republicans, she said.
“Because their folks are not going to automatically receive a vote-by-mail ballot next year … let’s just flip and remove everyone off the sign-up and require everyone to sign back up so they’re starting from the same playing field. Actually that isn’t the same playing field. It’s just creating a hurdle,” said Burney-Clark, whose organization focused on Black voter turnout in Orange, Pinellas, Seminole and Volusia counties last year.
The proposed revamp of Florida’s voting procedures is a stark contrast to an elections and ethics measure approved by the Democrat-led U.S. House this month. The “For the People Act,” however, remains a long shot in the U.S. Senate, where Republicans oppose the proposal.
Back at the states’ level, “the vast, vast, vast majority” of efforts to curtail voting rights are coming from Republicans, Sweren-Becker said.
“It appears that there’s a view that it’s more advantageous to limit the electorate and make it harder for people to vote than it is to go out and win votes and persuade people to your positions,” she added. “The rationale for these policies is so thoroughly debunked.”
How far-reaching Florida’s elections package will be remains uncertain. But with Republicans controlling the House and Senate, Democrats’ ability to impede the effort is severely limited.
Democrats are worried that GOP leaders could target early voting on the last Sunday before Election Day, a daylong event known as “souls to the polls” in which Black churches play a significant role in getting members to cast ballots. Republicans legislators in Georgia are considering such a measure.
Eliminating the Sunday early voting ritual in Florida would be “tantamount to voter suppression,” Rep. Fentrice Driskell, D-Tampa, told reporters during a weekly conference call on Monday.
She pointed to “overwhelming election activity and participation” nationwide last year.
“Frankly, I think that has terrified Republicans. They don’t want large turnout, because they know that it means that it puts some of their majorities in jeopardy across the country,” Driskell said.
But Ingoglia said Monday he isn’t aware of such an effort in Florida.
“I can tell you, in the discussions that I have with people, that has never come up,” he said.
–Dara Kam, News Service of Florida

Kat says
Country-wide, this is a bunch of bullshit cowardice in action. The republicans who fraudulently claimed an election was stolen are unabashedly trying to steal future elections by suppressing the vote. I personally vow to take off each and every Election Day and do nothing but ferry people to and from their designated voting location. It should not matter which party you belong to at this point, if you have one ounce of integrity or desire for democracy -you should find this repugnant.
Ramone says
What I find repugnant and totally Bullshit is this idea that the imposition of regulatory controls and safeguards to insure voter integrity, somehow constitutes voter suppression. The Democrats claim minorities somehow can’t navigate through the same steps that “White” people do. It’s a complete crock of shit. They want to send out millions of ballots and they could care less whether you’re a registered voter or not as long as you vote for their ticket.
Kat says
Except that there’s no actual proof that there has been any sort of widespread voter fraud through mail in voting. I’ve seen a lot of comments talking about the way things used to be and why they still can’t be that way-wake up, the world has changed. People work two and three jobs, often 14 hour shifts for those in the medical community. Many people work on the road and are at home on a regular basis let alone one particular day out of the year. A great number of people, especially older people, are not comfortable with using technology to request an absentee or vote by mail ballot. When my critically ill 87-year-old mother needed to vote this past fall, it took two adults and a wheelchair to get her to the elections office. We felt we needed to take her in person because her handwriting had deteriorated so badly that we were afraid her mail in ballot would be rejected. Very few people have those types of resources available to them like my mother had.
Local says
About dang time.. .every state should follow our example.
Aldo there is no evidence of voter suppression. This eill assure dead people arent voting again among other issues it solves….well until they figure out a way to het illeagals votes back
Deborah Coffey says
Republicans will live to regret their greed, racism, and lust for power. Major corporations are jumping in on this so, what Republicans WON’T have…for all their attempts to weight the scales in their own favor…is MONEY. We’re gonna whoop ’em good.
Coyote says
– Looks like we’re going to have to go to yet ANOTHER constituent-sponsered constitutional amendment to get the Republicans to get back to DOING their jobs, instead of spending the time and legislation to ensure they don’t have to do their jobs to keep their office.
Sad Times says
Well, well…since the Republicans can’t win by normal standards…as always, they must do it immorally, unethically….and, sometimes illegally.
It makes no sense to change the voting process…since the governor, as well as various precinct leaders have proclaimed….many times…how well it all worked. If all was perfect…why do changes need to be made?
Oh yes….we must stop all non-Republican voters….that is the only way the Rs can win.
Voters…you are constantly being lied to….when are you going to smarten up….and think for yourselves?
Rick G says
The Republicans are working on a less democratic society where fewer people can vote. I wonder why?
Whathehck? says
The eroding of freedom one step at the time. How sad, how very sad!
tulip says
What a deterioration of our democracy and things our forefathers fought for! The Republicans are so scared of losing that they are willing to force voter suppression on a lot of people in this country so that certain Dem areas will have a hard time being able to vote and, therefore, it enhances the Rep candidate’s chances of winning.
I’m glad I’m an Independent because I would be ashamed of being a member of a party, that has followers who are perfectly willing to openly tear apart democracy
in order to get what they want, no matter what. This is close to third world behavior where people have to vote for the whom the Dictator of the country
says to vote for, or else. I don’t think any sane person would want this to happen so you better pay attention to what could someday happen. The Republicans are becoming the Party Of Trump (POT) and a class of people who seem to accept an authoritarian regime of dictating and forcing their wishes on everyone else.
Voter suppression is a way of taking away the Freedom and Right to easily vote for the candidates of their choice!!
Trailer Bob says
I am 65 years old and have voted since I was allowed to. Never had any problems casting my vote, regardless of my color. It is about as liberal and ridiculous as it can be to suggest anyone cannot vote and vote for who they feel fit.
Liberals state that they want a fair and legal election process, then the claim they are given hurdle to jump through in order to perform that vote.
Nonsense and seemingly an attempt to get more votes than there are people in my view.
Do you all have an issue trying to buy groceries as well? My God!
Ben Hogarth says
Let me guess Bob, you are among the first in line to call for heads to roll when liberals try to incorporate background checks and other protective measures for purchasing a firearm. But when it comes to voting rights, you take no issue with providing every barrier to a person casting a ballot.
The Voice Of Reason says
Bob, Not everyone is you. Some people do have trouble voting for various reasons. I agree with others here that republicans can’t win elections fairly. As a country, we should make it as easy and fair as possible to vote. Those who deny republican voter suppression efforts have blinders on. The republican party is a failing dumpster fire of a party. They can only win by using tactics from the gutter. desantis is a prime example, brag about how excellent Florida’s elections were, now lets change them to increase disenfranchisement.
Florida Voter says
Your comment: “do you all have an issue trying to buy groceries as well,” compares voting to buying groceries … so you support early voting that lasts 24 hours per day for the entire month before the election? Some people buy groceries once per month. You support having neighbors or private companies deliver and pick up your ballot? We have those for groceries.
If you compare grocery shopping to voting, then you need all of those provisions, which are exactly the areas targeted by the Republicans in our state government.
By-the-way, I have never heard any reason why leaving a ballot in an unmanned “ballot drop box” is any less secure than leaving a ballot in an unmanned postal drop box.
Deborah Coffey says
You don’t seem to have learned much in your 65 years. Lots of Americans have a very hard time buying groceries. They live in the country, don’t own a car, and depend on someone taking them there and bringing them back. Since you have Internet, maybe you should Google: Poverty in America. My God!
Mythoughts says
The Governor and the GOP Republicans are so afraid to lose an election they are figuring out ways to cheat to win. It is discrimination at its best. If DeSantis believed in himself to win he wouldn’t be trying to suppress the right to vote.
Joecranford4 says
Trump said if we allow mail in voting the republicans will never win another election!
James M. Mejuto says
People . . . We have got to wake up! This Republican bill SB 90 is a roll-back of our rights to vote easily and
in a timely fashion. Republicans ( including the Governor DeSantis) want to do away with early voting or the
amount of weeks it can be held, Mail-In voting and voter drop-off boxes. These are all ways people of color and
Asians can access.
This pathetic democrat party in Florida has done very little to counteract this danger to voting rights.
Steve says
Bullshit like this is EXACTLY why the GOP lost and will continue to do so. Let them destroy their Party. The Dem.s arent all that either but Voters are tired of the Agenda to just win Elections.Nothing gets done. Both Parties need to clean House of the old Guard antagonists . Not one Republican voted for the stimulus Bill. Think about that. This will just inspire more to excercise their Power of Suffrage in Elections. Bring it Watching the GOP stumble in the Dark is hilarious. Not one will ever get my Vote again GL
GR says
Republicans did not vote for the COVID-19 relief bill because it contains items not related to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
Steve says
Typical double speak GOP comment. Then where was your Parties plan. More tax cuts for the rich and Corporations I guess. Or better yet more Coal mining operations lol
Richard says
What a bunch of pansy-ass democratic crybabies. If you don’t like the sandbox then take your shovel & pail and go home. Voter suppression my ass! Requesting an absentee ballot is done in one of four ways:
Online application on your county Supervisors of Elections’ website;
By other writing (e.g., by email, fax, mail) to Supervisor of Elections;
In person at Supervisor of Elections;
By telephone call to Supervisor of Elections.
Then the absentee ballot is sent to you in the MAIL to the address that you had requested it to be delivered. So tell me why it is now too difficult to drop your completed absentee ballot BACK into the mail versus driving to a drop box? What a crock of crap!
Plus requesting an absentee ballot each and every time is NOT voter suppression. It is only common sense. Especially considering the number of people who move OUT and IN to the state of Florida. Plus it is difficult for DEAD people to request an absentee ballot unless someone is committing fraud.
Democrats, grow some gonads, and don’t get your panties all in a wad every time some GOP legislative member chooses to make voting integrity better for ALL parties.
CB from PC says
[Comment disallowed. Do not use this site to spread disinformation. Thanks.–FL]
Rob says
Where has your integrity gone to, Republicans? For all but a few brave of them this is a question that we must ask.
The rest of us have to be constantly diligent in protecting our democratic principles and countering the spread of false ‘truths’.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Am I missing something? Until the 90’s we had to go IN PERSON, on ELECTION DAY ( unless ‘excused’ medically or in the military) to cast our precious vote. We still have to prove we are who we say we are when we vote in person and our signatures as well as photo ID are checked. Something is really out of whack when you can sign up to vote by mail for 2 years in a row – even from the grave as well I suppose… hmmmm.
This has nothing to do with party ; it has to do with preserving ( what is left) of our democracy by getting off your ass to participate IN PERSON to exercise the greatest right we have, ( just as you do to get your groceries, unless physically unable with a doctors note, a caretaker, in the military or working outside the USA) .
Early voting is a blessing we didn’t have until a few years ago. I don’t know about everyone else but I am always so proud to see my ballot go into the sliding box and to note the number my vote shows on the counter and best of all getting my little sticker ” I voted today”. Dead people voting – you bet!
We joked in Hialeah in 1980 about not forgetting to campaigning at the local cemetery. Don’t kid yourselves- Dead people have been voting for years.
Nobody is denied the right to vote in person as long as you can prove you are who you say you are and if you need a ride to the polls there are plenty of volunteers who will gladly take you ( count me in as one of them). Registering every 2 years by mail may save the poll workers time and work but it sure threatens the integrity of our democracy
Been there done that – overturned an election Sept 1987 by proving that 74 out of 850 mail in ballots were illegally counted. More important to remember women fought and died for the right to vote for over 70 years; it’s just over 100 years that right was won. These brave women would turn over in their graves if they knew about this violation of voting rights crap going on today,
Been a registered Democrat most of my life and have many issues with the Republican party but protecting the sanctity of our vote is not one of them,
Bill C says
It is all about white supremacy. To quote from “Caste” by Isabel Wilkerson “When you are caught in a caste system, you will likely do whatever it takes to survive in it. If you are insecurely situated somewhere in the middle- below the very top but above the very bottom- you may distance yourself from the bottom and hold up barriers against those you see as below you to protect your own position.
Sherry says
Just think this through. . . if you believe this is the last pandemic we will have where ballots need to be casts by mail, you are kidding yourselves. Should we be telling those who cannot get to a polling place that they do not have the right to vote? WHY all the new rules and regulations now? Could it possibly be that the Republicans cannot win without making it more difficult to vote by disenfranchising the ill, hospitalized, poor, nursing home residents, etc. Why shouldn’t we make it EASIER for EVERY American citizen to exercise their constitutional rights?
Yes, of course, we should make sure that each and every voter is legally eligible. . . However, without requiring an “in person” fingerprint that is then verified in real time by the “Big Brother” (read 1984 again) system from each person as they vote. . . that will NEVER be 100%. The trump army of investigators could not come up with more than a hand full of incidents where votes were not fully accurate in the last election. Over 60 cases were presented and rejected (often by Republican judges) for lack of “EVIDENCE” of significant fraud . Yet, the “Big Lie” is still being perpetuated by the cult. . . resulting in the violent and lethal insurrection in our “Capitol” on January 6th.
Instead of mindlessly living with the stress of the paranoid fear that “they” (everyone who is not lily white) are out there trying to rip us off at every turn, why not have just a little trust in your fellow citizens and believe that the vast majority will be honest in their voting process?
Deliberate Gerrymandering by both political parties is vastly more consequential in election outcomes than any perceived and UNPROVEN fraud.
This is precisely why we should have National standards for the entire voting process. However, any such legislation will likely fail in the Senate where the Filibuster would require Republicans to vote for such needed reforms.
Kat says
Very well stated, Sherry.
Sherry says
Thanks so much Kat! Stay safe and healthy.