By Elwood Watson
Waterloo. The apocalypse. The Titanic. These are just some of the terms observers are employing to describe the current state of the Republican party.
For many, there is a deep-seated sentiment the party of Abraham Lincoln is coming apart at the seams and imploding at Armageddon-like speed.
Talk of political parties facing impending doom is nothing new. Similar rhetoric was levied toward the Democratic Party in the mid-1980s after it had endured consecutive losses at the presidential level, including a massive 49-state rout in 1984. Such a misguided prediction failed to reach fruition, as the Democrats recaptured the White House in 1992 under the leadership of Bill Clinton and managed to occupy a sizable number of congressional seats for much of the decade.
That being said, it does appear the Republican Party does seem to be engaging in a level of infighting and dysfunction that has even the most cynical observers stepping back and taking notice.
What is even more striking — or amusing, depending on your point of view — is rather than looking inward to find the root of such problems, many members of the party establishment seem to be looking for scapegoats. President Biden, radical leftists, Darth Vader, Frankenstein, the Grinch that stole Christmas, you name it. In their eyes, the rapid unraveling of the party is the fault of everyone but the GOP itself.
Of all the supposed suspects, Trump is the nauseating symptom that arouses the ire of many loyal GOP establishment voters. To this Reaganite segment of voters, the former president has managed to regressively transform the party and caused unprecedented havoc within its ranks.
Trump has served as a sort of ruthless, callous villain causing the traditional establishment segment of the Republican party to either cry out in blood curling pain or curl up in the fetal position out of fear and despair. But the cold, hard reality is the current dilemma that Republicans are facing is that the problem lies within the party itself. Period.
Republican lawmakers have significantly contributed to the less than stellar public image of the party. Recent elections occurred at a moment when House Republicans have behaved in a manner that has caused considerable apprehension among the public, thanks to the party’s inability to effectively govern. Such Hemingway levels of drama have affected perceptions of Republicans in the House and put their already slim majority at risk.
Several years after his ascendancy to the presidency, it comes as no surprise many Republicans still find the vehemently racist, sexist, and xenophobic rhetoric routinely hurling from the habitually wayward mouth of Donald Trump very appealing.
Neoliberalism, unchecked globalization, outsourcing, stagnant wages and limited economic mobility have had a dramatic effect on the livelihood of these men and women. However, the fact is that such undeniable factors have affected many of the same groups of people they point the finger at and blame for their current predicament. Rather than being cognizant of this fact, it appears to be easier to revert to a “it’s their fault, not mine” mentality.
That’s because Trump is speaking their language. He generously throws out the fresh red meat and employs the not-so-subtle dog whistles (some would argue bullhorns) to a disaffected base of voters who harbor anger, resentment and frustration due to the fact they largely feel threatened and marginalized.
The misguided commonality these voters share with the larger GOP base is they are under the illusion (or rather delusion) that their problems have been caused by minorities, feminists, immigrants, gays and lesbians — basically anyone who doesn’t fall within a white, Christian conservative category they believe to be real Americans.
In their minds, such groups are the supposed “others” who are the cause of America’s decline. They are seen as problematic and must be taken care of in one manner or another. This is the demographic of men and women who continue to embrace Trump as their savior as he consistently promises to “get them to the promised land.”
As the old saying goes, “old habits can be hard to break.”
Elwood Watson is a professor of history, Black studies, and gender and sexuality studies at East Tennessee State University. He is also an author and public speaker. He is the co-editor of two anthologies, “There She Is, Miss America: The Politics of Sex, Beauty and Race in America’s Most Famous Pageant,” and “The Oprah Phenomenon.” He is the sole editor of the anthology, “Searching The Soul of Ally McBeal: Critical Essays.” His book, “Outsiders Within: Black Women in the Legal Academy After Brown v. Board,” was published in 2008.
George says
The Republican party is gone the one now is corrupt, could careless about helping the American people. They are filled with hate, discrimination, violence and are against the US Constitution. The new house speaker is a good example of someone that doesn’t believe in the laws of the US. He is supporting those that attacked our capital. When I heard him say that I thought he is not in Washington for our country but is supporting the domestic terrorists. He should be removed from office for those comments alone. Please get out and vote for our freedom, Trump will take that way is elected. Think of your freedom for yourself and your family. Don’t throw our country away.
Judith Michaud says
Well stated! The party of Ike no longer exists! tRumpism has corroded our democracy! It is so unbelievable that our country is literally being destroyed because of one lying, corrupt man! He was never fit to be president and will never be! It is beyond shameful that the current Republican party is so afraid to stand up to him and protect our democracy, as they were elected to do!
Endless dark money says
The end of democracy is facism. Republicons will gerrymander and cheat to win any seat possible.grandpa only watches fox so they have a captive audience. Remember the fake electors? How close were they to being successful and overthrowing the US government. They have no ideas to improve anyone’s lives just how to make their big donors richer with less regulations. Cause we shouldn’t try to keep the water, land, or air non toxic that’s not profitable. They need to be removed at every level or face the consequences…
Dan says
Dream on!
Kat says
My impression is that you are spot on regarding the conflict within the Republican party. The people who seem to be pulling the strings have no moral compass. To say that Donald Trump has no moral compass is the understatement of the century but yet a very sizable portion of Americans are willing to give him a pass, even if that is at odds with their own supposed belief system.
In my humble opinion, he is dialing up the rhetoric for two reasons. One is that he has nothing to lose, if he does not win reelection he and his businesses are most likely going down the drain due to the number of legal issues they are confronting. And nobody in history has been given more passes than he (and his family) so he can’t claim to be persecuted/victim of a witchhunt. He is a desperate man and desperate people are dangerous.
The other reason for him getting more and more fascist/authoritarian is because he is trying to appeal to that segment of the population willing to employ violence to get what they want or protect their perceived interests. Unfortunately, January 6 proved that there are a sizable number of Americans willing to throw the constitution under the bus and cause/engage in another Civil War. The thing that rocks my world is when I see veterans expressing support for Donald Trump or the right wing Republican faction. These people that swore to uphold the constitution of the United States, for whatever reason, support just the opposite.
marlee says
GOP used to be:
Centered on stimulating economic growth for all Americans, protecting constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms, ensuring the integrity of elections, and maintaining national security and working to preserve America’s greatness for future generations.
Deborah Coffey says
I’m sorry, Marlee; the GOP was never centered on stimulating economic growth for all Americans, with the exception of President Eisenhower. It was ALWAYS trickle-down with all the breaks going to the 1%. In fact, trickle down economics is exactly what caused the Great Republican Depression of 1929 and the massive Republican Recession of 2008. So, there’s that!
Laurel says
Marlee: Add to that, they believed in the Rule of Law, and for government to stay out of our bedrooms. Well, that’s history.
Marc Crane says
Democrats are really running scared. Antisemitism in congress and top university’s presidents and staff. The squad telling outright lies without recourse. A failing president and useless VP. I think we both know which party is failing.
Laurel says
No Marc, as an Independent, I can tell you that the Republican Party has drastically changed the most. My Republican husband agrees. This is exactly why we cannot support the Republican Party these days. However, there still are a few good people left, like Dave Jolly, Adam Kinziner, Liz Cheney, Jeff Flake, and a hand full of others, who are willing to stand up to Trump. The rest are scared shitless, and are willing to back Trump to saved their jobs while turning their backs on our country and Constitution. Trump will never be the man John McCain was, and he, and Putin, know it. That’s why Trump bad mouthed McCain. Putin loves it as McCain did not like, or trust, Putin.
As far as the “squad” goes, they are not the entire Democratic Party. I’m not squarely behind the Democrats either, but they are not “failing” as you say. I can see that you only get your information from sources that put out disinformation about our country and Biden and Harris.
I also know that Trump has successfully convinced his cult to stop watching the news and reading what journalists write. They believe regular news is propaganda while watching only sources that promote the far right agenda such as Fox Entertainment, Newsmax, OAN and confirmation bias social media. Keep in mind, that freedom of the press is in the Constitution, for a reason. Balance and truth are no longer important to these outlets.
Ed says
And the news in general is not news but journalism.
Even if the journalist doesn’t tell us what to think, it’s implied by the slant.
Unless all media outlets are viewed, even Fox, then it’s near impossible to actually “get the news.”
It’s not about free speech or the truth but viewers/listeners/readers. Aka, ratings.
Laurel says
Well, money. Ratings equals money, the all important God.
Personally, I watch some of far right shows until can’t take it anymore. The propaganda. The blatant, repetitive nonsense. I got that slant you are talking about while listening to Bill O’Reilly on the radio at work years ago. What a slippery commenter!
Here’s how he’d do it: Obama’s not a bad guy. Do you think Obama’s a bad guy? A lot of people think Obama’s a bad guy, but I don’t think Obama’s a bad guy. Actually, I’m not sure whether Obama’s a bad guy or not. My next guest thinks Obama’s a bad guy.
Take away: Obama + bad + guy.
“Fair and Balanced,” right?
I was recently told, by a Trumper, that the PBS Newshour was the “worst,” which means he never watched it. If he did, he would know they almost never talk about Trump. They almost never talk about DeSantis, yet, Trumpers seem to know it’s the “worst.”
I watch PBS Newshour as it is a place where normal still resides.
Deborah Coffey says
Today’s Republican Party deserves a slow, painful demise. It stands for everything that is ugly in human nature in its words and actions. But, will it die? I’m not sure…because the kind of democracy we’re practicing isn’t working very well and, the first fix needs to be getting rid of the Electoral College so that every vote is counted equally. Presently, the Electoral College has been causing minority rule instead of majority rule. The second thing that has to change is gerrymandering; outlaw it. Again, every vote needs to be heard and acknowledged. Term limits would also help in Congress and lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court must end. These “jobs” are for the purpose of helping all American people; they are not intended to change the entire landscape of America…and certainly not until every vote counts, respecting the will of the majority. These are hard changes to make but until they are made, our “democracy” will teeter on the edge.
Sherry says
Right On Deborah! There are plenty of other things that MUST change. . . high on my list:
1. Wealthy Billionaires MUST be required to pay their fair share of income taxes. . . that would balance the budget!
2. Scientific Fact MUST be supported and Climate Change mitigated to be best of our ability
3. Fundamental RIGHTS to PRIVACY and Health Care MUST be reinstated
4. Information published on media outlets that claim to be providing “News” needs to be “fact checked” BEFORE it is published. . . especially in the new era of AI.
5. Our government has become much too dependent on “radical” Elon Musk. Behind the scenes, he has become much too powerful and therefore extremely dangerous! Our governmental entities need to “unwind” that dependance beginning immediately!
Robert Joseph Fortier says
“I can see that you only get your information from sources that put out disinformation about our country and Biden and Harris”.
Biden is way out of his league. He has to be fed what to say…and he even blows that most of the time.
Trump should not run for President for MANY reasons, but let’s be honest about the incompetence of the current administration…it’s obvious.
Laurel says
RJF: If you want information that is about the state of the economy, why not watch Bloomberg, or some other money show you may approve of, instead of conformation bias shows and social media?
Trump should not run for President at all as he stated on Truth Social he wants to terminate the Constitution.
Try fact checking Biden: https://www.factcheck.org/2023/10/bidens-numbers-october-2023-update/
Now, fact check Trump: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/
Please give us examples of Biden having to be “fed what to say and even blows it most of the time.”
Please give actual examples of Biden being “incompetent.”
Just saying stuff with no back up doesn’t fly. Confifi.
Sherry says
@robert. . . Cite your “credentialed” evidence for your ridiculous claims about the current administration . . . otherwise, we will all continue to know that you can only mindlessly sling mud, as directed by FOX.