Diego Gonzalez, a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy with the agency since 2015, was suspended without pay for a week and a half–60 hours–and required to write a letter of apology to a Flagler Beach police officer. The discipline resulted from an internal investigation of an April incident when an intoxicated Gonzalez became “verbally abusive” toward the officer for not extending him special courtesy as a “brother” in uniform.
The afternoon April 25 Flagler Beach police officers were dispatched to Palmetto Ave regarding a possible assault and battery case. They met with Gonzalez, who told them a resident on the avenue had “yelled and cussed at him while he was traveling in the canal behind the resident’s home,” according to a Flagler Beach police report, flipping him off and spraying him and his family with water. Gonzalez, who “appeared intoxicated during his encounter,” according to the report, was not initially interested in pressing charges.
But officer Gaetano Cozzone, who had responded to the call, had determined that Gonzalez “was the instigator and responsible for all the events” in that encounter. That was around 3 p.m.
Not much later officers were again called there on a noise complaint, this time by the resident who’d allegedly flipped off Gonzalez. The resident complained that Gonzalez was going up and down the canal, “blaring music and antagonizing him,” a report states. (Gonzalez was with a woman and two children.) There were repeated such encounters. Neighbors told police they’d witnessed the encounters. The resident told the officer he was aware Gonzalez was an off duty deputy and “he was shocked that he would conduct himself in such a manner. He then stated that if the behavior persisted that he would be making a formal complaint to The Sheriff’s Office.”
After 7 p.m., Gonzalez contacted Cozzone, who’d gone off duty and was home, asking for someone to come out to take down a report. Cozzone told him he needed to call the sheriff’s dispatch center. “Gonzalez demanded that he (the off duty officer) provide him with an on duty officer’s number so he could speak directly to someone working,” a Flagler Beach police report states. Gonzalez was told he’d not be given that information.
Gonzalez called the dispatch center around 7:45 p.m. Because of the number of calls that had already been placed, Gonzalez’s “unknown” intoxication level and the delay between the initial call and his second call, the responding officer–Joseph McCraney–was instructed to have a sheriff’s supervisor with him in his encounter with Gonzalez. Two sheriff’s deputies, including the supervisor, responded, as did McCcarney, who explained to Gonzalez that a report would not be taken. The reasons were that the time that had passed since the incident and the degree of Gozalez’s intoxication. If he wished, Gonzalez was told, he could file one with the State Attorney’s Office.
“Gonzalez made a comment about being brothers (fellow law enforcement officers) trying to persuade this officer to continue with allowing him to file a report and charges on the resident involved,” the officer reported. “Commander [Jon] Welker stepped in to speak with Mr. Gonzalez, who initially spoke calmly with him. Mr. Gonzalez then became upset with everyone on scene, used several expletives and said we were excused. I attempted one last time to inform Mr. Gonzalez that once he sobered up, if he still wished to pursue charges to stop by the police department, but Mr. Gonzalez did not want to hear it and told this officer he was done.”
The sheriff’s internal investigation, completed in June but disclosed only last week, reveals that Gonzales was disrespectful toward Welker to told McCraney, using an expletive, that he could leave because “he was useless and could not believe he was treating a brother officer this way.” The exchange was captured on Welker’s body cam, according to the internal investigation.
Welker later told McCraney that he would document the issue and handle it internally. But Gonzalez called McCraney again at 10:05 p.m., then called the dispatch center at nearly 1 a.m., asking to speak with McCraney. The Flagler Beach officer declined to do so, as instructed earlier.
Two days later Flagler Beach Police Captain Lance Blanchette ordered an investigation into the case, as Gonzalez was still pressing for charges against the resident–only to soon change his mind and drop the matter.
Gonzalez did not necessarily lose time on the job: the disciplinary measure allowed for his 60 hours’ lost pay to be deducted from accumulated leave time. Gonzalez had been named the September 2017 Employee of the Month.
14democracy says
This is coming from a Sheriff that has made extremely poor decision making with taxpayers dollars. One building does not suffice then repeatedly screw us taxpayers with your inept decisions.
And you know I can counter-argument his false claim of decrease in crime it is because he relies on Polls that do NOT include repetitive arrests for same crime so that changes the Narrative. Also Staly spoke disgracefully about a women that died from drug overdose in Bunnell. Do your research.
I AM A REPUBLICAN and not only Staly needs to be kicked out so doesn’t AG Larizzo. It is time for Law to be reformed and and the answer is NOT more LEO’s that enforce antiquated policies that cause harm to minorities. I am a white middle class woman stating this.
amazed says
to 14 democracy: so, your comment has absolutely nothing to do with this article. You just wanted your voice to be heard. Nice to know your race too, not that it matters.
ps Your old County Administrator, deputy admin., and former commissioner screwed us with buying the old hospital, NOT the Sheriff. Do some research before giving opinions not facts.
MRC says
O.k., wait a minute! He was operating an aquatic vehicle while intoxicated? Why was he not ticketed for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, AKA DUI? If this was an ordinary citizen, they surely would have been ticketed. I believe that the “blue privilege” does exist. A little turn of the cheek, refusal to indict, the list goes on from there. For Pete’s sake they have him on camera attempting a little wink, wink, nod, nod! Some people might call this a type of bribe. Staly, you dropped the ball! Do your job and charge him!
DMC says
Yes!!! You are so right…and it wasn’t even brought up 1 time that he was operating a motor vehicle whether it be a car bike boat it doesn’t matter that’s a DUI for anyone else 100% not fair or cool by any means and it definitely needs to be brought to someone’s attention or they just don’t care 🤷🏻♀️ cause it was one of his fellow brother law enforcement officer as he put it! If that was any other regular citizen that breath Elizer test would of been in there mouth within 5 minutes of being on scene! That’s the truth and it’s sad!!!
Steve says
Looks like FCSO LEOs may have some drinking problems. This is the second such instance in a year, then of course we had the stalker by telephone incident. If the LEOs cant find a more constructive outlet for their stress and anxiety and we all understand they are under maximum pressure daily some might want to think about another way to make a living. If the behavior stated is true he acted like a jackass then asked for special treatment which IMO You are Fired.
Concerned Citizen says
I was a LEO for 6 years. And then a FF/EMT for 21. Somehow I made it thru my stressful career with zero disciplinary issues. And retired honorably. But then that’s what we were expected to do.
Now a days they hire people who aren’t ready for the job. Let them committ serious offenses that would get us locked up. Then give them a free pass because of the badge.
Sad really.
DJTrump says
If he was operating a boat he should have been charged with BWI, Sounds like he may have a drinking problem but the “Brotherhood” always seems to protect each other?
Anonymous says
So this individual was operating a vessel while intoxicated and pretty much verbally abused officers and he got suspended for a week and a half with pay. Hmmmm, now if that was me acting like that while intoxicated, I would have been handcuffed and thrown in jail.
Jan Reeger says
FYI just a note ~ see the article. He was suspended WITHOUT pay.
Jimbo99 says
Like others have indicated a BUI was in order here. Both need to be terminated.
Not Mr. Rogers says
I have also witnessed this IDIOT operating his boat up and down the canal blaring LOUD music. He is RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL. I live up the street from this IDIOT. His house always has 3 or 4 other “police brothers” drinking and playing LOUD music every damn weekend. He’s a an ALCOHOLIC and needs to CLEAN UP HIS ACT before someone cleans it up for him.
Concerned Citizen says
You should report this to FDLE.
It’s going to take outside interference in order to get this county cleaned up. This agency continously has issues. And just keeps plugging along like nothing is wrong.
Shark says
He got a worse penalty than the two deputy’s who were responsible for two deaths
C’mon man! says
Give the guy a break. He screwed up and has to deal with the consequences. We all have made bad decisions in our life. At the end of the day he is a human being. We don’t need to take him out back and stone him to death.
Concerned Citizen says
DUI whether on the road or on the water is a choice. A poor one with usually severe consequences. And I have zero sympathy for anyone who commits it. And will tell you why.
Many years ago as a new Deputy just out of the Airforce I was working one night wrapping up my shift. When I got the call that my girlfriend had been involved in a motor vehicle accident and was killed. She was a Nurse at our ER.
She was on the way home and the guy who ended blowing a .16 t boned her running a red light. He never recieved a scratch. And only got 2 years in prison with a bunch oh probation and piddly fines.
This man is a sworn LEO and is held to greater standards than you or I. He has zero respect for the public. And zero respect for his fellow LEO’s. Something that should not ever be tolerated.
This Sheriff just sent a message to the community saying I have double standards. And choose who gets to commit serious offenses. And keep their job.
Mr. Deeds says
Sounds like a coverup to protect a drunk LEO. What do you say Staly?
Concerned Citizen says
As a former LEO and retired FF/EMT
I whole heartedly agree. What say you Sheriff Staly? Why assume the liability for a LEO who has no respect for the badge, fellow citizens,or your agency.
Concerned Citizen says
And the issues with this agency keep piling up.
This Sheriff has some double standard issues. They just had one a while back show up for work at the jail drunk. He ended up loosing his job. Now Staly says hey it’s Ok to ride around boat/car in my county drunk and obnoxious.
DUI is NOT a mistake. It’s a choice and a poor one at that. With usually deadly consequences. I know first hand. Years ago I lost a girl friend who was T-Boned on the way home from work. So I have zero sympathy when I hear about it. YOU chose to get behind the wheel or on a boat.
As a LEO you take an Oath to do your job. You are sworn in to your job. And that holds you to higher standards. And you should conduct yourself accordingly 24/7. This man obviously cannot do that. And has no respect for his community. He should have lost his job.
Our Sheriff needs to rethink his disciplinary procedures. And Chief Doughney needs to raise hell for his officers being disrespected. Stop sweeping shit under the rug because they wear a badge.
Between Commisioners riding around drunk and running over people. And now drunk Deputies wanting to fight. This county is getting dangerous.
Dee says
Makes me rethink moving to Flager Beach area..they need to clean house in police dept.
Know before you type! says
This deputy treated his peers like total garbage and was punished for that behavior, though maybe not harshly enough. Unfortunately as far as the BUI is concerned, unless him actually operating the boat was observed by law enforcement he can not be charged with it. This should be common knowledge, but as always people who do not understand the law have to add their “unprofessional opinion” that does not fall within the bounds of the law. Don’t get me wrong, I wish he would have been caught operating and arrested for his actions. It’s guys like this that give LEO that do the right thing a bad wrap. The few employees at the Sheriff’s Office that slip through the cracks or make poor decisions do not reflect the majority of the men and women that serve this community in a daily basis.
XL Panties says
Being a cop in Flagler is arguably the easiest, least stressful law enforcement job in the state. And if this little ole rinky dink geriatric republican white folks county is too stressful for you, then no doubt you’re in the absolute wrong line of work.
No, I suspect this guy is just your regular run of the mill large type asshole with a Napoleon complex, cop or no cop, liquor or no liquor. Send him packing before he continues to make other non-asshole non-drunken cops look bad in this cakewalk county.
C’mon man! says
@XL panties. You’re an idiot if you think police work in Flagler county, or anywhere is easy and not stressful.
Al says
What do politics or race have to do with this story ???? Your reply says more about you than the deputy.
Concerned says
Why was he not arrested and fired? He loses 60 hours vacation
Pay anyone else would have been arrested.?
How many people have been arrested by this guy because they did not bow down to him? Put the body cam footage out for everyone to see.