He was alone. No family, no friends, no character witnesses, not even a parent had turned up for Giuseppe Verdone’s sentencing to life in prison this afternoon in Flagler County Circuit Court.
Verdone, 24, will not see another day’s freedom. Circuit Judge J. David Walsh sentenced him to life without parole on two counts each, and to 30 years each on two other counts.
Verdone declined to address the court before sentence. Other than a steely look, he would show no emotions.
Often at such sentencings, the family of the convicted take advantage of the opportunity–a unique feature of American law, distinct from that of other countries with the exception of Australia–that allows direct pleas to the court to show at least some mercy, perhaps by allowing parole after so many years, or reducing the maximum number of years tacked on to the sentence. The victim or the family of the victim get the same opportunity to argue the other way, if they so wish–or to call for mercy, too. Sentencing hearings can turn into summary recreations of the trial, with the prosecution and defense restating their case to influence the judge’s decision.
Not in this case. The courtroom was almost empty except for reporters, staffers from the State Attorney’s office, who frequently turn up at sentencing hearings in case their office has won, and a couple of other people (among them a judge). When Verdone walked in, shackled hand and foot and wearing a red jail jumpsuit, he looked at the pews in the courtroom, perhaps scanning for the presence of anyone he might recognize. His family may have given up some time back: Verdone’s mother and two brothers live in Palm Coast’s B-Section. They had cooperated with police in the investigation, leading to Giuseppe’s arrest, as detailed in his arrest report. They had not attended his trial. They were not at his sentencing.
Such hearings can take a few hours, because of the list of witnesses who speak on behalf of the convicted. In this case, the hearing stretched on because Verdone’s attorney, public defender Reggina Nunnally, argued that some of the counts against him raised double jeopardy issue. The judge agreed in one case, dropping the lesser of five counts.
Nunnally also on June 26 filed a motion for a new trial, listing six reasons. Walsh denied all six. Nunnally had argued that “the weight of the evidence and credibility of the witness is inconsistent with the verdict.” Questioning his memory, Nunnally was referring to the victim of Verdone’s crime, Ming Gong, who only spoke Mandarin in court, and had his testimony translated by two interpreters. Walsh disagreed, saying the testimony was not in any way “manufactured.” Nunnally also raised issues about the validity of the interpreters, suggesting they were biased, and would “converse” during cross-examination. The judge did not buy the argument, noting that, if the interpreters were conversing with the witness, rather than translating, the defense should have raised the issue immediately. Nunnally also argued that the jury was prejudiced by incidents that took place in St. Johns County–even though they were related to the case at hand. The judge said the St. Johns events were “inextricably” linked to the case, and could therefore not be prejudicial to the jury.
That left formalities before the actual sentencing: the certification that Verdone’s fingerprints are, in fact, his own, and that he was a previously convicted felon (which plays into the increased severity of the sentence he faced today).
Verdone was convicted last month on five charges, including robbery with a firearm, kidnapping and aggravated battery and burglary with assault and battery. The kidnapping charge alone is a life felony, making the other charges’ outcome more technical, absent a decision by the judge to impose consecutive rather than concurrent sentences. Verdone had carjacked and brutalized Ming Gong, owner of a Chinese restaurant and one of its delivery drivers. Verdone had impersonated an officer to deceive Gong as part of an elaborate scheme to take his car and drive north with an underage girl. The prosecution asked for two life sentences and two 30-year sentences.
Just after 4 p.m., Walsh pronounced sentence, and imposed fines and fees of close to $1,000, though he reduced all fees and costs to civil judgments. Verdone has 30 days to appeal.
“His recklessness was indicative of a career criminal whose behavior was escalating more violently,” the prosecutor, Assistant State Attorney Christy Opsahl, said after the verdict.
Anonymous says
What a waste of a life. I hope his victims will find peace and relief. And I hope Mr. Verdone manages to find some remnant of redemption where he is going. Tragic.
Greg says
This case was a perfect example of why police SHOULD chase. If they run, crash ’em! This guy would have gone on hurting or killing people if he’d not been caught. Good job guys and girls.
LawAbidingCitizen says
another one bites the dust. I don’t hope anything for this one. his records show he was getting increasingly worse with his crimes. He, without a care in the world almost killed a man, then took a minor across state lines and broke numerous laws in multiple states. another one of the streets for good… KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK FLAGLER COUNTY COURT SYSTEM AND S.A.O
to muchima miss you says
This man is my cousin . he at one point was a great person but drungs and stupid disitions can cause u to do crazy things
blondee says
Yes “stupid” being the key word.
fairjustice says
This young man suffers from mental illness, he never murdered a human being, this is not justice millions of american families suffer from mental illness. Why did this judge sentence a mentally ill person to two life sentences!!!!! This is unacceptable and cruel and unusual punishment. The media should make a stink about a person who is ill getting such a severe punishment. Joey comes from a great family he is just mentally ill jail is not the answer he needs help!!!!!
JusticeforAmerica says
This is INJUSTICE!!! Shame on the judge for sentencing a mentally i’ll individual to 2 life sentences in prison. An American Mentally ill young person who didnot kill anyone. This sentence is unacceptable, Mr Verdone deserves to be rehabilitated and needed proper care due to his mental health. Florida is full of pedophiles who rape an kill children none one of those countless perps get double life! Is this America or is this a third world sentence. Where is NAMI this deserves tbe attention of Reform Alliance formed by Meek Mills. This is definitely not an appropriate sentence. Drugs, alcohol mental illness is such a part of every community these days, rehabilitations and medicine instead of life in prison!! Justice for Joseph Verdone!!!! He is a human being , who needs help due to his mental illness not this severe inhumane sentence. Wow! Serial killers in America got off more easy,and the perps who rape kids in Catholic churches. Are we the only ones seeing a problem here?! Justice for Joseph. Rehabilitation not double life inprison! Thank you.