Gerald McCaskell of Bunnell has a long prison record: five separate prison stints between 1990 and 2015, totaling 14 years. The 51-year-old resident of 200 East Booe Street in Bunnell was back at the Flagler County jail Saturday, on $100,000 bond, following an accusation that he stabbed and gravely injured a 54-year-old Palm Coast man with a serrated blade during a street fight that evening.
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies and Bunnell police officers were dispatched to 200 E Booe at 7:15 p.m. on June 25. Mccaskell was in the residence when they arrived, was ordered out and secured.
The alleged victim was in a Flagler County Fire Rescue ambulance and “being treated for a large left abdominal cut,” according to McCaskell’s arrest report. The victim blamed McCaskell, saying it was the result of a fight. He was then transported to AdventHealth Palm Coast, where police reported him to be in stable condition.
McCaskell spoke to authorities after being read his rights. He said a friend of his, a 60-year-old Bunnell resident, had just arrived for a visit when the alleged victim stopped in the roadway “and began yelling and challenging” McCaskell to fight him, according to his arrest report. “The two got into a physical fight and the defendant and victim were exchanging blows when the victim,” the report continues, “went back to his truck and reached into his toolbox.” McCaskell said he didn’t know what the other man was reaching for. So he said he picked up a tin can lid from the street “and used it in a slashing motion and slashed the victim’s stomach area.”
The victim, according to McCaskell, then got into his truck and drove off. McCaskell went back to his house until ordered out by law enforcement.
Law enforcement searched the area, but the search turned up neither blood nor the weapon allegedly used in the roadway. “Furthermore,” the report states, “deputies on scene who observed the victim’s wound advised the wound did not appear to be consistent with the type of weapon that the defendant says he used during the attack.”
McCaskell faces a second degree felony charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
McCaskell served prison time for armed robbery, aggravated assault and burglary, among other charges. In 2018 he was charged with four counts of aggravated assault when he allegedly fired a gun at three individuals on South Moore Street in Bunnell. Six weeks later, the State Attorney’s Office dropped all the charges. He was last imprisoned for four years, a sentence ending in August 2015, upon being found guilty of driving on a suspended license and fleeing cops.
South Bunnell has been the scene of repeat violence since the beginning of the year, with two murders, drive-by shootings, and now a stabbing.
Skipper says
McCaskell’s been a psycho since we were teenagers. If you ever ran into him in public you’d easily notice the expressionless, empty eye glazed over look he projects.
Passiondove says
How dare you say some bullshit like this about my cousin..I mean we’re you raised around me or lived in his home? Until then keep the negative energy to yourself
Skipper says
Number one, my comment wasn’t about YOU¡ And two, your whole comment sums up your fragility. Negative energy is repeatedly being a threat to the community, ending up in news for violent arrest. Grow up.
Passiondove says
When it comes too any of my love ones I’m gonna correct whomever.two I wasn’t speaking nothing negative at all with no type of negative energy.. you’re the one that’s up here judging my cousin. But,you know one thing.. God said in the good Bible those who you find ignorant leave them ignorant..farther than the community dude or ma’am I do not socialize with others in this world nor do I associate around people that always judging and criticize. So,try reading the Bible before judging? No threat here
The ORIGINAL land of no turn signals says
Knew him when he worked at Planet Fitness years ago was great to talk to, was and still the best cleaner they ever hired.
Mike Tyson says
Sooooo, he gets rolled up on by a hothead talking smack, he stands his ground, the chump talking trash gets hits in the mouth and drives away and goes crying to the cops, and now he’s the one arrested for felonies and given 100k bond? No evidence of a stabbing at the scene. No knife or otherwise recovered.
Why do I get the feeling if this were a white middle aged fella in a section of Palm Coast this whole scenario is flipped around and this becomes a classic stand your ground case?
Eye says
I know him very well. Nice guy, with a temper and selfish. Prison culture messed up the guy. He Loves to fight if he feels disrespected. Very poor anger management skills when frustrated. There is no reasoning with him if he’s upset and he will be stubborn. Nice guy when he’s happy, but he will turn on you quick. I’ve learned to not trust him, and be cautious. You know when someone has potential but can’t get out of their own way.
The Geode says
LOL You keep contradicting your “nice guy” mantra. Even YOU don’t believe he’s a nice guy. which he obviously AIN’T!
Geezer says
Aye, Mr. McCaskell—yer kerfuffle will cost you.
Steve says
He should never have been out on the Streets another Gods gift to Bunnell