By LeeAnn Hall
In cities and in rural areas, in red states and blue states, most residents want cleaner and more connected communities. Public transit — including trains, buses, and dial-a-ride services — and accessible walking and bike routes give us healthy, clean, and affordable ways for everyone to get where they need to go.
But for too long, policymakers have sold us the false choice that we must fund highways above all else. They continue to waste billions of our tax dollars on highway expansion projects that pollute our air and increase traffic, instead of funding sidewalks, safe biking routes, and robust public transportation options. This has resulted in a system where most people must drive for every trip to meet their daily needs.
It doesn’t have to be this way. This spring’s Earth Day celebrations gave us the opportunity to step back, imagine our future, and commit to the changes that get us there. And to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stave off the worst effects of climate change, we must address the elephant in the room: transportation.
The transportation sector is the largest source of U.S. climate pollution — and 80% of transportation emissions come from the cars and trucks on our roads. It’s one of the only major sectors where emissions are still rising.
The good news is that a shift in transportation funding priorities will not only clean our air, it will also improve our lives in nearly every dimension. A new analysis from the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that by funding real transportation choices and reducing the amount we need to drive, we can create healthier, more connected communities while reducing harmful emissions.
If we expanded transportation options and reduced the miles that people need to drive by 30 percent by 2050, that would free up a lot of money in our wallets to spend on the things we need. On average, each household would save more than $3,000 a year from reduced fuel, maintenance, and depreciation costs for their vehicles. If better transportation choices allowed families to go from owning two cars to one, it would save them $12,000 per year!
And it would clean our air by reducing harmful emissions — by up to 3,100 megatons of greenhouse gasses. That’s the same as preventing emissions from almost 8,000 natural gas-fired plants.
The tide is starting to turn. Recently, federal legislation was introduced to provide more operational funds to transit. This would help many transit agencies across the country that are facing fiscal shortfalls invest in more services, run more routes, and increase the frequency of trains and buses. The bill, the “Stronger Communities Through Better Transit Act” introduced by Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA), already has more than 100 co-sponsors.
And this momentum cannot come fast enough. The reality is the climate crisis isn’t coming — it’s here. We see it around us everyday. From record heat to stronger storms, it impacts everything from our economy to our national security.
And we need to act now.
We need to raise our voices together to demand our leaders fully fund transit, biking, and walking instead of expanding highways. This will connect and improve our neighborhoods, have a positive economic impact, and protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we call home for generations to come.
LeeAnn Hall directs Just Strategy’s National Campaign For Transit Justice.
Irked says
Justice? How about this… Just keep your hand off my money.
There is nowhere enough density any where around us to justify mass transit.
JOE D says
When I was considering retirement locations, Flagler Beach ticked off most of the boxes 1) coastal 2) beach, but not “beachy” 3) close to multiple attractions, but quiet if you want it. 4) easy access to highways to go back and visit the family back home 5) Something I could afford (at least back THEN) all except 6) NO PUBLIC transportation if I wasn’t driving ….still hasn’t been solved!
So, when I can’t safely drive, I’ve only got cabs and Uber to choose from.
Americans are in love with their cars and trucks. INDEPENDENCE! We can come and go as we wish to wherever we choose. No mass transit for me!
I am not a fan of Mass Transit. I love having my own car/truck. I can go where I want, when I want. No need for a Transit Schedule or overcrowding
JimboXYZ says
There are too many holes in the article. Who will be allowed the freedom to travel at will with an automobile ? Biden won’t give up his gas guzzling Corvette will he ? Take money out of the equation and when they won’t insure your car, that’s grand theft auto. Just like the unaffordable to outright unwilling to underwrite for home owner’s insurance thing is a property theft of mortgage foreclosure. Eventually, gouging & extortions will result for transportation, insurance, fuel prices. They will raise prices to justify what they take. They will also raise rents for a roof over your head, food, etc.. We’ve had a good look at 3+ years under it for Biden-Harris. Trump was lowering prices. Certain people can’t stop their breeding ways to overpopulate and the border crisis is indicative of that invasion. Instant families migrating, redistributed over planet Earth.
Forego using a car, they’ll do everything in their power(s) to use that fact to take your freedom to commute away from you. And the saddest part, they don’t factor in age as the population gets older & won’t be able to walk to the bus station for that ride. Look at NYC,what a mess there ? Cabs everywhere, crime at stations & on board that mass transportation system. And when does that mass transit system become too expensive to operate 24/7 ? They’ll shut that service route down, yet there won’t be a cost reduction. Transportation will become more & more unaffordable, like it always has. Those EV’s & even ICEV new cars, those aren’t getting cheaper, are they ?
I’m the last one that indiscriminantly drives everywhere. I ride that bicycle whenever possible. There are others like me that do so. I doubt LeeAnn Hall logs the miles on a bicycle every year like I do. She’s that knitted vagina hat protestor type that was doing that under Obama as save the planet cause was also an issue of Bush-Obama recession & collapse. We all know who the individuals are that continue to overpopulate. We also know who have the gas guzzlers, the one’s that drive the biggest polluters, energy wasters. Those tire marks on the streets, those are evidence of the fuel wasters & grossest polluters on planet Earth at the individual level. Until they grow up, do their part for reducing traffic, pollution, etc.. These Save the Planet types need to call those folks out first before going after the rest of us for our car keys ? And all the one’s that travel using mass transit, do they really need to see another part of the planet in their lifetimes ? Funny that Biden was going to save the planet and the exact opposite has happened. More people, more pollution. Growth hasn’t paid for it, gouging & inflation has. Only thing Biden is committing is hat everyone else has to suffer inconvenience. Biden can’t even ride a bike without falling down & crashing. I can go on with more, but I think anyone that read this far can figure out my position on it.
Mothersworry says
Are you serious?? Gas guzzling Corvette? He doesn’t drive it. Anyway it is a 1965 or 66. They get around 20+mpg.
Now let’s look at Trump since you seem to want to turn this into a political session. He’s running around in a damn big ass plane. Now, that’s an economical way to go.
Regarding mass transportation. It works in large cities provided it receives federal funding. I am unaware of any mass trans system that turns a profit. Remember the freight railroads got rid of their passenger service as it was unprofitable.
JimboXYZ says
Here you go, 20 mpg in an old Vette, I doubt it ? Is that driving with a hurricane tailwind ?
Mothersworry says
Interesting link. I’d invite you to read the column to the right of the top graph for some real world figures.
Actually Biden’s vette get’s great mileage. As president he is not permitted to drive. Factor in he will not be able to drive it for another 4 years after he is reelected. That’s some tough mileage to beat.
feddy says
Well don’t forget John Kerry flying everywhere on the governments dime. And Biden is not flying anywhere? As far as guzzling corvette getting around 20 MPG, lucky if it gets 15 MPG and that’s babying it.
NJ says
Totally AGREE, but you failed to mention that Communist China(which has started a NEW Cold War against America’s and it’s Allies) and India who the largest countries DESTROYING the Climate!! Both continue to build Coal Burning Power Plants! Also, Communist( China REFUSES to SIGN any Nuclear Weapons Limitation Agreement, has DESTROYED Coral Reefs in the South China Sea to build Island Military Bases, etc, etc! American Appeasement Policy will NEVER get Comminist China and India to STOP Destroying the Climate!!
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
I’ve had this conversation with so many people, most recently today. Palm Coast and Flagler Beach are not being developed the right way — not even close. We’re in a dead zone. If you want to shop for anything nice, you have to drive to the next county. Trains or planes? Next county. It’s so disappointing that we miss out every time. If a Sunrail spur could be built to Flagler County, or even Daytona, it would be a huge boon to the area. Palm Coast has a town center that looks like the Mojave Desert — a movie theater and nondescript apartment buildings. Big whoop. Flagler County should hire someone very experienced in visiting with corporate heads in other states about relocating or opening branches here, especially IT firms that are looking for areas in tax-free states with room for building a campus. If high-paying jobs came here, high-end real estate would follow and the additional real estate taxes would pay for new schools. But no matter what, we do need some form of public transportation.
Mothersworry says
Actually Sunrail being extended into Flagler County would cost the taxpayer more in tax’s than it’s worth. When the grant runs out the cities and towns or the counties will be responsible to pay for it. The current grant runs out shortly. It should be interesting how things moves ahead with local funding.
Atwp says
Jimbo, will the Republicans give up their gas eating cars?
Bluebird says
Kentucky Derby today had over 150 mill and Billionaires fly in on their private Jets . They want us to use public transportation. Get lost .
Deborah Coffey says
Yes, yes, yes! It is such a pleasure being in Europe where mass transit is almost everywhere. It’s cheap, easy and fast. We are decades behind the world in this area. Embarrassingly so.
Pogo says
Agree, but — fatally so, is more precise. The next lords (six legs: head, thorax, and abdomen) of the planet are patiently waiting.
Greg says
I live in the R section. Handicapped, can only walk about 50 feet. So I guess they will run a bus line or train line in the R section? Without a car, I would be stuck home 24/7.
JimboXYZ says
Perfect timing for this article. This is the problem of the Biden mandates for unaffordable transportation. This is what happens when he government provides the commuter with transportation. Brightline to more than triple commuter rates for Summer 2024. anyone trust Biden & the government on anything that matters ? Consider yourselves warned yet again. 3+ years is the man’s track record, who in their right mind would give him 4 more year’s to finish the job ?