The Friends of A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway, Inc. are pleased to announce the official selection of the A1A All-American Road student logo design contest.
Flagler Palm Coast High School student Michael Baskin’s digital art design was selected from more than 20 submissions for the contest. Guests to the All-American Road dedication ceremony in late March were asked to vote on their favorites with the top three selections presented to the Friends of A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway for the final selection and approval.
Baskin, a student of Flagler Palm Coast High School advanced digital arts instructor Ed Beckett, was recognized with a $100 cash award, engraved certificate, and framed copy of his design, presented by Friends of A1A Board of Directors President Bill McClure.
The A1A All-American Road student logo design will be sent to the Florida Department of Transportation for review and installation at strategic locations along the A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway.
“I’m always impressed by the talent in Flagler County and this year has proven that point once again,” said McClure. “The students and teachers from Flagler Palm Coast High School are such delightful and talented people. It was my honor to present this year’s best of the best.”
Students of Beckett participate in a number of charitable design events including the Friends of A1A’s Kids Ocean Day Florida poster contest of which Sophia Young was selected as the “People’s Choice” for 2022 and Apple Eaton was recognized as the 2022 “Official Event Selection”. Kids Ocean Day Florida was held at Anastasia State Park on Earth Day, April 22, 2022.
“I love having the kids work on projects like the A1A logo project and the Kids Ocean Day Florida poster project. It’s wonderful to have the kids compete in the friendly competition, and it’s amazing that they could get picked to have their posters printed and advertising an amazing event like the Kids Ocean Day Florida or having their logo chosen to be put on signs all along A1A. These awards are unbelievably great things to put on their resumes,” said Beckett.
The byway was designated as an USDOT All-American Road in 2021, nearly two decades after earning designation as a USDOT National Scenic Byway in 2002.

Karen says
Very creative. Thank you. Congratulations to your teacher too who is probably a very motivating force to his students. Karen
Anglea Biggs says
Congrats to Michael! Great job on the logo.
suggestion says
The Ocean is on the wrong side of the road if one were to drive South on A1A towards the rising sun, the Ocean would be on your Left. Just saying . Great Logo Otherwise!
Jillene Hamill-Wilson says
Driving NORTH towards St. Augustine Lighthouse the ocean is on the right…the sun rises in the east…? 🤔
Jillene Hamill-Wilson says
Great design! It’s good to see the students doing real life work! Congratulations to the student and teacher!