
By Diane Roberts
Welcome to Florida! We’re glad to have you. If you’re white.
Black people are such a lot of trouble, aren’t they, always demanding “equal justice” and voting rights and AP classes blaming white people for stuff like slavery and lynching and whatever.
They get a whole month to talk about Martin Luther King: What more do they want?
But they keep going on marches and demanding we talk about racism as if we haven’t solved that.
There are actual black quarterbacks now, so what’s the problem?
Welcome to Florida! We love families. Except ones with trans kids. If you have trans kids, slap some sense into them before you move here. If your boy thinks he’s a girl, take him hunting. Nothing like a little bloodletting to teach a young fellow how to be a man.
Anyway, your weirdo kid isn’t getting hormones and puberty-blockers or anything that gives dudes bosoms. Not in Florida. Our crack team of medical experts, hand-picked by our crack governor and led by an awesome surgeon general who knows vaccines are terrible for you, refuse to kowtow to elitist “doctors.”
Yeah, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association claim those drugs keep kids from killing themselves, and woke doctors say 40 percent of trans-type people have tried suicide, but everyone knows National Institutes of Health spews out fake news.
So much drama: The mother of one of these mixed-up kids actually said, “I don’t want this board to make me bury my daughter or force me to have to leave this state.”
Lady, please. Get your kid to enlist: The army will straighten her out.
Bring your guns
Welcome to Florida! You have guns, don’t you? Florida loves a good gun or 50. Soon you can pack that heat in your waistband or down your bra without a permit or training! That’s liberty!
You don’t like guns? Go live in some wussy place like Australia.
Welcome to Florida! But leave the “science” back in New York or Michigan or whichever Yankee state you came from. We don’t need it here. We trust in God to fix everything from COVID to bunions.
The climate change freaks are the worst. A few little hurricanes wreck a bunch of buildings and drown some islands, and they start hollering about rising seas, warming water, eroding coastlines, and the like when we all know storms are caused by the Lord’s displeasure at the presence of homosexuals in our fair state.
And if we weren’t meant to build condos close to the water, the Lord wouldn’t have created beach renourishment.
We’re glad everyone is moving here. Except for the ones who read books. It’s a known fact that books give you ideas, and ideas will only upset you.
Some books are acceptable: ones on how to build your own church or our governor’s new memoir, “The Courage To Be Free” (only 50 bucks for an autographed copy on Amazon!), or, naturally, the Holy Bible.
Maybe not all of the Bible. Not the part about Lot and those rapey daughters of his. Or King David, who got up to no good with some other guy’s wife. Or The Song of Solomon where things get pretty racy: all that “thy breasts are like two young fawns” and all that about him getting to “the mountain of myrrh” and the “hill of frankincense.”
There must be a version of the Good Book without the hoochie-mama stuff.
So free
Florida wants all you freedom-loving Americans to come on down. We are so, so free! Unless you’re a woman and think you should have “control” over your own body.
It’s not your body: It belongs to your future offspring. If you get pregnant and want an abortion, tough. We’ve got a 15-week ban right now, but that’ll soon going to be tightened up to damn near nothing.
Don’t think you can weasel out of having that baby just because it might kill you, either. Or because the baby’s going to die anyway. God didn’t promise Eve an easy ride.
If that bothers you, maybe don’t have sex? Like, ever?
If you have had sex and accidentally produced a kid or two, and you move to Florida, don’t expect them to have free government school. That’s the wrong kind of freedom.
We’re getting rid of public school.
We’re going to give everybody vouchers so they can go to private Jesus school, where they won’t be exposed to gayness, transness, wokeism, Marxism, feminism, multiculturalism, and all the other isms except Christianism and Americanism.
Sure, poor people won’t be able to afford private Jesus school, since they’ll have to pay the difference between the voucher and the real tuition. Not to mention the cost of those cute uniforms.
Sure, this will cost Florida taxpayers at least $600 million a year and some public schools will probably shut down, but come on: It’s worth it, just to get rid of woke teachers and their woke books making precious white children feel bad.
Speaking of children, why do you think our Legislature passed the “Don’t Say Gay” law? We know what you sickos want. As the governor’s spokesbabe said, if you’re against the bill, “you are probably a groomer.”
No liberals required
Stay out of Florida, you rainbow flag-waving, interior-decorating, iced coffee-drinking friends of Dorothy.
Florida wants you! But not if you’re a lib. That goes double if you’re from California.
As the governor says, “There’s a class of voters who would come to Florida, and they would continue to vote the same way.”
Democrat, in other words.
People who think they’re entitled to Social Security. People who believe health care is a right. People who want to save the planet. Who think it’s OK to speak Spanish — here in Florida! Who say women should get equal pay. Who don’t think money is more important than anything else. Who tolerate gays, feminists, cross-dressers, tree-huggers, drag queens, equity, and diversity.
People who read books.
Florida is not for you.
But if you take pleasure in lib-owning, professor-kicking, trans-torturing, and forced birth, Florida welcomes you.
Come for the cruelty, stay for the wholesale oppression.
Diane Roberts is an 8th-generation Floridian, born and bred in Tallahassee. Educated at Florida State University and Oxford University in England, she has been writing for newspapers since 1983, when she began producing columns on the legislature for the Florida Flambeau. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Times of London, the Guardian, the Washington Post, the Oxford American, and Flamingo. She has been a member of the Editorial Board of the St. Petersburg Times–back when that was the Tampa Bay Times’s name–and a long-time columnist for the paper in both its iterations. She was a commentator on NPR for 22 years and continues to contribute radio essays and opinion pieces to the BBC. Roberts is also the author of four books.
Laurel says
I’m boycotting Walgreens, the chicken shits.
Deborah Coffey says
Me, too!
Ann Williams says
Exactly! I am doing the same. If Walgreens doesn’t have the nerve to standup to the right wing Fascists’ here in Florida, they don’t deserve to have my business. And, I shop there frequently. I am going to let the CEO of Walgreens know if this is their plan; I will no longer shop in their stores. It is the epitome of hypocrisy to deny food stamps for poor children, take away their healthcare, put them in substandard schools, push many of them to the streets; yet, force women to have children they can’t support.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Excellent! Most of it is spot on except the California part, many California tags running around here now with ‘Cons leaving for the State of “Freedom!”. They’ll find out out later they’ve been duped by another con man.
DGS says
CA population decreasing by millions and FL increasing by millions. What is most interesting is the fact that minorities are flocking to FL. Have a nice day.
Joe D says
Duped by the “No STATE Income tax” ILLUSION. What they don’t say is: sky high rents and home prices, homeowners insurance that costs as much ( or MORE) than your MORTGAGE ( IF you can find a company willing to STAY in Florida….have had 2 companies drop my coverage in 3 years…even though NO CLAIMS and a poured concrete, 8 ft elevated almost hurricane “proof” home…now searching for a third insurance Company! Then there’s the Electric utility costs and unfathomable water fees…..plus the LOCAL sales taxes jurisdictions can (and do) add to the state sales tax. Fees that when added up, can MORE than cover the “savings” of no STATE income taxes.
And don’t get me STARTED on the OPPRESSIVE POLITICAL climate since 2018!!!
The BEAUTIFUL Florida environment and entertainment/retirement advantages that drew me to my DREAM Flagler Beach home are quickly turning to dust….
And VOTERS keep putting the same type of people in charge of their pocketbooks….and their PRIVATE lives!
Enough says
Love the article. Just exposes what DUH Santis is all about: a bigot who is so dramatically afraid of educated people knowing they are wise to him and his antics. I keep wondering what we are “free” from? We pay high homeowners rates from whatever insurance companies are daring to remain here; we pay high rental costs while working class people are still making minimum wage; we have an extremely high crime rate using guns in this state, and yet, we have a governor who is pushing to have a concealed weapon provision with no permit, background check or training. (and you know his jellyfish will approve it). We thought there was gun violence before? Wait. We “ain’t” seen nothing yet!!
What are parents afraid of? Didn’t they have the “freedom” to do what they felt was right for their children all along, or did this governor have to tell them that this was supposed to be their responsibility all along? Most likely, 99% of these kids are around gay people, have read the books that these idiots want banned, etc. Why? Because, when you tell someone they can’t have something, they want it more. Right? Didn’t you do the same thing?
Why doesn’t this governor work with his city officials on resolving problems instead of blaming them for everything that doesn’t go the way he wants it to? Because he has no idea how to resolve any major issue. He went after Disney because they spoke out on all people have equal rights; but Ronny didn’t like that a major corporation went against him; and by the way, Disney pays more than their fair share of taxes to this state contrary to what Ronny lies about.
Get the facts folks!! Understand that the guy you love so much as governor is a con artist, just like his beloved Trump. And the ONLY thing you art is a check mark next to his name on a ballot. Smarten up!!
TR says
You say we need to get the facts. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror before you tell others to do something and take your own advice. For one you are dead wrong about what you posted about the gun rules. Buying a gun from a private owner will stay the same with or without a permit. But buying a gun from a dealer will require a back round check just like it does now. The only difference will be that responsible law bidding citizens will not have to have a permit to carry a gun on their person.
The other facts you need to get straight is about the homeowner rates. If you think ours are high, try looking into other states (I’m talking about the blue states) and then do a comparison. I have a 2000 sq. ft. home here and it’s on a corner lot and pay less than $1000.00 a year and am well covered. If I had the same thing in lets say New York, New Jersey, or California I would be paying almost $15,000.
So maybe if this state is so bad it’s time for you to think about moving where you will find something better, Good Luck.
Denali says
Would love to see that policy. $1,000 per year premium and “well covered”? Why do I find that hard to believe? Share the company name, I am sure they would love more business . . .
TR says
Insurance com. name is Florida Family Home insurance company. Been with them for over 30+ yrs. But I doubt new customers rates will be like mine.
Ann Williams says
You have to be kidding. Florida by far is paying the highest Homeowner Insurance in the country. Right now, residents in Florida are getting even bigger shocks when the HO insurance becomes due. In many cases, people are saying their HO insurance is doubling and in some cases even more than that. Instead of DeSantis being more concerned about becoming the Dictator of the US; he needs to focus on the serious problems impacting Floridians everyday. Here is one of many articles about what is going on in Florida right now with HO insurance: https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/southeast/2022/06/24/673331.htm
JustBeNice says
Laurel says
TR: Oh, it’s the old “if you don’t like it, move” bull again. Tedious.
“The only difference will be that responsible law bidding citizens will not have to have a permit to carry a gun on their person.” Please, do tell, how does the state determine “…responsible law bidding [sic] citizens…?”
TR says
Ahhhhhhh ones that have never been arrested for anything for starters.
JSM says
Your situation is not typical in FL anymore. I have seen and heard the outrage of many people in my area, most of them new. DeSatan is “raping” is constituents bareback! Some, a pretty small minority I might add; including my own mother, have not been affected similarly. That doesn’t automatically make anyone that speaks out against the facist nazis “in charge” of this state liars!
“Bad people don’t win, not finally, no matter how loud they are.”
Jessie Guzman says
I couldn’t agree more.
I lived in NJ and hated where I lived so I moved here to Florida. Try doing the same, you don’t like it here move out.
Joe D says
Homeowners insurance at $1000/ year??? Let me know THAT company’s name! My 1150 sq ft 2 bedroom, 1.5 bedroom, poured concrete 8 ft elevated townhouse is $4300, and that was BEFORE the 2 recent hurricanes that only did minor ( no insurance claims…but being cancelled for the 2nd time in 3 years…companies leaving Florida) and now have to find a 3rd company by July 1! Only GOD knows what the price will be this year….IF I can find any company offering COVERAGE!
PS: my BLUE STATE, Maryland house which is LARGER…was $2800 in similar insurance coverage…and from the same original company who dropped my Flagler Beach coverage….so you might want to re-check YOUR statistics….
george aleman says
Ah yes god forbid Florida has standards, California is for the people that’s why the homeless population runs rampant, drug abuse is out of control and forcing kids to have sex changes because they like paying with toys of the opposite sex. Yea I’m sorry but sometimes the father knows best not the comforting mom
Enough says
Forcing kids to have sex changes? That’s not only totally false, but an absurd statement!! Maybe you should check to see the drugs running rampant in Florida; take a look at the homeless under I95 underpasses in Florida. Open your eyes my friend; if anything, Florida has very poor standards and this leadership is doing NOTHING about it. Wise up!!
Janet Sullivan says
Thank you for printing Diane Roberts.
Justbob says
Perfect. It supports the contention that in Florida it’s not the humidity it’s the stupidity.
Deborah Coffey says
You make my day, Diane! Never stop writing.
Rick G says
Free State of Florida???? Oh the irony of it all…
Tracy says
You are an embarrassment to Florida and the United States. No morals nor values. You “woke” people who think it’s OK to teach children in elementary school about sex, help minor children get drugs to take to help them change their biological gender, which is impossible, and hide it from their parents ought to be arrested for child abuse. No guns you cry, how are we suppose to protect ourselves in our own homes from the many criminals today? You want everything for free. You want something you work for it and pay for it yourself. Not anyone’s fault but you’re own that you made a poor decision when ìt came to college and your career. Should have done better research but no you want others to pay off your school loans. Bunch of lazy, self- entitled people that are making America worse than it’s ever been. Yes, that’s right Florida is a strong Conservative state and we plan on staying that way.
Ann Williams says
Wow, your putting out word salad right from FOX News and other extreme right wing media.
Heathen lady says
Bla, bla, bla.
Why don’t you just admit it – you LIKE living in a fascist theocracy, under a bully dictator.
Bill C says
Very Trumpy! He’s a loser. Here’s what he said on 3/4/23 at CPAC: “For those who have been wronged or betrayed I am your retribution.” That’s the Trumpist agenda- anger, hostility, self pity, blaming others for their own shortcomings, just like his big lie that he only lost the election because of voter fraud, not his own failure. Retribution is not a winning policy or a solution to personal or national problems.
Laurel says
Tracy: I believe that you neither understand the definition of “woke” nor the history of “conservatism.” You really need to change the channel that is seriously misinforming you, and start doing a little research.
What you have written here is offensive to people , most of whom do care and do have morals and values, which you do not seem to understand.
Florida will not stay as crazy, and oppressive, as it is now becoming. I’ve live here all my life, a long time, and I have a little more faith in the people here, and people in general.
Deborah Coffey says
FOX “fake news” LIES! We’ve got it all in court and all in writing now. FOX thinks you’re very, very stupid.
Support Our Teachers says
She is Johnny-on-the-spot! I love her commentary! It’s sad that it is about DerSantis…oh sorry, I mean DeSantis. Somebody has to stop this madness.
Jimbo99 says
Another outstanding article by Diane Roberts.
George Elder says
Lived there for 6 years… Glad a Floridian sees it…
A Sar decendant
What Else Is New says
Who’s afraid of DeSantis, the courage to be free guy? He has absolutely no courage. Hides behind his silly sycophant legislators passing freedom stuff like more guns to brandish about, stripping women of abortion rights, possibly fining those who write blogs against D. As well, his school boards are freely banning books. Teachers and librarians are covering shelves for fear of being fined if the wrong book is displayed. Rise up, teachers! Don’t allow this Dystopian to take away your professional freedom. The union-buster free guy wants to rid Florida of Public Schools. Horace Mann is not happy. No one is free in Florida. It is 1984.
Jim Horton says
Jackson1955 says
History is filled with examples of great civilizations that turned inward and embraced religious dogma… they all either collapsed or sank into centuries long downward spirals of stagnation and decay.
Linda says
Nailed it.
Wow says
I felt sad when driving home to my little town of Flagler Beach and saw those men on the corner stomping around with their “ This Is A Liberal Free Zone” flags. What hate. What ignorance. Not welcoming and not showing American values. You win anyway, I’m getting out while the getting is good.
Paul says
Florida is closed to woke liberals. FL opposes the sexualization of children. Opposes lawlessness. Opposes higher taxes. Trans rights. Marriage is between a man and a women. Don’t preach to me about trans rights and I won’t preach to you about my Christian beliefs. Simple.
Pierre Tristam says
No one is “preaching” to you about trans rights, and if you have any evidence of such preaching, produce it (reading news accounts or columns about trans rights getting suppressed doesn’t count: no one is forcing you to read them). On this other hand this debate wouldn’t exist we’re the state not literally trying to impose your Christian beliefs into law by erasing the legitimacy of non-conforming genders. You’re right about one thing: it’s simple. You’re wrong about who the preachers are.
Steve says
Couldn’t agree more. Thanks Pierre.
Aves says
Hi Paul,
If you think marriage is between a man and a woman, cool, marry a woman. But how the fuck does it affect you if I marry a man vs marrying a woman? What is its impact on your daily life?
Laurel says
Right on, Aves! The only sense it makes is that these pseudo-conservatives are uncomfortable with themselves, and by controlling you, they feel a little more righteous, and can settle down. Sounds like a psychological problem to me.
Mike says
No problem. Mary who u want. Just dont start telling my boy at 6 that he can mary a man if he wants.
Susan says
Jane says
Excellent article!
Barney Henry says
What is this article supposed to be? A fact based piece or an OpEd? Certainly not the former. Rather than argue your liberal points, I’ll just offer some advice.
I love that we all have the right to freedom of speech, which some abuse. And the 2nd amendment, which some despise.
I hear New York and California have some housing come available. Maybe consider a move to a like minded state?
I think the people from those states are moving here because they are tired of most everything your sarcastic OpEd mentions.
Don’t feel shame to do it. Just do it.
Ann Williams says
Your statement sounds ‘woke.’ You preach ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘freedom to live free; ‘ but, at every turn the right is more than willing to take Americans ‘rights’ away. DeSantis should focus on the serious problems impacting Florida and less on himself becoming dictator of US.
Laurel says
Sorry, Barney, but you’re not in charge of who lives here and who should leave. You don’t own the state I’ve lived in for 70 some years, and I’m not going anywhere. These pseudo Republican politicians will not last.
Justsayin says
New York does everything the Author complains of in Florida and they have the most people leaving any state in 2002.
Dave says
We need more voices of reason to speak out against Floriduh’s politics of hate. Sadly educated people , like manatees, are being targeted for extinction here. (I picture Dilbersantis on a jet ski, beer in hand, running us over while laughing maniacally at the trail of blood in his wake.) Oh and I happen to be a Cali transplant, so yeah I’m part of the Revolution he fears most.
Atwp says
Love it. A communist state in the country. People keep voting Republican this is what we get. This country will be all white male with white women being sex slaves for child bearing and sex toys. All other people will be murdered because it will be legal and profitable to murder all anti Republicans. Even poor white people will be murdered. White cops will kill all people of color because it will be legal. Some white people will get all things people of color worked for, that will be legal.
Laurel says
Atwp: No it won’t. By the way, what you have described is not communism. Research Cuba.
Spot On says
Ive never heard of you, but This article is spot on Diane. Except for the sarcasm. I hear California is nice this time of year, off you go.
Laurel says
Spot: You “off you go” people are so egotistical, and, apparently, with little humility. You think you come here and own the place. Um, no.
Spot On says
I “embrace” this place. The author and yourself and the other bitter snowflake lefties apparently think you own the place and know what’s best for others. But we destroyed you in the polls. Historic Landslide Victory! The people have spoken. So Off you go now Laurel to your sanctuary “tent” Dem run crime wave cities and please see how many of your flakey pious friends can you fit in your Prius on the way North.
Laurel says
Hey Spot: Guess what? I’m not a “lefty,” I’m Independent, lifelong. Snowflakes are the pseudo-conservatives who are banning books, and changing school curriculum so as to not offend their poor, little snowflake offspring, or what might possibly make the little darlings feel guilty. Snowflakes make sure their little offspring are padded from head to toe when they go out to play. Snowflakes make sure their kids have a limited, one way of thinking.
The *landslide* will fade away, as will your sarcasm.
Das says
This author is a vile, hate-filled, bigot spouting propaganda and leftist tripe. For starters, her ridiculous slur about not being welcoming to people who speak Spanish is just her jealousy peeking out from behind her hatred. Our governor won the Latino vote 56 to 43. That’s not just a majority of the Latino vote, that’s a LANDSLIDE. Suck it up, buttercup. You bigots don’t own our vote anymore.
He won across all age groups and all demographics in a historic landslide that the state hasn’t seen in 40 years. He convinced traditionally Democrat-dominated jurisdictions into Republican districts by the hundreds. He flipped Duval County, Hillsborough County, Pam Beach County. All areas you take for granted. These are people who lived through DeSantis’ leadership AND VOTED FOR MORE IN HISTORIC MARGINS.
When other states that followed this author’s insane rantings suffered recession, Florida flourished.
When blue states ignored clear medical proof that sunshine and exercise and fresh air were HEALTHY (imagine that?!), Florida’s governor followed the science and the citizenry benefitted.
As for the rest of your nonsensical rantings….if you are a pervert who wants to mutilate your confused child (and why wouldn’t yours want to harm themselves if they had this sicko as a mother?) then you can wait until your child is 18. Society doesn’t let underage kids vote or get a tattoo or drink a beer, so naturally we should just let these kids chop off their genitals, chemically castrate themselves and consign themselves to the riskiest, most abuse-prone lifestyle known to man….all before they can legally drive a car, rent an apartment, open a checking account, or enjoy an adult beverage? Yeah, THAT’S not a recipe for abuse by a middle-aged pervert groomer to take advantage of. Not at all.
And notice that these perverts aren’t protesting a ban on taking kids to “straight” strip clubs and straight “peep shows”…oh no…they’re ONLY interested in confusing kids and turning them into their sexual playthings.
As the kids say “PUHLEEZ”. We see right through you. And that terrifies you.
Laurel says
Das: PUHLEEZ change the channel, while there is still hope (or is there?).
Geezer says
Try to emulate/channel Elmer Fudd so that you receive wide acceptance.
Don’t forget to make Walmart central to your life, and always speak slowly.
Extra credit: learn to toss toilet seats instead of horseshoes.
Pogo says
Laughed out loud.
Thank you, bless you and yours.
marlee says
8 Warnings of a Dictatorship:
1. Removing individual freedom
2. Banning Books
3. Erasing Black History in Public Schools
4. Effort to ignore a Statewide initiative approved by the People
5. Vowing to control published content
6. Leaning toward robbing women of the power to make personal decisions concerning their rights.
7. Denying Science on protections during a pandemic.
8. Overuse of the word “woke”.
Land of no turn signals says says
Spoken by a true snow flake.Doubling down at Walgreens.
Laurel says
Land: True “snowflakes” are the ones who remove history from classes so as not to hurt the little tyke’s feelings.
JoB says
Love Diane’s articles—and the range of comments that she elicits!
Local says
We need more exceptions…people are moving here in droves from states with no exceptions. What does that tell you?
Laurel says
Local: They like the weather.
P.S. They have always moved here in droves, this is nothing new.
Doug says
Diane must mix up some good KoolAid for all you guzzlers out there. It sounds like Florida should have a mass exodus for those who believe the opposite of what our positive state promotes, freedom. Might I suggest California, and New York, to name a few?
Timothy Patrick Welch says
Diane Roberts…
Another sensational article that rouses interest and creates a division between neighbors.
What guides your direction in life?
Laurel says
TPW: The right to liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Charles says
Great article and so true. DeSantis is sure making a bad name for Florida. He doesn’t have the courage to announce he is running for President which is a good thing because with his track record he would lose. He doesn’t even have the nerve to debate an opponent. He will run the other way from any debates since he avoids or attacks reporters for asking him his stance on certain issues. He keeps his real plans under wraps. Don’t trust him.
Das says
What color is the sky on your planet? Because you’re CLEARLY not on this one.
Florida’s population is INCREASING (massively) by taking refugees from blue states. People are fleeing New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts all to move to Florida – PRECISELY BECAUSE THEY’RE SICK OF LUNATIC BLUE STATE PSEUDO-SCIENCE TYRANNY and want to live in free Florida instead.
DeSantis introduced, then debated, and won passage of a law forcing Disney to protect citizens from corporate abuse.
He conducts more press conferences and answers more questions from the presstitutes in the media than President Puddin’ Cup does.
You Lefties are so predictable: Accuse everyone else of doing exactly what you’ve been doing for years. Bottom line: You hate DeSantis because he is beating you at the game you thought you had rigged in your favor.
Bill says
I think you are mixed up! That is Biden you’re referring to.
Mike says
Disantes is amazing. Your being brain washed
JOE D says
It’s not CHARLES who has been BRAINWASHED! I don’t have to have the news REINTERPRETED for me by FOX media (etc.)….I am actually WATCHING the words come out of DeSantis’ mouth on video, ( unless you’re saying THOSE video clips were somehow ALTERED), and I’m amazed it’s actually from 2023, and not a vintage 1950’s-1960’s news reel.
I was CERTAIN by the end of MY generation (late 60’s), RACISM would have been done away with, and ACCEPTANCE and TOLERANCE would finally be the norm for my children and grandchildren….but NO!
The HATRED of those “different” didn’t die…it was only buried….then resurrected by the ultra conservative MAGA groups, now being “one bettered” by DeSantis and his rubber stamp legislature.
DeSantis is AMAZING alright, but not in a good way….it would be frightening to have his repression and Civil Rights attacks turned loose on the wider USA.
Sherry says
LOVE Diane’s Sarcastic Articles!
To those who say that Florida is great, and then use the number of people moving in as proof. . . Oh please give me a break, people are moving to Florida because it is CHEAP, and the weather is good. Oh yes, and because trump lives in Florida.
For me personally, I have enough self esteem and the means to live in the “best” place instead of the “cheapest” place. Simply because a particular thing is “popular” does not automatically make it “BEST”. Especially when that popularity is created by the non-thinking. Consider the popularity of McDonalds. Remember the legend of the LEMMINGS.
John says
DeSantis for president
AskEddie says
Diane, well-written, witty, funny, insightful, but truthfully and painfully sad article at the same time. I’m a fellow Florida native myself and I’ve grown tired of the “Florida Man” jokes and the shame that has come down on our state.
We’ve become a retirement post for quacks, right-wing extremists, tyrants, bigots, dictators, conspirators, and fascists. It’s so sad, that the once bright and sunny land of infinite coastlines is the butt of every joke! Certainly we ARE better than this, but we need to invest in re-education. No doubt our political leadership have had a hand in preventing this.
They continue to play into the agenda of clouding the minds of our residents with false propaganda, misdirection, and lies. They ban books and activities that bring awareness of history, diversity, and tolerance! Why? Wake up Florida! We ARE smarter than that!
Cw says
Pit Bulls and other Breeds not allowed. TRUE?