Florida Park Drive has re-opened to through traffic as of Wednesday afternoon, November 23, 2022. The intersection of Florida Park Drive and Farraday Lane was closed in late June due to a Utility project.
The project consisted of reconstructing a section of sanitary sewer and constructing a new lift station to replace an older station at the end of its useful life. This project moved the lift station from the center of Florida Park Drive to Farraday Lane, a lesser traveled road, to allow for wastewater crews to safely work at the site and to eliminate obstruction to the flow of traffic on Florida Park Drive when crews are performing routine maintenance.
The project was delayed for a period of time due to the two tropical storms that hit the area in September and November. The last step in the completion of the project involved Florida Power & Light (FPL) providing power to the station, then completion of the electrical work by the contractor. FPL crews were diverted to areas of Florida without power due to the storms, which delayed the Palm Coast project. FPL was able to complete its portion of the Florida Park Drive project on Wednesday.
Florida Park Drive has re-opened to traffic as of 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Farraday Lane to Fawn Lane remains closed at this time due to additional electrical work needed. Farraday Lane connects to Florida Park Drive in two locations. The southern entrance to Farraday Lane, closest to the Island Walk shopping plaza, will remain closed. However, the northern entrance will remain open and accessible.
The City of Palm Coast understands the inconvenience that this project has had on residents and visitors to the area and is thankful for the patience and cooperation of residents and motorists during these important road projects.
To check the progress of current projects, visit the GIS Capital Projects Dashboard by clicking here and scroll to the project you’d like information on. There are details that show cost, timeline, and other information.
For more information, contact customer service at [email protected] or 386-986-2360. A request can also be submitted through palmcoastconnect.com.
MITCH says
There are children that live on Florida Park Drive. Please obey the speed limit. Thanks
Ray says
It is about time, Farragut and Old Kings took a long while to get out. I missed this opening a couple of hours. I think I will celebrate with a beer.
Old Guy says
Great News. Turning right on Florida Park Drive is the safest way to leave my neighborhood. Turning left on Old Kings is bad enough without the additional traffic caused by the detour. IMO they should have put in some temporary 3 way stops along Old Kings during this closure.
SplashPark Accesibility says
Everyone Rejoice! The Splashpark is now accessible again. Oh wait, Nevermind
CalmPost says
Thank you Home Care Pharmacy for letting cars cut thru your parking lot during the road closure.
Mike says
This seems to be a bit of revisionist history.
The project was delayed by tropical storms????
It was slated to be completed BEFORE the firs tropical storm in late September.
Sure, blame nature for poor management, she won’t mind!
Celia Pugliese says
Mitch is correct…please watch your speed as tiny tots around, cut down on open exhaust pipes and for truckers is a NO TRUCK ROAD!