Flagler County in coordination with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection on October 22 will host a workshop followed by a public hearing to address the creation of an Erosion Control Line along the upcoming 2.8 mile Army Corps of Engineers project within the city limits of Flagler Beach.
State law requires the establishment of an Erosion Control Line before the construction of a beach renourishment project that places sand seaward of the Mean High Water Line (average of the high water elevation over a period of time), such as with the Army Corps project – scheduled to begin in May 2020 between South 6th and South 28th streets.
“This sand placement will be the initial construction of the federal shore protection project that will slightly widen and subsequently maintain the existing beach and dunes conditions,” said County Engineer Faith Alkhatib.
The Erosion Control Line in this instance will be established at the Mean High Water Line as surveyed in July 2019. It will fix the boundary between the upland property owners – regardless of future beach erosion or accretion – and the submerged land owned by the State of Florida.
“Staff from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Army Corps of Engineers, and I will be atthe meeting to explain the Erosion Control Line, answer questions, and take public comments,” Alkhatib said. “Maps of the Erosion Control Line will be available at the workshop and public hearing.”
A 27-page letter and meeting notice was emailed to officials at the City of Flagler Beach Tuesday, and will be mailed to all oceanfront property owners within 1,000 feet of the proposed Erosion Control Line. It is available online.
The workshop and public hearing will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on October 22 in the Commission Chambers of the Government Services Building, 1769 E. Moody Boulevard, Bunnell.
Those with questions regarding the Flagler County-Army Corps of Engineers “Coastal Storm Risk Management Project” should contact Richard Gordon, Flagler County Assistant Engineer, at 386-313-4006 or by email at [email protected].
For questions regarding the Erosion Control Line, please contact William Guy Weeks, Florida Department of Environmental Protection Project Manager, at 850-245-7696 or by email at [email protected].