The Flagler Beach City Commission Thursday voted 4-0 to approve a new policy regulating how the Flagler Beach pier may be rented out for private parties–and closed to the general public–up to six times a year.
Two portions of the pier may be rented out: the 875-square-foot T-portion at the end of the pier, popular for fishing and certain ceremonies, can be rented out for $75 an hour, for a maximum of three hours at a time, for up to six times a year. The whole pier may be rented out six times year for $115 an hour, with a three-hour minimum and an 18-hour maximum.
When the commission discussed the proposal last month, commissioners were concerned that they might price out the Flagler Beach Museum from holding its popular, annual fund-raiser on the pier. Thursday, commissioners found a way around that: the commission created a special category of city functions that are exempt from having to pay the rental fee (but not the walk-on fee). The commission agreed to declare the museum’s event a city function, or a city-sponsored function, when museum officials appear before commissioners to secure their alcohol permit for the fund-raiser.
The exemption won’t necessarily be limited to the museum. Penny: “Anyone who completes one of those forms has the authority or the option to come before the commission and ask for a waiver of fees,” City Clerk Penny Overstreet said. “The museum particularly is the event you’re talking about now, they would come before you anyway as long as they continue to have alcohol at that event.”
Commissioners left unclear whether exempted events will count against the total of six permissible events when the pier may be closed. But they did make clear that four events the city itself sponsors do not count against that total, such as Memorial Day, Veterans Day and 9/11 ceremonies.
“As long as we understands that those minor memorial-type services are not included in the six,” Commissioner Kim Carney said.
“Those are city functions, basically,” Overstreet said said. That means the pier may end up closed to the general public up to 10 times a year.
Mayor Linda Provencher had been displeased with the way the plan had been portrayed–as a money-maker–in media. “It’s not to make money,” Provencher said. “We’ve had people approach us to do activities on our pier, and we have nothing in place to do that. We had the Rotary wanting to do the yoga, we’ve had people ask about weddings or parties or what have you. We had nothing in place. So this is to put something in place, so if somebody comes, OK, this is what it costs, this is what it is, and if they’re interested, fine, if they’re not, fine. The way it was presented—and I think six days out of the year? It’s not like we’re kicking the fishermen and other people off of the pier every other day. Six times out of the year.”
But Overstreet reminded her that the motive for the rentals was, in fact, to make money: “You’re not going to get rich Linda,” Overstreet said, “but it was brought up in our strategic planning, is where this came from, and that was to generate revenue to relieve burdens from the general fund.”
“So it’ll be something. We won’t get rich on it,” Commissioner Mealy said.
Commission Chairman Marshall Shupe took advantage of the discussion to bring up a point no other commissioner seemed interested in engaging: the $1.50-per-person walk-on fee and fishing fees. “We have not raised these prices for admission since 2007,” Shupe said. That may be a discussion for another day.
No member of the public addressed commissioners before the 4-0 vote, the first of two votes on the ordinance. The second vote is expected to enact the proposal in two weeks.
PeachesMcGee says
I can see the headlines now…
“Drunken Wedding Guests Drown at Sea, Story at 11”
Walk the Plank says
More drunks….more people over the side…more shark attacks. But you worms keep pocketing that money !
Jim WjamjAmes weames whim w says
So if my wife and I decide to go beachside and have dinner and walk on the pier during an even then we are just out of luck? Oh the all mighty dollar makes people stupid.
awesome says
$500 and I can get the whole peir for 4 hours?! I love it! I’m doing this asap . Finally I can play my music loud, smoke weed and fish on the peir without anyone complaining. Next summer shall be a great visit to good ol’ Flagler beach
Dusty Compton says
This is just wrong on many levels. The Pier, even though it is a nominal fee to walk out should not be closed to the public. This is an attraction to many who come to Flagler Beach and I agree with Jim WjamjAmes. If I had a pass to go on the Pier whenever I wanted and they said it was closed due to a Private event, I would not be very happy.
So, could I rent the entire pier for 10 hours, pay the $1,150, then charge people $20 a head to watch the Red Bull Night Riders?
Anonymous says
I would rent it as many times a year as someone was willing to pay the fee, I would raise the fee. Right now way too cheep to rent. I would take the money earned and lower property taxes, or have more more life guards…something like that. If you don’t live in the city of Flagler Beaxh then too bad, you may have to walk in the pier somewhere else, if you live in Flagler Beach then be happy the city uses its assets appropriately.
markingthedays says
I am in agreement. Flagler Beach needs to use the assets they have.
Party! says
Def getting some friends together to throw in and we can Party on the Pier!!. I knw the perfect DJ too, I’m getting my reservation form tomorrow morning, SO SICK!! Also NO FISHING ALLOWED, fish are friends,not food..lol
Algernon says
Someone has probably already figured that if they do this, the city should take extraordinary measures to be sure the planned closures are well publicized to save some visitors from making the trip to fish or walk and finding the pier closed.
Maybe a special notification page on their website, as well as radio, print and electronic media can be used. And, a big sign at the pier that says “Planning your next pier visit? Call XXX- XXXX or visiit http://www.FBPIER.com (or something similar) to be sure we will be open, weather permitting, since we do close for some civic events.”
Gomer says
Y’all I think we should keep FB the way it was in 1959, I love it when I come over the bridge and and see that there beautiful strip mall on the left and run down ace hardware on the right…just don’t get rid of my tattoo parlor.
Wake up!!!
You need tax dollars, get rid of the crap on the Island.
Why do we still have the government buildings on the island? Do you have any idea of how much tax dollars that building could bring in?
Steve Wardrip says
I’m not from Flagler Beach but got here as soon as I could even thought the Mayor didn’t want me to. The residents need to run the town. It sounds like someone else is wants to be in charge besides them.