All eyes in Flagler Beach are riveted on the proposed re-development of an iconic acre and a third in the heart of the city, next to Veterans Park, into a 97-room resort and a row of 10 townhouses. The city’s planning board hears an application for a special exception for that project this evening. But last month, the board heard proposals for a pair of less controversial developments–a 15-room, three-story motel at South 13th Street and State Road A1A, and a three-unit, 5,000-square foot development two blocks north of Veterans Park that will accommodate two vacation rentals and a residential home.
The three developments point to a significant re-ignition of commercial activity in Flagler Beach, capitalizing on the city’s tourism economy and capturing visitors’ overnight stays that might otherwise book outside of town, or visit elsewhere. While the developments point to a bullish economic future that would help balance the city’s tax base, the spate of high-visibility proposals, dovetailing the recently-approved development of the 335-home Gardens along John Anderson Highway and the strongest year in residential-home development across the county since the Great Recession, may also be contributing to a mixture of public unease and antagonism to so much palpable change, much of it in iconic areas.
The proposed motel would be built at 1300 South Oceanshore Boulevard, a lot valued at $410,000 that last sold–to a Palm Coast resident–in 2016 for $335,000. Joseph Pozzuoli, the Flagler Beach architect and a member of both the planning board and the city’s economic development task force, is the architect on the project, which would split 12 rooms on two floors and have three handicapped-accessible ground floor rooms. The proposal notes that each unit would have just one bed. The proposal drew little discussion other than proposals by Don Deal, who chairs the planning board, for a brighter-colored building and more windows in some spots.
The proposal is one step away from a final site plan, which the planning board is hear and potentially approve at a subsequent meeting whose date has not been set.
The three-unit development at North 2nd Street–a 5,000-square-foot vacant lot at 104 N. 2nd, between North Central and North Oceanshore Boulevard–is in the downtown mixed-use (commercial and residential) zone. It would have the two vacation rentals on the first two floors and a residence on the third. According to Larry Torino the city’s planner, it would be the first building to apply “Downtown Design Guidelines,” which encourage the use of a “variety of architectural material,” a 25-to-40 percent window to wall ratio, “open and inviting facades at the lower levels,” balconies, awnings and arcades. The pine, Brazilian pepper and palm trees on the lot are expected to be removed to accommodate construction and paving in rear of the structure for parking. A porch will front the sidewalk along Oceanshore Boulevard.
Lee Richards, a project coordinator with the city, raised some questions about the proposal to Tornino. “Unless I am reading Chapter 3 incorrectly,” he asked in an email, “shouldn’t the ground floor be commercial in this district? Also in Chapters 2 and 3, the code seems to require 2 off-street parking spaces per unit. If that is so, there should be room for six vehicles. That doesn’t seem to work with this property. Please correct me if I am not reading this correctly (I can’t wait until we get the new rewrite done).”
The planning board approved the site plan in a 4-1 vote (Catherine Feind dissenting).
Percy's mother says
It will obscure the view of the ocean.
But what the hell? Who cares about a view of the beautiful ocean, especially when coming over the Flagler Beach bridge?
Taxes from development, more miserable people in the area, more traffic is much more important . . . Along with PROGRESS aka development!!
This just makes me so depressed… thats the best part is going over that bridge and seeing that view.
Lance Carroll says
Is this the same bridge that was requested to be named after Trez Frassrand?
Grace says
And so it begins.
Palmcoaster says
I am also just wondering were all the poo will go…as has been reported that FB sewer system current insufficient?
Junk Inn says
Junk! That room, all 12 of them, is the size of a shoebox. No one would pay to stay in a room you have to walk over, tromple over, the queen sized bed to get to the front door .. This looks like low income housing to me, obviously, ppl who stay here are okay with walking over beds to get places, especially at who knows how much per night when you rent out for a month at a time. ;-) (Think about who rents like that now…)
John Stove says
Oh please….
You never lived in a one bedroom apartment? Or a hotel room with one bed? You dont have to “tromple over” the bed to get to the front door, bathroom or even turn on the TV.
Sad and disgusted says
They just won’t stop until every square inch of land has been “developed” and our environment destroyed. It’s all about GREED. Goodbye Flagler Beach – it was a lovely little town till so-called progress reared its ugly head.
John Stove says
If a lot is zoned for commercial use (such as a hotel/motel) then it legally can be developed. If residents of Flagler dont want a lot to be developed, they should start a campaign to raise money to purchase the lots or tracts of land and then deed them back to the city in perpetuity for green or open space.
The lot your house is on was once purchased by a developer/contractor and your house was built…..you got yours but…..??
Grace says
Not progress, but greed.
Suzie says
Architect, planning board member, economic development isn’t that a conflict of interest?
Phil says
I was thinking the same.
Richard Caudle says
You got that right.
Deedee says
One more beach town I will never visit and spend money…too transient. Ruined beach area with cheap flop house motels and characters that use them. Shame.
James M. Mejuto says
re: Sad and Disgusted: It can still be a “lovely little town” if you want it.
Now is the time for the people to pack the commission meetings and DEMAND
an end to this horrible project.
If residents want the 1.3 acre property where community events and the farmers’
market takes place, then I suggest Flagler Beach purchase the lot and keep it for
town events and use.
Next, remember those politicians who betrayed the town and vote them out next election.
This horrific project is an eye-sore which the town should not have to endure.
deb says
People in FB voted these people in, that made these decisions, this is your doing voters. You drank the cool-aid they were selling so look what ya got. The continued “good old boys club” and progress and money in FB pockets. Hell with the citizens, as citizens have NO power until election time, but as we see year after year, people drink too much cool-aid.
Nanci Whitley says
I guess they need to make up for the vacation rental homes they stopped
owner’s from making a bit of money on. Just the big corps get to make $$