Last Updated: 3:50 p.m.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Department is investigating a shooting that took place late this morning near the Palm Coast Fire Department’s Station 22, at Palm Coast Parkway and Clubhouse Drive. The shooting may be an attempted suicide.
At the very moment when the Sheriff’s Office was conducting its annual ceremony for fallen deputies, at its Bunnell headquarters, word came through of the shooting, involving a man with multiple gunshot wounds to the head. The man was found walking in back of the fire station by a fire fighter, with shots to the right side of his head and possibly another shot in the chin.
The man initially told authorities that he had been assaulted at the Shell gas station across the street, adjacent to the Alterra Sterling House assisted living facility. Details are very sketchy. “It’s still hot, we don’t even know where the crime scene is at this point,” David O’Brien, the under-sheriff, said immediately after the ceremony.
What’s believed to be the man’s truck, a gray Nissan pick-up, was parked in the fire station’s parking lot, facing outward toward Clubhouse, across the street from the Palm Coast Community Center. Three shell casings and a gun were reportedly found in the truck.
In mid-afternoon, the Sheriff’s office, in a news release, reported that the victim is 48, and that he had initially told paramedics that he had been injured by a falling cabinet. It’s only after further investigation or examination that he appeared to have been shot. “Investigators,” the release states, “recovered a letter inside the man’s vehicle that may be connected to the incident.”
The man, whose identity was not released, was transported by ambulance to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach.
As of noon, deputies and detectives were still at the scene. A portion of the parking lot, with the pick-up at its center, had been taped off with yellow crime-scene tape. Three Sheriff’s units were on the scene, combing through the truck and its surroundings. Two additional units arrived within the half hour.
Other than the crime tape at the scene, there was little evidence of anything amiss in the area this morning, with neither traffic nor fire station operations impeded.
Maria Pugliese says
Hmmm, that’s odd because yesterday there was a kid sitting with a dog in the Shell station with a sign saying that he had lost everything…any relation?
jenifer lopez says
bad drug deal I bet, they had another one down that street near the place the ride bikes, somebody got beat up by a bunch of guys, dad and son
meh says
nissan doesn’t make an “altima” pickup truck, its called the “frontier”. judging by the bumpers and alloy wheels, it looks like a v6. toe capacity isn’t bad either for a truck its size.
oh, and how does a man inflict multiple gunshot wounds to his own heads? sometimes i think the FCSO puts their foot in their mouth.
[meh, you’re jumping the gun. None of this information was attributed to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office until the 3:50 p.m. update. Until the information about the filing cabinet and the letter was added, the rest of the details were based on our own reporting and sources, so if there is to be a foot in any mouth, it’s exclusively FlaglerLive’s.–FL]
Rocky Mac says
You can have multiple gun shot wounds to the head. Obviously he did not hit an area that is necessary to sustain life. Sorry to hear this.
Rocky Mac says
P.S. Sorry to hear about his problems, not that he survived.
Mike Bencal says
More guns!!!
palmcoaster says
I hope is not the same young man that I saw yesterday seating under the tall trees with a small black and sad looking dog, just looking as sad as his master. He was wearing a Conch House blue T-shirt from that St Augustine restaurant. Called my attention his expression. Hope is not the same clean cut depressed looking young man…I stopped and said hi and asked about his small dog, he said he rescued it from the Humane from being euthanized in St Augustine a while ago, city were he worked after being laid off. He showed me his pet food and treats he had. He said was staying with friends here, until he could find work….wished him well and went on my way with some concern.
palmcoaster says
If this was a robbery attempt with a weapon, the sheriff needs to inform the community about it, as then the criminal is still on the loose around our homes! What is all this secrecy about? Meanwhile the nearby residents are safety concerned. Hope the victim recovers.
Please says
Obviously you didn’t read the part that says it was self inflicted. There are always criminals on the loose around your home, my home, and everyone elses homes. This is why we need to lock our homes and vehicles and protect ourselves. Where are you getting “secrecy” from? It’s right here in black and white that it was a suicide attempt. Im hoping for his quick recovery!
palmcoaster says
Thak you Flagler live for keeping us informed.If not for you we would be totally unaware of this incident. Also is appreciated your clarifications and keeping us all in line with the facts.
Geezer says
I too am sorry for his problems, and I sincerely hope that he makes a full recovery.
All is not well (upstairs) when a person shoots himself.
I hope that he receives all the help which he requires.
ric says
palmcoaster. Thank you for showing an intersest into this person you thaugt might need help.. Wether or not it was, it was a noble thing to do..
palmcoaster says
@Ric. You have a kind heart.
I try to help the fallen to no fault of their own, that are in need and when possible.
I think just maybe few kind/cordial/respectful words may help in these pathetic economic times in somebodies on solitude and difficult situation.
Cherie Smith says
Thank you all for your concerns for the man with the multiple gun shot wound. He is just coming out of the coma, we do not know the extent of the damage. And I knowing him very personally do not believe that it was self inflicted. He is an amazingly kind man. And your hope and prayers are always needed. Thank you!
palmcoaster says
@Cherie. I hope and pray that he totally recovers.
If his wounds were not self inflicted I wonder were the aggressor is now.
flagler girl says
my prayers are with this poor fella:(
palmcoaster says
@Cherie Smith: How is he doing Cherie? Hope he recovers soon.