Feed Flagler, the community-wide effort to provide meals for the needy (or anyone who requests one) at Thanksgiving, is off to its 6th year, with renewed emphasis on food collection for families.
Hosted by Flagler County government and carried out by a coalition of community groups, volunteers and area churches, Feed Flagler restocks community pantries with non-perishable food and provides the hot meal–or all the makings of a meal for a family–the day before Thanksgiving and on Thanksgiving Day itself.
Feed Flagler began in the depths of the Great Recession. More people are employed in the county now, with brighter economic indicators, but the recovery has been slow and uneven, with homeless and struggling families scattered across the county. “It is a community wide effort to lend a helping hand to our neighbors,” Commissioner Nate McLaughlin said. McLaughlin serves at the chairman of the Team Feed Flagler Committee.
Numerous volunteers are on the move gathering food, funds and locations to serve. This year’s theme is the same as last year, “Focusing On The Family” (not to be confused with the ideologically less appetizing organization of almost the same name).
In addition to 900 hot meals served at four key locations in Flagler County last year, 524 family boxes that included a frozen turkey and various grocery items were handed out. The effort also raised $21,453 to pay for the meals and frozen turkeys. The balance was donated to community food pantries.
“We are excited about a new location,” Deputy County Administrator Sally Sherman said. “The owners of Oceanside Grill have agreed to sponsor a hot meal site in Flagler Beach from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day.” The Bunnell First Methodist Church will also serve on Thanksgiving from 11 to 3 p.m. Two other sites, the First AME Church of Palm Coast and the Hammock First Baptist Church will have meal sites open from 3 to 6 p.m. on the November 26, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
The non-perishable food drive is already underway with at least 10 competitive teams taking aim at the perennial champions of the food drive, United Way’s Chicks With Cans.
The public may participate in the 2014 Focusing on Families initiative in several ways. Financial contributions are needed to provide the hot meals and provide funding for operating food pantries in Flagler County. Volunteers will also be needed to sort the non-perishable canned goods, assist at various fundraising activities, etc.
Interested individuals, organizations or businesses who want to assist may contact Christie Mayer at the Flagler County Administration office at 313-4001 or send a check to the Flagler County Commission at 1769 East Moody Blvd. Building 2, Bunnell Fl. 32110.
Want To Help?
To help collect non perishable food items such as: instant potatoes, rice, cranberry sauce, canned vegetables, canned fruit, stuffing mix, muffin or biscuit mix, gravy mix and sign up as a competition team or drop your goods off at a location around town. Drop-off locations are listed at www.feedflagler.org
To help donate: Every $10 donation feeds a family of 4, thanks to the efforts of our partners.
Make checks payable to the Flagler County Board of County Commissioners. Mail to the Flagler County Administration, 1769 E. Moody Blvd., Bldg. 2, Bunnell, FL 32110.
Where to go Wednesday November 26: Road N., Palm Coast
Hammock First Baptist Church
5328 N. Oceanshore Blvd., Hammock
3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
First AME Church
91 Old Kings Road N., Palm Coast
3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 27:
Bunnell First United Methodist Church
205 Pine Street, Bunnell
11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Oceanside Beach Bar and Grill
1848 S. Oceanshore Blvd., Flagler Beach
11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Family Meal Boxes will be available to those families who sign up to receive one (while
supplies last). Contact Team Feed Flagler at (386) 313-4001 for more information.
Debbie Spruill says
I would like to donate food and I live beachside so what is the closest place to drop off non perishables?
FlaglerLive says
Grace Community Food Pantry. Drop-off location: 245 Education Way (US1 at Royal Palms Parkway). There is a food drop box in front of the pantry. They note: “We prefer that you bring items on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am – 11:00 am when people are there to receive them.”