The National Weather Service in Jacksonville has issued a rare excessive heat warning for Flagler County and Northeast Florida. Near record heat will combine with summertime humidity today to produce dangerous heat index values exceeding 100 degrees beginning in late morning, persisting through at least sunset tonight, and repeating Saturday.
“Older adults, the very young, and people with mental illness and chronic diseases are at highest risk,” the Centers for Disease Control cautions, with heat exhaustion or heat stroke occurring as one’s body temperature rises faster than the body’s capability to cool itself. “However, even young and healthy people can be affected if they participate in strenuous physical activities during hot weather.”
The Excessive Heat Warning applies across southeast Georgia and northeast Florida, with a Heat Advisory extending into portions of Central Florida, as heat index values top out in the 110-115 degree range this afternoon. The heat index is expected to reach 113 in the Palm Coast-Flagler area today, and 112 Saturday, before falling to 106 on Sunday and 100 on Monday.
“This is not a Flager thing. This is happening all over the country, all over the world, obviously, in particular right now in the northern hemisphere we’re seeing all kinds of weather records set,” says Flagler County Emergency Management Director Jonathan Lord. The county has seen heat-index extremes of above 104 for the last few weeks, with a few exceptions on overcast days.
“Our warning to our general public is if for some reason you don’t have air conditioning, maybe it’s broken, maybe you don’t have the means, find places that are air conditioned,” Lord said. “Go to the library, go to any of our local retail outlets, go to the bowling alley, the movie theater.”
The county has an emergency system in place in case of brown-outs–when the electric grid might fail in places because it is overburdened by demand from air conditioning, though that’s not expected. The county would open community centers, with generators if need be, for affected people to take refuge in, just as if it were a hurricane or tornado emergency. “So if we needed to do that it would literally take us minutes to get those things up and running if we were in that situation,” Lord said. “We have that game plan in place and ready to pull that trigger 24/7 If we had to. It’s the same plan that if we had a tornado come through town.” Emergency Management has the authority to stop scheduled events at community centers and replace them with emergency sheltering.
The heat will affect people outdoors even if they are in the shade. “We know people have to work outside. We get it. It’s not realistic to expect people not to work for multiple weeks on end when they’re in outdoor jobs,” Lord said. “Hydration is super key. The human body is very resilient, but you also take care of it to make sure that it’s resilient. And you do have a big concern about heat-related emergencies, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, which are real things. They do happen.”
The Excessive Heat Warning is rare but is expected to become more frequent as heat records continue to fall week after week and the warming of the planet accelerates due to a combination of human action on one hand–the continued overproduction of greenhouse gas emissions–and political and regulatory inaction on the other. In Florida, state and local governments are focused on “resiliency,” an approach that seeks to adapt to dangerous heat, rising seas and floods rather than combat or seek to lessen those factors.
The current excessive heat wave is affecting a huge swath of the South, from the Eastern portion of Texas through all of Louisiana, almost all of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, and all of Florida, plus portions of South Carolina and Arkansas. The excessive heat area affects a quarter of the nation’s population.
Lord said Florida is more prepared than more northerly states to handle heat waves, because it is generally “heat-centric.”
“Most homes are built with air conditioning gear, therefore our impacts are lower than some of the more densely populated northern climates that didn’t historically have air conditioning,” Lord said. “It’s not perfect. Some people don’t have air conditioning for a variety of reasons, and we know those people are out there and between 911 calls or social service, we try to make sure that they’re checking on those kinds of folks.”
The heat is creating conditions conducive to dangerous storms. Strong to severe thunderstorms are sweeping across the southeastern states late this afternoon, with damaging winds, hail and frequent lightning strikes, but those impacts are expected in Southeast Georgia more than in Northeast Florida today.
The heat is creating other conditions that are worrying emergency management officials: record high ocean temperatures. Flagler County’s ocean temperature is in the mid-80s currently, but it reached 80 faster than in previous seasons, Lord said. Further south, waters off South Florida have reached 90 degrees it’s 88 today off South Beach).
“The Atlantic right now and the climate is making me very nervous, because the number one condition to be most concerned about with hurricane formation is ocean temperatures,” Lord said, “We continue to set records in the Atlantic and the Caribbean with high ocean temperatures. And we are definitely seeing that right now.” Saharan dust on one side of the globe and El Nino on the other (El Nino describes warmer Pacific waters that could lessen hurricane effects in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic by chopping the top of hurricanes when they form, as Lord describes it) mitigate some of those dangers, but not in a predictive way: the factors could change.
So Lord is reminding residents that peak hurricane season is ahead, in September.
The following is a CDC infographic:
Ban the GOP says
Dont worry everyone, the republicans dont think climate change is real no matter what happens so it wont be addressed at any level cause they will run sabatoge against anyone who speaks against their big donors. Enjoy the Exxon mobile heatwave as they projected this quite accurately in 1970. Stay cool! Ocean is hotter than ever recorded but the records must be woke or some minorites fault so lets go after their rights instead of addressing actual issues.
Jimbo99 says
Yet there is little to no tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic that poses a threat to anything land tat would be FL or any other island for that matter.
As hot as the ocean as they say the ocean is. Feels quite nice with the 56% humidity instead of the 90+% July usually has for muggy hot 94+ temps. I bet average daily highs will return a normal Summer in Flagler County FL, like it always has in our lifetimes, whether that began in the +/- 1970’s or 2000 or anytime to present day 2023. I would say think before one posts, the data doesn’t support the conversion to solar & growth as unaffordable. Because that’s exactly what the Big Guy Biden is doing. The scientists are being paid quite well to spin a tale of doomsday for the human race & planet Earth. Realize that with 96 feels like 120, that’s 56% humidity (RH %), not the usual 90+% RH %. A nice dry heat for sweat evaporation which is how a healthy human body cools itself.
Laurel says
Jimbo99: Just out of curiosity’s sake, why do you think people do not believe in climate change when they (billions of humans) continuously pollute the very thin atmosphere of Earth? To me, it is obviously inevitable. Do your really think this is a lucky quirk for Biden?
Atwp says
Please be careful.
John says
Climate change and it was on the news this morning, next year is going to be hotter then this year.
Jimbo99 says
Phone app accuweather.com at 2 PM indicates 96 degrees feels like 120, humidity at 56% so it’s drier heat like what they have in the SW USA like Arizona. Doesn’t really feel too bad as long as one says in the shade. So Biden is building, they’re clearing trees just down he street and that’s all I hear almost a street over too. This is a growth of Flagler county issue for greenhouse emissions for global warming. It’s what happens when the borders allow immigration to be uncontrolled. We’re getting domestic population increases, as well as instantaneous adult & older children crossing into the USA daily. 8 billion global population and the Save the Planet with solar & electricity is a lie. We are rapidly approaching the 10 billion population. Relocating millions of Central & South American immigrants instantaneously is a strain on the infrastructure. Installing solar panels for homes & farms removes green trees. The solar panels absorb the heat, like an asphalt & even concrete road does. With the new residential being approved , more trees, roads, parking lots. People stacked on top of each other. Solar panels are non breathable materials that retain heat America is becoming a solar oven, just like your car. The glass like solar panels photo cells are waterproof, just like a drinking glass. so air flow is retarded and the heat just never escapes a roof or the forest even with higher winds that are supposed to cool. It’s like restricting the air flow on your HVAC unit, radiator of your car. That’s the science of it all. And this is where the lies of 2020 to elect Biden is ruining the planet Earth. Hate Trump all you want, but at least his global warming was affordable, Biden wants the USA to convert and it’s grossly, criminally unaffordable. Biden must be stopped, he must be voted out in 2024, otherwise you will have 4 more years of these Delaware Lies. Election Day 2024 is like a 4 year Ground Hog Day of sorts, only that if Biden wins it’s 4 more years of misery. It may even take those 4 years to undo what Biden has done to this nation, if it’s even that is possible.
Laurel says
Leon says
Would you rather have 4 more years of Trump Lies…?? Oh, I forgot, Trump does not and never has lied………
Atwp says
Jimbo99 Biden is bad and Trump is trying to keep Trump out of prison. That is a great comparison.
The Sour Kraut says
Bidon is NOT a good president and is entirely too old. IF he wins re-election, it is almost assured that Kamala Harris will become president at some point, and her approval rating are so low they have to be scraped off the floor to be read. After saying all that, I am still going to vote for Bidon as our democracy will not survive another Trump term. This coming from a lifetime Republican.
feddy65 says
And Biden will drop out and then in comes Newsom, the dem’s have already put in motion, why has he been touring the country and doing political speaking engagements, he is Joe’s replacement.